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Blacktail Deer Plateau witchmilk - Printable Version

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witchmilk - Lasher - June 03, 2014


into the far reaches of the cold mountains he had withdrawn, even unto the storm-tossed sea and its cool sands. he had left behind the child with gaelic upon his lips, and fallen into a long dream of donnelaith, accursed glen to which he could not return. not without the blessing of the witch, and he did not know where she had gone, his siku, his dark revenant.

the darkfurred man threaded his way carefully through the faintest light of early morning, his paws aware of the dew, but his heart was filled with the everlasting grief he had not been able to cast aside, the sense of abandonment, and beneath that, the lurking anger. swampwater eyes lifted to the night-darkened branches of the plateau, and here he paused, albeit for reasons he himself did not comprehend.

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RE: witchmilk - Peregrine Redhawk - June 03, 2014

Peregrine would've loved to take both daughters with him to the borders but Tytonidae was still grounded, that little fugitive. He considered taking Pura or Saēna instead but when he went to collect Junior, those two were fast asleep beneath a maple tree near the eastern edge of the clearing.

"Looks like it's just you and me, Jun-yawww," he drawled, mimicking the way the pup said her own name. Clicking his tongue to summon her to heel, the Alpha male left the clearing with Osprey Jr. bounding in his wake.

He led her on a winding journey through the wood, then eventually approached the borders. "We're going to do a short patrol," he announced to the pup, who'd been surprisingly docile today. "C'mon, let's hoof it!" he invited in the next breath, breaking into a ground-eating lope which delivered him to the plateau's edge, lookalike in tow.

He hadn't expected to see an interloper lurking there. Peregrine froze when he spotted the strange male, then deliberated for a few seconds. "Stick close to me," he eventually murmured to Osprey, "and do as I say. This is a stranger and we're going to see what he's doing hanging around our borders." Exchanging a meaningful look with the youth (she fell obediently into step, hanging back to walk behind him), Peregrine picked his way down the slope.

"What is your business here at my doorstep?" he asked in an authoritative tone, trying to show his daughter a good example of how to handle strange faces at their perimeter.

RE: witchmilk - Lasher - June 03, 2014

he turned at the sound of a voice ringing stentorian with confidence, and swamp-gaze alighted on a darkened, muscular creature, a lovely diabhal with eyes that shone green in the dim light and quite put to shame the brief hints of emerald in taltos' own. he was not alone, lasher noted; a sable child tagged at his heels, and he observed her for the briefest of moments before he returned his attention to the man.

opposite lips that formed a question, taltos lowered his stance in obeisance, ears sliding back to a politely folded position along his skull. but he was struck dumb by the other's beauty, and quite ignored the child, wishing to creep forward into the scant inches of space encasing the devil. perhaps his search for a witch must now be ended, or put aside for now. a home, taltos murmured belatedly, gaze falling to caress the ground, for as sure as the sun was beginning to rise, he had been staring unabashed at the man.

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RE: witchmilk - Peregrine Redhawk - June 03, 2014

Although much of his attention remained on the child at his heels, Peregrine took a moment to study the stranger, now that they were closer. The two of them could nearly pass for brothers, though the other male was slighter of build and a few shades paler in color. His eyes, which met only briefly before the stranger's fell to the ground, shared the same blue and green tinctures as Peregrine's own. He'd felt the stare more than saw it, thinking nothing of it, especially now that the other wolf's gaze swept only his forepaws.

Glancing sideways at his offspring, Peregrine asked, "What would you provide this pack in exchange for a home? And why this pack?" No one had ever procured a satisfying answer to this particular query, yet he persisted in asking it. Once the male provided some answers, he'd move on to introductions, perhaps, taking the opportunity to teach Osprey Jr. some manners.

RE: witchmilk - Lasher - June 03, 2014

at first, he did not understand what the other asked; it had never been a practice of his to line out his attributes, and the inquiry was vague enough to imply that these were not needed. siku had not wanted him for what he had brought; she had desired him for what he was, her devoted slave. he had brought nothing, but he had gained much.

myself, he answered simply. he could hunt as well as any other, track, fraternize. and the devil would know this, simply by way of his species and his physique. i bring myself, and the willingness to learn what it is you require of me, what my place among your wolves should be. he raised his eyes as he spoke, meeting the dark male's only briefly before fixing on a more suitable point beyond the other's shoulder. and i was not in search of a pack. yours has the fragrance of strength. what more would i look for?

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RE: witchmilk - Peregrine Redhawk - June 03, 2014

The male offered himself, implying that his skill and servitude came as part of a packaged deal. Peregrine paused, mulling over this response and deciding whether it would fly with him. He liked the idea of being able to command and shape a recruit. Almost certainly, he would see to it that the male become a fellow Gamekeeper...

Peregrine's ears stiffened at the mention of his pack's strength as he asked, "If you join a pack on a whim, will you leave it just as easily? Along with your willingness to do anything asked of you, I require your loyalty. Also, your name. I am Peregrine and this," he said, motioning for Osprey Jr. to come a bit closer, "is one of my daughters, Osprey Jr."

"Jun-yaw!" the youngster piped up, declaring her preference for the suffix. She stared boldly at the stranger who resembled her daddy, feeling no need to submit to him, though her tail remained low in deference to her dominant sire.

RE: witchmilk - Lasher - June 03, 2014

it was lasher's turn to tense somewhat, but the gesture left him as soon as it had arrived. peregrine, as the man called himself, did not know the levels of loyalty he had felt toward siku, toward tonravik; he could not know the insult he was putting forth toward the man. my pack disbanded and our leader left us behind. i sought out her daughter to follow, for she had come in the first's stead, and she too departed, he said softly, gaze traveling affectionately to the littlest of the wolves.

i am loyal, but this is something i must prove to you and yours. i am lasher, also called taltos. call me one, call me the other. i shall answer. he dipped his muzzle to osprey, the princess, and proffered a wan smile. peregrine had introduced her as one of his offspring; so the devil was virile as well as beautiful. for a moment, murkwater gaze met the tantalizing verdancy of the sable male's eyes, and quietly he conveyed again his willingness to bend his body in service for peregrine, before he respectfully removed his gaze and awaited the word of the leader.

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RE: witchmilk - Peregrine Redhawk - June 04, 2014

When Lasher gave his name and revealed the fact that his loyalty had never wavered before and that it was his previous leaders that had failed him, Peregrine thought, Color me impressed. Aloud, he said, "Well, Lasher, I'll offer you my Lambda rank in exchange for a chance to provide your services and prove your loyalty. Should you fail to do either, you will no longer be welcome to the rank."

"WEWCOME!" Osprey chirruped behind him. The Alpha male blinked at her, trying to stifle his smile, then shook his head. The pup quieted and fell back onto her haunches.

Facing Lasher again, Peregrine said simply, "Follow us," and turned. He motioned for Osprey Jr. to run ahead, then began to lead Lasher up the scarp to his new home.

RE: witchmilk - Lasher - June 04, 2014

it was upon the tip of his tongue to tell peregrine he was lovely in lasher's eyes, but he did not know how it would be taken. add to that the presence of a child, which in taltos' experience, relayed the insistence for feminine company, if only to sire offspring, and he would be better off silent. a gentle nod was given the dark male, and he smiled at the girl's outburst, falling into step behind the pair.

the sun was surely rising, and its growing light cast the trees into varied shadows and silhouettes, while magnifying the myriad little details. taltos was forced to pause for a moment, murk-gaze sweeping the land with quiet appreciation, and for once his eyes showed their emerald tinge in a glancing flash of morning beam, before he blinked and lengthened his stride to catch up with peregrine and his child.

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RE: witchmilk - Peregrine Redhawk - June 04, 2014

When they reached the plateau proper, Peregrine paused contemplatively and then said to Junior, "I want you to go straight home. You know the way, don't you?" In response to this, Junior stared at her father as if in disbelief, then nodded enthusiastically and blurted, "Ya!" "Good. Go on. I'll catch up with you. And I'll know if you don't go straight home," he added warningly.

Once Osprey Jr. bounded away (clearly delighted by this brief freedom), the Alpha male turned to his newest recruit. "If you're open to it, Lasher, I'd like to get you started as a Gamekeeper. A hunter, in other words." His tail twitched. "I'd like to get started right now, actually." The Are you game? was implied by his silence and his heavy gaze.

RE: witchmilk - Lasher - June 04, 2014


taltos paused as peregrine did, and watched as his new leader sent the little wolf off with a fatherly warning. it had never been part of him to long for the conception and rearing of children, and so he was not envious of the male. it was touching to his heart to see the interaction between sire and offspring, nevertheless.

the devil spoke, and lasher heeded, words evading his lips even as he nodded silently and fell into step with peregrine. as he had said before, he would do what was needed of him; if the male intended him to be a hunter, then that is what he would do, though taltos fancied himself a hunter of souls rather than edible flesh.

the sun rose higher over the plateau and lasher found himself most pleased in the other's company, speaking when it was required of him as they moved in an inexorable rhythm toward the thrill of the hunt and the blood-slaking afterward.

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