Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau we are, we are, we are, we are, we were - Printable Version

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we are, we are, we are, we are, we were - Junior - May 28, 2014

Just a few weeks ago, her family's den site had enchanted young Osprey Jr., each blade of grass and every broken stick occupying her hour after endless hour. Now, as she neared two months of age, the sooty whelp grew weary of the small dooryard. She sensed the great expanses of wilderness beyond and badly wanted to explore them, though an adult always seemed ready to hold her back. When she toed the line today, her mother's warning bark was just harsh enough to cause her to withdraw, ears flattened with both guilt and displeasure and a grunt loosing from her lips.

She plodded around the small clearing, found nothing of interest and, heaving a very heavy and dramatic sigh, threw herself to the ground far away from the others, who clustered nearer to the den proper. Sullenly, the youth's eyes (which had begun to subtly shift hue in the past few days) traced the invisible perimeters, searching for weak spots, knowing that one of the three adults would notice her if she tried to sneak away and catch her if she tried to run away... that, or one of the other pups would surely tattle on her.

It was as if she'd outgrown the tiny den site and no longer fit there comfortably. Feeling restless and defeated, Junior rolled slowly onto her back, then began to wriggle violently, kicking her legs in the air while grunting and growling as she vented both her pent-up energy and her frustration with the status quo.

RE: we are, we are, we are, we are, we were - Marigold - May 28, 2014

Being a rather new member to Blacktail Deer Plateau, there weren't very many other wolves whom Marigold had met yet. She'd mostly just lingered around the clearing and the various dens, familiarizing herself with every nook and cranny of her new home. Generally she'd hop right into conversation and begin to chat away about herself and occasionally about her surroundings, but the dusty-furred canine seemed much more aloof than she had been before joining the pack (there was no doubt, however, that Marigold would continue being a social butterfly as soon as she felt the urge to connect and spark some bonds with her packmates).

The coarse-coated female lifted herself from the ground now (she'd been soaking up the sun before a layer of thick clouds had begun to form up above), arching her back in a sleepy stretch. Perhaps she'd go and go ahead and chat with some of her fellow packmates now. She was beginning to yearn for attention and wanted to get to know the others whom she'd be sharing territory with. It seemed like a good idea; surely the others were curious to know some information about herself? She certainly wanted to talk now.

Instantly Marigold was drawn towards on of the pack pups, a sooty-tinted female known as Osprey Jr. She seemed to be entertaining herself by bucking her paws upwards whilst rolling on her pack. I was obvious something was bugging her due to the frustrated growls she seemed to be muttering. "Salutations." Marigold greeted, lowering her hand so that her face and snout were at the young tyke's level.

RE: we are, we are, we are, we are, we were - Junior - May 28, 2014

Edit @ 6/16: Oof... editing a conclusion onto this to avoid dead threads in my log...

Osprey saw a set of black legs approaching, upside down and from the corner of her eye. Figuring it was her mom, dad or any one of the billion other black wolves she knew, she didn't cease or even pause her wild leg waggling. She grunted as she writhed about in the grass like a dying fish flopping on some riverbank. Only when an unfamiliar voice spoke a strange word did Junior fall still, quite abruptly.

Grunting again, she rolled onto her belly, tufts of grass clinging to her disheveled fur. "Who is?" she questioned, recently having absorbed the difference between who and what, even if her grammar was wanting. She also seemed to have mastered some measure of volume control; praise the gods! "Who is?" she repeated even as she climbed to her feet, her eyes (one lightening, the other darkening) narrowing even as she stretched out to curiously sniff noses with the stranger.

Before the she-wolf could answer the puppy's eager question, something seemed to catch her eye. Quickly, she retreated, leaving a perplexed Junior staring after her. "Hey!" the whelp yelled indignantly after a moment, yet her shout did not draw the stranger back into the clearing and when Osprey loped to the break in the trees where she'd vanished, Osprey found nothing.

Finally, she turned and saw her father standing there. "Scared her off, didn't I?" the Alpha male quipped, lowering his muzzle when his daughter pranced up to him. Forgetting entirely about the strange female's cameo, Junior giggled and forgot her feelings of boredom and confinement as she went about affectionately mauling the Alpha male.