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Blacktail Deer Plateau Life can be sweet - Printable Version

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Life can be sweet - Blue Willow - May 27, 2014


Blue Willow had left early in the morning in an attempt to get some hunting done and to patrol the borders. She did her best to ease any burdens that Peregrine had since he was the only acting Alpha for now. She was strongly optimistic that Hawkeye would take up the mantle again, it would just take a little while. Simply because she was tired and as she should be. Childbirth and the weeks after were very busy and time consuming and all hours of the day. She would not have a break.

Blue Willow had finished all the tasks she had given herself to do and now she was merely sitting outside of her shared den. She hadn't had a chance to speak to Amelie in a few days and she wanted to speak with her as it were. So she chuffed gently into the den to get the girls attention Amelie

RE: Life can be sweet - Amelie - May 28, 2014

Inside the den, the teenage girl was curled up naping in a corner, her head resting on her her paws. She gave soft snores as her flanks rose with every breath she took, the tip of her tail fidgeting while she dreamed of playing with the pups.

At first Amelie seemed to be undisturbed by Blue's voice, but then she stirred and opened her eyes lazily giving a long yawn. Then as the figure of Blue's face materialized in front of her Amelie instantly shot up her ears and gave her a smile, "Hello!" she greeted her, her tail tapping against the floor.

RE: Life can be sweet - Blue Willow - May 28, 2014

Blue had been able to hear the girl snoring. She hated to wake her, but there were very few moments in the day when she could steal away to speak with the dear girl. And by the time she laid her head down at night Amelie was usually already asleep. So now with some stolen time she wanted to speak with her adopted daughter. And that was how she saw her. It did not matter to her if Amelie or anyone else did not see it that way. It was how she did and that was all there was to it.

She chuckled at the enthusiastic greeting she got. Hello Amelie. If you have no plans today I though perhaps I could impose on you for a little while. I have missed talking to you with both of us being so busy. She backed out of the den then and waited for the youthful sprite of a girl to follow her. There was no denying once the girl grew into herself she would be very beautiful and that made Blue a little nervous mostly just because she did not trust males very much. She smiled to herself grimly was this how her parents had felt as she had aged into herself?

RE: Life can be sweet - Amelie - May 28, 2014

The sound of Amelie's tail tapping against the den's floor grew stronger, she was too craving some time with the dark coated female. Immediately she nodded and got up with a little jump, only stopping to shake some rubble of her fur before following the female.

She slowly emerged from the den she shared with the lovely female that had accepted her not only into her home but into her heart. She brought another smile upon her face and quickly reached to touch Blue's shoulder with her nose, "I've missed you talking to you too," she woofed with loving eyes, then she stepped back and looked at her with curiosity written all over her face.

"I've met the pups!" she barked with a grin, "Well only one for now, little Osprey Jr" she laughed remembering the little look on the pup's face as she had crawled out of the mud puddle.

RE: Life can be sweet - Blue Willow - May 29, 2014

Blue Willow nuzzled the girl once and then backed off. After all teenager's needed their space, she well remembered her own youth having not been far in the past. She shifted and sat to her haunches and listened to the youthful sprite talk about the puppies.

She chuckled deep in her chest. That Junior she's a very rambunctious girl and the dominant one at that. Does Peregrine have you pursuing the caretaker trade then? Have you thought much about any others you wish to take the mantle of? Blue would allow the girl to choose her own and she would do all in her power to make sure she could gather enough time and space to do whatever it was that she wanted. Have you met many of the others yet?

RE: Life can be sweet - Amelie - May 29, 2014

Amelie mimicked the she wolf and sat, curling her sooty black tail over her toes, she bobbed her head back and forth as Blue spoke about Peregrine's darling little girl, "Oh yes, she is paricularly fussy, but she's adorable" she barked with a little shake of her head.

When her newly found mother mentor asked about her aspirations, the young girl gave a tiny exasperated sigh and closed her eyes, "Yes I'd like to be a caretaker, although gamekeeping also sounds interesting, I'd love to imrpove my hunting skills". The little skills she had really..her mother had barely taught her brothers and her how to track prey before disappearing.

"And of course if you're not to busy, I'd love healing lessons from you sometime" she smiled enthusiastically. She wanted to learn everything, she wanted to be involved in every little thing she could, but sometimes she felt there was too much to learn and not enough time.

"Well.." she muttered looking at her paws, "No, not anyone besides Osprey Jr.." she continued, "And Rayder" she said at last, knowing Blue wasn't specially fond of the young boy..

RE: Life can be sweet - Blue Willow - May 30, 2014

Blue laughed at the young girls eagerness to learn and spoke softly You have your whole life to learn new things. You needn't rush them. As for healing I am a firm believer in the fact that you are always learning about that it is a neverending process. Even I don't know all there is to know and could learn more. Blue had been taught this philosophy from her father and she believed in it with every single fiber of her being she really did. She tilted her head at the girls sudden shyness and sadness and it ripped her heart up to know she had been in part the cause of it.

So Blue took a very deep breath and let it out and spoke quietly but firmly. Yes Rayder. Amelie...i am not very good at this I have never been around other wolves really on a regular basis until I came here. I've traveled all my life. I did not mean to cause any ill will between you and Rayder and I am sure the boy is charming in his own right, personally I don't see it. I find him to be cocky, and over sure of himself. However, just because i don't like him does not mean that you cannot hang out with him or make him a friend. I just did not like how he was being soo...umm whats the word for it...flattering while skirting around the edge of innapproiate. You are to young for that and I know maybe you don't think so really, but I would hate to see you heartbroken so young. So, just please as a favor for me do not allow him to have that hold over you right now. Maybe when you're a little older a year or so you can start to believe in his honeyed words and lord help him if he hurts you. Blue knew that she would probably upset the young girl, but she always thought that honesty was the best policy and though she tried to not deliberately say anything that hurt her feelings, she did want to make her own stance and position known on where the boy was. And it was really very true, the lord help the boy if he ever hurt Amelie around Blue willow, she just may rip him to shreds.

RE: Life can be sweet - Amelie - June 03, 2014

The young girl listened closely to Blue's gentle voice, the fact that she claimed that one never truly finishes to learn just made the ebony girl's hunger for knowledge grow stronger. She was not one to settle for the basics, she always liked to strive for the very best -something which could bring more trouble than rewards in some cases.

When the name of the young male rolled off her tongue she felt a bitter taste flood into her mouth, but strangely at the same time she felt her heart sink, with a feeling very similar to...joy? The teen looked at her paws while she listened to Blue's response, kicking dirt and refusing to lift her gaze as she was afraid her eyes might betray what her heart felt -even if she didn't even understand it herself.

She had never had a talk like that before, the kind that only a mother and daughter could share. Amelie appreciated the healer's worry, it made her feel what she hadn't felt during all those weeks as a loner. She felt loved. Cared for.

Then the girl slowly lifted her chin, her yellow eyes locking with the lovely emerald eyes of the female. Amelie had never known words could carry a message so pure , that could make its way into your heart and embrace it with such warmth. She smiled, and pressed her nose to Blue's cheek. "Thank you" she managed to utter. An insignificant response in comparison to everything the healer had just said to her, but fillled with gratitude and emotion.

RE: Life can be sweet - Blue Willow - June 04, 2014

If Amelie was anything like herself, which she strongly thought she maybe she knew that it would not deter her to tell her one was always learning. She knew that like her the girl would probably thirst all the more for it and reach for it as best she could. However, eventually she would have to warn her to adhere with knowledge after all curiosity killed the wolf so to speak and sometimes knowledge was found in bad places and with bad mistakes.

Blue saw as Amelie looked down and she figured she must be making this a terrible thing. However, she knew too that she had to let the girl know where she stood and why she had acted the way she had. She did not expect he to understand as she was young and men could twist you up and spit you out, granted so could women. She sighed heavily, it was something that had to be done however unpleasant.

As the soft words left Amelies maw filled with gratitude and a multitude of emotions she felt just perhaps she wasn't doing to bad at this adopted mother thing. Oh enough of this depressing talk lets just chat tell me Amelie what would you like to talk about I am at your disposable today? You may ask anything you wish and I will try and answer.

RE: Life can be sweet - Amelie - June 05, 2014

my favorite thing about their relationship is that it started spontaneously and turned into such a beatiful thing

Amelie tried to keep the pretty female's advie in her head, she tried to make it stick to the back of her mind but as many things the young girl was advice not to do, it would be quickly forgotten. Amelie had a slightly different philosophy from the healer. She thought that mistakes were nothing but lessons and in order to learn you must take a leap into the abyss of trial and error, embracing the scars and falls as if they marked the lessons learned in your body. Kind of like tattoos.

And she though that well, if she must get her heart crushed in order to understand love, then so be it. She'd have to try it one day anyways, she couldn't go through life avoiding all that scared her. But for Blue's sake, she'd keep her interactions with boys to a minimum. For now, at least.

Leaving all the mushy boy talk aside, her dear foster mother offered herself for the day. They could do whatever they wanted. The teen smiled and flicked an ear back thoughtfully. "Umm..ok!" she barked at last, her eyes brightening as an idea popped into her mind, "Could we go swimming? I'd really like to learn.." she gushed, her tail wildly flopping against the ground.

RE: Life can be sweet - Blue Willow - June 06, 2014

I know it's adorable!

Blue knew the girl in front of her would make mistakes she knew it. And mistakes were learning experiences and one should never regret a learning experience. However, she was at a tender age at the moment and she did not want her to have some mistakes as of yet. As she had told her, once she was a year old she would say nothing, she would just watch and then be there to pick up the pieces if she needed too

Blue chuckled her head and nodded Of course we can. I love to swim. She wagged her tail and stood swiftly and turned heading towards a deep spot she knew on the river. They would have to be careful of the water, as sometimes it rushed, but usually the deep spots were slower and more lazy.

RE: Life can be sweet - Amelie - June 07, 2014

should we end it here and do another thread or continue?

Amelie's tail became a wild whip, that began trashing uncontrollably as if it had life of its own. She smiled and began to walk next to Blue, brushing her flank against the older female's shoulder, "Great!" she yapped and gave Blue a playful nip.

The teen followed reluctanctly, her mind switching focus from Rayder to the river. Slowly she forgot all of her worries regarding Blue and the young boy, and began to smile like nothing had ever happened and she was again a puppy. No worries, no cares.

RE: Life can be sweet - Blue Willow - June 07, 2014

end this one here :)

Blue chuckled at Amelie and started to walk towards the river then with a glint to her eye she turned her head and spoke softly I'll race you! With that Blue stuck her tail up over her back and took off at a flat out run her fur ruffled with the wind in the air.

She was intent to make today a good day. She would have fun and she would not think of the boys that would soon be chasing her little charge.