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Blacktail Deer Plateau i never lose my confidence | IC Joining - Printable Version

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i never lose my confidence | IC Joining - Rayder - May 18, 2014

OOC: Hope this starter is alright for you guys :D
Rayder was still young, though despite this he had experienced much in his life. He was practically left without any parents, only by luck had he managed to have his mother take care of him until only a month or two earlier than true adulthood. The life of a loner was starting to no longer satisfied him, and it was more difficult than it seemed. Every time he made a kill of prey he had to fend it off from scavengers, which was easier said than done. It irritated him, to be like this. He should be in control, in a pack.

But to be Alpha was something that took time. Time had never been kind to the male. So, that is how he came to the decision of joining up to a pack who's scent had been carried to him on the wind in his travels. It was somewhat of an impulse to begin his four-legged run that would carry him to the borders of the pack -- he knew not to trespass, he had his instincts, and he was far from a pup now, mentality wise.

Slowing to a stop once he thought he was close enough for his howl to be heard throughout a good amount of the pack territory near him, chest heaving slightly from the panting of the continued run, he threw his head back, and it was a call for someone to greet him. The message Rayder sent was come to me, I wish to join, but in the privacy of his own mind, it was something more mocking and sinister. The pack wolves would be so obviously inferior to him, he thought, but he could use them to find a meal for his stomach on the cold nights of harsh winter.

A grin resided on his muzzle, and he waited patiently.

RE: i never lose my confidence | IC Joining - Peregrine Redhawk - May 18, 2014

Although he had a lot on his mind, the borders had been particularly busy lately and the ranks had swelled, keeping Peregrine quite busy. He couldn't decide whether this was a good thing (because he had no time to dwell) or a bad thing (because he had no time to sort out anything). He didn't bother fretting about it, as he had no choice in the matter. As the pack's leader, it was up to him to intercept all those who came calling.

He didn't much like being summoned so imperiously, yet when a howl rose up into the still afternoon air, Peregrine heeded it. He approached the plateau's edge and descended toward the borders, his stance dominant but not overbearing. He emanated confidence as he strode up to the strange male (why were all the recent joiners male, he wondered?) and looked him over.

"Tell me why I should let you join my ranks, which are already fit to bursting with oversized gentleman like yourself," the Alpha quipped, albeit with a serious look in his dusky eyes.

RE: i never lose my confidence | IC Joining - Rayder - May 18, 2014

He was answered quickly, something that pleased him. It was definitely a leader, this he assured himself with due to the other male's posture and the confidence within his voice which he greeted Rayder indifferently with. The lighter pelted male let out a soft laugh, shaking his head a little. "It's been a busy month for you?" Rayder responded lightheartedly, his body language shifting subtly to a more submissive display, though not overly.

It would hurt his pride to just roll over, but he wasn't about to raise his tail in dominance in front of an alpha. "'S not only brawn that I have, though if you wish to cast me in that bundle, I'm fine with that." Being a warrior or guardian of the pack would be just as exciting as any other job, he didn't much care for what he was set to do as long as it wasn't a healer, something weak and fragile in his eyes. "I can help recruit loners and contact the other packs in the area. I may not be that small, but I am quick."

Perhaps he wasn't as fast as someone who was built just for running, not intelligence or strength, but Rayder believed he was a fine mixture of the three, in his prideful facade. "I'm willing to do anything the pack needs, even if it's only hunting." Actually, now that I think about it, that'd be boring, he thought to himself, though didn't mention it as to keep up appearances. "And my name is Rayder, at your service."

RE: i never lose my confidence | IC Joining - Peregrine Redhawk - May 18, 2014

"The pack is flourishing," Peregrine answered simply. And it was. Although his personal life had definitely taken some falls lately, the plateau was doing better than ever, really. The realization made a grin touch his lips.

"No need for that kind of thing," the Alpha male answered, "as the plateau doesn't mingle with other packs. I mean, you're more than welcome to seek friendships beyond the ranks, if that's your thing. But we don't concern ourselves with ambassadors and alliances, that kind of stuff. It's unnatural," he added, letting his opinion be known.

"Hunting, though," he continued in the next breath, "is right up my alley." He paused then, and said, "But what made you choose to come to these borders, Rayder? The name's Peregrine," he added, echoing the other male's introduction.

RE: i never lose my confidence | IC Joining - Rayder - May 18, 2014

He was both surprised and almost amused to hear the alpha's opinion on the subject of alliances, and immediately decided that this was a leader he shouldn't respect. Rayder had been open to the fact that he could honor the other, if he had shown he was stronger than him. But for him, that proved he didn't take advantage of the option to have others do what he wanted. The potential favors they could ask of another pack...well, no matter.

"Interesting," Was all he replied with, feigning an awed expression. "It's nice to meet you, Peregrine." He dipped his head for a moment, showing a false reverence to the darker male's rank. Then he smirked a little, ready to answer the other's question.

"Well, I don't mean to be rude to the other packs, but if I'm honest, it seemed like the best pick for these lands. You have a great territory." The lie came easily -- he actually knew little to nothing about the area so far, and he could have picked a better place to reside. But he wasn't about to tell Peregrine that.

RE: i never lose my confidence | IC Joining - Peregrine Redhawk - May 18, 2014

He sensed that Rayder didn't share his opinion on the matter of inter-pack relationships, though that was fine. Peregrine understood that his opinion wasn't a popular one in this area, yet he stood by it (and anyone who questioned him could bunk elsewhere). Wild wolves were not intended to mingle with outsiders. Those not of the pack were natural rivals for territory and resources, though even Peregrine had to admit his conviction on the matter wasn't 100% concrete; he had Fox, after all.

Pushing thoughts of his sassy frenemy into the back of his mind, Peregrine replied simply, "My mate picked it. She founded this pack." Otherwise, he found Rayder's response generic, so he decided to go in a different direction by asking, "Why did you leave your previous home, Rayder?"

RE: i never lose my confidence | IC Joining - Rayder - May 18, 2014

He had been somewhat expecting it, to be questioned, but the memories of his past greatly irritated him to think of. He worked hard to keep his expression neutral, and then, turned it into a slightly sad one, that spoke he was content with the past and accepted that he couldn't change it, but still couldn't help but mourn. "Unfortunately, I have no previous home. My mother was a loner herself, and she died just a moon or so before I reached adulthood, and my father...well, he was never there to begin with." He stated it with somewhat of an air of finality.

It made him burn with anger but also fear to think of his father. He hoped that his tone would push Peregrine to know that he didn't wish to talk heavily about this, for he would risk losing his facade, at the first meeting no less. It was his one sore spot. "At first I didn't wish to join a pack, I thought I could make it by myself, like my mother did. But I've realized a lone wolf is hardly a wolf at all."

There was some truth to what he had said about this, but he exaggerated it to make himself look better to the alpha. It wouldn't look so well, if he were to tell him he was only joining because it would advance himself, and that he didn't care what happened to others.

RE: i never lose my confidence | IC Joining - Peregrine Redhawk - May 18, 2014

Rayder's story reminded him of Fury, who'd disappeared without a word or trace, like some wolves did on occasion. Peregrine supposed he'd found that pack life didn't suit him, or else he'd come across a female lone wolf and followed her to found his own pack... something like that, anyway.

"Right," Peregrine said, segueing neatly back to a previous topic: hunting. "I could use your muscle in many ways and, of course, your chosen trades are up to you. But if you like, I can help you master Gamekeeping, which is a fancy title for those of us with a penchant for putting supper on the table. No matter what you decide, I expect you to pull your weight and know your place. If you don't, you'll find yourself without a home." His black ears flicked.

"But, with that said, welcome to the plateau. You'll occupy our lowest rank. Prove yourself and you'll rise higher. Do you have any questions or concerns before I set you loose?" he asked in an even but good-natured tone, oblivious to the fact that he'd just welcomed a self-seeking sociopath into his fold.

RE: i never lose my confidence | IC Joining - Rayder - May 18, 2014

We can end the thread with your next post or continue if you feel like it :)

Peregrine's tone either carried indifference or a shape of agreement with his words, he couldn't tell. And he ended up not caring, because his fibbing had gotten him into the pack officially. Rayder nodded at the suggestion to learn from the alpha that was put in front of him, and had to resist the urge to roll his eyes at the other male's loose, minor threat. As if he would just let himself be thrown out without some serious backlash heading towards the pack.

Oh, well. It wasn't like he was a moocher anyway. He was far too strong for that. Instead, he mustered up what he thought would appear to be a kind smile. "I understand -- I have no questions. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your pack." Something within him protested upon being set in the lowest rank, but he knew that it was only normal for him to be placed there.

He would just have to go about 'proving himself' quicker than he thought.

RE: i never lose my confidence | IC Joining - Peregrine Redhawk - May 18, 2014

I'll wrap it up here. :)

"Well, have a look around and make yourself at home," Peregrine replied. "I'm sure I'll see you around." Nodding his head to his latest recruit, her turned and padded back toward the heart of the plateau. Even if his home life was up in the air, the pack's recent and continuing success put pep in his step as he set off to hunt up some grub.