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Blacktail Deer Plateau smells like teen spirit - Printable Version

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smells like teen spirit - Amelie - May 27, 2014

this one's for @Grimlock :3

It was late in the afternoon, the sun was burning blood red staining the sky with orange flecks that faded into pinks and yellows across the sky. Amelie laid on a soft patch of newly grown grass, staring lazily at the spectacle above her head. She figured she could get a little me-time and watch the sunset since Blue was busy and hadn't assigned anything for her to do that afternoon.

Her eyes drifted lazily across the horizon, as usual it was a cloudy day with promise of light drizzles in the future. The youngster flopped to her side, allowing herself to fully relax and forget everything around her. The feeling of the soft blades of grass against her cheek and the light breeze blowing over her were lulling her to a trance.

With her eyes almost closed and a half smile on her face, she began to hum to a happy tune she had heard somewhere a long time ago..

RE: smells like teen spirit - Grimlock - May 31, 2014

The sun had began it’s descent towards the horizon and after a successful scouting trip of sorts, keeping close to the Plateau he had determined that there was a couple rabbit nests teeming with baby life in the nearby area he had made his way back (not that he intended to tell anyone). Grimlock hadn’t strayed far because he wasn’t sure if Peregrine would be ok with him making super long trips or wandering too far away from the Plateau (despite that Grimlock itched to explore further that he had allowed himself). Short of hunting for something to eat and then maybe patrolling a little bit before he hit his den for shut eye the raptor wasn’t …sure what to do with himself. Gale and Whimsy weren’t here to make him wait on their every beck and call and while Grimlock didn’t inherently miss being their servant he …well… missed it.

Wrapped up in his thoughts as he had been the raptor hadn’t even noticed the girl before he was nearly tripping over her; though how the ebony girl went unnoticed was a rather wide mystery he back pedaled suddenly, brow furrowed as he eyed her for a few seconds, confused on how she had gotten there as if she had just sprung into existence there instead of having been there way before Grimlock had sauntered onto the scene. Mind still reeling on how he had missed her — he settled for the conclusion that he was so used to seeing bland black colored wolves that he just didn’t see them anymore he took a few more steps backwards. “Uh hey, sorry for almost tripping over you.” It was the worst apology anywhere but it was the best he could come up with in such short amount of time (since he was still determined that she had just popped into existence).

RE: smells like teen spirit - Amelie - June 01, 2014

The young girl's mind drifted off to the days she could call some of her happiest, when she was no bigger than little Osprey Jr. and her mother stuck around more than usual since the boys were not yet big enough to cause trouble for the few time they were awake. Little Amelie enjoyed those days in particular since for her it meant she'd had the warmth and protection from her mother, something she'd desperately long for in the months that would follow.

She continued to hum her happy tune, the one her own mother used to sing when the sunny summer days kissed the sky, making the air thick and the sky cloudles. She hummed softly, until the weight upon her eyelids and the gentle feeling of the grass on her face began to take over her conciousness.

It was only then, when she had finally given into her tiredness and was walking along the thin line between the subconscious, that the sound of approaching paw steps woke her up with a jolt. She jerked her head towards the source of the sound, craning her neck to get a better look.

In front of her a young male, looking as confused as she was, glanced at her uncomfortably, muttering a petty excuse for almost stepping all over her like an old rug. Amelie blinked at him blankly and sniffed curiously as she pulled herself into a seating position, her tail poised over her toes, "Uh..don't worry, it's all good" she shrugged, "Who are you...?" she asked, recognizing immidiately Peregrine's scent, which hinted he was also a member of the Plateu.

RE: smells like teen spirit - Grimlock - June 02, 2014

Grimlock had not noticed the humming, or that, in hindsight, it had been what he had subconsciously been following, following the general direction even when it had faded off into the sounds of the forest, the cries of the songbirds trilling their mating calls (or whatever the purpose of their singing was), the whispering rustle of the leaves of the canopies above, or even the creak of a tree as the earth it was dug into settled. Of course at his approach and the slow awareness that he was not alone in the clearing by nearly tripping over the ebony girl. Seriously, what was with all the ebony wolves on this Plateau? Grimlock couldn’t help but tersely think, annoyed by the fact that there were so many and the fact that in that respect it was like he had not really left Flightless Falcons at all. She jerked awake, her head whipping to face the raptor.

His muttering of an excuse only got him a blank look from the girl and the raptor’s brow furrowed, affronted, the lines of his face tersely displaying his awkward disposition of the whole situation and the fact that he wasn’t sure how she would take his presence. He didn’t know for sure but he gathered that this was Amelie who Blue Willow (I seriously keep trying to type Black Widow, aha) had mentioned. At least, as far as Grimlock aware she was the only female Juvenile in the pack. All the others — Grimlock’s relatives — were too young. “Grimlock,” The raptor offered stiffly realizing that he was definitely horrible with girls that weren’t his family. This absolutely proved it. Other teens might have tried flirting with her but then again, Grimlock wasn’t like ‘other boys’. He was brash, crude and uncouth. A quintessential bad boy and that did not automatically grant him the Eighties movies’ bad boy smoothness. “Grimlock DiSarinno. But, uh, you can call me Grim or Lock, I answer to both so I don’t really care.” The raptor wouldn’t have cared if she called him ‘hey you’.

“You’re Amelie, right?” He blurted out without even bothering to give her the courtesy of introducing herself. “Blue Willow mentioned you a bit.” He explained, in case the chick got the wrong idea and though he was stalking her or something equally as gross and creepy like that.

RE: smells like teen spirit - Amelie - June 03, 2014

Oh, he is member of the Plateu alright, she thought to herself as the boy shuffled uncomfortably in front of her. It was hard to tell who was more confused, but it was obvious the atmosphere around the two juveniles was filled with awkwardness and tension, so dense that could almost be felt on the girl's shoulders.

The boy then went ahead and introduced himself, easing Amelie's own nerves when he pronounced his name. "Grim" she repeated, liking the sound of it, she had certainly not heard about the boy before, but then again she didn't know anyone besides Blue, little Junior and of course Peregrine. Her yellow eyes flickered curiously across his face, he had an air of indifference that made the young girl bite her lip. He seemed to be the same age as her, but more..mature.

While the poor teen squirmed in awkwardness, she almost missed when the young man said her name. As if she had been pushed into ice cold water, Amelie pricked her ears towards him. An internal battle struggling whether to feel complimented or uncomfortable that he already knew her name. She managed to flash him a weak smile before nodding. "Oh, yes that's me.."

Oh what an idiot! she screamed in her head, 'Oh yes that's me?'. She frowned and gave a quick lash of her tail before she raised her head again to meet his eyes.