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samain nights - Printable Version

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samain nights - Ragnar - June 01, 2014

There is no obligation but I thought it'd be awesome to have a baby/daddy thread with @Gyda, too! I'm going to pp Eirikr a little bit in it but not much he'll mostly just be sleeping. :p Also teeny little pp of Thistle and Gunnar, eep. Danni, if you're reading this and the sight pp bothers you please let me know and I'll happily fix it!

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As per usual Ragnar had came by the den to relieve Thistle for a few minutes, or an hour or so if she wished, allowing her the time he could so she could get out, stretch her legs, soak up the sun or hunt for herself; Ragnar wasn’t privy as to what she did when he came to give her a break from the infants and did not ask because women were allowed their secrets (as long as she wasn’t seeing another guy! That was one secret in which she was not allowed, lol); though he was certain Thistle would tell him if he were ever to ask. Ragnar tried to time his turns to watch the children after they fed so they were not wailing their little heads off for food that Ragnar was not able to procure for them and while part of Ragnar could not wait until they began eating regurgitated meat (it would make watching them measurably easier) he did not wish them to grow up too fast, instead enjoying being able to measure their daily growths. Already, eight days after their birth they were more mobile than they had been and though Ragnar couldn’t be certain he thought that maybe they were beginning to hear sounds if not faintly. He was not well versed in the development of children, knowing that only they were deaf and blind at first but he thought their hearing progressed faster than their eyesight (since technically hearing was more important).

He shimmied his body into the den, shoulders brushing the ceiling as he army crawled into the depths where it expanded and opened up to better accommodate him and his small family. They would not be able to stay in this den forever, especially when the children began growing and already he was, more or less secretly, working on a rendezvous den to accommodate the growing children, Thistle, and himself. He had not yet told Thistle he was renovating and working on it because, in part, he wished for it to be a surprise for her; and had begun making decorations for it for both Thistle and the children collecting bones and furs to add to it. He grunted as he pushed past Thistle, pausing to grin wolfishly at his wife, dropping a kiss on her hip as they pushed past each other and Ragnar settled into the place that Thistle had vacated, pausing to glimpse down at the three little forms before he settled into a sphinx like position. Tveir was fast asleep and seemed to snuggle against Ragnar’s colossal — in comparison — side. Ein was awake and had began to wiggle his way in between Ragnar’s arm pit (if wolves even have such a thing), and while he paid his First Born attention with a rumbling chuckle his icy eyes searched for his daughter in the squirming bodies hoping to catch the Viking Princess awake so he might get to have some of her attention, limited though it was, to himself.

RE: samain nights - Gyda - June 01, 2014

A belly full of milk sated her, but when her warm pillow moved away, she grumpily yelped in protest, quickly though it was replaced by another warm blanket, This one was not as soft and sometimes it was full of dust that did not taste good at all. But it was most definitely a familiar scent, Having sought for food upon it before she knew it could offer her nothing but warmth and a lot of noisy vibrations.

She liked those noisy vibrations, soon she'd learn that they were words and she could use them too; but for now she hoped to provoke this 'blanket' into making those sounds again. She shoved at the blob next to her, the constant scent she would learn later was a sibling, for now it was annoying, it sometimes crawled on top of her, she hated that. extricating herself from the other two blobs, she nuzzled her way under the arm of her second favourite 'blanket' and made tiny whimpers that were not quiet cries for milk but relative close, she wanted something from him... and she knew of no other way to communicate it to him.

RE: samain nights - Ragnar - June 02, 2014

Though Ragnar was sure that while the children might be able to hear even a little — this was purely a guess because they seemed much more vocal than they had initially been the previous week — he knew he could hear their yelps and cries of protest when Thistle or him switched, or when they were protesting when Ein, whom had a penchant for climbing and conquering his smaller siblings making Ragnar ridiculously proud because the conquering tendency was something they shared, squirmed over top of them. It was an easy fix to nudge the First Born off of his siblings to lift him by his scruff because while Ragnar felt pride he did not want the infant to accidentally suffocate one of his siblings. Ein couldn’t really be faulted considering he couldn’t see where he was going. Ragnar had to hold onto the hope that he would stop climbing his siblings like they were mountains once he was more visually aware of them; and considering Ragnar knew what it was like to be squished by his oldest sibling he felt sympathy for the Second Born and his daughter whose silver color had only gotten more beautiful with the days after her birth. It was a much darker shade than his own, more steel than it was platinum but that did not stop Ragnar from the entirely incorrect assumption that she was of his seed, at least (she isn’t but what Ragnar doesn’t know won’t hurt him) .

It was Ragnar’s daughter who cried out now, that was the small body trying to snake into his armpit and not Ein as the Viking had wrongly assumed at first. A confuse glance over his shoulder showed that Ein was wrapped around Tveir both snoring — though Tveir had the tendency to snore the loudest out of his siblings Ragnar had found. It was funny, in a warm fatherly kind of way, how the longer he got to know his children the little quirks he learned. Already, though they were only eight days old, they were beginning to distinguish themselves. They were tiny little things, unnoticeable to anyone but Thistle and himself (though this was obvious because Ragnar absolutely refused to let anyone near the den or to even see them until he performed the Rite on their one month age mark. The savage man lifted his leg so she could wiggle her way towards his chest and would not be stuck in the junction between his shoulder and his leg. Instantly the Viking princess began to make small whimpers, continuous. Trepidation came over Ragnar as he considered calling out for Thistle, mistaking the noises to mean she was hungry (Already?! Hadn’t Thistle assured him they had just ate?) but knew that Thistle had assured him all of their bellies were full. He glimpsed down as best he could at his little Gyda feeling nothing short of love for the precious little girl bloom and sear in his heart as he listened to her, ears slicking back to his skull, wishing she could speak so he might understand what she desired.

hvat er málið dóttir? Ragnar spoke to her in his native tongue though he knew she would not be able to answer him. At least, not yet. Someday, soon.

RE: samain nights - Gyda - June 02, 2014

Her world consisted only of four different scents, she knew nothing else and no one else. One scent 'mum' brought food, the other 'rumbler' brought warmth and rumbling sometimes new scents that she quickly learned to ignore and the other two scents she didn't care much for yet... they offered her nothing but distraction and annoyance.

She waded into the chest of 'rumbler.' Leaving behind the other two blobs of scent she had no use for. Here was the best place to feel the vibrations, She lifted her head right back, her mouth poised to whine again, open in preparation for a howl like whine. Nothing come out though for she received what she had desired the rumble issued forth and she quieted.

The rumbling sound and vibration stopped almost as quickly as it began and she sniffled flipping onto her side she pushed at the chest of her father; the only father she would know, and love. Small wistful cries began to issue forth again quieter this time. She didn't muzzle him with her face she didn't want food she wanted a story. Her paws continued to prod at his chest with all her feeble might.

What could she do that would reward her? crying worked before perhaps if she cried louder... she'd wait a moment though to see if this prodding and new cry worked first...

RE: samain nights - Ragnar - June 03, 2014

Gah! I love Gyda so much already! She's so cute. <3

Ragnar felt Gyda collide with his chest, pushing herself against the hardened muscle and silky fur that lined the contours of it, one of the sections of his body that was not riddled with scars. His belly area was not either because Ragnar had never been submissive enough to expose it. Even the mere thought of allowing another creature access to his throat and the vitals they could easily find at the exposure of his stomach made the Viking shudder. Thistle had gotten about as close as anyone could ever get to those regions and that was because it had been necessary. Otherwise Ragnar was not so sure he would have even let her have access to those vulnerable areas of his body despite that he trusted his wife with his life. Had too, really, he realized, remembering the threat she had issued him with the severity of a woman who would not be left scorned. She would end his life if he was unfaithful to her and not in the way a warrior should go out. She had promised him a silent death, likely a slow and agonizing one. Poison was a woman’s weapon, or so he had heard multiple times.

When Ragnar had issued his question, it had quieted his Viking Princess for only a few moments before she was crying at him again demanding that he …say more? It was a guessing game for the man who didn’t speak baby and had eliminated that it wasn’t food she wanted and there wasn’t much else the Viking assumed she could want… besides maybe his voice. Or the vibrations his voice made when he spoke, at any rate. setjast niður sætur barn He murmured to her though he did not expect her to listen. Mostly, it was just Ragnar testing his theory that it was what she desired from him, though the prodding of her little paws against his chest from where she lay was adorable to Ragnar he took it to mean that he was doing a horrible job at keeping her entertained. Or that she was becoming impatient.

For a moment he pondered what else he might say to her. While he could easily just tell her sweet little nothings (it wasn’t like she could hear him anyway) that felt wrong. Instead, he contemplated what type of story he could tell her. “I will tell you a story,” He switched back to common tongue in case Thistle, where ever she was, too, was listening. “How does that sound, daughter?” He nuzzled the soft, downy fur of her tiny side with his nose, breathing in her baby’s scent of earth, Thistle, and milk.

RE: samain nights - Gyda - June 04, 2014

Whoops, posted in wrong character

When he began to speak again, the noise and vibrations caused her to settle she only moaned a little begging him to continue, something cold and wet touched her, she was beginning to like that; for a warm breeze usually followed the cold touch when Mum or Father exhaled.

She rolled on her back and attempted to find and touch that thing that touched her with her sensitive paw pads, glad that her siblings were not bothering her here. She was enjoying the one on one attention. Her little tail swayed back and forth across the ground as she lay on her back, showing her pleasure and happiness.

Once more few little moans escaped her, encouraging the rumbling to continue, or at least that was what she was what she was hoping she was doing. The warmth all around her she she lay there tucked under his arm was lulling her to sleep, regardless of her other desire to hear more of his voice.

RE: samain nights - Ragnar - June 05, 2014

The small child had rolled on her back and pressed her rough paw pads against his nose, a small chuckle escaping the Viking, staying still for her like that for a few minutes before he recoiled, gently, encouraged to begin his story by the small noises she made. He glimpsed a last time at the boys against his side, peered at the den entrance to see if he could catch a glimpse of Thistle before he smiled down at his little Gyda, his own tail making a sweeping arch against the earthen floor of the den as he gathered his thoughts, having decided suddenly, what story he would tell her speaking, “I will tell you the story of creation,” It was the best place to start considering it was the start of everything and even though he knew none of his children could hear it he did not mind telling it, nevertheless.

“Before the soil, grass, or sky there was only the abyss Ginnungagap and it was Ginnungagap that lay between the land of fire, Muspelheim and the land of ice, Niflheim. Each day Muspelheim and Niflheim moved closer and closer until they met in Ginnungagap and the flames of Muspelheim melted some of the ice of Niflheim and from the drops Ymir a God giant was born; and Ymir had a lot of children,” Ragnar let out how precisely Ymir had a lot of children for the Giant had been a hermaphrodite and though he knew his children were still fairly deaf he could not bring himself to tell them the explicit details of it, trying to make it children friendly as he could. “Musphelheim kept melting the ice of Niflheim and this time born a cow named Audhumbla. She fed Ymir from her milk, how your mother feeds you, little one.” Ragnar smiled fondly, “And from the licking the salt in the ice she uncovered Buri and then Buri had a son named Bor who married a giant woman named Bestla and together they had the King of the Gods, Odinn.”

Ragnar took a deep breath, pausing in his story telling to lick Gyda for a few moments, assuming that she had been lulled to sleep already. “Odinn slew Ymir and from Ymir’s body the world was formed, his blood formed the sea, the soil from his skin and muscles, grass, plants and trees from his fur, the clouds from his brain and the sky from his skull.” Ragnar could have continued about the Tree Of Life but he peeked another glance at Gyda waiting for a few moments to see if his story had actually put her to sleep or not.

RE: samain nights - Gyda - June 05, 2014

The corners of her lips moved into a smile though in reality she did not have that much control of her facial features yet. the rumblings started and this time they did not tease her they kept going. Almost asleep again warm and oh so content when a warm yet wet thing moved over her. This had happened may times in her short life and though she accepted it she wasn't completely fond of it, she shifted and moved to shove her paw against the warm wet surface when it touched her again, she didn't want a bath she wanted the rumbling when it touched her the rumbling had stopped.

Finally once more the rumbling began and she cooed her pleasure. If only she could understand the meaning of the rumblings she'd be even more delighted to hear it. She loved this voice it made her feel loved and protected, enveloped her senses and made her bond with her father stronger.

Close to sleep; with or without his continued rumblings she'd sleep, dreaming of the rumbler hearing the voice and dreaming of making sense of it all.

RE: samain nights - Ragnar - June 06, 2014

Maybe one more post from you so it reaches 10 so we can count it towards EXP? :-) I'm kind of obsessed with collecting EXP for Ragnar, lol. :P

Gyda protested when Ragnar had taken a pause in his story to groom her, pushing the mussed downy soft, dark silver fur back in the direction it was meant to go, ruffled from when he had skimmed his nose through it previously. Her paw pad meant with the Jarl’s Viking’s tongue in a quiet way that told him clearly to stop. He pulled a face getting a tongue full of dirt from her paw pad and recoiled his tongue, scraping it against his teeth. Dirt was not one of Ragnar’s favorite things as far as taste went and accordingly he surrendered to his daughter’s physical command. “Ok, ok. You win, Gyda,” He conceded murmuring her (secret) name into the small fold of her ear before he glimpsed up sharply, eyes narrowing in the direction of the den’s mouth at the sound of footfalls. His body had tensed briefly before they kept going and just as quick his attention moved back to the Viking Princess full of the adoration he could not help but feel for her.

The steel colored child cooed her pleasure when he had begun to tell her the rest of the story, fairly simple in it’s design and how Ragnar chose to make sense of the world around him. How his culture chose to make sense of it. Someday, her and her brothers would come to realize that. In a way, it wasn’t entirely fair that while Ragnar did not expect the religion aspect of his culture to be followed or accepted by his followers, he expected both from his children. He would raise them how his parents had raised him and his brothers, and their parents before that …what they chose to do as adults was up to them because then he would have no say over them. As he finished his story he glimpsed down at his daughter where she was nestled against his chest, tucked securely into the crook of the junction between his shoulder and leg where if her silver did not clash with his, darker as it was, she might have went hidden.

RE: samain nights - Gyda - June 07, 2014

Gyda moved her paw through the air making sure that the warm but wet thing didn't touch her again when it didn't and she was surround by a little more rumbling she snuggled into his chest. Though not hungry she rooted around as if looking for a feeding station, she was not looking for food but the closeness in contact, it was merely minutes and she was fast asleep again. Her breath soft and rhythmic.