Wolf RPG
Leading the Way - Printable Version

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Leading the Way - Majesty - May 23, 2014

@Naya. I would suggest looking up what the island looks like before replying. You'll find it's description by clicking on Sequoia Coast, then clicking on Territory List or whatever it's called. Scroll down and you'll find the description of Wheeling Gull Isle

Majesty was very excited to be back at the island. It was almost his island - his home. He had never been out here at night. He looked up, breathing in the bracing, slightly chilly sea air. For once, the sky was clear, and he could see the starts without obstruction. They glittered beautiful. He found Sirius, the Dog Star, and smiled to it. It was his lucky star.

He looked over his shoulder, waiting for Naya to catch up. She was a few feet behind him, still crossing the sandbar, ankle-deep in the water. "I hope you didn't mind getting a little wet," he called to her. "I promise it'll be well worth it! Come on, let me show you around!" With an excited bark, he surged forward out of the water completely, and onto the sandy beach, happy to be back.

RE: Leading the Way - Naya - May 24, 2014

Naya was just a few steps away from the Island but Majesty was already there, waiting for her. She noticed how happy he was to be there as he smiled at the stars.
It was so exciting, She was about to stand in the place she'd call home one day and she loved it so far. The white sand reflecting the moonlight looked so smooth, and that big mountain in the middle seemed to be such a fun place, she was already getting a few ideas of what she'd do when they'd finally established there.
"I don't mind getting wet at all!" she barked when she finally caught up with Majesty, wagging her tail "It was a bit cold though.." she said shaking off the water and then she smiled at him.
Majesty asked Naya to follow him into the island and like an over-excited puppy she followed, happier than ever.

RE: Leading the Way - Majesty - May 24, 2014

If you don't mind switching between characters, do you wanna bring Malcom into this thread (like he followed Naya or something) and we can make this his pledge thread, as well as both characters exploring the island? That way it'll take less time. If not, that's fine too. I'm trying to hurry this along a little because I still need Malcom's pledge thread, as well as Tyrande's and the last wolf's: Silvermane's. So yeah.

Majesty smiled when he saw Naya looking at the cliffs ahead of them. "Those cliffs are full of seagull nests. If you're careful - and lucky - you can climb up there and snatch a few eggs. Have you ever eaten an egg? They're delicious." He continued farther up the beach, not minding going slowly to let his companion check everything out.

"Over there is the forest where the pack would probably reside most in." He pointed with his muzzle to the right, towards the towering pine and fur trees. "I'm sure there is some good hunting in there. Last time I was here, I took note of the animals. Even though we're on an island, I wouldn't be surprised to find a herd of deer in the forest. And besides, if there isn't enough food on the island, we can always go back to the mainland and hunt there. Would you like to go into the trees and have a look around?"

He chuckled, thinking back to the cliffs. "If you want to check out the seagull cliffs, I would suggest waiting until morning. It would be dangerous to go now, at night."

RE: Leading the Way - Naya - May 24, 2014

I'm sorry, Him following her makes perfect sense since he's always trying to protect her but something happened with Malcom's account and I can't post anything for some reason. I think he got kicked out of being a lone wolf or something... I'll try to fix it and maybe tomorrow we can do another thread for his pledge..

When Majesty started talking about eggs and the cliffs Naya went crazy about it "EGGS!? they're the most delicious thing ever! whenever Malcom and I find and egg we end up fighting over it!" When she said that she remembered her Brother, and that he'd most probably be looking for her by now but she was so excited about being on the island that she tried to ignore her thoughts.
Majesty lead Naya around for a while, talking about the island and his plans for it as Naya followed him listening, wagging her tail and looking at every tree and rock they found along the way with a smile on her face, the place was beautiful.
"that sounds great! do you think it's possible to go and see if we can find a deer right now?" she was anxious to go and explore around.

RE: Leading the Way - Majesty - May 24, 2014

If you're having problems with Malcom, you could always have him join the pack AFTER it is formed. I only need one of your characters to pledge for it to work. You could always say that Malcom got lost or something, and spent a few days tracking Naya down, and then since she joined, he'll join too. And, I told Silvermane not to post on here, so don't worry.

"Do you think it's possible to go and see if we can find a deer right now?" Naya asked, and Majesty laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Sure, if you want to. Now would probably be a good time to hunt them, anyways, since they'll all be asleep. Follow me."

He led her into the forest of pines and evergreens, taking in the smell of the earth with delight. The sky was now blocked from their view as the canopy of trees overtook them. He led her deeper into the forest. "Sniff around and explore if you want to," he said. "Take your time. Get to know the area. I'll wait." He smiled at her encouragingly. He wanted his wolves to get know their home. His wolves. He liked the sound of that…

RE: Leading the Way - Naya - May 25, 2014

Majesty led Naya deep into the forest, he said they'd catch a deer if they found one and she was overwhelmed with excitement.
Deeper in the woods, her leader told her to go around and explore a bit but she wanted his company most of all, he was her new friend after all, and she was already starting to see him as a member of her family.
"Come on Maj! you're not gonna leave me alone, are you? you said you'd show me the place" Naya barked in a sarcastic tone raising an eyebrow, she then dropped into a playing position like if she was daring majesty to a race through the woods "Lets go! the last one to get to the other side of the island gets to tell my brother about the pack!" she barked wagging her tail waiting for a response. She supposed it wasn't too far since they were most likely already halfway through the forest and the island wasn't too big.

RE: Leading the Way - Majesty - May 26, 2014

Majesty grinned at Naya's words. He laughed when she called him "Maj", and then laughed again when she suggested a race. He could probably beat her - but then again maybe not. He did have a lot of experience with running, but he was big and bulky with muscle. She, on the other hand, was lighter and her legs were probably longer. He could probably out-last her if it was a long-distance race. But the island wasn't much longer than a few miles, so she would probably win.

Still, the challenge of a race was ideal to him. He grinned at her again and stretched a little, preparing for it. "A race, eh?" he said, lifting an eyebrow (wolves can't do this, but you get the image). "That's all right with me, as long as you don't mind losing," he teased, winking at her to let her know he wasn't serious. "Let's go then! From here to the other side of the island! Ready? ... GO!"

And then he was off like a rocket, pushing hard with his back legs and pulling himself forward with his front paws. He glanced around at Naya, wondering if she really would beat him or not. If she did, he would be sincerely impressed, since he had been taking daily runs for years now.

You can let Naya win if you want to! ^_^

RE: Leading the Way - Naya - May 26, 2014

Majesty laughed and then he answered.
"Yeah! Come on! show me what you're made of " she teased smiling sarcastically. She knew he wouldn't be hard to beat, he was big and muscular which would slow him down, while Naya was smaller and more agile than any wolf she had ever met. But she didn't care about winning at all, she just wanted to run through the woods with her new friend, Maj.
"That's all right with me, as long as you don't mind losing," he woofed, winking. "What the hell is losing? I don't think that word fits in my vocabulary.." She winked back and got set to start running.
A few seconds after, Majesty was off running, his powerful legs propelling him through the woods, but it wasn't long until Naya caught up with him. Now running head to head with him, she felt like she was flying.

RE: Leading the Way - Majesty - May 26, 2014

Majesty and Naya were toe-to-toe -- er -- paw-to-paw. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye as they continued the race. Majesty didn't really care whether he won or lost. He just wanted to have fun with Naya, who would some day soon become his pack-mate. If only Tyrande would finally pledge herself to the pack!

He shook himself. He had to concentrate now. He decided to play with her a bit, and to test what sort of a personality she really had. So, after a few more seconds of running, he purposefully tripped over a tree root and landed heavily on the ground with an, "Oof!" He sat up and shook himself again, waiting to see what kind of a reaction the young female might have…

RE: Leading the Way - Naya - May 30, 2014

Sorry again for taking so long.. :(

Majesty was so fast that Naya had to make a big effort to keep up with him, but still she was having a lot of fun. She almost never did this kind of things with her brother because he was always busy hunting and keeping them safe, but she didn't blame him at all.

Naya Was starting to outrun Majesty when suddenly he tripped over a tree root and landed heavily on the ground creating a cloud of dust, "Maj!" Naya skidded to a halt and turned quickly to aid her friend. "What the hell happened Maj! are you ok!?"

RE: Leading the Way - Majesty - May 30, 2014

Damn it! I keep forgetting about this freaking thread! Lol! Sorry.

Majesty got up and shook a few leaves from his fur. He looked himself over for a moment, and then smiled at Naya, winking. "Yes, I'm all right. Thank you for stopping and checking on me. That shows true friendship, and I appreciate that. I think someone deserves a head-start for that!"

With that, he motioned with his head for her to start running again. "Go on," he said. "Unless you think you can beat me without a head start?" He raised an eyebrow at her, grinning, to show her that he was clearly teasing. "Well?" he said, waiting for a response…

RE: Leading the Way - Naya - June 05, 2014

Me too sorry >.<
I've been really busy but I'll be free soon, I promise I'll be more active over summer.

The big male got up, tall as only he could be, shaking the dust off his brown pelt. It didn't look like he was damaged at all -phew!-

Naya was almost mad at Majesty for being so dumb, but she couldn't help laughing, relieved that he was alright "You scared the hell out of me Maj! I thought you had broken something!" The male offered a headstart to retake the race "I'm done running, and you are too!" she woofed between giggles.

Even though Naya loved the island, she needed to get back to Malcom as soon as possible, he would be mad at her for leaving the forest."Can we go back to mainland? It's long since I don't see my brother and I'm starting to get worried."

RE: Leading the Way - Majesty - June 06, 2014

Majesty became serious at the mention of Naya's brother. He cleared his throat. "You are right. I have kept you here long enough. I will escort you back to Neverwinter Forest. I only hope I have not gotten you in trouble - or that your brother has run into the Silvertip Mountain wolves. They would kill him if they saw him so close to their borders - or at the very least chase him away. I'm sorry. It seems I have been neglectful. Come, let us go."

He took off in the direction of the mainland, praying to the Gods that nothing had happened to Malcom. He would never forgive himself if something did happen. He looked over his shoulder to make sure that Naya was following, and then continued at top speed. They would have to hurry. He was getting a bad feeling about all of this...

I'm going to have this archived now. Feel free to write one last post.

RE: Leading the Way - Naya - June 07, 2014

Thanks :D

Naya's worry got worse as Majesty said her brother could get killed back in the forest.. she felt guilty for leaving him alone "What!? I need to find him right now! I hope he's alright, lets go, I'll follow you.." Majesty took off heading the mainland, and Naya followed as fast as she could.

The night turned grim as the desperation grew bigger in Naya's heart, she needed her brother, and she was a long way away from him.