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north sea storm - Printable Version

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north sea storm - Ragnar - May 29, 2014

Given that it's an isle I'm not sure how their borders would work so at this point I would say the Outrider party is still on Sea Lion Shore. This is open to anyone from WGI but just @Verrine and @Julooke for a round or two, please (Ragnar will send out a howl when he's ready to talk)! :-) I assumed that Ragnar doesn't know that Julooke was aware of their founding and Houkie I assumed that Ragnar sought out Verrine specifically for this but if either of you'd like me to change any of it feel free to let me know and I'll gladly do so!

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Ragnar was not surprised that Verrine had agreed to come along on this trek, and the Viking had sought the Ridge’s newest (one of them, anyway) out specifically for his scouting experience; what had surprised Ragnar was Julooke’s desire to tag along. He had not given specific details at first, if only because he was still trying to gather his thoughts and more so than that control his territorial instincts. He had no viable proof that the annoying (as far as Ragnar was concerned) wolf of Silvertip he knew as Majesty had claimed the Isle, nothing more than a mass of scents trailing to the water’s edge to where they vanished either from crossing the sandbar the Viking had discovered or swimming. The things that Ragnar had discovered were enough to fit into the puzzle but it was not enough to say for certain and in reality, the Head Warden was hoping that Verrine could offer his opinion on the matter before Ragnar led him — well them, including Julooke — across the sandbar to confront the wolves themselves. He could not chase them from the Isle just because he felt it was too close to Horizon Ridge; as it was the small strip of ocean between them was not much of a buffer for Ragnar who preferred a wide berth of land or in their case, ocean. It would be too easy for one of their wolves to get caught in the tide while trying to cross and end up on the shore within Horizon Ridge’s territory — especially because there was no scent marker bordering the sea since that was entirely illogical. Up until that point they had no reason to think any wolves would be trespassing via the shore.

Ragnar inhaled deeply, the footfalls of his companions a small comfort as he neared the Totoka River, retracing his steps from the previous trip. “I had been exploring the Totoka River,” The name was officially butchered by Ragnar’s thick and heavy accent but he hardly cared at that point. There were more important things to worry about then butchering a territory name (which was not something he had much control over). “When the wind picked up from an oncoming storm and carried several scents my way,” He explained, finally, break his silence as he trudged through the shallows of the River, pausing to make sure they crossed safely before he led them forward into Sea Lion Shore. “I wanted your opinion on it, Verrine, on if you think it means they formed a pack on the isle, before I made any sort of approach,” He focused his gaze on the man before it flickered to Julooke offering her a small smile remembering her eagerness to learn his ways to teach his pups. “The scents disappear into the sea but there is a sandbar they must use to travel the small strip here, unless they swim.” He explained figuring that neither of them were aware of it.

His expression was stoic and contemplative as he stared at the Isle now in full view of him. In truth he could have easily swam the distance from Horizon Ridge but it was better, he felt, to take Verrine and Julooke the way he had originally discovered the trails. Beneficial for the Outrider. They served as explorers, as messengers but also as ambassadors and Ragnar wanted to be sure he knew what he was getting into before he went marching to their borders as one of Horizon Ridge’s ambassadors with his grim warning on his lips. “I recognize one of those scents from a male I chased out of Ravensblood Forest. He spoke of a pack called Silvertip Mountain and spoke that he did not intend to be there long. I suspect he has claimed the Isle, his scent leading to it is the heaviest,” Normally it would not have been Ragnar’s business, normally he would not have cared but the risk was too great, they were too close (as far as Ragnar saw, anyway) and his territorial instincts were heightened making him irate and willing to kill first, ask questions later to protect his family. The fact that the Ridge had not even been approached with the knowledge that the Isle was being claimed provoked suspicion and annoyance in the Viking. He was not sure of Pump’s entire feelings on it, or even if she would care but Ragnar cared. He was in charge of the pack’s safety and now he would have to have the Wardens extend their patrols to the shore because he couldn’t risk pack wolves traveling through their territory on the terms of an ‘accident’ because the currant had carried them further than they thought (and it could happen easily); especially given that the landslide had forced them to include the shore in their claim because it had taken up the bulk of the lands they had previously held claim too. "His name was Majesty," The Viking added coolly as if his name was something he had only just remembered, unimportant until that point.

He stopped where he had found the sandbar, the waves licking up against his legs as he turned to observe his subordinates. “If they have claimed it they need to be made aware that there are consequences for crossing to the mainland through our lands. The sea can carry you further than you thought and too easily could they find themselves coming into our shore. As Head Warden I will make my warning clear. I cannot do anything without Pump’s permission but I can and will make it clear that they are too close and that trespassers will be dealt with.” He did not mention how he envisioned on dealing with them because he had to clear his punishment ideas with Pump first. If it were up to Ragnar he would kill them for their crimes, it was in their nature. His nature. It wasn’t up to Ragnar and while he sometimes thought Pump was too lenient he had to do as she said and trust her to take his opinion into account and make the best decision, but he would push for his option because there were children. It didn’t matter if they had been someone else’s children, his answer would be the same. Children were vulnerable and it could not be assumed that the intent of the wolf was not meant to be bad. “Common courtesy would have been to at least inform Pump and I since we are the closet pack to it and have been around much longer.” Whether they agreed with him or not Ragnar didn’t care.

However, he was their Beta, and Ragnar had prided himself on being a fair leader (albeit harsh and gruff at times), on listening to his subordinates. “What are your opinions; your suggestions?” He asked both of them, letting them know that he would listen to what they had to offer him and at the very least consider it. Just because he was feeling extremely hostile, felt that he was well within his rights to be so, did not mean that he was correct on it.

RE: north sea storm - Julooke - May 29, 2014

Julooke was excited to come along on this little mission. She had been looking for any excuse to spend time with Ragnar and to pick his brain, and it was a major added bonus that Verrine was with them. Her tail would not stop wagging, and it was all she could do not to nip at Verrine's heels and invite him to play. She could sense this was way more serious than she was feeling, and Ragnar would not appreciate anything but maturity at the moment. But, she could not wipe the smile off of her face no matter what.

They stopped at the shore, and Julooke eyes scanned the island shore before turning to Ragnar, listening intently. Her face contorted to mild confusion as he spoke of the male who sounded very familiar. Surely, it could be the same male... His name was Majesty. Yup, he was talking about the very same male Julooke had encountered on the island. He hadn't claimed it at the time, and she was unaware he was planning to, otherwise she would have warned him that common courtesy dictated neighboring packs to be informed of his potential claim. Julooke was quite while Ragnar spoke, nodding that she understood. When Ragnar asked about opinions, Julooke spoke up. I've met him, she admitted. I went to the island, before it was claimed, and we met. He told me the same he did you- that he was intending to leave his pack. He never told me, though, he was going to claim it. She wanted it to be clear she had not known. It could have been seen as a failure on her part not to tell her pack mates if she had known. He seemed very nice, she added, attempting to ease the tension. She knew, though, it probably wouldn't.

RE: north sea storm - Verrine - June 02, 2014

Sorry for my slowness, guize! I bought a Super Nintendo a few days ago and have been nostalga'ing myself to death since, lol. :P

When the large, gruff Beta had summoned Verrine to follow on this scouting mission, he had been glad to do so. The way he saw it, it was an opportunity to prove himself to the higher-ranked male, and Verrine suspected that Ragnar saw it much the same way. It was a way for the two to feel one another out, for Verrine to learn more of what Ragnar expected of him while Ragnar learned what Verrine knew and was capable of.

It was a sweet surprise when Julooke was invited along, and all the while, Verrine sensed her enthusiasm and excitement. There was a spring to her step and a light in her eyes that he hadn't seen much in a long while, and he grinned at her often as she frolicked alongside him. Occasionally, he'd playfully bat her shoulder with his tail, or kick a little sand at her ankles when she wasn't looking. Of course, he was mindful to keep his banter low-key and subdued, for he knew Ragnar was all business and this was a serious situation.

He nodded and commented occasionally to Ragnar's observations; in particular, he asserted that there was every reason to believe they had formed a pack, for howls could be heard, scents were plentiful, and foot traffic was heavy in the area. As they walked the beach, following scents and casting wary eyes out toward the nearby island, Verrine understood well why Ragnar was so bent out of shape. These wolves were all but on Horizon Ridge's doorstep. This would be a problem. "They are way too close," he observed after listening, with interest, to Julooke's explanation that she had met the so-called leader of this band of wolves. "There will be conflicts over hunting grounds. The island is too small to sustain a pack -- they will have to come to these shores and the plains between here and the Ridge to find game. They are going to be right on top of us, taking food out of our own mouths."

Verrine himself was a deeply territorial wolf, and would never have tolerated a rival pack establishing itself so close to his own lands. He had been vehemently aggressive in his defense of Sterrenvuur's borders and had not been afraid to shed blood for those who were stubborn or persistent in their intrusions. He felt the stirrings of that old, familiar anger and protectiveness within him now, and a soft, almost inaudible growl churned deep in his chest as he gazed out at the island. "There's no way this won't become a huge problem, Ragnar." And he looked at his Beta, awaiting his feedback and direction on what to do next.

RE: north sea storm - Ragnar - June 03, 2014

It's ok! I totally understand! :D This round is welcome to any WGI member but for the sake of posting order please let Julooke, and Verrine post first!

Ragnar was a perceptive man and had noticed the jovial atmosphere that seemed to radiate off of Julooke and Verrine when they were within proximity of one another. In a way, the Viking understood it and brushed it off as simply being in love. It was not similar to the love that Ragnar felt for Thistle, if only because Ragnar was not playful and the love he might have pinned upon Verrine and Julooke was young (despite that they’re about Ragnar’s own age). It was too easy to get swept in the moment, even for Ragnar who would have described the love he felt for his wife as carnal; a savage love for a savage man. He spoke nothing about it to them, assuming that if the time came to approach this maybe pack — Ragnar knew it was a pack deep in the marrow of his bones but he knew assumptions could only lead to problems; and he didn’t fancy making an ass out of himself on the slim chance that he was dead wrong — that they would put the playful, lovey-dovey feelings aside to handle the seriousness in which the situation demanded. It was what Ragnar expected of them; and if they couldn’t he would send them away with the scolding of a father and the tenseness of a leader and handle it himself. However; he did not foresee that being necessary, he trusted them enough to believe they would perform to his expectations.

Icy, Caribbean eyes flashed to Julooke, giving her his rapt attention when she admitted that she, too, had met Majesty, that he had spoken very similar things to them both: that the intention to leave his pack at the time was clear. It might have been, should Ragnar not have been overly territorial and annoyed about the man’s presence in Ravensblood Forest that Ragnar might have found out about Majesty’s intentions of claiming the Isle. However, Ragnar had no patience and zero tolerance for his prayers being interrupted nor for the ‘everyone is friends’ approach that Majesty, if Julooke’s pip that he seemed nice was of any indication, seemed to take. Black, leathery nostrils flared slightly if only because the man’s nicety did not give Ragnar any comfort. The Viking turned his head to glimpse at the Isle coolly, his stare hard and vicious. “I think he is a fool,” It was a harsh opinion, Ragnar realized, yet it did not demean the truth of how the Viking’s felt any. “Regardless of his disposition everything in me wants to chase him from these lands.” As it was, Ragnar was not confident he could approach this as any real diplomat would, though as far he was concerned the time for diplomacy was well over before he it had even begun. Diplomacy should have been before the outright claiming of the Ridge’s doorstep.

Verrine, the Viking’s attention moved, respectively, towards his male subordinate, giving his rapt attention in turn, confirmed Ragnar’s suspicions and assured him (likely without realizing it) that Ragnar was well within rights to feel hostile. There had been moments of doubt, spurred by the consideration that how he handled things in Odinn’s Cove was starkly different to how things seemed to be handled here and Pump and him did not always agree on the severity of things; tagged along had been the consideration that he was more territorial than usual because of his infant children and laid up wife who could not deter from them for very long. He had a family and his protective instincts had skyrocketed to the Heavens, understandably. Verrine also suggested something that Ragnar had not thought about, too busy obsessing over the fact that they could be using Horizon Ridge’s shore as a path to the mainland (even on accident), food. Obviously, the Isle, as Verrine pointed out, would not hold prey big enough to sustain an average sized pack, and that the wolves of the Isle would be moving in on their hunting grounds to feed themselves. That meant less food for them and the children, especially considering it would be a while before the children would be able to hunt for themselves. Their reliance upon the adults of the Ridge was great. The fur of his shoulders bristled at the thought, nostrils flaring with the Viking’s ire.

A low growl rumbled in his chest as he considered everything, mind wheeling at a rapid pace feeling the urge to pace though he stayed stock still, his tail twitching in aggravation behind him. “I will warn them about coming to the mainland on our shores. If we catch them, apprehend them. Horizon Ridge is not a passage way and neither should it go unpunished. It is not our problem their leader claimed an Isle otherwise cut off from the mainland,” His instinctive answer was death, but because Pump had to give the final say he could not tell Verrine to handle it such. The Wardens would have to wait until she made a decision once they presented the evidence and proof to her. It was within the Head Warden’s right to demand any wolves that were not of the Ridge that found their way onto the shore should be apprehended until a decision was made. There would be no escorts. There was no alliance between the wolves of the Ridge and the Isle and Ragnar thought that Majesty had shoved his own paw in the fires by ensuring that even if Pump would have been open to the idea it would not be an option now. Of course, Pump had a tendency to surprise Ragnar so he was not sure how she would react to this news.

“Their hunting grounds should be restricted to the Gyrfalcon’s Keep and these Sea Lion Shores. I cannot tell them they cannot hunt on the Totoka River or Ravensblood Forest and we cannot extend our patrols to them for they are free territories,” Yet, he would issue a warning all the same. “but they were our hunting grounds first and it is within our rights to be territorial over them, is it not?” It was a rhetorical question but his eyes searched each of his subordinate’s faces in turn, nevertheless. “We have children to provide for, families. Maybe we will have more children soon. I do not concern myself with other packs, other wolves. My people come first to me; my power as Second in Command limits me. Pump makes the final decisions on matters.” As was her right as sole Alpha. He was aware approaching them without her consent would probably bite him in the ass, had accepted it even, and if, and when the time came he would take the fall and the blame without involving Julooke or Verrine who were only here because he had asked them to be as their Beta. “I know,” Was all the Viking offered Verrine’s assertion that it would be a big problem, Ragnar’s tone grim as death.

Tail twitched one last time before it stilled against his hind legs, throwing his head back and calling for one of the Isle’s high ranking, or even, their leader himself. Hostility bristled in his fur like razors along his spine but he attempted to dampen it if only because today was not the day to spark a war and even so it was not his place to initiate. Only to warn (and even then he had taken that duty into his own paws).

RE: north sea storm - Julooke - June 04, 2014

I'm only upset you didn't invite us to come over and play! :-P

Julooke was neither a harsh wolf or a leader, so it was easy for her to say she would handle things this way and that. However, she understood the burdens of being a leader, and had no interest in them. It was days like today, and what Ragnar and the group had to do that made being a leader, even a wolf in general, difficult. The lives of the pack were being put in jeopardy because a new pack would likely need Horizon Ridge's hunting grounds to use for themselves. There would be no thoughts of sharing, because the world simply did not work like that. Majesty had made a mistake in claiming the island because it could sustain them, and it could be that he would make a mistake later in using hunting grounds that Horizon Ridge had claimed as theirs, even if it was unwritten. Julooke knew all this, even if she wished it could be different.

She nodded to Ragnar, a show that he was right, and that she would do whatever needed to be done to follow out his commands. Could she kill a wolf? Only to save her life, or that of a loved on. For trespassing? She didn't think she would have it in her. Verrine adamantly agreed with their leader, something that did not surprise Julooke. He had always been protective over his family, and over Julooke- something that made her feel safe, down to her soul.

She was silent as Ragnar threw up a howl, looking over to Verrine. She would hate it if they had to go to war. She knew lives could be lost on both sides. What would she do if she lost him? Just the thought of it made her heart hurt and thump aggressively in her chest.

RE: north sea storm - Verrine - June 06, 2014

Sorry this is kinda short and lame. I have to leave for work in like 10 minutes but I didn't want to hold this up another day.

Verrine listened to everything Ragnar said and nodded in agreement, though he still felt that the wolves on the isle were too close for comfort and, deep down, knew that there would be issues over hunting grounds. A moment of consideration brought another thought to mind, "If they hunt Gyrfalcon's Keep, they'll be encroaching on the mountain pack at Silvertip." He wasn't intimately familiar with the lay of the land yet, nor did he know much about the wolves who lived out that way, but he was at least aware that there was a pack there. They too would likely have the same issues with this new pack that the Ridge wolves had, particularly if conflicts over prey came into the picture. "They really picked a stupid spot to set up housekeeping," he continued with a sour expression on his face as Ragnar's howl faded out into the distance. As they waited for someone to respond, he cast a look at Julooke and grinned reassuringly to her, feeling warmth and protectiveness for her. He wasn't sure how their summons would be responded to, but one thing he was sure of was that they wouldn't harm a hair on Jules's body.

RE: north sea storm - Ypres - June 07, 2014

The sound of a howl penetrated Ypres's sonars. It was not a howl of this pack, and it forced her guard hairs to stand at end, however; she knew that she was outnumbered. Better not do anything foolish in this case Ypres... A grin spread across her mug baring the tips of her pearls as she decided to go check out what in the world was happening. She knew the Isle was baring two wolf packs so therefore the lands were shared. But judging by the sound of the triumphant beckoning, things were not so swell.
Nimble feet boldly carried her formation across the way anyway. She was a bold creature deciding she had nothing left to lose. She was barely accepted into the pack, and was wondering what was going on for such a calling to be made. Ah yes, perhaps pack wars in the near future would be gained? Ypres loved the sound of blood and gore, and ripping the guts from a nemesis, but not today. She needed to gain further information as to what was going on in the isles, and if it were worth her staying here.

Stocky features loomed towards the howls, but she remained unseen as she observed the trio from a fair distance. She hid among the rocks on the shoreline and played with the wind to keep undetected. She wasn't much of a hunter herself, but as she was more of a patroller and Guardian. She twitched her nose heavily as she bit at her lower lip seeing the three hang about waiting for a response. The ghostly white male seemed to be the leader of the trio. Eyes scanned each wolf from her hiding spot in attempts to size them up, this was a huge losing battle for her, but it was something she was familiar with. She was accustomed to getting herself locked into a turmoiled rage and being ganged up on, if the other end was losing, cowardice....
She detested the fact that many were too feeble to fight their own damn battles, and had to seek the aid in others... Hackles raised to the thought that the ghostly male could not be bold enough to come on his own, and had to bring the company of two along. Weak... However her judgments stood unseen as no wolf was a mind reader, and she knew she could not see the thoughts of their once she stepped out to reveal her flamed colored pelt. Icy eyes locked upon them like a sniper steadying its shot before shooting. She licked her lips as her jaws tightly held shut with annoyance of her thoughts racing through the core of her mind.
Pulling herself from her hidden position, she barked from her safe distance, knowing if she drew in closer, she could reach turmoil's playground. Ypres held her posture in neutral non threatening tone.

What are you looking for? How can I help you?

Her chords barked out with greeting but in dry manner. She looked at the larger wolves who stood at least 500 feet away. It was a safe enough distance, because she came in solo on this game. If they were to charge, she'd have an easy break.

RE: north sea storm - Ragnar - June 07, 2014

Julooke was silent and for a passive moment Ragnar looked at her, knowing that if things should turn hostile he could easily send Verrine and Julooke back to safety. Ragnar was well adept at taking care of himself in battle, had faced down larger numbers with less wolves for the Berserkers went out on raids in small numbers for efficiency, never bringing their full host when they went. The situation was annoying but hardly what Ragnar would consider daunting. He wasn’t afraid of these wolves. Icy Caribbean eyes moved to Verrine then when the male spoke offering something that Ragnar hadn’t considered. That Gyrfalcon Keep was hunting grounds to the pack that Majesty had left, and though Ragnar was not aware of how the situation went down, did not know the Silvertip’s leaders he could not help but feel that much like the case with Horizon Ridge the intrusion would be highly unwelcome. At Verrine’s observation the Viking grinned coyly though the grin itself held no real mirth but the irony of poor choices on their leaders‘ part was nothing short of amusing to the savage. Either they would be smart or they would quickly regret the choices made. “Stupid,” Ragnar agreed in a low murmur cast back to his subordinates though he no longer faced them.

The Isle pack had backed themselves into a tight corner with Silvertip Mountain and Horizon Ridge; one at their doorstep and the other damn near there. To be fair, Horizon Ridge held the claim of seniority. It wasn’t like they had both formed new at the same time, the Ridge had been a clear and superior presence in the Wilds when Ragnar had joined months ago and it showed no signs of going anywhere of that Ragnar would make sure.

The woman that somewhat approached the group, though she kept a wide berth which was a mixture of irritating (if because he felt the need to raise his voice and Ragnar did not often do that) and begrudgingly appreciated; smelled too new. As it stood, Ragnar was not interested in fighting with these wolves outright. Not today, at any rate. He simply came bearing a message — nothing more. It was about all he had the power to do without asking Pump’s permission first. The Viking inhaled deeply and let it out, canting his head so that the sun brought to the light the scars on the left side of his face previously held in the shadows. His position was not relaxed but it was not as hostile as it could have been, as the muscles in his body screamed for it to be. Presently, Ragnar had no choice but to entrust his message with this woman and hope that as it passed from her to Majesty that nothing important was let out of it. To be sure Ragnar already began making plans in the back of his mind to seek out their leader privately after he spoke with Pump about it. For a long stretch of moment Ragnar was silent, assessing, studying with the patience of a predator that had been at this game for a very long time.

“I have a message for you and the others of your pack,” The silence was finally broken by Ragnar’s soft, heavily accented voice. “Your pack is too close to Horizon Ridge’s borders,” It was a simple statement, his tone quiet but assertive because it was imperative she understand, that they all understood that if Ragnar caught even a whiff of them on Horizon Ridge’s territory he would rip them apart and throw their entrails back onto the Isle for their leader to find. “You will avoid coming to the mainland through our shore. If any Isle wolf is caught,” A devilish smirk had began to play at the corners of the Viking’s mouth. “And you will be caught, my Wardens are extending their patrols to cover the Shore; actions will be taken and lessons will be learned.” Despite his smirks Ragnar was far from playing around. His threats were serious and grim. “And you may have noticed but your little Isle will not sustain the pack it holds. Ravensblood and the Totoka River are hunting grounds for Horizon Ridge, have been hunting grounds for us before your leader ever came into these Wilds. My wolves will chase you out of them if they catch hunting happening. You might also want to be concerned about the wolves of Silvertip Mountain, too. I am sure they will not appreciate you hunting on their hunting grounds, either” It was food for thought, and either the message was received and heeded or it would be disregarded. Either way, that was on them. Ragnar did not care for any of their lives and liked to think that maybe next time some more sense would be put into claiming lands.

With his warning given the Northman fell into silence, watching and waiting.

RE: north sea storm - Julooke - June 09, 2014

Julooke began to get a little nervous. If this meeting did not go well, she was sure Ragnar would push for an all out war. As a non-confrontational wolf, that was the last thing she wanted. Verrine looked at her, giving her a reassuring smile. She smiled back, trying to casually move a little closer to him. A wolf appeared on the shore of the island, but Julooke wondered if she was a high-ranking member of the pack. Ragnar needed someone with some type of leadership to speak with. Otherwise, this meeting was almost pointless. They needed to rectify this situation, not play games of running between wolves and packs, passing messages. Julooke herself stayed quite, knowing there was nothing at this point she could do to help.

RE: north sea storm - Ypres - June 11, 2014

OOC: I was going to wait for Verrine to post first, but I'm busting over here... I assume its safe for me to post now since its been 2-3 days?

Ypres listened to the words from the jaws of Ragnar. She boldly padded closer so that he wasn't shouting his warning towards her. She drew in quite close actually, and only stood a few feet from the trio eyeing each and every wolf of the formation. Hackles raised as iced eyes cast a glower in the direction of Ragnar.

I heed your warning sir, and I will relay it back to Majesty. However; don't take us for fools either...

Her words iced through her lips as she bared the tips of her fangs.

I want no bloodshed today, so you best be gone before the pack arrives here and have your hides for trespassing..

She gestured with her muzzle to get the trio to move on out before the pack got there. It was simple clear warning, just as clear as his warning was. And the three had better get moving before she called for back up. She wanted no wars at this moment, but this male really needed to get his head straight. How dare Rangar cross into Majesty's lands attempting to dictate the actions of one entire pack. It was a laugh and a half, but Ypres had no choice but to submit an agreement and relay a message back to Majesty for now. She loathed a low growl as she stepped back eyeing Ragnar, who indeed was much bigger than she was. Brave girl..

RE: north sea storm - Verrine - June 12, 2014

Two days is not an unreasonable wait at all and it is never OK to skip someone after such a short time. Skipping someone in the posting order is actually a very rude breach of etiquette here at Wolf and will get you into trouble. Try not to make a habit of it, okay? You can always send a reminder via PM if you feel someone is holding up a thread too long, but 2-4 days is actually pretty average. It's generally only acceptable to skip someone if it's been a week or more, but always try to avoid skipping them if you can.

Before long, a figure appeared across the water that separated them from the island itself. Coated in the colors of the wind-tossed sand itself, she was a lovely creature and the sun gleamed brightly on her buff tones and pale eyes. Ragnar spoke with authority as he addressed her, and his message left nothing unclear. Verrine was deferently silent as his leader delivered his warning, as was Julooke. Neither of them had much to add to it, and really, he wasn't sure if he had the right to anyway. He was still fairly new to the Ridge, despite the fact that he already felt intensely devoted and loyal to it.

The stranger's response, though. Such arrogance. Such blind foolishness. Did she not realize how thin the ice was for the isle wolves? Did she think they were stupid? They had maintained a respectful distance from the pack's actual boundaries, well into neutral ground away from the island proper. And to be accused of trespassing by a member of a pack that was, in every way, trespassing on the packs who had already been here was nothing short of…well, he couldn't decide if it was hilarious or infuriating. "We took you for fools the moment you set up housekeeping a stone's throw from our pack. Your actions moving forward have the power to change that, though, if your leader wishes." There was no aggression in his voice or his manner; rather, his words were serious and earnest. As much as this whole situation pissed him off and he wanted nothing more than to see them vacate the island, he wasn't a bloodthirsty wolf by nature and didn't want to see this come to blows. A few beats later, a hint of amusement entered his voice as he added, "But I doubt we have much to fear from a pack whose scout doesn't even know where her own boundaries lie. We're well away from your island. And considering you're a rookie pack who settled here with absolutely no consideration for the two older, larger packs that live around here, I'd be careful with that 'trespasser' word if you truly want to avoid bloodshed."

RE: north sea storm - Ragnar - June 12, 2014

So the posting order is now as follows: Ragnar, Julooke, Ypres and Verrine. :-)

For the duration of Ragnar’s little monologue/warning Julooke and Verrine remained silent though the Viking did not expect either of his subordinates to chime in though if they had something to add to what he had summarized he would not have stopped them or penalized for it. The woman spoke that she understood his warning, that she would relay it back to Majesty and then warned him not to take them as fools and bared her fangs at him. Ragnar did not outwardly express his irritation at such a display though it warred with amusement within him because he had already taken them for fools, likely long before they had even settled on the Isle. His opinion of Majesty had not been very high to begin with and now he obviously could not exercise control over his own subordinates as proven when she threatened them for trespassing when they clearly weren’t. They were on the neutral lands of the Sea Lion Shore lands that the Isle pack did not have a claim too. Just because they seemed to be using it to get back and forth from the mainland didn’t, automatically, make it theirs and if they wanted to get into an argument over territorialness Ragnar rather thought that Horizon Ridge and Silvertip Mountain would win it considering Sea Lion Shore had been shared hunting grounds as was the Totoka.

Given that both Horizon Ridge and Silvertip Mountain had been established much longer than the Isle they had every right to be up in arms over hunting grounds. The smirk that played across the Viking’s muzzle was a coy, beguiling thing and though she did not know it: it was a dangerous thing. Used to make his ire or irrtation unknown while he plotted the most effective ways to tear a creature apart limb from limb. Just as Ragnar’s lips had spliced apart to speak Verrine spoke up and the Viking fell silent, eyes never leaving the Isle woman though his ears twitched back unnecessarily to catch the male at his back’s words; and found his smirk twitching as he fought to keep it from widening. Verrine had spoken everything that had been going through Ragnar’s mind and so he did not bother for it was unnecessary to be redundant. “Are we done here?” Ragnar asked her with a charismatic grin though he felt like being anything but charismatic.

However, he had done what he had came to do and therefore held no power to do anything more. The warning was exchanged and it was up to the wolves of the Isle as to whether they listened to it with the importance it deserved or they didn’t and learned the lesson the hard way.

RE: north sea storm - Julooke - June 12, 2014

Would just like to remind everyone that the thoughts and feelings expressed by Julooke are not mine (the writer's).

The other female had the audacity to threaten them, saying they were trespassing. Julooke began to get nervous. Or was it aggressive? She couldn't really tell. But, her head lowered and she began to move it side to side as her front legs shifted back and forth, her hackles raising as a growl came from her throat. Never in her life had she felt what she was feeling right now. She was not a fighter. Whenever she had faced danger, she fled, since her speed was an asset to her that her muscles weren't. But the threat against her family and pack mates tipped her over the edge. It was causing her to do things that her normal personality would not do. She was willing to fight for her loved ones. Especially from a low-ranking, rude, messenger. Verrine spoke up against the stranger, and Julooke shifted towards him. These aggressive feelings were new to her, almost scared her. Being near him centered her.

RE: north sea storm - Ypres - June 15, 2014

Ypres looked with a slight narrowed gaze towards Verrine who spoke.

We took you for fools the moment you set up housekeeping a stone's throw from our pack. Your actions moving forward have the power to change that, though, if your leader wishes

She looked from one wolf to the next, then back to Verrine.

Well dear sir... Don't take me for the fool. I'm not the one who pitted turf here. But I will gladly send the message along..

He then spoke once more and it irked her to be even called a Scout. She was not a Scout. she was merely just doing her job.

Look buddy. I'm just here doing my job... But if you want to pass the message yourself to Majesty, I will allow you passage through the gate into our turf.. Go ahead I insist.

She gestured with her muzzle as she moved to the side, eyes prying upon each wolf as her body grew tense but keeping her calm.

Bloodshed huh? You offer threats that you can't pull through only because you have the power to deliver a message. Don't blame me for just joining the weaker pack pal.. But out of shit a flowers grows..

She snorted lightly as she stepped away.

Oh, and I'm not a Scout...

She crooned gingerly with low tone.

Ragnar then spoke up asking if they were done here. Eyes pulled from Verrine the young handsome gent onto the white viking.

Yes.. I believe we are...

She was indeed considering leaving the pack, due to the fact that she felt certain she didn't belong. Ypres belonged to no pack to her heart, and only yearned to be lone. Should she up and leave upon delivering a message, or should she just up and leave without the offer of a message? Not like she was going to advance here anyway?..... She was frustrated..

RE: north sea storm - Verrine - June 16, 2014

Last post from me. Fun thread guys! :)

To the female's retorts, Verrine only grinned. They had rattled her. That was the only explanation he could come up with for why one would sit there and argue against every word said when it was, ultimately, a waste of time and breath because not a single one of the three wolves she faced cared one way or the other. Still grinning, he said nothing to her -- only looked at Ragnar and nodded. He'd have plenty to say on the walk back home, but for now, there was nothing more to be said here.

RE: north sea storm - Ragnar - June 16, 2014

Last post for me, as well! If @Julooke and @Ypres would like to each post once more to officially wrap it up I'll go ahead and have it archived, then. :-)

The woman than began to speak in circles around herself and though it probably would have been better to speak with Majesty directly than hope she relayed it with the importance it deserved Ragnar knew that he would rather not wish to have to speak to their leader again. His opinion of the man was not high. Granted, the Viking’s opinion of the woman before them wasn’t all that high, either. In one breath she threatened them, bared her teeth at him because they were supposed trespassing and yet, caught in her lack of knowledge she now offered the passage onto their turf. It was enough to make Ragnar want to snort with irritation and amusement. She spoke again in what Ragnar took to be circles around herself, making it seem like they didn’t have to power to make good on their promises. Technically, Ragnar hadn’t threatened anything. It was common wolf knowledge to not go trespassing into another pack’s lands unless you had a quantifiable death wish, of course. As far as telling her that him and his would chase them out of their hunting grounds if they caught them …well that was just a warning. A warning of what would happen if they were caught in the Ridge’s hunting lands. He would instruct his wolves to sabotage their hunts and it wasn’t really a threat if he meant what he said. Ragnar wasn’t sure what she didn’t understand about the fact that he wasn’t just saying he would do it, he would actually do it. He had no regard for them or their lives and they could all starve to death every last one of them and he wouldn’t care.

He did not bother to mention these things to her, however because he figured it would only prove to be useless and he had enough of wasting his time. Either she would passage the message along and it would be taking with the severity it was meant to be or it wouldn’t and the Isle wolves would find out just how serious the Ridge wolves were. With a nod back to Verrine he turned on the beach of Sea Lion Shore and led his wolves back to Horizon Ridge.

RE: north sea storm - Julooke - June 16, 2014

Her nonsense went on, and Julooke began to wonder just how much Ragnar and Verrine would take. It was making Julooke irritable, but to her surprise, the males just smiled in response. Did they know something she didn't? Their calmness helped her calm down, as well. She really thought this would turn out badly, but, other than a lack of leadership on the island wolves' part, it was okay. But, who knew what tomorrow would bring. With a flick of her tail, she turned back towards home, happy to be going.

RE: north sea storm - Ypres - June 17, 2014

Good thread everyone!! Very fun!! ^^

Ypres watched them all turn off and go. There was no way she would allow another pack to enforce starvation on her pack; even if they had to go to other places, so what.. wolves were good at traveling for hunting to begin with so Ypres wasn't worried at all.. she was the last one standing as she watched them all go, watching until the last wolf was out of sight, then she too had turned off to report to her Alpha the message.