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all bark but no bite - Printable Version

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all bark but no bite - Cara - May 20, 2014

summoning @Jinx to join the fun

It had not been more than a couple of days since the pale yearling had joined the pack, but so far she had not met anyone besides the Alpha-of course- and a large dirt colored male by the lake.

As she walked through the large set of tunnels that made up the Ghost Rock network she wondered what her place really was in Silvertip Mountain. Of course she had received a rank, Kappa, at the very bottom of the middle tier. Even if she did not fully understand the meaning of it, she was consumed by the uncertainty inside her heart.

She would not settle with just being another set of paws and claws among the pack. She did not care for ranks really, to here there were nothing more than simple names, tags to label one another..

But she had little to no authority or freedom now.. for now she'd have to adjust to this strange customs, but she promised to herself that as soon as she could she'd do something about it.. but for that she'd need allies..
She thought of Majesty, he could be of use.

With her mind spinning around her future plans and the enormous differences life as a loner had, she did not realize the rugged path under her feet. As she went, one of her front paws slid in front of her causing her to lose her balance and give a litle yelp.

RE: all bark but no bite - Jinx - May 20, 2014

The mountain had been quiet, of late. The wolves rarely came to her with concerns or reports, which while disconcerting was also comforting. It meant either that all of the wolves had abandoned the pack or that they weren't doing anything terribly troublesome for her. The Alpha was pragmatic in the ways a wolf could be pragmatic, and was of the opinion that silence was much better than the baying of hounds seeking blood for the transgressions of her followers.

She had spent the last couple days cooped up in Lecter's den, forcing herself to swallow his wretched herbs to rid herself of the stomach bug that had crawled its way into her system. Given the first opportunity, Jinx had escaped the suffocating confines and sought the breeze that permanently caressed the mountainside. No amount of willpower could make an indoor wolf out of an outdoor one, and the Kesuk was definitely an outdoor wolf.

She hadn't gone very far from the den, only to one of the Ghost Rock Network entrances, when she spotted their new addition picking her way along the mountains. What had drawn Jinx to Cara initially to bring her into the pack was her grace and streamlined build, which complemented the heftier bodies of many of the males in the pack. Momentarily, the Alpha wondered whether that grace was wasted on the mountain when the Kappa stumbled, but rather than making a snide remark like she ordinarily would have, the pale female crept closer and called out, “careful. We wouldn't want you injured on your first week.”

RE: all bark but no bite - Cara - May 21, 2014

Quickly Cara shifted her paws and regained her balance before falling flat on her face. It was quite ironic that such an elegantly built female with long limbs and a petite frame would stumble upon her own paws. She was about to leave the scene, cursing under her breath at the rock that had failed to hold her weight, but a voice called her before she could continue.

The yearling turned to face the she-wolf, lowering her head slightly as she recognized the white female that had welcomed her into the pack. "Jinx" she greeted with a dip if her snout, "I'd take more than a fall to leave me glued to a bed" she answered cooly at the Alpha's remark.

RE: all bark but no bite - Jinx - May 22, 2014

The shale shifted underfoot as the Alpha picked her way closer to her newest fellow, noting her words with a measure of appreciation. It was good to know that the wolves of her mountain wouldn't bow out of every day life from a scrape on the leg or a twisted paw. Yet there was still real danger present on the slopes of their mountain, such that only a fool would take unnecessary risks while living upon it. Jinx herself had a healthy respect for the land and always proceeded slowly in unknown areas of the mountain... But she suspected Cara hadn't meant the kind of fall that could break her spine.

“How are you finding the pack?” Jinx queried, pausing in her progress to lift a leg douchebag-style and urinate on the unearthed soil underfoot. The mountain was always changing and the dirt kicked around by the wolves and other animals during the day occasionally masked the markers indicating her and her wolves' presence, and she was always quick to refresh them, regardless who was watching.

RE: all bark but no bite - Cara - May 22, 2014

Cara dared to meet Jinx's eyes for a second, although immediately she shifted her gaze to the complex set of tunnels and boulders around them. She wondered how dangerous a place like this could be after a heavy storm..mudslides would be the last thing to worry about, she thought eyeing a large pointy edge that stuck out of a rock.

After that Jinx woofed once more, lifting her hind leg to urinate during the process. The young girl ignored the gesture and dipped her head briefly before answering, "It's all good", she barked soflty shriggung her shoulders a little, "I've only met another wolf aside from you" she admitted while she though of the bulky male by the lake.

RE: all bark but no bite - Jinx - May 23, 2014

She dropped her leg back to the ground, padded forward a couple steps, and inelegantly kicked the shale underfoot back over her marking. It was sort of polite, or so she had always been taught, not to just leave pee stains all over the place without at least covering them somewhat. All during this, Cara didn't seem to bat an eye, which was just as well for the black-toed Alpha, who always found it horribly awkward when a wolf questioned another wolf about their completely natural behaviour.

When Cara admitted to having only met one other, the Alpha female paused, flicking forward her ears and narrowing her eyes almost mischievously. The corner of her lip twisted up as she asked, “was it Lecter?” Nobody liked Lecter. Jinx liked Lecter, but even Ira had some sort of aversion to him, and most of the wolves who met him thought he stunk to high heaven, which he did. It would have been amusing indeed to the Kesuk if he was who Cara had met, for no doubt it had made her opinion of Silvertip Mountain fall considerably.

Lecter may have had a bad reputation, she privately thought, but he was a damn good healer and the only wolf she had ever deigned to love.

RE: all bark but no bite - Cara - May 23, 2014

Then the Alpha covered her marks with a subtle veil of dirt, Cara twitched nose as the tangy odour of urine reached her nose, she had a sensible nose and the scent of pee wasn't particularly nice..

Then the other female seemed to show interest in what the yearling said, she mentioned a name with hopes it was him who she was talking about. Cara remembered the night by the lake, when the large brown male had interrupted her meal. The name Lecter certainly didn't ring a bell. "No, that's not it.." she whispered as the name of the large male flooded into her mind. "Majesty" she barked nodding her head.

"Perhaps you could introduce me to this Lecter guy you talk about.." she mused, wanting to have a proper introduction in her own pack..

RE: all bark but no bite - Jinx - May 26, 2014

“Ah,” rejoined Jinx, who admittedly was somewhat disappointed that Cara had met Majesty rather than Lecter. The chocolate male had climbed the ranks rapidly, earning good favour in several forms from the Alpha female, and she thought well of him, but he was well-mannered and mature. Lecter was much more amusing, though not in an enjoyable sort of way, and she would have delighted in hearing how he had tortured yet another newcomer with his riddles and his pranks.

“Majesty is of high esteem here,” Jinx added, nodding gently as if to say she approved. “He has done a great deal for this pack. I would be lying if I said I was not considering him as this pack's advisor. How did he treat you?” She was, of course, always on a mission for wolves capable of filling roles that she simply wasn't good at. Though she would never admit it aloud, Jinx knew she would one day need a second hand to take care of the pack's social needs, herself being quite removed from sociality. She could speak nicely when she wanted, but she was easily bored by company. Majesty seemed like the perfect sort of wolf to complement her style, but it was important that she gather all opinions, not just her own opinion of him.

“Lecter is my mate. You will meet him soon, I assure you. He is away in the Vale today... But you will know him as soon as you smell him.” She grinned cheekily, then added, “he is the greatest healer I have ever known.” And shaman, keeper of Shearwater's voodoo and priest of Sos, were other titles that she kept to herself.

RE: all bark but no bite - Cara - May 27, 2014

The female seemed to inmidiately lose interest when Cara mentioned the big male, she flicked and ear back realizing she had just burst the Alpha's bubble..then the fiery eyes of the pale female lit up as she spoke fondly of the male.

Cara met her eyes to Jinx's to speak at her, not intending to come across as defiant but rather interested in the conversation, "Oh, he is very polite" she barked, stressing the word very with a nod, "We shared some old childhood stories and some fish by the lake" she mentioned, recalling their encounter under the veil of the night sharing tales and laughs.

When the female explained who Lecter was, Cara nodded and gave a little 'oh', understanding why she had asked for him with such eagerness, "I'd like to meet him" she barked, not knowing what she was writing herself up for. She found the knowledge of plants fascinating but didn't think she'd have the patience for it..

RE: all bark but no bite - Jinx - June 09, 2014

Politeness was a good quality. Jinx could appreciate it in a wolf, though of course she placed value on other things more readily than courtesy. Hers was the attitude of a wolf who believed she was entitled to things. It was an unattractive attitude, but nevertheless she carried it well and proud. Those wolves who showed that they were beneath her were treated that way, and the few who rose to her expectations found themselves in the good graces of an implacable beast, one who would stop at nothing to provide glory for them, with or without honour.

Majesty was a wolf she thought she could groom to these expectations, but she worried somewhat about his politeness. It resonated through the pack, and all wolves who knew him spoke of his kindness... But the Alpha female wondered if it would one day undo his progress. “Do you think he would be a suitable Beta?” Jinx wondered aloud, unabashedly revealing her plans for the chocolate male. “Would you be willing to place your respect and devotion in him?” These were important considerations.

As for meeting Lecter, Jinx grinned a Cheshire grin at the very thought. “You will meet him soon, I reckon. He makes a point of meeting the new ones.”

RE: all bark but no bite - Cara - June 25, 2014

I'll arichive this since, it's old and Majesty had already betrayed the pack before this could finish.. thanks for the thread :3
Sorry I did not mean to cause any sort of discomfort, I just thought it was way too outdated to continue. I'll make this my last post, sorry again for the misundertstanding

The yearling also appreciated the brown brute's kind nature -as long as it was directed at her- but in the bottom of her heart she wondered if his soft heart would outbalance his strenght and make him just a big ball of fluff that was unable to kill a fly. He'd have to prove his worth over time.

The next questions given by the Alpha surprised her, as a new member of the pack she did not expect to take past in such important decisions. Of course the female was just asking for her opinion, it was not like her choice would seal Majesty's fate, but it could certaintly affect Jinx's choice. "Well" she began hesitantly, "He has the determination, but to be honest he lacks the...authority" she barked at last. "I already respect the guy," she barked then with a smile, she had grown fond of him after the night of stories they shared.

Then as the conversation focused on Lecter again, Cara gave a tiny ear flick, "I'll look forward to it"