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Greatwater Lake There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Printable Version

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There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Julooke - May 24, 2014

This was private, but I'm opening it up. All welcome! :-)

Julooke had been wanting to explore the surrounding lands of Horizon Ridge, and today she found herself a little bit further than she had intended to. She was just thinking about heading back when the smell of water reached her nose. A drink first, then she would head back. She began to trot towards the water, her eyes scanning the surrounding area for any other signs of life. Coming back to a walk, she waded right into the water, up to her stomach, and lowered her head to drink. Once she took her fill, she stood still for a few minutes, figuring she might as well try to catch something while she was here.

it took a little longer than expected, but eventually fish began to swim by, even going through her legs. When the right one came along, her head darted into the water, jaws open until she felt the fish between them. Sinking her teeth into the scales quickly, her head came back out of the water, a writhing fish in her mouth. Head held high and a little stiff, she made her way to shore. She dropped the fish to the ground, placing a paw on it, as if she thought it would run away. Laying down, she took a breather. She'd start eating in a moment.

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Erika - June 04, 2014

Yet again, Erika found herself outside of pack borders, wandering the land known as Teekon Woods. She wasn't sure why she always left pack borders to explore, but she wanted to stop soon. The assassin Kaname had interrogated her everytime she came back from one of her escapades, questioning if she was betraying pack secrets. She wasn't, but the dark wolf frightened her. Especially his eyes, they were so cold and unfeeling...

But, here she was, by a body of water in the Kintla Flatlands. The mirror-like surface almost turned her away. She was very frightened by the look of her face in the water, to the point where she only drank with her eye closed, and fished at night. Erika intended on escaping that fear, starting today!

Before she could look over at the mirror's edge, the reflection was shattered by rippling from nearby. Looking over, she saw a female wolf triumphantly holding a fish in her jaws and stepping out of the waters. Cautiously, but curious to know who this wolf was, she approached her, hiding the right side of her face as she did. "Bonjour, Mademoiselle." she greeeted her politely.

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Julooke - June 05, 2014

Thanks for joining! :-)

Julooke's gaze settle on the tall, dark form approaching. Instinct made her cautious, wondering if the wolf was coming for her hard-earned meal. She sat upright, attention focused. Julooke wasn't one to fight, but she wasn't going to just let her have it, either. As the she-wolf approached, though, it didn't seem like she was after Julooke's fish, and she relaxed a little. Her ears perked, and her head tilted at the words she heard. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying, she said politely.

The wolf wouldn't look straight at her, and it made Julooke uneasy once more. The weird body language, the foreign language... It made the white wolf tense up. Her voice sounded friendly enough, but Julooke could only hope she wasn't here for a fight.

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Erika - June 05, 2014

"Translated, it means 'Hello, Miss'." she said, sitting back on her haunches. The white wolf had tensed when she approached. She didn't blame her, though. Who knows what the intentions of a wolf is when they approach you, especially when you are holding a kill?

She breathed in the female's scent. It was not a single one, of the outdoors and the smell of the weather. It was comprised of many different wolves' scents: a pack wolf. "What pack are you from? I am from Silvertip Mountain myself..."

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Julooke - June 06, 2014

The darker she-wolf translated her words while she sat down, seemingly get comfortable. It made Julooke relax a little, too. She did not, however, take her paw off her fish. Oh, okay. Then hello to you, too. My name is Julooke, she replied, smiling a little.

The other female asked about her pack, and she answered, I'm from Horizon Ridge. I actually met a wolf from your pack a little while back, named Majesty. Little did she know, Majesty was considered a traitor to Silvertip Mountain, not that Ragnar was fond of him or the placement of his pack, either.

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Erika - June 07, 2014

"Majesty?" She hadn't heard his name spoken in a while. It always saddened her to know that. Majesty almost became "He Who Shall Not Be Named" in her pack. She had only seen him once after he left, by the shores near his new pack's island. She had been the only one who actually forgave him, and she was sorry for that.

"Majesty iz no longer a part of ze pack. 'e was banished a while back and 'e established 'is own pack on ze Sequoia Coast." she hated to be the bearer of bad news, but Julooke had to know the truth. And from what she knew, Horizon Ridge was close to Majesty's pack Wheeling Gull Isle. It was good for her to know that.

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Julooke - June 09, 2014

While the other she-wolf knew Majesty, it seemed she had not spoken to him in a while. He had done what he said he would do- started his own pack. The way she made it seem, however, was that he was banished, and that's why he started his own pack. Either way, he had gotten what he wanted. Little did he know, he would piss a few wolves off in the process, other than his former pack mates. Why was he banished? she asked. He hadn't spoken highly of the Alpha of his pack, and wondered if they had gotten into it.

The stranger had a peculiar accent, and Julooke figured it accompanied the foreign language. Where are you from? It was obvious now that the other female had no intention of harm, or trying to take Julooke's food, so her usually friendly behavior was beginning to come out.

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Erika - June 10, 2014

Erika did not have the fortune of being there when Majesty was chased off, but she did hear of his crimes soon after. She retelled what she knew of that moment not too long ago. "One of ze rules of our pack is to chase off wolves zat come close to ze border or attack zose who are on it or cross over it. A loner came and nearly crossed ze border in Neverwinter. Two of our wolves tried to chase him off, but Majesty came and defended 'im instead. Madame Jinx saw zat as an affront to her authority and promptly chased 'im off." she replied sadly. "'e is now considered an enemy to ze pack, sad to say."

She laid down on her belly, looking slightly defeated. She was still upset about being ordered to attack a friend of hers. Though she respected and even feared Madame Jinx, agreed with pack rules, and understood why Majesty had to go, she still couldn't wrap her head around the concept. Now she only had a few friends in Silvertip. She was distracted from her moping when Julooke asked about her origin, another depressing topic. "Ah...well, I am from a forest area far away from 'ere, a few days away from an ocean. Instead of ze sun setting into ze ocean, ze sun rose from it each morning. My pack was called "Les Fantômes". It means 'Ze Phantoms'."

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Julooke - June 12, 2014

She listened quietly to her tell the story of how Majesty was banned from his pack. It turned out he didn't leave of his own will, after all. He was defending a friend. She knew that must have put him between a rock and a hard place. Julooke nodded solemnly at the end of the short story. I'm sorry that he had to leave like that, she said. Julooke had no idea what it felt like to have a friend banned from her pack and be order to attack if they were to come near again. In that way, pack life was very hard.

Julooke smiled, That sounds mystical, she replied. What made you end up here? She asked. Julooke had her own reasons for leaving her home pack, and wondered if the other she-wolf did, too.

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Erika - June 12, 2014

She nodded solemly. "I was sorry to 'ear 'e 'ad to leave. 'e was a companion of mine." Truth be told, he was starting to become something more to her, but she had kept that a secret ever since he was chased away. She could not risk being chased out, or worst: killed. Madame Jinx was a harsh mistress.

Then Julooke said something that she wasn't sure if she wanted to answer. The story of how she reached the west coast was something she wanted to keep to herself. But she did not want to sound too rude in refusing, but she kept vague as well. "I was captured and brought near 'ere. I left and wandered for a bit. Now I am 'ere."

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Julooke - June 13, 2014

Erika admitted that Majesty had been her friend. She frowned, That must be hard, she said. She could only imagine her being forced to chase off Verrine. Then again, if Verrine left the pack or was banned from it, she would go, too, no questions asked. He was hers before she was the pack's, after all, and he would be there long after them, too.

Her frown continued as she admitted she was trapped and brought here. That sounds so scary! she exclaimed. She wondered if the other female had tried to find her way back home, but she kept the question to herself. It wouldn't be polite to delve into something so traumatic. In an effort to change the subject, she asked, How do you like Silvertip Mountain? Her answer could be different than what Majesty had said to Julooke. If her own leaders ever inquired about the pack, at least Julooke would have the experience of two different wolves to help answer.

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Erika - June 14, 2014

Moving away from the depressing topics of her home and her friend, she thought about the pack she now lived in. "Silvertip...it iz strong and unforgiving, like ze mountain we live on. Madame Jinx has harsh rules, but only to make sure zat our pack survives. She says zat our loyalities must go to ze pack first, zen our families, zen friends from other packs."

She had agreed with the white wolf's rules on pack protocol from the first time she heard it. Why should they help the other packs during the harshes times? It would only weaken them all. And besides, the others were just competition. It was like that back home too; while the other packs would fight, Les Fantômes would survive, undisturbed.

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Julooke - June 16, 2014

Julooke listened about Silvertip. It seemed like the Alpha ran a right ship, expecting loyalty to the pack above all else, even before family. Julooke would have been torn between the two if she hadn't grew up where pack was family and family was pack. She had grown up with most of her blood relatives in the pack, so loyalty had been easy. These days, while she thought of Sterrenvuur often, she did have loyalty to Horizon Ridge. Verrine was there, Ragnar was like a father-figure, and Thistle was quickly beginning a very close friend. That must be hard when they aren't all the same, she replied. Soon enough, she would learn that Beric was in the area, and part of an enemy pack. Her loyalties would be divided and she would learn just how hard it is to keep everyone happy.

I suppose many packs are like that, though. The Alphas guide us, and care for us. In return, they should expect no less than full loyalty and respect. It didn't always work out like that, though. Her family had been supportive of her finding another home, because they knew it would always be her birthplace, a place that she would think of fondly, and maybe even visit on occasion. It would always be her home, no matter where she was. In an effort to continue the conversation, she asked, So, what kind of trades are you interested in?

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Erika - June 16, 2014

"I want to be a naturalist and an outrider." she replied. The black wolf had done well in forwarding her career in both fields. She often went on patrols around the borders, usually alone. For her naturalist career, she climbed to the higher parts of the mountain to watch for weather systems or simply looking at the moon in the night sky.

"What about you?"

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Julooke - June 18, 2014

What's a naturalist? she asked. She hadn't heard of that trade before. I'm currently a hunter, though I'm working on Healer and Caretaker, as well. The only pups we have in the pack, though, aren't old enough to be away from their parents yet, she replied. She was eagerly awaiting the day, though, that she could help raise them. In the meantime, she was continuing to learn Ragnar's culture and his language, which was tough for her.

Well, I should be getting back, she said. Don't want them to miss me, she said with a chuckle. Maybe I'll see you again sometime? she questioned. It was hard to tell who she would run into these days, so the possibilities were endless.

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Erika - June 18, 2014

Erika blinked in astonishment. Another wolf who didn't know what a naturalist was? Incroyable! "A naturalist is someone who reads ze weather and lunar cycles. For ze benefit of ze pack." she tilted her head back to take a peek at the clouds. "I wish you ze best of luck with zat. Pups are 'ard to manage." she chuckled.

She turned her gaze back to Julooke, who was excusing herself from the conversation in order to leave. "Per'aps we will meet again. Until zen, Julooke."

RE: There is no one alive who is you-er than you! - Julooke - June 19, 2014

Thanks for the thread!

Julooke nodded in understanding. They had that kind of trade in Sterrenvuur, but they hadn't called it Naturalist. She could remember learning about the clouds, which ones signaled rain in the near future and which didn't. She smiled, Yeah, they certainly can be. I'm glad I have the energy to keep up, but there are days where they wear even me out. Julooke could be considered a high-energy wolf, but her younger siblings had taught her it was not endless.

Until then, take care! she replied, before turning and making her way back home.