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Arrow Lake tell me a tale true - Printable Version

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tell me a tale true - Bazi - May 18, 2014

Far enough away from the Creek that Bazi has no reason to be hostile, if you're from another pack!

That day, the Swiftcurrent Beta had may her way up the mountain to visit the source of the lifeblood that supported her pack. The climb was a long and arduous one, filled with more near misses than she would have liked - Bazi thought of herself as sure-footed, and cursed her recent lack of practice. Scout would have to fatten up quickly so that he could accompany her on a longer trip to the coast.

Upper Arrow Lake was black and narrow, and the water shivered where playful gusts swooped down to tickle its surface. There was precious little vegetation, but a lick of pale, sandy beach bordered it on all sides. It took Bazi quite some time to pick her way down, and she marked the route with urine - the breadcrumb of the wolf - to ease the way back. Once down, she fell sideways into the soft sand and exhaled deeply, eyes closing against the grains of sand that danced in the breeze. It was quiet here, and she relished that rare silence now.

RE: tell me a tale true - Majesty - May 20, 2014

OOC: Hi! I saw that this hadn't gotten any replies yet and figured I would hop in, if that's okay with you.

IC: Majesty watched with trepidation as the small white female he recognized climbed down to the shoreline of Arrow Lake. He knew she was part of the Swiftcurrent Creek pack. And he remembered what had happened the last time they had crossed paths. He wondered - did he dare? In the end, he decided that he did dare, and, with a sigh of anticipation, he climbed his way down toward her, feeling lucky that they happened to be on opposite sides of the lake.

He slipped once or twice on his way down, but other than that he was fine. It seemed as though he had figured out how to place his paws surely in the right spots. His bulky figure didn't help him much on the climb down, but he compensated by going slowly. Of course, he moved slowly most of the time, everywhere he went. It was simply his way. When he finally reached the sand, he sighed in relief, and sank down to the ground, reveling in the warmth.

For a moment, all was quiet, and then he called across the water, "Hello there! Enjoying the lake, Miss?"

RE: tell me a tale true - Bazi - May 29, 2014

Hiya! Since you've created a pack, you can forward-date this thread if you want - rather than playing things out in the past. Let me know. :) I am going to forward-date it for Bazi, to take some of the recent SCC activity into account, and I will assume she knows nothing of WGI either way.

This guy? Bazi recognized Majesty before he reached the beach, and was on her feet well before the large male had time to descend. She watched him pick his way down, smiling derisively to herself whenever he slipped. No mountain goat, this one. The option to run crossed her mind, but even she risked breaking a leg in the process - Bazi was no mountain goat either, but considered herself one of the more sure-footed wolves on the eastern side of the mountains. Anyway - he was one of those soft, peace-loving wolves, and this was technically neutral territory.

"I was," she told him, quirking a brow at how utterly relaxed he seemed. But then again, why not? They were alone here. "You're a long way from Silvertip. Again. Have you got ants in your fur?"

RE: tell me a tale true - Majesty - May 30, 2014

Yep, I'll forward-date it so that Majesty is in current time right now. Yay for WGI!

Majesty was confused for a moment when the she-wolf mentioned Silvertip, and then realized she must not have known that he had recently made his own pack. He chuckled. "Do not worry, friend," he called to her from across the lake. "Jinx has not sent me to interrogate anyone this time - nor has she ever. Though, especially not now, as I am no longer a member of the Silvertip Mountain pack. You must not have heard the news. I created my own pack, on Wheeling Gull Isle."

Majesty was usually not one to boast, so he tried to keep the pride out of his voice as he spoke. "And how have you been? Has your pack been well? I'm… sorry about the incident a few weeks ago. I truly meant none of you harm. I hope you'll forgive me." At that, he dipped his head in apology, and then looked up at her with a smile. "What is your name, by the way? I never caught it."

RE: tell me a tale true - Bazi - June 03, 2014

Bazi eyed Majesty suspiciously, but made no move to escape his company. When he revealed that Jinx was short a member and that the island off the coast - Wheeling Gull Isle, apparently - had been claimed, she was both irritated and intrigued; irritated because she had longed to explore it, intrigued because the a Silvertip alpha scorned was a wrathful creature indeed.

As long as they were sharing this bowl of rock, she might as well take advantage. The apology was left hanging; the matter had been dealt with on the day, and there was nothing to apologize for - or forgive. Majesty had - intelligently - done as Fox had bid him. "You left Jinx?" Bazi asked as she moved with slow, deliberate steps around the water - in the newly crowned alpha's direction. The water carried their words easily, but she wanted to get a proper look at him. A dramatized version of Majesty's departure from Silvertip Mountain played out in her imagination, bringing a wry half-smile to the Creek beta's lips. "And what did she think to that?"

RE: tell me a tale true - Majesty - June 03, 2014

Majesty realized immediately that this female had both ignored his apology and ignored his query about her name. He didn't mind, though. If she was not willing to forgive or share then he would not push her. Not all wolves were as friendly and as open as he. But when she asked about how Jinx had taken his departure from the Silvertip Mountain pack, some of the happiness was sucked from his eyes.

He sighed, taking his time answering her, watching as she slowly made her way around the lake towards him. He hoped she would not attack him, though he didn't think that was her intent, anyways. Her body looked at ease. Perhaps she was trying to be friendly? He brightened at that thought. Maybe they could be friends, after all.

"I..." he began. "I do not know how Jinx took my departure. I... took the coward's way out, I must admit. I didn't tell her I planned on leaving, and I haven't gone back since the creation of my pack to apologize to her - partly because I have been busy and partly because, honestly, I'm not sure my apology would be... appreciated. She would probably try to kill me. I know how she is. Still, though. My leaving lies heavily within my heart. I am not normally one to abandon others. But... I could tell after a time that that particular pack was not the one for me."

He took a deep breath, staring out towards the lake, watching the water ripple slightly with the wind. And then a silly thought entered his mind. He looked back towards the small white she-wolf. "Happy Summer, by the way. May we be blessed with unusually cool weather." He gave a laugh, and then waited for her to come closer.

RE: tell me a tale true - Bazi - June 03, 2014

Majesty furnished her with a complete and honest answer. Bazi took a few additional steps - by the time the tale of his cloak-and-dagger departure had concluded, she was within ten meters of the other wolf. Here, she stopped - even though was possibly the gentlest soul she had ever happened upon. Something had been preserved in him that which her short time at Swiftcurrent Creek had almost completely wiped from Bazi - an rare and peculiar openness, and it left her a bit confused about how to react.

"You shouldn't go back," the girl agreed, one ear swiveling slowly forward, then a second. She kept her paws neatly together, tail tapping the sand. "She would eat your entrails if you got anywhere near that side of the valley - just as she would anyone else's, but yours would be particularly tasty." Bazi glanced quickly at the walls that ringed them, searching for any signs of other wolves - Wheeling Gull Isle wolves, perhaps, hiding among the rocks like assassins. When she was satisfied that they were alone, she finally relinquished her name. "It's Bazi. And you're.. Majesty. That's a name with some expectations attached to it." Expectations he had already fulfilled, but she didn't bring that up, wanting Majesty to volunteer information about his pack without prompt.

RE: tell me a tale true - Majesty - June 03, 2014

So this is random but I just said "Bazi" out loud and all I could think of was "BONZAI!" Lol... Also, sorry. I got carried away and the post ended up being really long...

As the she-wolf called Bazi came closer, Majesty noticed immediately that she was... quite a beauty to behold. Her small frame was lithe and muscular, one befitting an outrider (though he didn't know that's what she was), and her eyes were the most intriguing shade of blue. They looked the color of glaciers and shone like the sun on still water. He shook himself internally. This admiration of her beauty was nothing but his hormones kicking in - the natural instinct to breed. If he wanted to find a mate, he'd be best to stick within the confines of his own pack, though secretly, he still found the female before him lovely to look at.

When she mentioned expectations attached to his name, he smiled and let out a soft chuckle that rumbled in his chest. He said, in his usual calming deep voice, "Yes, Miss Bazi, I... suppose you could say that. My mother and father were the Alphas of my pack. When I was a young pup, my sister... passed away, leaving the - as you put it - expectation of carrying on their line to me. Every day my father told me that I would someday become the Alpha Male. Often times, I told him I did not want to be Alpha, but he persisted."

Majesty took a breath. He was unaware that most wolves did not share this sort of information lightly. He had always been an open book. It was his way.

Clearing his throat, he continued, his voice now carrying a darker tone with it. "It was not to be, however. After my parents died, many of the other males in the pack insisted that they challenge me for their right to be Alpha. I... I may be strong, but I am not a warrior at heart. My love lies in nature - in the stars and in the plants, and in history. I fight when I must, but my place as Alpha was not something I was willing to fight multiple males over. So, I left, and came here. For a while, my instinct to lead left me, and I was content to not be an Alpha. But, sooner or later, that feeling returned, and I worked hard for many days to create the pack that I rule over now. I am proud of what I did, and I hope to lead for a long time."

Majesty realized then that he had been talking for quite some time, so he stopped. He got up momentarily to take a small drink from the lake, and then lay back down. He looked briefly over at Bazi, and then looked away again. She would speak when she wished to, if she did at all. He was patient. He would wait...

RE: tell me a tale true - Bazi - June 14, 2014

A smile played on Bazi's lips. Fight when you must? Nature? What an unusual creature. Sure, Bazi was content to be Beta - but she was scarcely a year old, and wouldn't be content with second place forever. Fox would bear children soon, and Bazi wouldn't blame her leader if those children were favoured ahead of 'imported' members when they came of age. That was life.

He paused to drink, and Bazi took the opportunity to close the gap. She had seen him watch her - though it was difficult to know if it had been a look of admiration or just naturally kind eyes - and was intent on making the most of whatever physical prowess she possessed. "And are you many?" she asked, taking a seat a couple of feet away from where Majesty rested in the sand, delicate head cocked inquisitively to one side. The Isle was no threat to Swiftcurrent Creek, and she asked the question out of genuine interest rather than a need for strategic information.

RE: tell me a tale true - Majesty - June 14, 2014

I'm going to forward-date this again, if you don't mind so I can answer "Are you many?" with "Yes."

Majesty smiled at the Arctic Wolf as she came nearer. At her question, Majesty nodded. "Yes. We are eleven strong at the moment." He said no more on the subject. He may be open about himself, but he made no move to give too much information about the rest of his pack. He did not know the intentions of Swiftcurrent Creek, not that he thought they would be mounting an attack against Wheeling Gull Isle. He highly doubted it. However, his pack-mates' business was not his to share, and so he said no more.

After a pause, he asked, "And what of the Creek wolves? How do you fare? Is your pack well?" He knew she had ignored the question the first time, but he was asking again out of politeness. He hoped this time she would actually give him an answer.

RE: tell me a tale true - Bazi - June 24, 2014

No problemo - I'm aware that I'm posting slowly here, so I shall make my exit.

Eleven. On an island? It looked so small from a distance, but Bazi guessed some effort would have been made to ensure the territory was self-sustaining. The ocean was prone to fits of temper, and could cut them off from the mainland with vicious storms. If prey ran out, the pack would have nothing to feed on but each other. Wouldn't that be grim.

"We're well," the girl conceded, matching his succinctness. Eleven was formidable, but Wheeling Gull Isle was far, far away - from Swiftcurrent Creek. It was practically sniffing the rears of Silvertip Mountain and Horizon Ridge, and she wondered how long a creature like Majesty would last against the combined wrath of territorial Jinx and prickly Ragnar. Northerners. Bazi got to her feet. That was quite enough chit-chat. "Well - good luck," she said, smiling wryly down at the lounging wolf before turning to leave in the direction she had entered. I'm sure you'll need it.

RE: tell me a tale true - Majesty - June 27, 2014

Thanks for the thread!

Majesty watched as the white wolf rose to her paws. He dipped his head in thanks when she wished him luck, and said, "Thank you. And goodbye." And then she was gone.

He sighed, feeling somewhere in the middle between contentment and melancholy. He was alone again... Before he'd had a pack, he had never minded being alone. Now... Now it was torture to be away from others for too long. He was finally becoming a regular, sociable wolf. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not...