Wolf RPG
Honeyed Pasture make me wish i hadn't - Printable Version

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make me wish i hadn't - Sara - January 28, 2018

The earth had fallen still, silent. Not even the rhythmic vibrations of Ny breathing from below could be felt amidst the calm. Sara sighed and tightened the grip he had on the winter hare's throat, though kept it gentle enough to save the relief of death from his plaything. 

Sunrise was near; eventually, he would have to find a place to rest for the first few hours of the day. He'd been moving more than he would have liked since making his way into this foreign land, though Sara knew it was necessary. He couldn't afford to be tracked, not now.

RE: make me wish i hadn't - Alkyone - January 28, 2018

The flower had survived the chill of winter without hearing much of anyone or anything. She, herself, found it quite an accomplishment. Her fate, however, hung much in the air to be caught by a stranger, for sure. What was a flower to do other than look pretty to attract others? Yet she wanted no attention. She kept herself tiny, in creaks of the mortal world not to be detected, for whoever would catch her would abuse her weak mind and body. Or so she had been told.

While she could not hear much, her sense of smell was quite good, and by the salt in the air she supposed she was not very far from the sea. She stayed and wandered in the pasture, tiny form seemingly gliding slyly over the land.

RE: make me wish i hadn't - Sara - January 28, 2018

Off in the distance strode something more interesting than what he'd been previously focused on. Sara clenched his jaw and stood for a moment while the hare yelped and writhed, eventually dropping it and trotting off to get a clearer view. 

Off in the distance stood a dove-pelted woman, much more desirable than the raven he'd met before. In the moment between spotting her and barking to get her attention, Sara decided that he wanted her. His paws fell one over the other as he made his approach, stopping only a few yards away with a starved stare on his face.

Dauwe. If he was to take her, he first wanted to see what exactly she could offer him.

RE: make me wish i hadn't - Alkyone - January 28, 2018

The world and her surroundings were quiet, as always, even as a man called out to her. She didn't hear it and kept on walking for a short while. That was until she saw something in the corner of her eye, a dark figure standing far taller than her. She froze, eyes on his lips to see if she could read whatever he would say. She frowned in discomfort, shrinking with her tail between her legs.

Ex... Exujuhs mee. She tried to talk, only feeling the rumble in her throat that proved she was indeed making sounds. Her voice was rather strange, as if she was being strangled.

RE: make me wish i hadn't - Sara - January 28, 2018

apologies for the sudden change in format lmao


It pleased Sara to see the woman cave into herself; she would be easy to tame, he thought. Her voice was a sickening sound that he attempted to stop with a disapproving shake of his head and a huff of air. If this was to work, she would have to stay silent; that poor excuse for a yelp (at best) was better kept silent. He circled the girl, sniffing at her here and there, taking note of her strengths and weaknesses. 

She would do nicely, Sara decided. If things went as he planned, she would make for a decent primary when the time came.

RE: make me wish i hadn't - Alkyone - January 28, 2018

Her eyes grew wider than they already were, irises seemingly jerking with fear. She didn't know what the man was planning, but she could see he wasn't saying anything, which terrified her even more if she was being honest. All threats to her were silent, yes, but now she knew that it was. She kept perfectly still, legs slightly trembling. Would a run for the hills suffice as an escape? Her hazel eyes shot around. There was no one nearby, so calling for help wasn't going to cut it either.

When he sniffed her she mumbled a soft; D-dojn't... But it was as strangled as her first attempt. She took a step in the direction she was initially going in. Perhaps just acting like nothing was happening would be the best course of action?

RE: make me wish i hadn't - Sara - January 28, 2018

The girl moved ever so slightly, though the motion was enough to rouse a snapping growl from Sara's throat. Dauwe, he commanded once more, this time with more ferocity. His temper was not one to be tested; his toy would learn that soon enough. 

He finished prodding at her and examining her frame for injuries, inconsistencies, blemishes and the like, then walked back around to face her. Ch'jhemaze, he announced after finding himself pleased with his prize. Sara motioned for her to follow after him, then turned to introduce himself as, Jhechev.

RE: make me wish i hadn't - Alkyone - January 31, 2018

Though she could not hear him growling, the snapping and feeling of him being so angry was enough to make her stop. Okay, perhaps that hadn't been the best idea. But how could she call stranger danger when there was no where nearby? She was nearly numbed with fear, not recognizing the way he moved his lips. Was it a different language? Something wrong with his muscles?

When he motioned for her to follow him, she stood like a shaking leaf. She shook her head ferociously with closed eyes, not wanting to come with him at all. M..Me guuwww niow. She told him, lips quivering. She felt like fleeing, like curling up into a ball so no harm would befall her.