Wolf RPG
Mount Apikuni it's always summer, they'll never get cold - Printable Version

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it's always summer, they'll never get cold - Curran - August 01, 2013

With Curran's pelt freshly cleaned of the wetland mud, his mood was greatly improved—he decided to remember that. "When you're feeling blue," he murmured to himself, "Take a bath." He knew there was a pack that lay beyond the lake, but his old restlessness got the best of him... besides, as desperate as he was to find a home, the idea still made him a little anxious. At least if he explored a little more, he could keep himself convinced that he was making progress toward his goal and buy some additional time.

Because deep down, Curran wondered if he could even function as a normal pack member. Always, he had spent only just enough time in a pack structure to thank them and repay them for allowing him their protection—but then he would move on, wandering aimlessly until he needed the security of a pack once again. This time, though, was different. He would be making a permanent decision, or so he believed. He skirted around the base of a mountain he did not know the name of, searching for a path through the range of sawtooths—his curiosity got the best of him, now, for surely there was something interesting on the other side.

RE: it's always summer, they'll never get cold - Turquoise - August 01, 2013


After a few days spent in the blissful afterglow of a rekindled fire, Turquoise and Rivet bickered over where to go and what to do this morning. Eventually, exasperated with her lover, Turquoise said, "Riv, I love you and I promise I'll never walk out on you again. But if I don't walk away—just for a little bit—right this instant, I'm going to rip off that pretty face of yours." And so she left the scene of their argument, heading toward the unfamiliar terrain of the nearby mountains.

When she reached the foothills, she found she was not alone. Studying the other wolf from a distance, Turquoise debated whether to approach him or not. She didn't have much time for men; they simply didn't interest her on any level. However, she reminded herself that she was supposed to be scoping the local packs. She'd better talk to him, in case he had any information.

"Hey," she called out to him, black paws swiftly closing the gap between them. "Are you from a pack around here?" she asked without preamble, literally and figuratively looking down her smudged nose at the short but stocky stranger.