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Blacktail Deer Plateau mouth breather - Printable Version

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mouth breather - Sorrel Marie - December 27, 2017

@Kieran Adrien I'm assuming they're together ('cause Sorrel wouldn't want to leave his side lol) but let me know if I should change anything!

Although her joints seemed to be improving and her open wounds healing, there was something that still felt wrong. When she rose that morning, she tried to make her way onto all fours but fell nearly limp once she was almost there. Sorrel cursed under her breath — Langet maman. — then silently scolded herself for being so rude. Even if no one was awake (not they would have understood if they were), it was still poor manners to use such foul language. 

Sorrel was determined to make it somewhere. Just somewhere.  It didn't feel right having to depend on her brother for help when she was perfectly capable. They were the same age, and Kieran seemed to function just fine, so why should Sorrel not do the same? After all, there was nothing holding her back mentally (aside from the, y'know, traumatizing childhood), and she was tired of feeling like a burden.

RE: mouth breather - Kieran Adrien - December 31, 2017

Kieran had been sure to keep a close eye on his sister during the time she had spent at Morningside, however it was almost as though he didn't have to - she rarely left his side. So it came to him as perhaps a surprise when he was woken with the distinct lack of Sorrel's presence nearby. Or, it seemed that was the case at first but as his eyes slowly blinked open and peered around, he soon spotted her. She was not far.

"Morning, Sorrel." He smiled gently at her, pushing himself up and stretching with a small yawn. The boy had planned to do some hunting when he woke but for now he was happy to spend time with his only sibling. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he noticed that she had fallen limp on the floor, and he approached slowly. "You okay?" He assumed she was fine, though still slight concern laced his voice.

RE: mouth breather - Sorrel Marie - December 31, 2017

Upon hearing her brother's voice, Sorrel received a new burst of energy. She managed to lift herself (albeit, not with very much grace) and meet her brother's face with a rough lick to each cheek and her muzzle rubbed against his forehead so that she might rest her head against his. There was something so comforting about having him this close, something that felt like home. Like a real home; the home she had left behind. Ouais! I'm okay, okay. Just fell. 

Although Sorrel preferred speaking French or Creole or whatever else have you, it was clear that she'd need to improve her English speaking skills if she was going to make it anywhere anytime soon. Comprehension was a breeze, but after having avoided speaking the language for so long, that bit was more difficult.

RE: mouth breather - Kieran Adrien - January 09, 2018

At the young hunter's words, Sorrel seemed to recieve a burst of newfound energy and came closer toward him. The corners of his mouth twitched upward in a small smile, greeting her licks with one of his own to her dove brown cheek. It felt so much nicer to have family around... father was not often seen much, so having his sister beside him was very much comforting. More like home, he decided. If he had known her thoughts at that time he might have chuckled - they thought alike in some cases, it seemed. "Okay. Let me know if you need any help," For he had made a promise to himself to always look out for his only sibling, and even if it was only something small, he would be more than prepared to do what he could to assist her.

RE: mouth breather - Sorrel Marie - January 11, 2018

No, I'm okay, Sorrel assured him with an extra nudge to his shoulder. She liked having him around again like it was when they were still kids; there hadn't been that weird getting-to-know-you-again that had secretly dreaded. They had been reunited and nothing had changed. Sorrel gave a soft cough and wheeze but shook it off as nothing in hopes that her brother hadn't noticed. Pouvons jouer un jeux?

RE: mouth breather - Kieran Adrien - January 14, 2018

She reassured him that she was okay and nudged his large shoulder gently, but his offer still remained. Kieran would always do what he could to help her, the simple gesture was a promise that if she truly did need his help, he would not hesitate. It was as he thought of this that a cough and a wheeze sounded from her chest and his eyes narrowed in concern but softened when she attempted to pass it of as nothing. Did she not want him to worry over her? Whether she did or did not, he would. He left it for now, not wishing to pressure her, but he might consult Pema soon and see if she knew anything.

Then came the preposition of a game. The smile on his maw widened, and he quirked a brow at her. "Quel genre de jeu?"

RE: mouth breather - Sorrel Marie - January 14, 2018

Sorrel shrugged her shoulders as she thought. J'sais pas, she said, J'veux de faire quelque chose d'amusant, mais pas... What was the word? She took a step here, then one there, as if to communicate that she didn't want to get too movey. She wanted to play a game where all she had to do was sit and enjoy her brother's presence.