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The Heartwood A Pledge - Printable Version

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A Pledge - Majesty - May 23, 2014

Majesty padded silently to the Heartwood. He wanted to do this away from Jinx. He figured she probably wouldn't like it if she found out what was going on. But at least Tyrande had told him she was accept. Now it was time to test her on her word. He dipped his muzzle back and howled for her, scaring a few birds out of the nearby trees.

As he waited, he wondered whether she would really accept, or whether she would back down in the end. No. He couldn't think like that. He had to trust her. He had to. His sanity was tied to her word. If she said no now, he would go insane. He closed his eyes, forcing himself to concentrate. He would do fine. He had just had to stay positive. Yes, that was it. Stay positive.

RE: A Pledge - Tyrande Nightshade - May 24, 2014

Tyrande flicked her ears up curiously at the howl. After a few moments of thought, she left her working station, still caked in clay, to find Majesty.

The wolf was a black comet, with the power of an outrider. She would very well be one if she had to, but at the moment, her physique was not needed.

As she came upon the male, she seemed to morph out of the shadows that cloaked her, her head title curiously, silent.

RE: A Pledge - Majesty - May 24, 2014


Majesty jumped a little when Tyrande suddenly appeared before him, separating from the shadows as if by magic. He smiled then. He was happy to see her. He stepped forward, beckoning her to come closer with a slight nod of his head. He had to be serious now. This was her pledge. It was serious business.

"Hello, Tyrande," he said. "I have called you here today to ask you if you are ready to make the pledge to be a part of my pack." He would not start the actual process until she said yes. He felt nervous for some reason. Probably because he was so close to his goal that he could nearly smell the salt water of the coast already, and he was afraid she would decline. He looked into her eyes, waiting, hoping desperately for her to say yes. Please help me make my dream a reality, he thought.

RE: A Pledge - Tyrande Nightshade - May 26, 2014

finals. Finals everywhere

She tilted her head further in a puppyish form.

I am ready and willing to make a pack with you, Majesty. I feel my heart lies elsewhere, though Jinx's pack, I feel will grow strong, is not for my tastes. However, you must promise me that I will be left to my studies when I can.

RE: A Pledge - Majesty - May 26, 2014

Aww… I know that pain! I had it a week ago! Let's try to drag this out a little, though, because it won't count unless it's at least 10 posts in length.

Majesty breathed a sigh of relief when the word yes exited Tyrande's mouth. He wanted to sag to the floor in relief, but he did not. He had to continue. He gave the female a look of determination. In a strong voice, he continued.

"Since you have said yes, Tyrande Nightshade, I must ask you: If I brought you into my pack, what skills would you bring with you? I am guessing Healing of a sort, since you are a toxicologist. Am I correct? Are there any other skills you might bring? Any other positions you might want to hold?"

RE: A Pledge - Tyrande Nightshade - May 26, 2014

She listened thoughtfully before answering.
It is true I am known for my understanding of plants, but what I am also partially known for is my abilities in stealth. I can run much faster than brutes such as you-no offense intended- and my dark fur helps me hide in the shadows. I can be a information-gatherer, an assassin, an outrider... You name anything that has to do with stealth, and I shall provide.

RE: A Pledge - Majesty - May 26, 2014

Majesty laughed aloud - something he did not do often - when Tyrande mentioned being an assassin. But he continued to listen seriously until she was done speaking. Then he sat in thought for a moment. Silvermane also mentioned wanting to be an Outrider. He thought having two would probably be all right - considering not many wolves would probably think to look for a pack on an island.

He nodded to her. "I think you being a healer and an outrider would be just fine. But…" He sighed. "I know it might be hard to leave Silvertip behind. I know it will be hard for me. I have made friends here. But I promise I will make the leaving worth it. And yes - I will give you plenty of alone time to do your studying. Perhaps you can find new poisonous plants and animals to study on the island that you wouldn't find here. And I know that over time, we will all begin to feel like family to one another.

"Also," he continued, "I don't want you - or any other member of my pack - to feel like they have to hold anything back from me. I want you to show me respect, of course, but I also always want you to speak your mind. I want everyone within the pack to tell each other how they are doing. That includes me. If I'm doing something you don't like, don't be afraid to tell me. I will respect everyone's opinion. Do you understand?"