Wolf RPG
Totoka River Trying - And Failing - And Succeeding - Printable Version

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Trying - And Failing - And Succeeding - Majesty - May 20, 2014

Majesty sat at the banks of the Totoka River, staring intently into the water and wondering how on Earth anyone ever caught fish. He had been trying to catch one for quite some time, but he could not get the hang of it very well. He'd managed to grab a couple tails, but then the fish would wriggle quickly away and he would go back to square one. Sighing, he tried again. He bent down low, his face a few inches from the surface of the water, waiting. When he saw a fish swim nearby, he lunged forward, snatching at the fish as quickly as he could.

With a jolt of pleasant surprise, he felt the fish's flesh squish between his jaws, and grinned to himself. He took a step back and flung the dead creature onto the sand, pouncing on it in case it wasn't actually dead. Then, with its death established, he gained a modicum of his usual regality and lay down with the fish between his paws, ready to enjoy his meal. The smell of fresh fish was intoxicating, as was the smell of the sea nearby. He would have to return to that island some time. He had a lot more exploring to do.

RE: Trying - And Failing - And Succeeding - Amekaze - May 21, 2014

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For the weeks since joining, she had forced herself to stay in the creek's territory. To integrate, to become one with their lot and their lands, but today, for morale, she had decided. Being so entrenched in pack had been taxing, so she felt a little break could not hurt. Besides, she would still be busy even as she roved abroad in solitude.

She was curious of the status of one of her favorite old haunts: Totoka River. Namely how the fishing and traffic fared there now that summer was approaching swiftly, for this was her first shift of warm seasons to experience here along the seaside.

The impact of the weather could be seen deep into nature's facets, and she listened sharply for the thrums of its energy. Ame had been able to foster her interest in it again now that she was less concerned with survival as a loner, but so far it was only in small doses. Her focus was still on betterment, and finding her own personal balance amongst the proud wolves of Swiftcurrent. It had to be so.

With the scent of sea long gone from her wild furs, she secretly hungered to taste them again. However, she did not intend to go all the way to the shore. Not today, and not alone with her health just beginning to quiver towards a hopeful upswing. Already subtly she could taste them... and she breathed deep, then let the rhythm of her stride gain up with the river her travels had sought.

And she was not alone. A dark wolf, poised in hunt over the river's surface was spotted. She slowed delicately and slunk closer fluidly, intensely watchful and all the more mindful when she caught whiff of his scent. Not of her pack and thus, potential enemy despite the twinge of curiosity she felt at watching his motions yield a fish. She kept her ears tall and regarded him with a low chuff.. from a distance.

RE: Trying - And Failing - And Succeeding - Majesty - May 21, 2014

OOC: Hi!

IC: Majesty dug into his fish as politely as he could, despite the fact that no one was around to see him. It was simply his way. He had always eaten his food with a certain amount of poise, just as he did all other things in his life with as much grace as he could. Sometimes, he gave up on these refinements for a while, to allow himself to simply have fun, but these times were few and far between. At the moment, he ate his fish by taking small mouthfuls. He reasoned that this was probably one of the only times he would ever get to taste fresh fish like this, unless someone else caught it for him, so he wanted to savor the flavor.

A short, low bark sounded from somewhere up the river a ways. Curiously, Majesty looked up from his meal to see who it was, and spotted a pretty black she-wolf with green eyes gazing at him with caution. He brightened for a moment, thinking that it was, perhaps, Blue Willow. But no. The wind came and blew the female's scent in his direction, and he smelled Creek wolves on her. Oh dear, he thought. Not another run-in with one of them. He shook himself. He was being rude. He had not seen this wolf that day so close to the creek. Perhaps she would be kind, considering they were standing in neutral territory.

"Hello," he called to her, giving her a smile. "I was just enjoying a freshly-caught fish. Do not mind me, Miss. Go ahead and fish if that is what you came for. In fact, if you do, I'd like to watch, as I'm fairly bad at it, myself."

RE: Trying - And Failing - And Succeeding - Amekaze - May 21, 2014

hello! :D
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She knew nothing of his past interactions with her pack, and likewise, she had mingled little with his fellows now that Jinx's cadre had grown established upon the mountain. Amekaze still had mixed feelings about their lot, since the nature of their claim kept her off one of her most interested and appreciated territories, but she did not think she may fit into their ranks so that she could continue to use the lands. Sometimes, it felt as a loss, but so long as the alpha presiding over the imposing mountain was strong, Amekaze would take her loss and move on.

When he offered a greeting, she tipped her muzzle in return and appreciated what was a friendly-enough reaction to her. Nothing he did spoke of hostility and she would like to see this trend continue. It was, somewhat. Ame rolled her shoulders. Judging by your catch, the fishing is still good here then, she mused and stepped closer to the water's edge to peer past its depths herself. You did not seem bad at it to me. Perhaps your technique could use some polishing, but it does take a certain measure of skill to catch anything.. she chuffed. He was better than most if he could catch anything.

Stepping her paws into the water, she looked over to him again. Was it the fishing that brought you? she asked, then beginning to scan the water for the suitable prey to strike at as she settled into position.

RE: Trying - And Failing - And Succeeding - Majesty - May 22, 2014

Majesty smiled as this she-wolf complimented him on his fishing. "Thank you, Miss," he said.

"Was it the fishing that brought you?" she asked, as she stepped her front paws into the water and looked for a fish.

"Yes," he replied, "but also the ocean. I have a great love of nature, most of all forests and beaches. So this place called to me. When I got here, I decided that I was hungry so I tried my luck at fishing. It took me about a dozen tries to catch anything." He chuckled to himself, and then turned his body a bit to face her more so that he could watch. And then an odd proposition popped into his head.

"Would you like to go somewhere with me, Miss?" He pointed his muzzle out to sea, towards Wheeling Gull Isle. "I recently went exploring there, and I wanted to go again. Though I would appreciate some company the next time I go."

He knew it was sudden, but for some reason, he liked this female. "My name is Majesty, by the way. I'm from the Silvertip Mountain Pack. What is yours?"

RE: Trying - And Failing - And Succeeding - Amekaze - May 24, 2014

+narrative ending
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She regarded his thanks in silence and still listened while her eyes were focused on the waters in search. Ah, the ocean. I am not surprised to hear that. It is part of what pulls me back this way, too, although she was not initially intending to travel all the way to the coast. With her pack far inland from here, she was hesitant to trek too deeply. Ame did not know how long she could be away from the pack without missing anything, or having the wolves there wonder of what she had done. However, she was not roaming without purpose..

She was careful and painfully patient in waiting for a good moment to strike. A few fish had streaked by and almost, she had sprung. Then only when she felt like the time was right did she swoop to the waters to retrieve a silvered fish -- not a very large one, but a nice snack for her, and the freshness was welcome. She wheeled back towards shore with it in tow.

After ripping past its scales, she regarded him coolly at his offer and ate her fill. Her study of fishing spots and how they compared to during the early spring months could continue there. She wondered where he intended to explore; Ame was familiar with many stretches of land by the coast here. I will accompany you, then. Call me Ame.. of Swiftcurrent, although only.. as of recently, she answered and watched him intently as she bit into the fish again. While not knowing the official status between her pack and his, she knew of Jinx's ferocity and history amongst this area at least vaguely. Ame did not intend to stir pack relationships in spending time amongst his company, so hoped he felt similarly. She had much preferred the implication-free interactions of a loner, even if her guard had been forced to be impeccable at nearly all times..

And with that moments bled together and she took in the sights as their path neared the shorelines, with a bit of Majesty's company. She did not follow closely after him, but now and they exchanged a bit of conversation, although in typical Amekaze-fashion, she kept it relatively impersonal on her end of things.

Only when she had seen all she needed to see did she depart from the male's company, after quick farewells, and headed back towards Swiftcurrent -- wholly unknowing of what would await her once there..