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The Sunspire the world is ours - Printable Version

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the world is ours - Valor - May 27, 2014

The morning was partly cloudy, the rising sun warm and fiercely orange in the sky, painting the clouds a myriad of colors, pinks, purples, pale blues, orange. For a moment Valor paused, moss green eyes with starbursts of gold near the pupils taking in the sight before him, briefly mesmerized. Having been born on a mountain he did not fear their towering heights, instead, finding a savage beauty in each design. The towering extravagance before him was certainly no exception and the Phase boy, having shed the ‘Roux-Abrhen’ name though, in truth, he was fairly certain the last names of the Salvaje Valley, so far behind him now, would hold no weight here. Valor could have shed them both, disconnected himself from them entirely and made a new name for himself; yet he could not bring himself to do that. It would be disgraceful of him and would tarnish the memory of his mother and her family: something he could not bring himself to do. Though the animosity he held towards Symphony was old, and apparently a trait shared through many males in his family, he had learned to let it go, too. Valor couldn’t even remember what he had been angry about, now, leaving his bad and good memories very far behind him.

The slope he faced was a gentle one, picturesque; nothing short of a dying man’s mirage in the searing and scorching heat of the desert and instinctively Valor found himself drawn to it as a whole, the oasis and the snow-capped top, the jagged and potentially much more dangerous half of the mount. He did not find it intimidating as others might have, used to navigating harsh and treacherous terrain, where one slip would find you potentially plummeting to the crags and jagged spike-like rocks that would rise to greet your body as it fell. Deaths happened and that wasn’t to say that Valor’s experience would be able to spare him, he had watched an older sibling fall to the dark depths, heard the sickening crunch of his body as it collided. Small breath was taken as he shook those memories away and focused his attention upon the present, considering it deserved his undivided attention more than old, and admittedly, horrible memories.

After a few more moments of admiring, the agouti colored creature — a homage to his mother’s side of the family — began to make his way to the oasis half of the mountain, hoping to be able to find shelter and food within.

RE: the world is ours - Jace - May 27, 2014

LIke always Jace was ghosting the mountain range intent upon claiming it when they could. He smell was by no means strong here, but it was still there apparent that he inhabited the area even if it were for himself and his friends. He was becoming bitter and a bit distant with the world and found he did not wish to even look towards the creek dwelling certain that they all hated his name and thought of him in the most terrible of ways. He found a dark presence of hatred had taken up residence in his heart and it was directed mostly towards the red furred female that had banished him when he had done no wrong. He still held his impeccable manners and his friendly nature, but he was also not easily swayed as he had once been.

Today like the loners a few days prior he came upon another and spoke to him Hello there. What brings you to the sunspire? Though he had no claim he hoped too and he wanted to get to know those who traversed among it's plains and copses.

RE: the world is ours - Valor - May 27, 2014

I was hoping you'd join! :D

Valor had not been ignorant of the trailing scents of wolves that came, went, and presently lingered upon the Sunspire. It might have been enough, knowing there was the presence of others, to ward off other wolves, but there was no official borders and hardly enough to be considered a claim and that was enough for Valor to make his way towards Oasis as he pleased. Until it was claimed by distinct scent markers as far as Valor was concerned it was a free territory and he was doing nothing wrong being here. A large, ebony man came with the intent of approaching the average sized loner. For a blind second, Valor almost recoiled thinking it was his uncle Cadence, but of course, Cadence was not nearly so young, and even so Valor had lost the knowledge of if Cadence was even alive anymore.

Valor acknowledged the other with caution and suspicion as most loners tended to acknowledge one another with — at least as far as Valor’s own experiences went; yet when the other male spoke there were hidden connotations that the Phase picked up upon. A greeting as if it were actually a pack. Head tilted to the side, moss green eyes starburst with gold studied the other man as Valor contemplated this, black, leathery nostrils flaring. “I am looking for shelter and for something to eat,” He responded simply, honestly but with no intentions of being stopped because there was no claim here (yet) and Valor did not have to really answer the other, currently.

Granted, Valor did not speak with intention of pissing his companion off. Valor was in no mood to fight though he had intended to make Sunspire a temporary home considering he would feel most at home upon it's looming presence.

RE: the world is ours - Jace - May 27, 2014

:) YAY

Jace saw the other make a small movement but then it was not heeded. He wondered at it first, but then figured it was merely a trick of the light for a second so he then ignored it. Jace had no claim and therefore would not even so much as treat an outsider with contempt, however he did like to get to know those that came and went even if it were just for company or to get to know potential packmates as he still largely recruited.

Jace studied the agouti colored male in front of him and gave a nod of greeting. I apologize if I seem a bit pushy. I am Jace, I can take you to the oasis if you like? I have traversed here for many days now. He tilted his large head, blue eyes studying the other in front of him. The curiosity that fueled his fire wondered where the new male was from, but the new dark bitter part of him refused to even ask it did not do any good to get to make friends just to perhaps lose them later.

RE: the world is ours - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 30, 2014

tell me to go and I'll leave :)

Ferdie Von Pelt had been limbering up traversing the paths of the SunSpire Mountains, mostly he was trying to heal quickly, and he was doing so in mother natures time. The older male drew up to the very familiar wolf and the new wolf he had not yet met. A very fat goose dangling in his jaw, as he came up to the pair he lay it down and nudged it between Jace and the other wolf he had just finished eating one though he had groomed himself afterward, not allowing any blood to dry upon his coat

He kept his posture soft his tail limp and his expression friendly, he did not yet have any claim to these lands though he wanted to make it to the mountain top and claim it's peek a safe place with shelter from other packs.

Hello He offered his name with was more then he could say for most wolves he had ever met. I am Ferdie Von Pelt Though he had always introduced himself thustly no one unless they were mocking him had ever called him that, they usually stuck to Ferdie. He didn't mind that it used to both him in his younger days but he soon learned it wasn't just a few wolfs it was everyone. He had just come to accept it, and then hate belong called by his full name by those who were not truly friends. perhaps we three could travel together for a short time? He looked at green eyed male hoping for more company not that Jace was not good company, Ferdie just wanted to surround himself with more wolves.

RE: the world is ours - Valor - June 01, 2014

Thanks for joining Kris! Don't mind slight changes to Valor here and there, I'm trying not to make them too colossal but I need to tweak his personality until I find one that fits. :p Also, I'm sorry Valor has jumped to the wrong conclusion, LOL.

An apology came soon after Valor had spoken and the male kissed of earth and fire gave the shadowy man the brief moment of a benefit of the doubt. The male called himself Jace; this Jace offered no explanation of why he was being assertive and Valor, in turn, did not ask. At the current point in time all he wanted was food to satiate his hunger or at least take the curb of it away, something to drink, and a place to shelter him through the night until he found a pack to join up with. It occurred to the Phase that perhaps he was intruding on something private that Jace and so without any further explanation this was what Valor concluded; yet, it was not enough to push him to seek what he sought elsewhere. “That would be preferable,” Valor spoke and after a beat offered a mutedly grateful, “Thank you.” In another brief moment Valor considered giving his name in turn and then let trepidation hold him back. Was there a point in it when there was a good chance they would not come in contact with one another again? The Teekon Wilds seemed vast and the chances of it happening upon coincidence alone were probably unlikely.

Their duo soon became a trio at the approach of another male, a plump goose grasped in his jaws. The newcomer nudged it between the ebony man and Valor though Valor did not go for it; despite the slight grumble of his stomach, assuming it was meant for the ebony man. It was quickly apparent that the two men were well acquainted and their scents clung to one another in a way that left Valor making very wrong assumptions. The other male introduced himself, too, leaving Valor with the unbidden pressure of feeling like he, too, should give a name. “Valor,” He offered simply, keeping ‘Phase’ off of it because he sincerely doubted it would spark any recognition. Valor’s gaze moved from Ferdie to Jace, vaguely surprised by the offer to travel with them.

“Are you sure?” He inquired definitely not wanting to become that awkward third wheel.

RE: the world is ours - Jace - June 01, 2014

Good God! Why does everyone think their lovers lmao? Does jace have a gay vibe for real? I mean I don't see it...metro maybe..but gay nah...:P LOl and it's fine whatever works love <3

Jace studied the male in front of him and he dipped his head in acknowledgement of his thank you. You are Welcome. Jace dipped his muzzle to Ferdie when he came and offered him a small tail wag. Both of them their wounds were healing though slowly and it drove him mad. He wanted to run again and hunt and fish, but he had to take it slow for the time being to allow himself to heal.

He realized now he should probably explain to Valor why there were two lone wolves up here who smelt like each other and the land around did too. Well Met Valor. I should have probably explained before Ferdie here came upon us. Ferdie and I are in the midst of hoping to start a pack here. That is why I seemed a bit assertive earlier and why the area may smell of us. But please come this way I'll show you towards the oasis. He did not tell him that they could always use more wolves, he assumed that went without saying and if the other could hear the underlying offer of join well so be it and if not well so be that as well. He turned his ebony body towards the mountain and began to traipse up it's side.

RE: the world is ours - Ferdie Von Pelt - June 01, 2014

ye gads dont trust spell check I must re-read my posts better, ugh *Hides head in a paper bag over that last post*

Ferdie Von Pelt smiled genuinely I wouldn't offer if I was not sure. He chuffed softly and picked up the goose setting right at Valor's feet before stepping back to offer Valor proper and respectful personal space. You eat that I'm quiet full, the oasis we will take you to has many fowl around it. Makes it easy to sneak up and get one.

Ferdie lingered only moving in Jace's direction when or if Valor did, Though it was clear these two males were bonded and close friends they were more like father and son toward each other, Ferdie was much older and his desire to having pups of his own was very keen.

When I howl our claim; would you howl with us and join us? Ferdie was much more forth coming and to the point, they needed more wolves they had no caches yet they'd need to start them, summer was here winter was going to be hard without them. Valor barely knew them however when one joined a pack they barely knew those within the pack so this was not much different in essence. He glanced after Jace eager to follow hopefully with Valor at his side.

forgot to close tags

RE: the world is ours - Valor - June 05, 2014

LOL. Valor makes assumptions as he sees them and Cutthroat might believe it because of Bazi, lol. :P

“I see,” Valor drew in a contemplative tone when Jace explained that Ferdie and him were in the process of forming a pack on this mount but there was still, despite that, obvious history between the two of them that allowed Valor to continue with his misconception that the two men were lovers. Green-golden irises flickered to the other male, Ferdie, then when he confirmed that he would not have asked if he wasn’t sure. For a moment Valor considered declining the offer, not because he had a problem with the two men being lovers, as Valor assumed, but simply because they did not know each other and it was almost a desperate seeming offer. For a few moments he was silent, eyes observing the two men, one of which had turned back to the oasis, only for his gaze to flicker at the goose that Ferdie had placed at his paws as an offering, — how Valor saw it as — or maybe a bribe, his stomach rumbling again.

The silence stretched on as the earth and fire kissed male considered his options with a careful precision he felt was entirely warranted. “Fine,” Valor decided finally, fixing his gaze on Ferdie who had been the one to make the blunt offer. “I will join you. Are there others?” Valor knew it was a good chance to be apart of something new rather than try to intergrade himself into something pre-existing.

RE: the world is ours - Jace - June 05, 2014

I guess if they didn't know them as affectionate and kind as jace and ferdie are the mistake could be made and maybe someday my boy will experiment but for now he and I are content.

Jace heard the acceptance and turned icy blues back towards the other. two others for now females Nightingale and Amekaze. I believe the saying here would be once you build it they will come. he tilted his head at the other male studying that which was before him.

where does your love lie friend? hunting, scouting, fighting, healing? I am merely curious. he turned back around lookinjg back to allude that he was listening but continued to walk to the oasis.

RE: the world is ours - Ferdie Von Pelt - June 05, 2014

Ferdie smiled broadly, Good then! and nudged Valor's shoulder amicably then quickly padded after Jace, when they reached the Oasis Ferdie would howl his claim then. He wanted to make this place their home, and start fresh, before he got swallowed up in old habits.

Truly, though not desperate, he was rather in a hurry to collect wolves new and old so that he may make a comfortable place to live and expand upon. Since he was planing on taking the lead it was his job to prepare the fledgling pack for lean winter months; he was not about to fail in his first year. He needed to seek warm places to den and build caches and relations without the 'other' near by packs. Swiftcurrent creek was likely going to be hostile toward them, but he wasn't sure though young and naive their Alpha was not one to hold grudges as far as he could see.

More important then warm bodies to fill the ranks; was Wolves whom could do the tasks Jace mentioned, Ferdie could not do them all he would need to delegate properly. He was no healer he hoped the young Nightingale was getting better at the trade of healing for they would likely need her.

He tipped an ear to the male, keen to hear the less then talkative Valor's response.

RE: the world is ours - Valor - June 08, 2014

For the sake of moving this along going to go ahead and fade this here. Danni and Kris you can both assume that Valor told them of his skills (which I...have to figure out what they are, lol).

Valor’s questions were answered precisely and quickly as when Jace informed Valor that there were two others: two females. For a moment Valor hesitated thinking that Jace meant his love life instead of his skills and wondered if he was being hit on subtly. Tail slashed against his hind legs for a moment before he realized as Jace clarified that he hadn’t been asking about the Phase’s love life (which was something of a relief to the male). He grasped the goose that had been offered to him in his muzzle and carried it, following after the two males, flinching away, instinctively (he wasn’t used to being touched by others) when Ferdie nudged his shoulder. It had been a platonic nudge, a sign of cooperation but it had been some time since Valor had last been in a pack and wasn’t used to it. As they walked he told the two males his strengths and weaknesses all the while wondering what kind of luck he had to have to unintentionally stumble upon a pack trying desperately to get on their feet.