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Totoka River Flowers are happy things. - Printable Version

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Flowers are happy things. - Julooke - May 31, 2014

@Dante :-)

Julooke had trotted over to Totoka River, planning on doing some fishing. It was dusk, which was the perfect time to go. The sun was set far enough that her body wouldn't cast a shadow on the water, and thus she wouldn't scare the fish away. She approached the river's edge, watching the water as it flowed. The water wasn't rushing here, and it was kind of narrow, so it would be a good spot to fish.

She waded into the water slowly and positioned herself in the middle of the river, facing upstream, the water almost reaching her elbows. She stood as still as possible, watching a few fish swim by here and there, none of them close enough for her to think about going for. The minutes ticked by, and still she stood. She was nothing if not determined, and this was about the only time anyone could catch Julooke being still.

Finally, she caught sight of a fish heading straight for her. When it got close enough, her head darted into the river, jaws opening and closing quickly. She struggled for a moment, but the fish slipped through her teeth, though not without a slit to its tail. If she had just been a bit faster, it would have been hers. She lifted her head out of the stream, shaking the water off before returning to her statue-like stance.

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Dante RIP - May 31, 2014

Dante had been running through the lands slowly, skirting pack territories and trying to glean what information he could about the wolves who lived here. He could at least get an idea of pack numbers from scent along the boundary, a very rough estimate but better than nothing. He didn't want to get too close, especially without Helena to back him up if things got nasty.

Scenting water ahead, Dante veered that direction, fancying a drink. As he raised his head from the water, thirst sated, he heard a splash a ways down the river. Suddenly alert, he hesitated, then begin to jog along the bank, curiosity getting the better of his caution. As he got nearer he scented a single wolf, female, and from what he could tell a member of the same pack whose lands he had just rounded.

She was standing in the middle of the river, seemingly intent on the water, and Dante stopped to watch. What was she doing? Did she lose something? At first he had thought maybe she was crossing, but it didn't appear that she was moving at all. Strange.

He approached slowly, within plain view, presenting as small a threat as possible. Dante was nothing if not polite. "Excuse me, are you alright?" He asked from the riverbank, not entering the water. Perhaps she was stuck?

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Julooke - May 31, 2014

Julooke had been so focused on her fishing that she hadn't been listening to her surroundings, or potential wolves coming up on her. The voice that reached her ears made her head jerk up. Immediately, his body language told her he was no threat. Her tail wagged, and she smiled. Yes, I'm good. Just fishing, she responded.

I'm Julooke, from Horizon Ridge, she offered, hoping he would introduce himself. Want to fish with me? she asked. Two heads were always better than one!

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Dante RIP - May 31, 2014

Due to his nature in approaching, Dante was not expecting hostility. Nor, however, was he expecting the outright friendliness that he recieved from the stranger. Immediately he relaxed, smiling back at her.

Oh, fishing. The thought hadn't even occurred to him. She invited him to join and he cocked his head. "I am not sure... I've never tried." He smiled sheepishly. He'd never had to go to the water for a meal, everywhere he had traveled small game had been plentiful enough on dry land. He wasn't sure that there was any appeal to the idea of consuming fish, but she was so nice that he didn't want to turn her down. "I could give it a go, though, I suppose. If you don't mind a student, thats is." He looked dubiously at the flitting fish. He wasn't sure that he had the agility for this task, but she could turn him down if she wanted. He'd hate to scare away all the fish if she needed to catch some for her pack.

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Julooke - June 01, 2014

Julooke had always been the friendly type, so long as the wolf in front of her was, as well. Even then, she did her best not to be rude, even if they were. So, when the male appeared, submissive and not aggressive, it never occurred to her to be anything but welcoming and nice.

He didn't offer his name, and she didn't ask for it, figuring maybe he was the private type. He seemed unsure about fishing, though. It was obvious he had never done it, but Julooke was no stranger to fishing or to teaching. Not a problem! she said confidently. Come on in, I'll show you how to do it. She stepped to the side, offering him some room beside her in the river.

One of the hardest things for me to learn about fishing was being still. I'm always hyper and being still isn't easy for me, she said, smiling to him. So, one of the first things you want to do is find a good position. Ideally, you want to be facing upstream, with the sun in front of you so your shadow doesn't scare the fish. The sun is already set enough that shadows aren't an issue today, she added. She planted her paws in the silt of the bed of the river. Next, you want to make sure that you have a sturdy stance, that way when you go for a fish, you won't slip and fall. She waited to see if he needed to get comfortable. And, then, you just wait for the right fish to come along. They're super fast, you just have to be faster. Don't go for ones that are too far away. It may take a little time and patients, but one will come along. She turned her face towards the water, watching the fish swim along the banks. They were making too much noise and moving too much for the fish to want to swim near them. Go ahead and try, she said, giving him the lead. She would make sure to keep still, not going for any fish that came her way, and instead letting him try his paw at it.

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Dante RIP - June 01, 2014

He'd caught her name, but hadn't responded in kind. It did not take him long to remember his manners. "Thank you. My name is Dante. I'm newly arrived to these parts." He didn't go any deeper into the subject... most new meetings didn't start off with a description of one's life story. Besides, he wasn't big on sharing about himself. Didn't feel like it mattered that much to anyone else where he'd been so long as he was there at that moment.

Dante listened attentively as she explained her methods, setting his large paws in the mud of the bottom and keeping them comfortably spaced. He stared at the fish milling a ways off, their movings having scared them away from their area. "Patience, huh? Well, at least that is one thing I have." Speed... we'll see about that. He supposed his reflexes weren't that bad... he managed well enough in a fight or a hunt. But he probably wouldn't be nearly as quick as she was.

Dante watched carefully as the fish began to once more venture into their parts. Slowly they began to flit by, closer and closer. After a while, judging one that was swimming to be passing close enough to grab, he snapped at the water, almost overbalancing himself. He straightened, blinking water at his eyes, and smiled sheepishly. "Guess not quite enough, though." He'd misread the fish's path and thought it would be closer than it had been. "Suppose it takes practice. You do this often?" He was semi-curious. The packs he had been in before chased dry land game and he had never known any of them to fish much. If the packs around here looked to the rivers for food often then it was probably good that he was getting a lesson sooner than later.

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Julooke - June 01, 2014

Julooke smiled when he offered his name, Nice to meet you, Dante, she replied. He said he had just arrived here, but didn't offer more details. The white female sensed he was on the private side of the openness spectrum, and didn't prod him any more, at least right then. She figured there would be time after fishing, if he felt like talking.

He admitted to having patients. There were still some days when Julooke felt like a three month old pup who just couldn't contemplate waiting for anything. It was a conscious effort for her practice patients, and sometimes she still failed. As patient as Dante was, he missed his catch. The fish had just been out of reach. She motioned toward the water, Try again, she encouraged him. Eventually, one will come really close. You should wait for that one, she recommended. When he asked if she did this often, she shook her head. Not these days. I did when I was a yearling, though. The pack I was born in was fond of fish, and my big sister taught be how to catch them. There was plenty of deer and small land prey, but fishing was always... fun to me, she said with a smile. She loved diving her head into the water. It was just a plus that sometimes she came out with a fish.

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Dante RIP - June 01, 2014

Dante stood still for quite some time this time around, this time affirming internally to wait until a fish was far more than close enough. That way he could be sure. It was quite an enjoyable sensation, though, the feel of the river pushing gently against his legs. He imagined it would be less so on a less beautiful day than this.

He nodded in response as she gave him advice once more on how to better accomplish the feat. "I can see the appeal." It was... relaxing. A good way to clear the head and focus without the adrenaline rush of a hunt. He still preferred the thrill of the chase to snapping at shadows in the water, but Dante was never one to turn down a life experience. Every lesson learned was something gained and every wolf he met had something to offer if he took the time to listen. One of many things that he and his birth pack saw far differently.

"Not that I've ever tasted fish, mind you. I will have to take your word for that for now." Hopefully by the end of today, though, he'd have his own experience. If one of the darn things would just get a little closer... they were swimming by a few feet away, close enough to get if he moved. That would hardly be patient, though, now would it? He thought to himself wryly, content to just enjoy the sun on his back. However, after a few more moments one swam by a mere foot away. Only hesitating a brief moment, Dante struck, snapping at the water. This time his jaws closed on the fish, but not quite hard enough. The fish gave a furious flip and flopped from his mouth back into the river, leaving Dante with a surprised expression and a small cut from the fins. Exploring it with his tongue as he ruefully watched the fish swim away, it had already closed up. "Slippery little devils..." he chuckled. "Perhaps I'd better watch you this time? I'd hate to chase them all away every time they get close, you will probably actually have some luck."

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Julooke - June 02, 2014

He admitted he had never tasted fish. It was quite different from their usual meals, and not every wolf necessarily liked the taste. She wondered if he would. Maybe you'll get to try it today, she said hopefully. It took some trial and error, but she was confident he'd be able to catch a fish. The moment seemed to have come for him to get one, but the fish struggled and Dante didn't have a good grip on it. He lost it, and not without proof. Oh! Looks like he got a little piece of you there, she said, looking at the cut. She giggled, smiling at his 'slippery devils' comment.

She nodded to his suggestion about he going next. Alright, but you have to take a bite of one if I catch it! she countered. She wanted him to have the chance to try a new food today. She turned her head towards the water, and waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, a fish swam close enough. Her head shot into the water, and her teeth sunk into the head of the fish. Bringing herself and it out of the water, it struggled furiously, almost knocking her off balance. She moved to shore and climbed onto the bank, fish still struggling to get free. She went several feet away from the river, not wanting it to flip itself back in the water. Holding it down with a paw, she lifted her head with a smile to Dante, panting slightly.

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Dante RIP - June 02, 2014

"That he did, though can't say I blame him. I suppose I could, though only a bite. Can't be letting you do all the work!" Dante stood still, watching as Julooke waited. He thought he had the range down now but wanted to see how she actually grabbed the darn thing. He watched quietly while they waited. He doubted that the fish would mind their talk, or that they could even hear it, but sometimes it was nice to just share in companionable silence.

Her head shot down and he paid attention to the way her jaws closed on the fish's head, gripping it much more tightly than he had been. There's more to this than one would think, he thought, following her to the bank. The fish smelled pretty good, and Dante was hungry. It had been a while since he had stopped to hunt as he wasn't fond of doing so too close to pack lands. "Nice catch!"

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Julooke - June 02, 2014

Once the fish "calmed down," Julooke took a few step back and sat down on her haunches, catching her breath. She motioned toward the fish, Go ahead and try it, she offered. If you like it, it'll give you more determination to catch the next one, she added. After all, why waste energy hunting something you didn't like, especially when there was plenty of meat around you did like?

Once the excitement had called down, she ventured to ask him about himself. He had been a little closed up before the fishing lesson, but maybe know he was feeling a little bit more trusting. So, are you looking to join a local pack? It was possible he was just passing through, or looking to find a home here. She wasn't exactly recruiting for her pack, but she always liked to make new friends. It would still be a plus if it was with another pack, as it would encourage alliances.

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Dante RIP - June 02, 2014

Dante wasn't sure if she wanted to partake first seeing as she was the one who had caught the fish (and as these lands were moreso her domain than his, manners dictated that really she should). Thus he waited for her word. She stepped back, though, allowing him first crack at the fish. "Thank you," he responded, smiling at her. "Here goes nothing!"

He took a small bite, just enough to get a good taste for it. "That's good!" he said, his surprise obvious. Who would have thought that something that looked so cold and bony could taste like that? "Still doesn't beat a good deer, but definitely something I could get used to." He licked his lips, the taste lingering.

He sat down to wait for her to finish, enjoying the warm break from the cool river. She had asked about packs and he thought on the question. "I've been rolling the idea around... I've been a wanderer most of my life. It would be nice to find a place to call home. Just has to be the right place." He looked around. "That's why I've been wandering through here, taking a look myself at the lands your packs call home. Figure it can't hurt to see for myself what each has to offer. Most of these lands are just beautiful though." He looked at her. "Would you mind giving some insight? I don't want to pry, so if not, that is completely fine." He wasn't sure how much she wanted to share. Some packs were funny about things like that... his father being one of them. If Atrix had caught one of their pack spilling information, he or she would be lucky to be chased out. Most, however, weren't the lucky sort. Traitors didn't live long among the Obscurum bunch. She seemed more open and friendly than that, though, and might not be as paranoid about such things. It wasn't as though Dante were looking for information to exploit. Jace had been nice enough to give him some idea, but perhaps she knew more.

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Julooke - June 03, 2014

Julooke sat on her haunches, her ears perked and her tail wagging a bit, waiting to see his reaction to his first bite of fish. It really wouldn't matter to her whether he liked it or not. However, if he did, it would be one more kind of prey he could eat if others were scarce. She smiled when he exclaimed it was good, nodding to him. Yeah, red meat is preferred, but this is a nice change from time to time, she said. I just had crab for the first time the other day, and it was really good! It had been so tender and juicy, and she was anxious to get back to the beach soon and catch a few.

When he had taken what he wanted of the fish, she dove it, chomping down on the rest. She was careful about the bones, crunching on them a little longer to make sure none got stuck in her throat. It probably wouldn't hurt her, but it would be really uncomfortable. He seemed much more open to speaking about himself. She shook her head quickly, No, no, it's fine, she said. I haven't been here too long, either. My friend and I, Verrine, joined Horizon Ridge. I like it a lot. Ragnar, the Beta, can be a bit tough, but he's taught me so much. Pump, the Alpha, is really cool. They're both big on the pack members pulling their own weight. They're fair, but they definitely expect everyone to do their share. She couldn't see any wrong in that, that's for sure. She figured every Alpha expected that of their followers. I'm not sure about any other packs. I did meet one wolf, named Majesty, who was about to leave his current pack to start his own, but I don't know if he did or not. She was thinking about paying him a visit soon. In a few days time, she would, only she would find it would be with Ragnar and Verrine, and it most likely would not be pleasant.

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Dante RIP - June 03, 2014

Decided to give Dante's table a run, let me know if it's too hard to read and I can switch back to none!

"Change is definitely nice." He responded, thinking of more than just food. Her mention of crabs brought him back to the present though. He looked at her, surprised. "Crabs? Really." Huh.

He listened as she spoke of her pack, her enthusiasm obvious. It was good to hear the alphas here still ran a tight ship... he had begun to wonder how lax things were. Then again, hadn't that wolf Jace said much of the same, that some were rather harsh. "Sounds like you've found a nice place, I'm glad." He truly was. It was good to find a pack worth belonging to, one that you would gladly fight for. His sister had found the same, a pack as well as a mate to start a family with. For a moment he wondered briefly if that was ever in the cards for him. Honestly, the idea didn't hold much appeal right now. First things first, I guess, he mused.

"That's a gutsy move. I doubt his alpha would be too pleased with that." He shook his head. "Seems like a lot of work, leading a pack. Lot of expectation." Leave that for the masochistic sort, he had no interest in that noise. "I met someone who was looking to do much the same. Hopefully all goes well for both."

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Julooke - June 05, 2014

Easy to read and it's beautiful!

She nodded, Yeah, she said. We should meet up at the beach some time. I'll teach you to get them. I'm not at all that great at it myself, but it's not too hard. If she could at least catch one, she could show him how it's done.

She smiled, Yeah, it is nice, she agreed. You're welcome to come check it out. I may not be able to get you inside the borders without the leader's permission, but if I ask, maybe they'll let me show you around. She wasn't sure how strict Pump would be about letting in a potential member. Ragnar would... rip his head off, maybe? He was extremely protective right now because of his children. Even with Pump's permission, it would likely be a good idea to let him know before hand. If you ever feel like it, she added, letting him know there was no pressure. She had never been a recruiter for any pack, but she would at least know there was one friendly face in the crows.

She thought about it a moment, and decided Dante was right. Yeah, he didn't speak positively about his leader, so I doubt they'll get any warning that he's leaving, or that he has plans to make his own pack. In the coming days, she would understand just how dangerous it could be, not just for Majesty, but for Horizon Ridge, as well.I have no desire to be an Alpha. There are so many pressure on Alphas and in so many ways. I like to be able to relax sometimes, she said with a smile. After a moment, she added, Speaking of, I think I should start heading back before they begin to wonder where I am. Her head turned in the direction of Horizon Ridge before looking back to Dante.

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Dante RIP - June 05, 2014

Thanks, that is good to hear! If you ever want one, let me know! I can throw an attempt your way =D

"Sounds like fun! Less so for the crabs." He responded lightly, "or so we hope, if we are lucky." Maybe it would go better than fishing, he thought, poking a bit of fun at himself internally. "As to checking out your packlands, I would hate to intrude. Perhaps, though." He wouldn't want her to get into any trouble on his account, and he wasn't sure how her pack would take a loner wandering through, even with an escort. If she asked, though, maybe. That is, if they met up again.

"I hear you there. I never understood the appeal of the pressure. But I guess it is a good thing that some like it, for if no one was willing, where would we be?" He smiled. "I suppose you should. It's been a pleasure, Joulooke. I wish you well! Perhaps we will speak again another time, and you can give me another fishing lesson. Who knows, with some practice, maybe I'll catch you one next." He had enjoyed this meeting with the friendly girl quite a lot. He hoped she had enjoyed his company as well.

RE: Flowers are happy things. - Julooke - June 06, 2014

Oh my gosh, you're too kind! I would love a table! I don't really have a preference as to what kind, except to kinda match Julooke's personality. We can fade here with my post, and I'll archive, or you can make the last post.

Julooke laugh, Yeah, I'm hoping we'll have the upper paw. If they win, I think I'll stick to fish, she replied. Getting beat by such a tiny little creature would be laughable, and likely turn Julooke away from trying to hunt them anymore. She had a good teacher, though, and retained information pretty well, so she was hopeful she could at least catch one crab. Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find us, she replied with a smile.

She nodded in agreement, Yeah, nature is nice that way. It seems to give us what we need, even if we don't realize we need it. He was making his goodbyes, and she smiled, It was a pleasure meet you, Dante. I hope we get to fish again someday. He was a very nice wolf, one to easily befriend, and she hoped she ran into him again soon. Standing, she smiled at him before turning and heading back to Horizon Ridge.