Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek There's Laughter in the Wind - Printable Version

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There's Laughter in the Wind - Nightingale - May 17, 2014

The little healer padded to the edge of the creek. It had been several days, maybe even a few weeks (the days were beginning to blur), and yet she had still not found a comfortable place to start building a den. It bothered her. There was scuffles going on often, and she had not found a place to at least store backup herbs in case she could not have any on-paw.

She sighed, shaking the depressed feelings off of her coat. It was a beautiful day. Clouds dotted the sky, the air was warm, and the wind blew softening breezes through her pelt. Smiling, the six-month-old looked to the river. She set her forepaws in and watched as the cool water swirled around them.

The half-blind pup quickly caught the fish and chose a shady, grassy spot on the bank to watch the clouds go by. Even if she was safe from death, the precarious first week with the pack had taught her to enjoy the simple things. Her emerald green eyes scanned the clouds, looking for familiar shapes to her heart's content.

RE: There's Laughter in the Wind - Jace - May 17, 2014

Jace was out walking when he saw NIghtingale from a distance. He had heard that her life had been spared and it filled him with great joy. He watched as she caught a fish and a huge grin of pride split his maw in half making his blue eyes blaze.

He loped over to her and gave a gentle huff hello little songbird he smiled at her as he sat on his haunches what have you been up too little one haven't seen you in a few days.

RE: There's Laughter in the Wind - Nightingale - May 18, 2014

She turned as she heard footsteps. She grinned as Jace came into view and greeted her. "Hello, Jace! I've been busy trying to find a good place to build my own den," she frowned, "But I'm not having any luck."

She looked back up at the clouds. "Right now, I'm taking a midday break and watching the clouds. Care to join me?"

RE: There's Laughter in the Wind - Jace - May 18, 2014

Jace smiled at her I haven't dug mine yet either. Bazi offered to let me stay near her and Ferdie. Haven't really looked I tend to sleep outside more than anything. When you find a place i'll help you dig it a little help never goes amiss. He shifted his weight and gracefully went down to his stomach and then rolled to his side and looked up at the clouds.

Sure i'll sit for awhile with you.