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Moonspear A bug in the system - Printable Version

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A bug in the system - Gannet - December 29, 2017

makes assumptions :0 lemme know if this doesn't gel with anyone!

When Gannet came too, he was in an unfamiliar place, but it only took the pain rushing in for him to remember exactly what had brought him to this. He whimpered softly at the burning in his leg, a sensation that would only get worse if he tried to move.  At least Tit had managed to get clear, or so he hoped.  

He he couldn't blame Hydra for this any more than he felt to blame for intervening.  Family and pack came before acquaintances, every time, and he could only be grateful to still be breathing.  They had been so angry.  Who were those others, the ones that looked like her? Or was it she who broke his leg?

Full of questions, and yet with no answers forthcoming, Gannet's mind raced over his predicament.  It would be a while before he was able to go home.  Had they even noticed he was gone?

RE: A bug in the system - Hydra - December 29, 2017

He had been out for a while, and much had happened between then and now. 

The Beta moved to go check in on him for the umpteenth time, having memorized the path to where it was he stayed. Hydra had yet to fully forgive Gannet for his intervention and in fact, wanted to see what was on his mind about it. He likely did not know the extent of it, but he would. He had a broken leg to show for his mistake and his transgression both, but he ought to be dead. There was a small piece of Hydra that had wanted that, offended that he would come against her so on their territory... but she chalked it up to a misunderstanding for the moment. 

It was why she was so calm as she chuffed into the den he rested in. And it looked like he was up this time. Lyra had graciously attempted to make something of a splint to keep the leg as stable as possible. But it had definitely been broken, which meant he had a long road to recovery. 

How are you feeling? She thought to ask. Hydra had liked Gannet, and still did. He was just on the wrong side that day. The "loud one", as Vaati had called him, did not deserve his loyalty.

RE: A bug in the system - Gannet - December 29, 2017

Despite the pain in his leg, instinct made Gannet attempt to pull away as someone approached.  When he saw who it was, however, he relaxed only briefly; the events from the previous encounter kept him unsurprisingly on edge.

"Fine," he answered honestly.  Though the pain was bad, he didn't imagine there was much to do about it, and he didn't need anything from her currently.  Food, shelter; he imagined he'd test their patience enough in the coming weeks.  He needed to get home.

"What happened?"  Not to his leg, he knew that.  His confusion lay in other places, and he hoped she could tell him what the hell he'd stumbled into.  Why did they want to kill his brother so badly? He hadn't been able to grab much context, so much had happened so quickly.

RE: A bug in the system - Hydra - December 29, 2017

He would feel as good as he possibly could feel in the moment, given the situation at hand. Hydra felt bad he was kept here, but it was not as a prisoner. The weather would not be good for him to travel in and with everything else going on, it was unwise to travel with an injured member of their party. It was not a necessary, or smart, risk. 

She obliged him when he asked her what had happened. 

A wolf in your ranks killed my sister. I arrived in time to see him flee the scene. You intervened in time to stop anything happening that day, but now a coward and a murderer is out there. A part of the reason Hydra herself had let him live was because this, she felt, was something for the Caldera's conscience to carry. You saw it fit to protect him against me that day, which I can only think is because you would never assume such a thing to be possible for any of yours to do, Hydra blinked slowly, and looked to her feet. I am an aspiring tactician. I wonder if that wolf I had spoken to you of had this done; if I had missed him in the area. If he wanted to break the tentative alliance between the Caldera and Moonspear, so that the Woods could watch us pit against one another instead, she explained her thought process. Vaati had said he did not employ Titmouse, but even then she did not believe him fully (yet)—how could he know him? Why would he want to kill him, except to perhaps withhold pertinent information such as this from her? Even though she had not seen him, it was not impossible for him to do such a thing. 

It all made sense to Hydra. It is only that wolf I want, Gannet—I admire your bravery for intervening, and your loyalty, though I don't appreciate it, she admitted with a sigh. She was quiet then, waiting to see how he might respond to all of her thoughts.

RE: A bug in the system - Gannet - December 29, 2017

He listened silently as Hydra explained, frowning when she mentioned a murder.  He couldn't imagine what reason Titmouse would have for killing a girl of the Moonspear, especially on their own land.  The move would be suicide in itself, and what could he have to gain?  She didn't know his brother, or perhaps she'd see what a ridiculous notion this was.  He did not voice any of this, however, choosing as always to keep it simple.

"He's my brother," he offered finally, as if this single statement could clear up everything.  To do nothing would have been far worse; if he couldn't protect his family, even out here, what kind of pack wolf was he?  No matter what he had done, Gannet had to believe there was reason behind it, and he had to support those he was sworn to.  Even the ones he was not as close to.

His frown deepened, though.  If she was a tactician, then what did she see in this.  "Why d'you think he did it?" He asked, staring at her.  Perhaps she saw an edge this would give Titmouse, or the Caldera itself, that he did not.

RE: A bug in the system - Hydra - December 29, 2017

His brother. Ah. Made even more sense now. But not much of a difference there. 

As for why she thought he did it? The wolf that had attacked Rannoch did it without reason. If he was around again, it had nothing to do with the Caldera. Whoever he could have threatened to see it done, I do not doubt he would do it. It must have been your brother he found; saw him as an easy mark, someone who was not strong enough to fight back. Hydra grit her teeth. Yes, Tit did look like a weak, scrawny shitbag when he fled from her that day; but her hatred toward him warped his image entirely. 

And, she added, he ran. If it were you, would you flee if you were not guilty? Would you not call for help? Hydra pressed, curious.

RE: A bug in the system - Liffey - December 29, 2017

*barges in*

Liffey had been away from the Spear when it all had happened, but it had not taken long for her to be filled in on all that had occurred once she'd returned. Her head was spinning still from the news - Galaxy dead, Titmouse a suspect, and Gannet. Gannet. Gannet. Here, and injured, and.. Gannet. The Blackthorn could hardly find the wherewithall to comprehend. Her heart was broken from loss, and fear for what this meant for her family at the Caldera may have strangled her if she had paused to truly consider all of it. For now, Liffey could hardly think straight at all. Gannet was here.

She raced quickly through the territory, searching him out. She didn't know exactly where they had taken him, but she knew her oldest friend's scent well enough to pick it out of anywhere. It occurred to her that he was likely guarded by the cerberus and she would need to confront them - something she avoided at all costs, usually. Not today, though. She didn't falter for a single second when the scent of the dark sisters melted into Gannet's. She steeled herself inwardly as she continued, not stopping until she arrived to see a single black wolf standing (or sitting idk) over her friend.

Liffey glanced from Hydra to Gannet, her ears falling back as her concern caught up to her, nearly choking her. It had been such a long time since she'd last seen him. Memories of playing on the Caldera's snowy slopes came rushing into her mind, causing a wave of wistful nostalgia to sweep across her heart. "Gannet..." she said softly, with a very brief, pained smile. She looked from him to Hydra and back again, searching his face as she wordlessly asked if he was alright.

RE: A bug in the system - Gannet - December 29, 2017

He didn't know a Rannoch, and still didn't quite understand what this other wolf could do to make Titmouse kill.  Threaten him? Maybe, but then wouldn't Tit have just gone home instead? After all, the other hadn't been there when it happened.  He couldn't have followed through.

He was scared, Gannet thought a bit defensively, but he knew arguing here would do him no good.  And it was true; he would not have run.  But if his brother hadn't, would they have killed him that much faster?

"He isn't me."  Gannet shrugged, not sure what else to say.  He didn't know much of his brother, either way.  Maybe he was a killer.  Yet it jarred even then when he thought it.  

He was spared responding more when another burst in, causing him to start again.  But this time, even with the serious conversation, a bright grin lit up Gannet's entire face.  "Liffey!"  He hadn't forgotten his original purpose in these parts, but with his side tracked journey of late, seeing her made a lot of the worry melt away.

RE: A bug in the system - Hydra - December 29, 2017

I know, Hydra said with a sigh, I was hoping you could convince me otherwise. I would rather not... she did not continue. This was his brother, after all, and she had some tact. Not only that, but she liked Gannet. I hate to think it. I just do not know what else to think. There she is, dead—there he is, running. If he had called, Hydra breathed, if he hadn't done it, and he had called—she might still be alive. The words pained her to say because she believed them—and now, they would never know. Galaxy had been good, even if she was not good for much. Her heart was pure and she was an Ostrega and like their father, she loved the stars. She was pure like Korei Julia, who, truth be told, Hydra did love in her way; she did not deserve to die. Hydra looked to Gannet, hoping he could give her some kind of answer—this was his brother, after all—when the sound of an approacher came. 

It was Liffey who entered. The concern here was for Gannet, and Gannet alone—it was not, nor had it been, for any of the wolves of Moonspear. Had it ever been? Hydra did not mind it—it was only a matter of time before she left, dead weight that she was. There were days Hydra wanted to believe Liffey was a decent wolf, but here and now it was confirmed it was not the case. 

But Hydra had not the energy to muster up anger today. Her sister was dead and avenged, and so was her grievance with Liffey—sparing Vaati had been just that. Hydra wondered if she ought to regret it now; she had no time to think and acted selfishly in sparing him, not even considering how deep his role in this plot could be. She would find out. If truly he did not, then their score was still what it was—settled. 

The Beta greeted Liffey with a hey, Liffey, and, noting Gannet's lightened mood, she smiled halfheartedly. Their previous conversation had been too sobering for her to be too happy, and not only this, but he was happy about this girl. Well, they had been childhood friends, hadn't they? The details were a bit of a blur. Careful—mind his leg, she murmured, it's broken. She cast Gannet a look that was borderline apologetic; but, well, he had come for her. What did he expect would happen at their borders? Still, she bore him no resentment for it clearly.

RE: A bug in the system - Liffey - January 02, 2018

A smile flashed across Gannet's face as his eyes swept to her. Liffey shut her eyes, taking a moment to allow relief to wash over her. She took his enthusiasm as a sign that he was not too seriously injured and for that, she was desperately thankful. She looked at him again, her smile gentle though still tense as she glanced briefly at Hydra. There seemed to be no malice in the girl's tone as she greeted her - only exhaustion. Her heart tightened painfully as she thought of Galaxy again and her smile faltered. She dropped her gaze respectfully as she moved to close the remaining gap between herself and Gannet. She reached to sniffle at his nose affectionately before settling down at his side, careful to avoid his apparently broken leg.

"I'm so sorry to hear about Galaxy. I...," Liffey said softly, emotion hitching in her throat. She truly had liked the child - probably the first she'd ever encountered that had won her affection so easily. She took a moment to collect herself before saying finally with a gentle shake of her head, "She was good". The happy, imaginative, sweet little girl did not deserve to die so young with so much left to give to the world, and to learn and experience from it.

It pained her even more to think that Titmouse might somehow be responsible. She refused to believe that if her little brother had been responsible that it had been intentional. The boy could be bad-tempered and sour at times, but he was not a killer. He was, however, not the brightest, and she could stretch her imagination enough to accept that he may be capable of inadvertently causing someone's death.

That, of course, was of no consolation to her. But that didn't mean she wasn't desperate to know the truth, so Liffey raised her eyes to Gannet, questioning silently what had happened. As kids, they had barely ever needed words to communicate - it was one of their special gifts. Many months had gone by since those days, but Liffey didn't doubt for even a second that her friend would know her language still.

RE: A bug in the system - Gannet - January 02, 2018

When Liffey settled next to him, he took a moment to press his face into her side affectionately.  He was so glad to see her.  She spoke to Hydra and he listened quietly.  He obviously did not know Galaxy, but he knew what losing someone hurt like.  

He was curious, however.  He could tell Hydra was upset, but still, he asked the question that was on his mind.  It had never been his way to hold back.  "If it had been you, what would you do?"  Did she truly think him wrong in his actions, or if had been her sister running from the Caldera, would she have left her to her fate?  Perhaps it was insensitive to ask, but he was genuine.  She could refuse an answer and he would not be offended.  He found he cared about her opinion of him, and in his mind, this would at least show what she took from his actions.  Maybe what he thought was right she disagreed on.

When he finished, he looked back at Liffey and smiled.  He'd seen the question and understood it, but wanted to hear what Hydra responded before continuing.  He wasn't sure honestly what there was to explain, or what Liffey had heard.

RE: A bug in the system - Hydra - January 03, 2018

When Liffey regarded her, Hydra was unsure whether or not it was out of pity or true, genuine care. She did not know the Blackthorn all that well, and that was the fault of them both. Still, she decided to believe that the other cared—Galaxy was good. Why another had sought fit to take her, she did not know. Why anyone was desperate to believe that this was not the truth and fight against what witnesses saw, she also was not sure. Korei was naive to think that the other had no part at all in her death. Small teeth or not, he left her there to die. He ran. And if somehow he maneuvered the small-teethed beast to their sister? 

The runaway was guilty. Guilt made him run. What else? 

The typically eloquent Hydra found herself at a loss for words to Liffey's condolences. She looked at her paws for a moment, trying to form some sort of thank-you or words of appreciation, but in her grief she found nothing. Her sister was dead and gone; no apology would make it better. But at the least, Hydra saw that Liffey was making some sort of effort. Hydra looked back to the striped she-wolf and nodded, the gesture earnest. Her voice was strained when she at length tried to verbally agree to the sentiment: She i—...was, is no more. 

As to his own posed question, Hydra's ears pricked. Given that she and him were the same caliber of wolf, she was not offended by his inquiry. She knew he did not mean it in an off-color way. My sisters would not run, she answered at length. I'm certain that even Korei Julia would have called for help. Lyra is a medic; Alya a scout. If they had run, she responded, I would know their guilt, inadvertent or otherwise. And she knew what she would do, then. And so I understand why you did what you did that day. And you understand why we acted as we had, she tilted her head. It seemed they were on the same page as one another. Hydra did not see Gannet, or the Caldera, as the enemy. Though his defense of his brother on their territory was foolish and ought to have been fatal, she had graciously stayed her hand—a courtesy she afforded more than one as of late for an ample amount of reasons.

RE: A bug in the system - Liffey - January 06, 2018

Lifferz is just going to hang out quietly unless addressed directly, so feel free to skip me :)

The look on Hydra's face was heartbreaking. As little as Liffey actually liked the beta or her identical sisters, she was too empathetic a creature to not feel awful for her. She tried to offer comfort silently through her own expression as the other girl fumbled to respond. She hadn't expected a response; there was nothing really to say. But the effort she was putting forth did not go unnoticed. Though Liffey would not have traded Galaxy's life for anything, she appreciated that some, small bit of good was perhaps coming from it, even if it was only ever this one solitary moment of common ground and comfort.

Gannet didn't answer her, though his expression told her that he understood and would. She slid down onto her belly, settling in beside her friend as the conversation moved along. Liffey did not fully know yet all the details of what had happened. The words they traded threatened to send her mind spinning even more, but she was tempered by the lack of tension in this little meeting and the lack of imminent danger to her friend made it easier to think clearly and so reel her thoughts back in. Still, she remained silent, having no desire to contribute before she understood the whole matter fully.

RE: A bug in the system - Gannet - January 06, 2018

Edit - gonna go ahead and close this out <3

Gannet nodded.  Perhaps they wouldn't have.  Titmouse... well, from what little Gannet had seen of his brother, Titmouse was not brave.  Gannet thought panic more likely than guilt, even now, but he at least knew enough not to argue.  He did not understand why they were so convinced Titmouse was guilty, but he did understand why they had attacked him.  They couldn't know he only intended to get in front, to block and slow.  If they had thought him a thread, taking his leg was the surest way to stop him.

Yes, had it been his home, he might have done the same.

"Yes," he vocalized, giving a slight smile to show he did, indeed, understand, and that he had no hard feelings on the matter.  

He did not know what Liffey knew or not, so when he turned to her, he summarized. "Titmouse came, and I tried to stop them."  He looked at Hydra, then grinned.  "It didn't work out."  Not for him, at least.  Tit might have gotten away, but he had made a snap decision with little forethought.  Then he sobered.  "Sorry." This he directed at Hydra.  No matter his thoughts, he was sorry someone she cared about was now gone.  No one should have that happen, least of all this girl, whom he did truly like.

He was enthusiastically grateful for their company, so when they stayed a while longer, he settled into a contented pattern of listening and answering in his own way what he could.