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Big Salmon Lake can you taste this gold? - Printable Version

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can you taste this gold? - Cara - May 18, 2014

just looking for some fun
dont suppose you'd like to join? @Majesty
Along the clear waters of the Salmon lake, a pale silhouette dived into the water, head first dunking it's enlongated snout into the surface. After a short five seconds of struggling underneath the surface, jerking her head around wildly she reappeared with a small fish stuck between her jaw.

She clamped her mouth to avoid the slippery fish to slip from her grasp and walked out of the water, the weight of the cold droplets dragging her fur down. When she was at a considerable distance from the shore she released the fish, allowing it to flop around since there was no way it could make its way to the safety of the lake again.

Cara watched the fish gasp desperately for air, trashing violently against the hard surface, for a second she was tempted to push it back into the lake just so she wouldn't have to hear the sound of the poor creature slapping the ground. But in a matter of seconds the fish gave out a last flop and expired. Cara then licked her lips and leaned over the small scaly body, ripping apart the pink flesh with her teeth.

RE: can you taste this gold? - Majesty - May 18, 2014

OOC: Hi! I was actually tempted to join this thread earlier, and then got completely sidetracked. So thanks for reminding me!

Majesty decided that night to go for another run, this time sticking to his own territorial boundaries. He was tired of getting into trouble for straying too far from home, which was a shame because he absolutely loved exploring. However, he felt bad for seeming to get Jinx in trouble time after time, and he had decided to give himself a kind of time out by making himself stick within the boundaries of the Great Bear Wilderness for a while. Come to think of it, where were all the bears? Was it a misnomer or were there really bears out here? He shrugged, and continued running.

Not long after his thought about bears, he heard the sound of rushing water nearby, which reminded him of the trouble he'd gotten into at Swiftcurrent Creek. He flinched. What sort of leader would he be if he couldn't even smell pack boundaries through a bit of creek water? He shook his head. He was being too hard on himself. Maybe he just needed to relax a bit. A few minutes later, he came loping up to the Big Salmon Lake, and saw a white-and-grey-furred female tearing into a dead salmon along the bank of the Lake.

He sniffed around as he drew nearer, and smelled Jinx on her pelt, which made him relax a bit. The last thing he needed was to have an encounter with a wolf of a different pack at the moment. "Hello," he called to her while he was still fairly far away. He didn't want to startle her. "Are you enjoying your fish, Madame?"

RE: can you taste this gold? - Cara - May 18, 2014

-.- posted with the wrong account -fix-
Cara picked at the shredded pieces of salmon, not really interested enough to take decent sized bites, she was bored and in the midst of the night she found no other way to entretain herself without having to leave the territory.

As she nibbled the salty flesh, the growning sound of pawsteps made her look up. Just a few yards away a large and muscular male she did not recall seeing before was heading directly towards her. His soft golden eyes flickering across her face.
Before Cara could decide wether to fight or flight, the familiar scent of Jinx, the white coated female, brushed against her nose.

She allowed her muscles to relax and swallowed the last bit of salmon in her mouth, "Hello there,can't sleep either?" she greeted back lashing her tongue over her nose attemting to clean any remaining bits of salmon in her muzzle. "Who are you?" she inquired, narrowing her eyes at the brown male. "

RE: can you taste this gold? - Majesty - May 18, 2014

OOC: Lol, you ghost posted me and beat me to it. I was about to OOC tell you that you had posted as the wrong character. It's okay. :)

IC: Majesty smiled warmly at the female. "No, I cannot sleep this night, either," he responded to her question, padding closer to her. "My name is Majesty. I recently joined the Silvertip Mountain Pack. As did you, I assume, as I have never met or heard of you before. Am I right?"

He looked over into the lake. "Is the fishing doing well tonight? I may have a go at it myself, though I must admit I'm not very good at catching fish. Not quick enough. I do better hunting with a pack, or hunting larger animals who are also slow, like me." He gave a grin, showing that he was making fun of himself.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself?" he asked. "Are you not lonely?"

RE: can you taste this gold? - Cara - May 18, 2014

i picture him as a large cuddly teddy bear
Cara took a step back from the fish carcass and sat her tail held motionless behind her. When the male played along to her silly remark she glanced at him, giving him a playful smile.

Usually Cara would've come up with an excuse to leave or feel wary of the wolf in front of her but right now she didn't feel the need to be nasty. The dim reflection of the stars along the lake's surface and the feeling of her full belly were soothing and calming to the she-wolf.

"Nice to meet you Majesty" she greeted, "Yes I joined about a couple of days ago..." she explained, her pale yellow eyes meeting his, "My name is Cara by the way" she added as she then casually sniffed the air around her.

Then he questioned her motives of being by herself, only veiled by the darkness of the night. The frost female did not appreciate his curiosity, they've just met, regardless they were now packmates or not she did not feel obliged to answer. That was another side effect the life as a loner had given her. Distrust.

"Not really..figured I could eat something.." she answered nonchalantly.

RE: can you taste this gold? - Majesty - May 18, 2014

OOC: Lol. Thanks. I think.

IC: Majesty smiled again at the female, glad to have met another nice pack-mate. His meeting with that white male wolf earlier had made him less inclined to meet new wolves. But this was just his nature. He had never been very outgoing, having spent nearly his entire pup-hood inside his mother's den. So meeting strangers had always been a bit nerve-wracking for him. But this pretty female seemed harmless and kind.

Besides, he thought to himself, I must learn to be more courageous if I want to start my own pack one day.

He stood at this thought and decided to humor the female. His teasing side was coming out in her presence, perhaps something to do with it being Spring, which is mating season for most animals. He shook his head and gave a grin, glad that she could not read his thoughts. "Would you like to see me try to catch a fish, Miss Cara?" he asked, winking at her. "I promise you, I will probably fail miserably. And I give you full permission to laugh." With that, he bowed his head to her jokingly, waiting for her response.

RE: can you taste this gold? - Cara - May 18, 2014

The female's dull yellow eyes studied the face of her new packmate with interest, he seemed genuinely interested and unlike other wolves she had encountered he did not seem cocky, au contraire he seemed like a humble individual joking about himself in the presence of Cara, a much lower ranked member of Silvertip Mountain.

All of that seemed intriguing to Cara..she met again the male's eyes still deciding if she liked him or not. Slowly the hardness faded from her face and she felt herself allow to trust Majesty a tiny bit.

As he attempted to woo her -or rather entretain her- the pretty yearling could hold back a smile, "Alright, but you fail to catch one you must tell me a story" she declared, being a fanatic of tales.

"If you miraculously manage to catch one, I'll tell you one" she bargained. Aside from being a talented fisher and skilled tracker, Cara also had qualities of a hustler.

RE: can you taste this gold? - Majesty - May 18, 2014

Majesty raised an eyebrow at the pretty creature before him. "A story, eh?" he said. "Hmm… Well, let me think of one as I try to catch a fish. Wish me luck!"

With that, he gave a slight bow to Cara, and then turned and waded into the lake. As he watched the surface of the water, waiting for it to still so that the fish would swim near him again, he contemplated what sort of story he might tell the female. He thought back to all the stories his mother used to tell him about the stars and constellations. Hmm…

Suddenly, he saw pink fish swirling around the water nearby. He watched it for a moment, and then lunged forward and snatched at it. Miraculously, he caught it by its tail and hauled it up out of the water, turning to grin at Cara. As he began to wade back to shore, though, the fish suddenly gave a great flop and wiggle and yanked its tail from his teeth. With a splash it disappeared back into the water and swam hurriedly away.

"Well!" Majesty gave a huff as he watched it disappear, and then turned to face the female again, his ears down against his head in slight embarrassment. "What now?" he asked as he shook the water from his fur. "Technically I did catch it, and then it got away. I guess that means we both get to tell a story, yes? Would you like to go first, or shall I?"

RE: can you taste this gold? - Cara - May 19, 2014

The yearling's eyes studied his body posture as he entered the water, thinking he would've probably already scared all the salmon in the lake with his heavy footsteps. Her ears then picked and her eyes glimmered when she saw him splash his jaw into the water, returning with a fish flopping in him mouth.

She gave a surprised yap and watched as the male made his way back carring the fish in his mouth , triumphant -or almost. Suddenly the silver thing slipped fom his grasp and clumsily made its way back to the depths of the lake.

Cara broke into laughter, giving him a sympathetic and playful swish of her tail, "Close!" she exclaimed trotting over the edge of the water, to stand next to him.

Majesty resolved for both of them to share a story since both parts of the deal had been obtained, "Fair enough" she nodded, and took a seat, her ears pricked towards him. "Would you make the honors to begin?" she suggested, still thinking about a story for her to share.

RE: can you taste this gold? - Majesty - May 19, 2014

OOC: Sorry for making this post so long. I was trying to make the story actually a good one… Kinda got carried away… I hope you like it!

IC: Majesty sat down near the shoreline of the lake, gazing up at the stars in remembrance of his mother. He smiled as he saw Sirius - the Dog Star - up in the sky. Now he knew what story to tell. He hoped Cara would like it.

"This is a story my mother used to tell me when I was a pup," he began. "A story about a dog who became a star and gained the respect of all wolves who came to know him. This dog's name was Sirius. From puphood until about two years of age, he was raised by a human family, but his ancestral wolf blood was strong in him, and when he grew old enough, he ran away to join them. To join the wolves.

"Well, as you know, wolves and dogs do not normally get along very well. Wolves - for some reason I cannot fathom - believe that they are better than dogs in every way. Obviously not all wolves think this way, but most do. So you can probably guess that Sirius had a hard time becoming accepted into any wolf pack he came across, and this saddened him. After his fifth try and denial, he was becoming tempted to give up and go back home.

"But then, his luck only seemed to get worse. It was Springtime and - he realized - there had not been a drop of rain since the beginning of the season. All around him, he watched as the drought worsened and plants and animals began to die. It felt like the middle of Summer, except much worse. Vegetation was shriveling up, as were the streams and lakes. There didn't seem to be any water anywhere. So, Sirius decided to do something about it.

"Every night, when the stars came out, he would howl to them. As a pup, his mother had told him that each star was a God and that the Gods controlled all things in the world. So, he figured that if he got their attention, they might send down some rain. So each night, for fourteen nights, he howled and howled and howled. And one morning, he woke up… and it was raining!

"Now you might be saying, 'But how does that prove that he had anything to do with it? What if it just started raining because that's what always happens?' This is exactly what I asked my mother at this point in the story, and she told me to hold on because she wasn't done yet. So. Eventually, Sirius was accepted into a wolf pack, and he rose through the ranks quite quickly. He was kind and fair, and so he became the Alpha, and everyone loved him. And for many years, their lives went on as normal. Until the night Sirius died. The wolves in his pack said for many years afterwards that the night he died, when he drew his final breath, his body disappeared! There was no trace of it left over! And suddenly, they saw a light ascending to the sky, and stopping among the stars. And it began to rain…

"And that is why the star Sirius is called the Dog Star. Because Sirius, who was a dog, called forth the rain, and as tribute to this deed, the Gods reached down on his death night and made him a God. And every time it rains, it is said that Sirius is calling forth the Gods of the rain to pour their water down onto the Earth. And that is my story."

RE: can you taste this gold? - Cara - May 19, 2014

no worries <33 it's so pretty, Galileo would love those kind of tales
Mine's uite long too :P

The female followed Majesty's gaze towards the sky, her eyes settling on the brightest, whitest star of all. A pure speck of silver that seemed to hold all the other dots together, keeping perfect balanace in the sky.

As Majesty narrated his story, she glanced at the cluster of shiny specks of white in the sky. The story was amusing, she enjoyed the thought of becoming a star when death knocked at her door.

When he was done she took a moment more to stare at the stars before turning back to him, "That was a beatiful story," she mused, the light of the Dog Star reflecting in her eyes.

Then realizing the time to tell her story she sat, and curled her tail over her toes.

"Alright, my story comes from my father, he used to tell it over and over when we went to bed." she began.

"In the midst of summer a once beautiful queen stared blankly at her reflection on the surface of a clear water lake similar to this one" she barked motioning her nose towards the water, "As she began to notice the white hairs that outlined her eyes and mouth and the wrinkles that parted from her forehead she grew angrier. The crippled lady clawed at the calm waters as the image of her youth hovered above her head."

After a short pause she continued, "Suddenly a black figure perched on a nearby tree heard her laments and flew to her side. The crow had a golden beak and no eyes." she described , " Taking advantage of her vulnerability he offered the cure to her predicament : In order to be forever young she must follow his instructions. The queen decided to trust him deciding no bad could come from a creature so beautiful with a golden beak." she paused again to increase the tension, "She was delighted to have what she wanted -but of course there was a catch. In return from eternal youth she must give him her eyes so then he could see the world. Desperate to get her way, the queen agreed, sealing their pact with a cross over her heart.

So the crow took her eyes and made her young, leaving her stranded at the edge of the lake. Being beautiful but not being able to admire her own beauty"
she concluded, clearing her throat.

RE: can you taste this gold? - Majesty - May 20, 2014

OOC: I swear I feel like I've heard that story somewhere! Is it a real fairy tale? It sounds so familiar it's driving me crazy! Also, get ready to laugh as Majesty makes an utter fool of himself!

IC: Majesty listened with rapt attention as Cara told her story. She told a sad tale, about a woman so greedy that she was willing to give her own sight just to be eternally beautiful. At the end of the story, Majesty hmm'd in thought, and then sighed. "That was sad," he said quietly. "Sometimes I think that others care too much about what is on the outside than what is on the inside. Why would your father ever tell you a story like that before going to sleep? I would think it would give you nightmares as a pup."

Majesty shook himself. He was being rude. "Forgive me. Sometimes I speak my mind a bit too much." He stared up at the sky again. "It is getting late, Miss Cara. I think it would be for the best if we both got some sleep, though I'm not going to tell you what to do. I think I will go upstream into the Heartwood and bed down for the night. You are welcome to join me --"

Immediately after he said it, he shook his head vigorously, feeling the heat come up into his face. "That came out completely the wrong way! Forgive me again. I only meant that it would be cold to sleep beside the water tonight and that there would be warmth within the woods. I… I think I should go now." He stood and gave a low bow to Cara in respect and friendship. "Good night, Miss Cara. It was a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can talk again." He gave a shy, embarrassed smile and padded quickly away.

RE: can you taste this gold? - Cara - May 20, 2014

..i don't remember where I got it from, but it certaintly was from my childhood somewhere :o and bwahaha so adorably awkward

It didn't take long for him to respond to her narration, he didn't seem to enjoy it in the way Cara did, he thought it was a sad tale not suitable to tell youngsters before bed. Cara shrugged when he mentioned her father, "My father meant it as a lesson, not all sacrifices are worth making and not all who offer what you want have good intentions.." she barked giving him a weak smile.

And everything has a catch, she added in her mind, all good things seemed to have a string of discomfort attached to them. Her father for instance. He had been the best man she had known, oh and how better it would've been if he hadn't brought her odious sisters to the world...perhaps she was her father's good thing and they were the cathc as well..

Nevermind, she thought giving her head a little shake and turning to listen at his words just in time to hear his apology "No worries," she answered blankly as she then had to bite her lip not to laugh when he implied -without meaning to- that she should join him to go to bed.

She raised an eyebrow as he tried to talk his way out of the uncomfortable situation and explained his real intentions. Her eyes were locked to his face the whole time he spoke, knowing it would make him uncomfortable, but Cara didn't care she enjoyed watching the large male fumble over his own words. It was cute in a strange way.

"Thanks for the invite, but I'll have to decline" she teased with a smile, "Nice meeting you too Majesty" she barked and waved her tail as a goodbye.

wrapping up I suppose? thanks for the thread :D