Wolf RPG
Barrow Fields Head to the future - Printable Version

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Head to the future - Rosalyn - February 09, 2018

It was really only a matter of time before curiosity got the better of her, and to be honest, it was a miracle she'd held off this long.

She'd run by in a pass, not close enough to flag notice, but close enough to catch her scent.  So she was still fucking there, lurking in her caverns, all these years later.

Rosalyn pulled up to a stop in the center of the field, her sides heaving with the exertion of her foray.  Well, now she knew.  Her ears tilted back and she glanced behind.  She was really fucking glad now their claim was well south of these waters.

RE: Head to the future - Nox Cairn - February 10, 2018

Everything aches all over. The blood has managed to stop and scabs have formed but she’s missing chunks of her white fur, giving her a mixture of feeling hot and cold at the same time in certain places. The one that caused all of this hadn’t been much help and she’s left alone, making her realizing what kind of bad idea it is all in all.
With a heavy sigh, Nox meanders through the snow cover fields until something ahead catches her attention. The dark wolf is a blip against the otherwise white background in front of her. Yellow eyes narrow and she lowers her head, moving again to close the distance between herself and the stranger and chuffing a greet when close enough.

RE: Head to the future - Rosalyn - February 11, 2018

She only paused a brief moment, but seemed everywhere you turned in these wilds, someone showed up.  That was no different now as a white wolf appeared, making a noise of announcement as she moved in closer.  Rosalyn turned and poised to run, not sure she wanted to have a run in with anyone so close to her old rival's pack lands.  But she soon saw no aggression in the stranger.  Instead the other wolf seemed worn.

"What happened to you? You look like hell," she said as the woman came closer, taking in her torn pelt.  Was whatever got her nearby?

RE: Head to the future - Nox Cairn - February 21, 2018

The other greets her with an obvious question but it’s better than aggression, like the last time, but she doesn’t even have it in her to feel any necessary tension. She’s just thankful to stop and, if she’s lucky, maybe she’ll get a little help. “I was trying to take a kill from these birds but,” she pauses, smirking, admitting to her foolishness. Nox had only been hungry and from a distance, she thought she had a chance. “I didn’t realize how big the fucking birds were,” she explains with a painful shrug, wincing as a new scab tears and warm blood touches her tender skin.

RE: Head to the future - Rosalyn - February 21, 2018

Was she joking? Rosalyn couldn't stop the laugh that burst out, though she kept it to a reasonable level.  "You mean to tell me a bunch of birds did that?" She asked, shaking her head at the ridiculous picture it made.  "The fuck did you piss off? A pack of eagles?"  

She didnt intend to mock, but that was likely one of the funniest things she'd heard in a long while.

RE: Head to the future - Nox Cairn - February 21, 2018

The anger from the laughter lasts but a second, turning into embarrassment pretty quickly that leads to an awkward chuckle. “Um, yeah. Two of ‘em,” she explains, “and it wouldn’t be s’bad if this dumbass didn’t start to like, run right at me!” It had been a surprise and she still hadn’t figured it out. “He didn’t even move. He just fuckin’ crashed into me,” Nox adds. She’d already admitted to having her ass kicked by a bird (two birds, thank you very much), so she might as well finish the whole story. It’s not like she’d see her again.

RE: Head to the future - Rosalyn - February 21, 2018

Well, she didn't get teeth to the nose, which was mighty generous, considering how hard a time she was having controlling her reaction.  But fuck.  Two birds.  "Wait what?  What dumbass?  Bird or somethin else?"  Ok it was a fair question.  She got herself under wraps, however, to ask the next.  She didn't want to laugh the girl off, because she was intrigued, and she sensed the encounter wasn't exactly one she was keen on expanding on.  "Why're you pickin fights with birds anyhow?  Easier ways to get kills."

Less she was desperate, in which case... hmm.  This might get a bit more interesting.

RE: Head to the future - Nox Cairn - February 25, 2018

Nox frowns with the more questions her new companion asks and she scowls. “A wolf,” she answers flatly. Had she not been clear enough? Hmph. “I was hungry and like I said, I didn’t realize they were so big,” she explains with a lick of her lips. “You ask a lotta questions. Who’re you anyway?” she asks, turning the conversation around so she doesn’t have to talk about herself so much. She already hurts enough.

RE: Head to the future - Rosalyn - February 25, 2018

Hmm.  Her manner was curt, but she still wasn't hostile, and Rosalyn considered it.  True, she'd apparently gotten her ass handed to her by a couple eagles, which put a slight ding in her credibility as potential recruit.  But she looked capable, she had the stuff to take a self-depricating situation with good grace, and most importantly, she was another body who Roz woulda brought to the table. Assuming she turned out an asset.

It was a gamble, she decided, she was willing to make.  "Rosalyn, though most call me Roz.  Who're you?"  She smiled at the question, another one, but naturally timed.  "I'm assuming you aren't runnin with a pack, aye?"  Her story led her to believe otherwise.  "Cuz if your lookin, we got us a crew lookin for the able, loyal, and roguishly charming.  Y'seem to tick a few of those.". She left off, a small wink giving the joke.  Perhaps this wolf wasn't in the mood, but if she couldn't take a little banter, Rosalyn assumed Raptor and Smokie would spit her out rather quickly.

RE: Head to the future - Nox Cairn - February 28, 2018

The other halts any further questions about the situation to introduction herself, with assumptions that may be accurate but still she doesn’t like it to be obvious. She does look pretty ridiculously and just a tad too scrappy thin. It’s been a while since she’s been on the islands and the support of the pack to assist any shortcomings (that she’s unaware of, of course). Nox can play nice a little while longer, at least.
“I’m Nox,” she then introduces, then quirks a crooked smile. Roguishly charming. That’s definitely one of the ticks. “And yeah, I could go for it,” she adds, widening the smile a little bit, causing her under-bite a bit more obvious.

RE: Head to the future - Rosalyn - February 28, 2018

She agreed, and Roz felt a rush of triumph.  Score! Two Rosalyn.  At this rate she'd be well on her way to holding a majority of the cards.  Oh, and a new pack mate.  That was good too.

"Lovely! Follow me.  I'll show you where you can find Smokestep, probably gotta run it by him."  She led the way, tail swaying carelessly with her jaunty step.  It was a good day, all in all!  She hoped he'd approve of the newest take also.