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Blacktail Deer Plateau rebel yell - Printable Version

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rebel yell - Grimlock - May 21, 2014

Either @Peregrine or @Blue Willow would be fantastic, or both even. :p

The afternoon was partially cloudy and Grimlock had felt like he had been playing hide and seek with the sun all day as it came in and out of hiding as the raptor moved with his nose practically stuck to the earth, looking for a specific pack scent in particular. A couple times his inexperience had him going in some kind of funky, arching circle that left the raptor feeling like an idiot. Luckily, there was no one there to point out his humiliation except his own sharp witted, silver tongued conscious. As it was the scout apprentice — or rather that was what he had been had been left to retrace his steps using all of his senses and not just his eye sight. Grimlock had lost count of how many times Sveinx had lectured him on the importance of “being one with the earth” and all that hippy like crap his dad had been partial too as Head Scout. Crete had returned to the Falcons (admittedly with no one the wiser of things that he had done) and it had been his scent and stories that had filled the raptor child teen with the grand scheme that he could go out on his own and experience the world, that he had enough street smarts to attempt to find this ‘Blacktail Deer Plateau’ and do it all on his own without the help of his parents, or one of his sisters holding his paw like he was some incapable, drooling little boy (which he guessed to them he more or less was).

Grimlock paused suddenly, lifted his leg and relieved himself on a bush, only to let out snicker that erupted into a bought of raucous laughter when a chipmunk came darting out, squeaking it’s displeasure at being urinated on at him, rising on it’s two little back legs as if it made him as tall as a grizzly bear. For the unintelligible lecture Grimlock was getting he might as well have thought that he was intimidating at all to the canine who just smirked down at it, and shooed it off with a forepaw so he didn’t accidentally step on it. “My bad little dude,” Grimlock called after it though he was sure that the chipmunk didn’t understand him and more than the raptor had understood it. Drawing in a breath he shook his head and carried on with his journey hoping that he found them soon or he would have to chalk up the fact that his skills weren’t half as stellar as he had first thought and bunker down for the night. And find some grub. His stomach let out a small rumble of agreement. He was always hungry — his stomach was like a black pit or a ravenous beast. Or a black pit housing a ravenous beast.

Just when Grimlock had been about to throw the white flag of surrender and call it a day — with the intention of sulking off to lick his pride wounds yet again, when he scented their borders. It was faint at first but after following it anticipation rose in him, nearly stealing the raptor’s breath as the bubble lodged itself into his throat. “Ha! I’ve finally found you,” A large grin spread over Grimlock’s muzzle as he shifted his body so he was in a partial neutral and partial submissive pose before he lifted his head and called for a leader, figuring he’d maybe (if they were even still in the falcons when he was born, tokio isn’t real sure) surprise his family. If any of them even remembered or knew him. If they did he had only been a fuzzy little newborn tyke.

RE: rebel yell - Peregrine Redhawk - May 21, 2014

Peregrine watched the figure move closer from where he perched on the plateau's edge. If not for that distinctive stripe on the male's snout and the soot beneath each eye, he would've categorized him as just another lost teenager (why were there so many of those around here lately?) lingering near his borders, likely seeking acceptance. But those markings intrigued him greatly. Long before the youth actually made it to the boundary line and summoned a leader, Peregrine began picking his way down the slope. He arrived less than two minutes after the juvenile's summons.

"Grimlock...?" he said tentatively as he strode up to the young male. If it really was his brother's young son, why the hell was he here? Peregrine held his tongue for the moment, waiting for the pale wolf to positively identify himself before he barraged him with questions.

RE: rebel yell - Grimlock - May 21, 2014

It didn’t take very long — actually it was probably some sort of world record the raptor felt sure — for someone to greet him. Someone that struck the teen as familiar. There was always the possibility, he reminded himself, that the wolf that was quickly approaching the borders was just a black wolf and just because he was ebony colored didn’t mean he was a DiSarinno. But they were a monotone colored bunch for the most part, ranging from ivory, to grey, to even silver, to black; but the monarchs of their family had been smoky black and ivory and well it seemed obvious that they all took after one parent, or the other, or a mix of them, or distant relatives or however it was that genetics worked. Caution worked it’s way onto his face and he bordered on it (caution) and curiosity, awkward and coltish body tensing until he heard his full name fall from the other male’s lips. In that split second Grimlock had relaxed and grinned widely at his uncle — admittedly not all too sure which uncle it was; he tended to get Peregrine and Atticus mixed up — and his mix up caught him now as he attempted to recall if this was Atticus of Peregrine before him.

“’Sup dude?” The raptor greeted his uncle before inhaling and puffing out his cheeks, letting the air expel slowly, realizing that he was going to have to admit that he wasn’t sure which Uncle he was. “Not to be offensive or anything but …are you Perry or Atti?” Even a little kid he had always been getting them confused and joked, “Maybe you two should get name tags or something.” Maybe it was an inappropriate time for a joke but he was buoyant and young (if not a little crude) and, though he knew there was always a possibility he wouldn’t be welcomed he was hopeful, nevertheless.

RE: rebel yell - Peregrine Redhawk - May 21, 2014

The youngster's casual reply caught him off guard somewhat. The last time Peregrine had seen Grimlock, he'd been no more than four or five weeks old. If not for those unique markings, he honestly wouldn't have recognized him at all. He doubted very much that Grimlock recognized him, either, but that much became clear when the boy questioned his identity in turn.

"That's Uncle Peregrine to you," he replied a bit tersely, though there was a twinkle in his eye. "What the hell are you doing here, kid?" he demanded in the next breath.

RE: rebel yell - Grimlock - May 21, 2014

For a brief second, Grimlock had a severe moment of doubt on this whole ‘experience life on your own’ thing. Marigold had literally begged the, perhaps overeager, raptor not to go and then tried to give the headstrong teen the whole “you’re too young, you’ll get yourself killed” speech with a level of sternness that might have made the abruptly guilt-ridden Grimlock into staying if Sveinx hadn’t intervened. Maybe Mama was right, but the raptor brushed those thoughts away with an errant flick of his tail against his hind legs. It was too late to turn back now, and anyway, he had found the part of the DiSarinno’s (technically Redleaf-DiSarinno’s) that resided here. Finally he had made it and there was no reason to get cold feet and chicken out now. There was a terse edge in Peregrine’s reply that made the boy’s ears lower, some of his previous excitement and casualness sapping out of him a bit.

“My bad Uncle Peregrine,” It was spoken sheepishly, if not a bit guiltily, peering up at Peregrine through his lashes like some kind of overgrown puppy, as it was, oblivious as the teenager tended to be at times, he missed the twinkle in the older man’s eye. “My dad said I could come!” It was knee jerk, defensive blurt of words. Of course it was after the fact that Grimlock realized he sounded like a kid that had been caught doing something he shouldn’t have been. He inhaled deeply, shook off his sudden bought of child-like nerves and steeled his shoulders. “Ok, well it was more like If you think you can do it, go; but don’t come back here with your tail between your legs if you fail, Grimlock morphed his voice to resemble his father’s deep timber - which wasn’t all that hard probably because Grimlock’s voice, in that awkward stage of childish and manly would likely resemble Sveinx’s own.

“But I didn’t fail. I found you. I’ve been apprenticing under him as Scout and I found my way here,” And he was so ridiculously proud of himself in that moment that it positively radiated off of him. “But…I don’t want to go back. I want my freedoms du--uncle Peregrine." It had been a quick catch. "I want to give living out from my parents a try.” He turned hopeful eyes, flitting as they did between blue and green, to Peregrine, hoping that his Uncle wouldn’t sent him back home. “I promise that I’ll help out and I’ll apprentice here for Scout …or it’s equivalent. You won’t have to babysit me.” It wasn’t a very convincing sell but he was suddenly nervous and it was all he had to work with on short notice — never mind that he had, had plenty of time to rehearse on his way.

RE: rebel yell - Peregrine Redhawk - May 21, 2014

Peregrine immediately thought Grimlock must be lying. What parent would let such a young wolf venture out on his own? Surely Sveinx and Marigold weren't that sloppy with their child-rearing? A frown of disapproval appeared on his face, though when the boy did an impression of his father, the Alpha felt reasonable doubt. As a father, he couldn't see what would possess them to allow it, yet he had to admit that some of the parenting that went on in Flightless Falcons wasn't exactly conventional...

"You're way too young for that shit," Peregrine opined frankly, "but if you're in a rush to be an adult, I'll treat you like an adult. You'll have to prove yourself, through hard work. There will be no favoritism because you're family. In fact, it might work against you, because evidently you descend from a line of idiots..." Again, there was a flash of mischief in his eyes, though he spoke sternly.

After a pause, Peregrine asked, "How are things there? Has everything settled down now that Perseus and Echo are in charge?" He wondered if Grimlock would want to know how he knew about that, though he figured the youngster might not even contemplate those kinds of details. "Since you're a big, fancy scout and all, I want all the news," he added, making a show out of sitting down and making himself comfortable.

RE: rebel yell - Grimlock - May 21, 2014

I pulled the information about Sterrnevuur from reading Julooke's posts and figured the info would have made it's way around to Grimlock's ears even if it was old news. xD

No I’m not, Was the first reaction that came to the forefront of Grimlock’s mind and almost slipped out of his mouth but he caught it and bit the inside of his cheek to keep those words from slipping forth. It was the most childish line in the book and the last thing the raptor wanted to do was to prove Peregrine right and have his uncle send him packing, homeward bound. Grimlock did not want to have to return to the Falcons with that kind of humiliation which would only further prove everyone else that they, too, had been right. “You basically just burned yourself too, you know,” Grimlock pointed out bluntly, and then grinned like a sheepish fool, as if to prove that Peregrine was, indeed, correct. Maybe they were a bunch of headstrong idiots but one family had to have them, after all. He laughed and then coughed to hide it and then just kind of awkwardly stared at Peregrine’s paws.

“Yeah. All’s calm on the battlefront,” He told Peregrine with a casual shrug of his shoulders. “It’s kind of weird without Mama Matriarch around, now,” Grimlock had been young when March Owl had passed away but it didn’t mean he couldn’t feel the absence of her presence as grand and crude as it had been. “But y’know it’s the circle of life and all that,” Grimlock added watching as Peregrine sat back on his haunches as if he were making some kind of theatrical show of it. “Gale got bit by a snake and her paw swelled twice it’s size. I thought she was going to die and started digging her a grave when Dad caught me and had uncle Crete fix her up,” Grimlock laughed now because it was funny now but it hadn’t been funny at the time “And as it turns out Gale is allergic to snakes” Grimlock added for no real reason to inform; not to mention there was astronomical trouble he had been in for digging a grave instead of finding an adult sooner. “Oh yeah! Uncle Crete came back to the Falcons about a month or so ago? He had a bunch of great stories about this place. He said your mate was pregnant, or that she might have been pregnant? I don’t know he started losing me after a bit,” Grimlock prattled on, pausing only to take a deep breath.

“Did you know that the leaders of Sterrn-ahuh-verrrrr,” He butchered the pronouncation of ‘Sterrnevuur’ horrible and made a show of trying to pronounce it. “Well you know what I mean,” Or at least, hopefully Peregrine was able to deduce which pack Grimlock was attempting to say. “passed away, too? Aannddd, uh…,” Grimlock scrunched up his face in thought. “Well the only other stuff I have is like stupid stuff like Gale being bitten by a snake and Whimsy ate a frog, heh it was so disgusting and just stuff like that.” He hadn’t apprenticed very far, admittedly, but he had gotten at least one thing that he considered ‘big’ news.

"Our idiot family being idiots basically." He finished with a cheeky little grin, tail wagging kind of wishing he had more important things to offer because he was sure that what he had given Peregrine was not a testament to his mad skill.

RE: rebel yell - Peregrine Redhawk - May 21, 2014

Although much of what came out of the boy's mouth was not particularly newsworthy, there were a few priceless nuggets of information in there. The mention of Crete's name made Peregrine freeze, suddenly tense, his breath caught in his throat. When Grimlock went on to mention his brother had returned safely to the Falcons' fold, he felt a painful twinge in his breast.

"Fuck," he whispered under his breath. Louder, he said, "Grim, you have impeccable timing," in a very sarcastic tone. Osprey had literally just left to find Crete. It not only pained him, it was actually savagely annoying. His anger toward Crete deepened and darkened. This was his damn fault. And if he hadn't been speaking to a young child, Peregrine would've asked cuttingly, And did he mention the bitch he knocked up? The bastards he left behind?

But this was his young nephew, so he kept these bitter, aggravated thoughts to himself. At least this meant Osprey would likely return sooner; he felt certain she would check in with the Falcons first and discover Crete safe and sound there, then return home... unless, of course, she decided to stay with them. The possibility made his breath catch again and he swallowed thickly. Surely Osprey wouldn't just leave him hanging like that. If he couldn't trust her to keep her word, then he couldn't trust anyone; so the only option was to keep the faith.

"Well, at least I was right all along," Peregrine mused with a sigh, possibly confusing the youngster. "But you're right. I have four pups now. Two of them are actually Pied's. You never met her, since she left before you were born. She died giving birth, so I help take care of them. I'm sure you'll meet them, if you stick around." And because Grimlock was so young and related, it was a foregone inclusion in Peregrine's mind. "Which it sounds like you plan to do," he finished with a speculative look in his eye.

RE: rebel yell - Grimlock - May 21, 2014

The explicit fell from his uncle’s mouth — though it did not particularly bother Grimlock who was known to use explicit words himself — followed by sarcastic words about Grimlock’s timing. Ears slicked back against his skull, the raptor’s brows furrowing in confusion. It was apparent he had done something wrong — which was a new record for the raptor, admittedly — but the sarcasm made no sense to the pre-teen. “Uh,” Grimlock struggled to grasp for something to say and hated that he abruptly felt like a child being scolded even if that hadn’t been Peregrine’s intention. “Ok.” The raptor settled for much more meekly than he had originally intended adding Whatever in a condescending very teenager manner mentally.

Peregrine’s words only served to continue to confuse Grimlock, catching his curiosity — what had Peregrine been right about? — but for the sake of not wanting to further earn his uncle’s ire kept his mouth, in what was likely the wisest choice of his short life thus far, firmly closed. “I’ve heard about her,” He piped up though, and gave his uncle a shaky soft of breath that pushed “Oh,” out of his mouth when Peregrine informed him that she had passed away in child birth. He hadn’t known her, and any condolences he could offer henceforth would have felt hollow even if their intent would have been coming from a good place.

“Yeah, I don’t want to go back,” He confirmed, yet again, just in case Peregrine had thought (or maybe even hoped) that Grimlock had changed his mind. No, Grimlock was contented being the rebellious, wayward son. “I’d love to met Pied’s kiddos, and yours too, if I can. I love little kids.” It probably went without saying that it was because he was, more or less, still a kid himself.

RE: rebel yell - Peregrine Redhawk - May 22, 2014

The boy reaffirmed his desire to stay or, rather, his lack of desire to return. "What's so bad about Flightless Falcons, kiddo?" Peregrine asked with a bit of a humorous twitch to his black lips. "If you think you're going to be happier here, you're in for a reality check. Life back there was Easy Street compared to what you're going to find here," he warned playfully. "And of course you like little kids; you are one," he pointed out with a chuff.

"C'mon then," he said in the next moment, rising and motioning for his nephew to follow him. "I'll show you to your new home. I want you to stay near my family's den. There's another couple of youngsters—Kraken and Amelie—running around here, so you should probably find them. And I'm dead serious, kid: you need to contribute in whatever ways you can. There are no free rides here. Even if all you can do is babysit, just make sure you're keeping busy and doing something, all right?" He paused and gave Grimlock a pointed look.

The Alpha male then began to pad up the slope that led to the plateau proper and, more specifically, to the den site he shared with his bustling family. He would start by introducing the teenager to his mate (even if her approval was no longer formally required) and, of course, the four stooges.

RE: rebel yell - Grimlock - May 22, 2014

“Nothin’ is bad about it. I just…don’t want to be in anyone’s shadow I guess. And there are a lot of shadows there.” While he was being a rebellious little prick, he at least had a gunning reason. His sisters tended to always get put before him because the twins were “older” and “would need to find good mates” or whatever else crap Marigold had tried to tell Grimlock who had at about five months of age inherently stopped listening to her excuses. And Sevinx had never been of any help. Maybe they had never intended for Grimlock’s litter and maybe Grimlock was supposed to be born stillborn like all the other pups but he hadn’t been dead and they were stuck with him. Maybe they should have just stopped having sex, the pre-teen had thought on a numerous occasion and this was no exception but he shook those angry, bitter thoughts away. They didn’t matter now. He had found the Plateau and for better or worse he intended to stay.

“Fair enough,” He followed eagerly after Peregrine, in a few bounds coming to a steady pace beside his uncle, grinning at him. The thought of being near puppies was pretty cool, if nothing else. “Ok, ok, I got it, Sarg,” Grimlock conceded and glimpsed around him in thought for a few seconds, attempting to take the landscape in, pausing to sniff at a pine tree just because he wanted to familiarize himself with their scent and though canines were accustomed to sniffing each other’s behinds he didn’t particularly wanted to shove his snout near Peregrine’s rear end. Not today at least. “I’ll apprentice as your scout or whatever you call them here and I’ll baby sit for ‘ya when you want a sexy date night with your lady,” Grimlock waggled his eyebrows at his uncle then and barked a laugh. “But in all seriousness I will baby sit whenever.” Though he was excited to be in the Plateau period and meeting Peregrine’s mate would be a step towards things he was more excited about meeting the ‘four stooges’ of whom he assumed were the little kiddos. “Ha, baby sitter. That just sounds fu-uh-leckin’ wrong.” He caught himself, despite that Peregrine had so graciously dropped the f-bomb not too long ago. He was used to swearing behind his parent’s back but he wasn’t so sure if Peregrine would want him swearing here, either, especially around the babies.

RE: rebel yell - Peregrine Redhawk - May 23, 2014

I'm going to fade this here. You may assume Grimlock met Hawkeye and the pups. :)

At least Grimlock already seemed both enthusiastic and dedicated, two characteristics Peregrine could appreciate in any new recruit. He cracked a smile at the youth's declarations, even the one about a hot date night, even if Peregrine didn't see one of those happening any time soon. And, luckily, the boy's loud chatter prevented the Alpha male from sinking into that dark, dreary mental place.

"Welcome to the puppy playhouse," he announced when they reached the edge of the clearing. Peregrine paused, eyeing the seemingly empty clearing, then made a sound that could only be likened to a turkey's gobble. Almost instantaneously, a volley of barks and squeals erupted from the den. It was only a matter of seconds before a stampede of pups emerged and, in that tiny window of time, Peregrine grinned sideways at his newest ward.