Wolf RPG
Porcupine Ridge city of decay - Printable Version

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city of decay - Lasher - June 03, 2014



his searching had come to naught, his searching for the witch but also the child who spoke the faint truths of the glen. lasher departed the plateau and drifted into the afternoon light, soon swallowed by the tall grasses of the flatlands, though his dark form could be seen through the foliage.

where he wandered, he did not know, and his paws moved of their own accord, until taltos found himself among the jagged edges of a rock shelf, and there the wolf returned to himself. it was no tartok, and the scents of wolves here were stale, but lasher lifted his face unto the sun and thanked whatever god had brought him here, if gods indeed were existent, and would show mercy unto this fool.

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RE: city of decay - RIP Fox - June 06, 2014

Fox was wary of how close Jace and Ferdie seemed to be sticking. Their scents were heavy upon the Sunspire, and she thought they had laid claim to it. She disliked a pack so close. It made her tense, filled her with worry, and she wondered why they had chosen somewhere so close. There was no way they could be happy with her decision, so why stay so close? Why stick around? Why not flee to somewhere that they would not think of her every time they looked over the creek. Those were questions that she could not answer for them. They were also questions that she would not ask them to their face. She wished to see no more of them, and having them so goddamn close was not going to help that.

She evaded the Sunspire as soon as she caught wind of their scent, moving north toward the now-abandoned vale. There was little to see there, aside from rubble that had come of the landslide Lecter had spoken of. Like Ferdie and Jace, Fox did not wish to dwell on the wolves of the vale. They mattered little to her, so she paid them no mind now that they were gone.

A figure drove itself into her sight, and Fox studied the outline of it for a moment. It was a wolf, no doubt. The wind was not in her favor, so she could not detect other attributes about it, so she moved toward the dark creature with curiosity. Surely he would smell and see her before she got to him.

RE: city of decay - Lasher - June 14, 2014

she was flame and confidence, foxfire's own grace, and lasher found himself submitting somewhat to her, for not only was she female, she bespoke a power. though he owed peregrine his obeisance, he could not halt the response of his body, and soon settled his haunches to the ground, giving her an expression of complete and rapt attention.

taltos did not need her name, nor her title; she existed in femininity and for that alone, and for the drawing near of her steps, he worshipped her as some fine ray of the noonday sun, fierce and thirsted in its intensity.

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RE: city of decay - RIP Fox - June 15, 2014

Fox halted a few yards away when he settled into a sit. Her curiosity was piqued, and she wondered what he was doing out here. An outrider for Perry? She had gotten close enough that his scent wafted toward her. She had met few, if any of Perry's kin. To say she had "met" his two children was an overstatement. The two small girls had done nothing but stay on the sidelines both times that Fox had encountered them. They seemed to have a good connection with their father, and it made Fox wonder what their connection to their mother was like.

Refocusing her gaze on the male before her, Fox took a few cautious steps forward. They were on neutral ground, but of course she never really felt "neutral" toward anybody. Those who were not of the creek were enemies or potential recruits by default. Perry was somewhere floating in space. He should have been an enemy, but for some reason Fox found him charming. With the distance between the two of them closing, Fox flicked her tongue to show that she meant no harm.

RE: city of decay - Lasher - June 15, 2014

she came near, and her gesture relaxed him further, though he had not feared her before. having spent time yet only in the shadow of the plateau, he did not recognize her scent, nor did he care. in this vast space, only the two of them were existent, and in his mind, there was no need of titles.

a great longing in his heart then arose for siku, and his jaw tensed somewhat with pain, but it fled as soon as it had come, and he trained his swampwater gaze upon the woman, and waited for her to speak, to untangle the brambles that had suddenly choked his own tongue.

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RE: city of decay - RIP Fox - June 19, 2014

If it was words he awaited, he had come to the wrong place. It was rare for Fox to speak unless spoken to, and that was usually amongst friends and family (i.e. Swiftcurrent Creek's inhabitants). Most of what needed to be said to strangers could be done much better through the movements of her body: the quelling of fears, the warnings to back away, the inviting gestures to come closer. Those were things that needed to be said to strangers. Nothing more, nothing less.

The mocha wolf had not backed away, and so Fox took it as a sign that she was permitted to come closer. She did so, again licking her lips to assure him she meant no harm. When she reached him, she stretched her neck to touch her nose to his neck (should he not give signs that she was to back away), breathing in his scent that was thick with the musk of Peregrine's pack.

RE: city of decay - Lasher - June 23, 2014

taltos watched the lap of her pink tongue against her lips, mesmerized. he arched minutely into her touch, pleased with it, that she had deigned to reach out so to him. he took her scent as well — the firebolt smelt of water, as if she had managed to combine two elements into herself, and lasher was smitten with such.

drawing back, he found her eyes and rose, plume moving in a gentle wave to convey his amiability, and fell into a play-bow, snapping teasingly at the air, eyes bright as he urged her into sport.

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RE: city of decay - RIP Fox - June 27, 2014

He shifted into a bow, and Fox's tail wagged furiously when he did so. She was still but a year old, and the young Alpha certainly still had a lot of puppy in her. It was just that it usually came out when she was with her pack-mates. Fox mirrored his pose shortly after, her red, black, and white tail wheeling all the while.

She struck out at him, but intentionally only snapped the air. There was no reason to go for blood in this case. They were merely honing in the skills that had been bred into them for thousands of years.

RE: city of decay - Lasher - June 30, 2014

his tail swayed behind him as well, and when she cleaved the air with her shining teeth, he leapt backward, giving a sharp bark of invitation. he did not dart from her, not yet, but feinted left, tossing his head and waiting for her to give chase. such times were needed, to put aside oneself, one's inhibitions, and give tongue to the baser needs of their primality.

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RE: city of decay - RIP Fox - July 02, 2014

Fox barked excitedly, bounding after him with gusto and a feeling of pure contentment as she did so. She yearned for the days when she had been but a pup, going through these same motions with her sisters. Picking up her pace, Fox passed him while giving him a look of pride in her speed, only to misstep and come crashing to the ground like a little ball of red fur.

She yelped, but it was only from surprise, not pain, and when she finally came to a stop, she lay on the ground in a fit of hearty, happy laughter. Fox had forgotten how freeing it was to be stupid and young, and she would have to make it a point to have these sorts of interactions more often.

RE: city of decay - Lasher - July 06, 2014

she passed, but tripped, and landed in a laughing ruddy heap. lasher laughed too, for the sheer pleasure of it all, and lay himself in the grass near her, eyes shining toward the sky. her joy was infectious, and he partook happily in it, for it was cathartic as well as refreshing.

it had been some time since he had acted so, and though eventually his chuckles trailed away, the delight remained, and his body relaxed against the loam. he thought of deborah, of suzanne, of stella; taltos smiled.

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RE: city of decay - RIP Fox - July 14, 2014

Oddly enough, Fox felt at peace laying beside the stranger who came from Perry's land. They had little to no connection with one another, but he had been friendly and silly. While those weren't always traits that Fox sought out, she wondered if perhaps she should have been looking for them all the while. For what purpose, she was not sure. Fox knew that, when she took a mate, he would be strong and wise and handsome. Could one be wise and silly at the same time? Thoughts of that level were never really fit for Fox's tiny brain.

Wriggling her body just so, she moved closer to him so that their backs were touching. The words "oddly comforting" continued to make an appearance in her thought cycles, and she blinked lazily as she stared into the grassy abyss.

RE: city of decay - Lasher - July 23, 2014

wanna fade here? i'm sure we will be having another soon hurr hurr hurr

she lay down alongside him, and he was delighted. with their furred spines touching, the man sighed into the warm air, well at peace with himself and the woman beside him. no words were needed, for they would only sully the atmosphere, and his eyes closed in contentment.

lasher would not sleep here, away from his borders, but relaxed enough, he would drift into the no-man's-land betwixt slumber and awareness, all tension drained from his body and limitless joy buoying his heart.

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