Wolf RPG
Ankyra Sound even the sky bent around me - Printable Version

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even the sky bent around me - Ajatar - January 07, 2018

Everything has fallen into routine now that a good chunk of Drageda has marched off to war. She’s observed those left, only one of them she’s comfortable enough to be around. Tirgatao offers a good insight when she has questions, and she does not hesitate to ask when she does. Most of the time since her arrival it has been her answering questions from others curious about how things are done elsewhere. She doesn’t mind it too much but her purpose in being here isn’t being quite fulfilled as she suspected it would be and her original intention hasn’t been met.

As she reaches the southern border of Drageda, she moves away from the cliffs and borders the sound. Her interest this morning moves beyond their claim, taking a little while to herself. Her time in neighboring territories are few and far between but she has benefited from them all, learning her local surroundings. The forest on the opposite side of the coast has her attention. A light layer of snow has touched the grounds through the thick trees, but it isn’t until she finds a clearing to a fallen sequoia breaks into a new path where extra layers have fallen throughout the last few days.

Her ears cup forward, listening to the faint sounds of the ocean in the distance, but she pauses, scanning over the new opening for signs of life.

RE: even the sky bent around me - Raptor - January 08, 2018

Raptor was not a hunter. Or at least not in the traditional sense of the word. He was a masterful scavenger and at times a cagey ambusher. But he was not a wolf to stalk and chase and otherwise exert himself trying to wrangle some living thing into dinner. Today was the exception. This shoreline was new to him and he had not yet learned where the best pickings could be had; where the tidepools were most full and refreshed regularly, what stretches of beach the tides favored with their offerings, and so on and so forth. There were three mouths to feed by number but at least ten if you counted how much his one mouth wanted.

So, the sable pirate took to pursuing a coyote. He might not have but it had swiped the dead gull he had scented and had been heading for. In a way, even this was not hunting — revenge seeking may be a better term for it. Either way, Raptor was not bound for success. He lost the coyote's trail somewhere in the trees and had nothing to show for his efforts but a long white feather that had fallen from the gull. He carried this thing in his mouth like some sort of (sad) consolation prize, grumpily chewing the stem like a cowboy might gnaw on a long sprig of hay grass.

His sour rumination on the coyote was cut short as he spotted a white wolf. Bored and irritated from the failed chase, Raptor considered how he might turn this opportunity into something good (for him). He lazily opted to plunk his arse down where he was and make a game out of seeing how long it took for her to notice him if at all.

RE: even the sky bent around me - Raptor - January 26, 2018

Concluding and archiving by request :)

She never noticed him and started to head away, and he, deciding that he was not in the mood to pursue and harass her, turned back toward shore where he hoped there would be another chance for a meal.