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Stone Circle Farewell not Goodbye - Printable Version

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Farewell not Goodbye - Sunny - October 08, 2017

@Dawn Ready to return home?

Sunny moved toward the borders feeling sad but relieved at the same time. Valette had understood completely why he had to leave, and she had said he could go. He had caught one last piece of prey for the cache after eating something and he had said so long to Illecebra asking her to tell Burr he said farewell. He would never use the word goodbye, to him that seemed too final. The mother had seemed troubled by something and he wasn't sure she heard him, but he had left anyway.

Now at the borders he drew in the scents of everyone he knew and loved and stepped over the line, Howling for Dawn and saying farewell to everyone at Easthollow all at once. With that done he sat down on his haunches and waited for his sister to come meet him.

RE: Farewell not Goodbye - Dawn - October 08, 2017

Thanks for starting! <3
She arrived early, skulking around the borders like some creep until Sunny called for her. She picked her way towards him, significantly fuller and better rested than last time they had seen one another, and paused a short distance from him. She peered at him, wondering if this was a good idea for the hundredth time, before asking, "Did she take it well?" She didn't need some alpha knocking at Morningside's door demanding pack members back, after all.

RE: Farewell not Goodbye - Sunny - October 08, 2017

Sunny smiled as Dawn showed up in a timely manner, asking if Valette took it well. Sunny beamed and nodded once, A mixture of gratitude and sadness rising and making a lump in his throat. To Dawn morningside was her home, but for Sunny Easthollow was really all he'd ever known for most of his life and leaving it was hard to do. Clearing his throat he spoke as he stepped further away from the borders, coming to a stop next to Dawn. "She understood why I needed to go, and wished me well." he said gently. He breathed in the forest air and shook out his pelt.

Eager to go and make the journey back he turned to Dawn "Ready? I've never travelled very far, so please be patient with me." he asked embarrassed though there was an eager light in his eyes. Maybe this was what made Chusi like to travel, the fire that ignited in his soul when he thought about seeing land he never saw and smelling things he never smelled.

RE: Farewell not Goodbye - Dawn - October 08, 2017

She dipped her head, glad she wouldn't have to deal with an angry alpha and subsequently angry father, tail lashing slowly behind her in gladness to finally leave. After constantly moving the past few days, daddling felt off. Plus, she didn't want to stay in place for too long in the fear of a deep conversation about feelings and the past cropping up.  "It took me a couple days to travel here, so we ought to make it back in three, four maybe,"  She said thoughtfully, not at all attempting to be cruel but understanding that Sunny had never travelled before. She turned on her heel lightly, motioning for him to follow, continuing thoughtfully, "We can cut over the mountains early, and travel due north. Get the difficult leg out of the way first. It isn't too long, don't worry"  She offered byways of a plan, already setting into motion should her brother follow. She glanced back at him, slowing and realizing she had assumed the role of dictator, so eager was she to get moving. "Sorry. I'm eager to get back."  she offered a little less harshly, gaze softening as she glanced at him.

RE: Farewell not Goodbye - Sunny - October 08, 2017

Sunny followed after her listening to what she said. The three or four days of travel didn't seem too bad to Sunny, but then again he had no idea what travelling was like all in all. She continued to lay out the plan for their return to Morningside, and Sunny listened intently not minding at all that she was taking charge. She said that they could go into the mountains early to get the harder part out of the way and Sunny nodded though she couldn't see it due to him being behind her. When she slowed down he came to a halt beside her, and offered a smile shaking his head "Don't worry about it, You know more than I do here I trust you to get us back safely." he reassured her and then motioned for her to take the lead.

He wondered if they would need to stop on the way or if there would just be continuous travel, but he held back the questions for now choosing instead to put his energy into getting away from Easthollow.

Are there going to be some meetup threads on the way back? if so we can wrap this one up, and you can feel free to tag me in any threads that happen on the way back?

RE: Farewell not Goodbye - Dawn - October 08, 2017

She offered a small smile at his words, before setting back into a lope with her brother at her side. Travelling in silence seemed right, as it was how she made her way here, and her words were few and far between. She led him towards the mountains, distant but looming, and wondered at what the future with her brother might hold.
I can start a thread tomorrow for them :)