Wolf RPG
Gathering - Printable Version

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Gathering - Athena Wolf - May 21, 2014

Athena had been spending this morning in the meadow. She was sniffing different herbs, attempting to try to learn the different types that grew in this area. Some smelled bitter, some sweet, and others she couldn't quite place. Having extensive knowledge of poisonous plants, she was now able to concentrate on experimenting and finding out which plant did what. She would gather a few in her mouth and then sit down in the tall grasses, sniffing and sometimes licking each one, trying to memorize their attributes.

Her mother had always been good about herbs and plants and their uses. She recalled cutting her paw as a pup and her mother grinding up a small plant in her mouth and placing it onto the wound. It stung but within a a day the wound had scabbed over. Athena glanced at the small scar from that day. Smiling, she looked up at the sky and wondered if her mother were watching her.

RE: Gathering - Jace - May 21, 2014

Jace wanted to say goodbye

Jace had been chased from the borders early this morning and he was tired and he was angry and he was sore. The wound in his neck was bleeding ever so often though he had gotten it fixed last night. He couldn't stop the seepage as it were. He was limping on his right front leg, from his shoulder being ripped out of socket, but he otherwise he was fairly okay. He happened to see Athena and realizing that he should probably tell her goodbye he looked back once to make sure the crazy yearling alpha was not following him and he walked gingerly towards Athena.

He stood in front of her and spoke quietly "Listen Athena there's some things going on and I have been asked to leave the Creek. I wanted to tell you goodbye so you didn't think I left without even saying bye. he hadn't been asked to leave he had been forced to leave and he hadn't really done anything wrong. He had defended Sky and Nightingale and then himself. But clearly that did not matter to the Fox of the Creek.

He shifted his weight so that most of it was off of his right side and blue eyes looked up catching her eye for a small moment and a small crooked grin made way across his face making him seem like a younger version of himself. Darkness lay heavy over his head and he was unsure how he would go from here. He would meet up with Ferdie, perhaps they would be lone wolves for awhile, maybe start their own pack who really knew, all he knew was he had to leave and he had to leave soon. He hadn't even had a chance to tell Bazi goodbye, though he had in his own way, he however had not told her he would be leaving forever. She would hear that soon enough from fox and he did not want to poison her against Fox since she was happy here and a beta to boot.

RE: Gathering - Athena Wolf - May 21, 2014

Athena stood shocked and confused. She hadn't known Jace for a long time, however, she felt close to him and didn't want him to go. Where will you go? Do you need my help? She asked with increasing concern as she looked over his wounded body. Athena didn't know what to think about what was going on. She hadn't the full story yet but knew she didn't want to bother Jace with the details right now.

All she knew was she would miss Jace and wondered if she would see him again. Was she foolish for letting herself get so close to a wolf so quickly as she had? She felt silly thinking like that...

RE: Gathering - Jace - May 21, 2014

Jace saw her shock and confusion and he smiled softly at her he nudged her gently with his nose. I'll be okay. There was an incident earlier and I got in a fight with another wolf. I was defending two girls Sky and Nightingale, and then myself. However, due to other things Fox didn't want to listen to me and she sent myself and the other wolf on our way. I don't know what we are going to do whether we will stay alone for awhile, join another pack or start our own. I can't stay long but I wanted to say goodbye to you. When you fish think of me okay. He smiled then and backed up giving her her space.

He sat down for a minute and looked around nervous that Fox would come and punish Athena for talking to him too. Any questions? He tilted his head and waited silently for her words.

RE: Gathering - Athena Wolf - May 21, 2014

Athena smiled at his gentleness in response to her worry. I know you'll be okay. After being silent for a moment she nuzzled him shyly, hoping this gesture was okay. No questions. Just be safe. I will think of you when I fish and I hope you think well of me too. She said softly.

She felt worried for his safety but also knew that he was bold and intelligent enough to defend himself. And these were attributes that were warranted in the wilderness. Even still, she knew how hard it was, at least for her to survive. She wondered when they would cross paths again...

RE: Gathering - Jace - May 21, 2014

Awww she maybe jace's first crush too cute

He knew it had been hard for Athena and it would be hard for him too to be out in the wilderness. However, Athena was a tiny thing much tinier than him. He did not mind the nuzzle he appreciated it. She was a very pretty she wolf. He shook his head refusing to go down that road at the moment, he would analyze his confused feelings later.

he smiled at her I'll always think of you when i fish. Tell you what once I figure out what I'm doing I'll come back here and call for you we can fish or something. Sound like a plan Athena?

RE: Gathering - Athena Wolf - May 22, 2014

Athena is smitten. :)

Athena smiled brightly, trying to stay positive. Of course. Always. She said. Already excited for that day to come, she tried to suppress those feelings a little. She didn't want to get her hopes up too high. But she always liked the thought...

RE: Gathering - Jace - May 22, 2014

Jace gave her another nudge and a small crooked grin made his eyes light up. He looked around quickly fearing Fox to be near then he nodded. Alright i have to go Athena til next time. He dipped his head and quickly turned and went on his way Ferdie was waitingfor him.

He was on his way to new beginnings now. He was afraid yet excited. First thing though he had to heal.