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Ankyra Sound See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Printable Version

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See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Wylla - February 22, 2018

The seething, churning rage in Wylla's gut had finally reached the point of explosion and she set off with choppy steps across the strand, bristling like an offended porcupine the whole way. Her brothers had been attacked and hurt and it was something she wouldn't stand for. Besides that, Caiaphas' threat lingered in her mind and the very real possibility that Kierkegaard was working for their neighbours and wanted to see Grimnismal undone if push came to shove made her question the sea witch as well, and all of that boiled over and was redirected to Arrille, who had started the entire affair and left her siblings to fight alone.

She wanted to deal with Kierkegaard calling on the other pack's forces as well, but although Wylla wasn't exactly well versed in picking her battles, she blamed Arrille for that as well. Had he not started shit, Kierkegaard wouldn't have called on them, and the illogical little Alpha was happy to put all the blame on one wolf. The other could be dealt with later. So she stalked across the beach on furious paws and when she couldn't find him easily, she threw back her head and called loudly for @Arrille, then spun on the spot and began to pace with forges burning in place of her yellow-brown eyes.

Based on Wylla's attitude and the reason for this thread happening, depending what goes down, it has the potential to become important and is open to all pack members. If the thread reaches 4 or more total participants, a skip rule will be implemented to ensure the thread is not held up at any point. Players will have their turn skipped if they do not post within 3 days of their turn beginning. Should the thread grow to include 7 total members or more the skip rule will be amended to 2 days per person. If you're skipped you can jump back in and post once you're able. We just don't wanna end up in limbo! <3

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Chusi - February 22, 2018

Her ears swiveled round when the angry call of the alpha rung through the Sound. Though the fight had been in the back of her mind, she knew little of what had really conspired. It had something to do with Arrille, she was sure, and possibly him leaving Drageda to join their humble existence right next to them. But Wylla sounded angry. Like, the Sound could blow up with the rage Chusi heard in her voice (though to be fair, she rarely saw someone mad enough to kill someone for what they had done). She knew the call was not for her, but she could not help but make her way to their disgruntled leader.

Once there, her ears lowered in apology and her tail thumped softly against her hind legs. She wasn't the one she was looking for, she knew, but if anything was wrong she deserved to know about it just as much as the others actually. Plus, she wanted to be there for Arrille. No matter what he had done to anger so many wolves, Chusi saw good in him and would defend his goodness... To a point.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Nyx - February 22, 2018

Despite the tension that loomed over Grimnismal, Nyx was content that day. She minded her own business as she milled around the water's edge to see what trinkets washed in on the tide, bright yellow eyes scanning the beach as she wandered. She'd been intrigued by its offerings since Reef's delivery of the crimson sea glass: small, smooth stones of a deep crimson hue that the agouti wolfess had been instantly drawn to. She scoured the beach daily for the same vibrant pebbles, but so far her search had been fruitless.

Just as a particularly pretty shell caught her attention, a summons for Arrille sounded from nearby and Nyx canted a sable ear in its direction. She lifted her head and turned her gaze toward the source, to see Wylla swing around on her heels to begin pacing with undeniable fury. Recalling her last encounter with her, the tawny Ostrega thought about getting the hell out of dodge then and there but swiftly reconsidered. While this was not her business and the young leader seemed miffed enough with her, Nyx was a curious creature. She knew of the situation their youngest comrade had gotten the pack into, and she sure has hell didn't want to give the mottled yearling any impression that she was afraid of her by being seen fleeing the scene.

The arrival of Chusi was unexpected and, curiously, she seemed to be venturing right in the coastal wolf's direction. Everything suddenly got more interesting and so Nyx remained fixed in her place several yards down the strand, flicking her tongue thoughtfully over a rugged lip as she awaited the ticking time bomb that was Wylla to erupt.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Arrille - February 22, 2018

Arrille heard the call. He was looking into the pool again, moving his head to get a good look. He could see the collar, but that's not what he was looking at. He was looking at the cuts across his nose, and the deep wounds down across his eye. It looked...well, he wasn't sure whether it fit, or if it made him angry. But then again lately, he was always angry. 

Finally when he thought he had waited long enough the pale boy headed off. The wolf headed to find Wylla. And that he did, Nyx and Chusi with her. He barely acknowledged them as he came before the leader of Grimnismal, and there he stood before her. "What is it that you need?"

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Ingram Sr - February 22, 2018

ingram knew the second he heard that howl it was bad news bears -- as quick as he could he hurried his portly ass to wylla post haste, unwilling to miss being a spectator in the spectacular events that were to follow. he came on the heels of arrille, and nyx and chusi were already present. he regretted telling wylla about their altercation with drageda the second he saw the scathing fury in her eyes -- shit. he had done a bad thing -- and he slunk carefully behind wylla like a dog at heel, unwilling to make anyone's gaze lest they find him culpable for the shitstorm that was sure to unfold.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Caiaphas - February 22, 2018

a howl burst forth on the cold and lonely wind -- a howl that summoned for arrille. caiaphas stopped from her workings in the grotto, and listened silently as the last thrumming echoes rebounded feebly down the endless tunnels.

she would be a fool to miss this, and with quick steps, broke from the grotto to the wind-whipped strand. the cold affronted her immediately and she scuttled quickly towards the group, ignoring all save for the she-wolf that had demanded arrille's presence. with a hiss she suddenly changed her posture -- her hackles rifled wildly along her back and lent her six inches worth of height, and her tail curved confidently over her haunches as she stalked down arrile with a surprisingly savage snarl. "stand the fuck down," she hissed, lunging for the bridge of his muzzle to teach him appropriate subordination. unlike chusi and nyx -- even unlike lycaon's feeble brother -- arrille was the only wolf to not sufficiently demonstrate his station in front of the leader.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Wylla - February 24, 2018

Arrille did not step-to and appear instantly before her as she expected him to, considering the fury in her voice as it died on the wind. Several other wolves arrived before he did, seemingly cowed by her presence—that made her feel incredibly smug when it should have concerned her. Nyx's beauty was the source of Wylla's ire toward her, nothing more than petty teenage jealousy, while she held no real ill will toward Chusi, but her eyes swept over them both with the barest of acknowledgement as she swung around and paced. Her black ears flicked back across her platinum neck and her lips pulled into a tight grimace which, luckily, she directed at the sand rather than her comrades.

When the accused finally did arrive, it was in far too lackadaisical a manner. Wylla rushed him with several choppy steps but stopped short of actual contact and recoiled with a hiss of a growl when she spotted the thing around his neck. Momentarily she wondered if whatever that was was the reason Drageda's wolves had attacked him—if so, she really couldn't blame them—but before she could do the same thing, Caiaphas came flying out of nowhere, cowing even the seething Alpha into stepping back several steps.

Considering she'd threatened to overthrow her mere days ago, Wylla was stunned to see Caiaphas enforcing the hierarchy. She assumed the mutinous little sea witch would have taken the opportunity to rally the pack against her here and now; she was wide-eyed and silent for a moment before she finally remembered herself and aimed a severe snarl at the collared Arrille. Her eyes were wild with animal fear and uncertainty as they lit on the collar, but the rest of her body screamed aggression. "Why did they attack you?" was what she chose to begin with, before adding, "why did you abandon my brothers, your pack mates, to be hurt by them for your sake?"

Skip rule is in effect! Please respond within 3 days of your turn beginning or the person following you is free to post over you. <3

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Chusi - February 26, 2018

Chusi was a brave girl. There was no doubt about. But what she was brave about might not always end in her or her friends' favor. Even now, as they gathered to watch the shitshow that was about to transpire, she was ready to protect Arrille from the rest. He had brought her and Ingram together and, though they had only shared a short history together, was a good friend. surely he couldn't have done anything like this out of malice.

When he arrived, she didn't cower and moved to near one of his hips with a respectful but somewhat bold stance towards Wylla. This was her friend and as long as they didn't convince her that he did all of this on purpose, she would be his friend in this moment and longer.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Nyx - February 26, 2018

Others began to congregate, likely drawn by the clear fury in Wylla's public summons for the pallid trouble-maker within their ranks. As far as she could tell, most if not all of her pack-mates shared a tendency toward curiosity - herself, most of all. This was a good thing, she supposed. Perhaps it meant they were in safer hands, knowing that others would not be far when something worth investigating cropped up within or around their home. 

Or, more simply, Wylla's assumption was right: they were nosy bitches.

With the arrival of the Alpha's wolf of interest, followed closely by a pitiful Ingram who appeared at his sister's flank, the agouti Ostrega made to cross the sand and fit herself among the gathering. You fool, she thought inwardly with a backward cant of her raven-tipped ears as Arrille presented himself without appropriate submission to a wolf who evidently wanted his hide. Nyx lowered her tail and crown accordingly as she joined the group, sure to keep her distance from the blue-eyed yearling who calmly and collectively asked what the problem was. She certainly didn't want to be in the firing line of their leader's eruption.

With fierce purpose in her stride, Caiaphas swept forward to assert dominance over the boy, lunging to grip his muzzle between her fangs and force him downward. She been expecting this, but had not expected Chusi to step in alongside their troubled comrade to support him. Doubting very much that Wylla would look upon this move with approval, she found herself momentarily holding her breath. Although she liked him well enough, Arrille was a rather slow and inexperienced youth in her opinion - the humility could be beneficial for him in the long-run, if anything good were to come of it. A harsh lesson, but one that he needed to face.

Wylla did not attack physically. Instead, she rounded on Arrille with a ferocious snarl and sharp words, while Nyx looked on from the sidelines.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Arrille - February 26, 2018

Arrille looked to the others. He was most confused as to what was going on, and what he was doing here. And most of all, why he had been called here. As he waited for an answer expectantly as if he was near impatient, Caiaphas, the wolf he looked to came at him, snarling in his direction. He whimpered somewhat, lowering down submissively. Even though it felt odd to him, no one came to help him so he decided to just submit.

Then Wylla began throwing questions, finally. He huffed back before answering, with full honesty. "I left them...I was promised things" he said, glaninc up at Caiaphas. He noticed how Ingram cowered behind Wylla. "I was told to run..." In a way he was honest, but Arrille could not find himself able to speak that he was afraid then.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Ingram Sr - February 27, 2018

ingram watched horrified and helpless as the scene unfolded before him. arrille was under fire: wylla accosted him verbally as the wytch accosted him physically -- ingram hoped arrille would have the good sense to submit, and soon. he was relieved to see arrille comply then, for he hoped it would slake wylla's infernal rage.

she was livid though - his gaze trailed from wylla to chusi, who had made the mistake of aligning herself near arrille's flank as if in direct defiance of his sister. he would need to think fast, for wylla would not take to that kindly. ingram tried to interject: "we told him to run - there were too many.." he splurted, withering under the thought that he too might receive wylla's ire. as if on cue he flinched away from her, expecting teeth for his late rebuke.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Caiaphas - February 27, 2018

the boy folded under her teeth and she stepped back, hackles still bristled in outrage. he had shown his place, which was enough for the siren queen, but she knew wylla to be far more hard-nosed. he owed them an explanation -- all of them -- and caiaphas held him unflinchingly in her gaze as she awaited an answer.

she did not like what she witnessed next. her blackened gums curled back as chusi's shadow spilled over arrille's hunched form. a bad move - a mistake - in the siren queen's eyes. the entire gesture undermined wylla, and suggested well chusi's allegiance without a single word ever uttered.

a plaintive, venomous look of scorn trickled down her thin face, and she pointed her muzzle straight towards chusi in an accusative, baleful stare.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Wylla - February 28, 2018

Had there not been a more pressing matter right in front of her face in the form of Arrille, Wylla would have needed to sit down. She was still being blown away by Caiaphas' unexpected support when Chusi chose to flank Arrille, something Wylla took personally in spite of the other she-wolf's respect. What did Wylla herself expect? She hadn't gone far out of her way to make friends with her pack mates and she didn't even really know or remember the name of the opposing wolf, but she had been chosen as leader (by Ingram, not anyone else, but it was all the same to an egotist) and didn't like any show of defiance.

Her jowls quivered as she watched Chusi for a moment, then turned her sharp gaze back on the accused. Arrille was being properly respectful now, only because Caiaphas had forced him to be, but it was better than nothing. If this gathering had happened a few days later then she might have chosen to focus on that and lose her mind over it, but that wasn't the case. "I don't care," Wylla snapped, half to Arrille and half to Ingram. "If my pack mates were being attacked and they told me to run, do you think I'd listen?"

Let's not assume that Wylla had any noble bones in her body, though. She would run if the situation was definitely a losing one, and throw someone else to the wolves if it meant escaping with her life, because Wylla was also cowardly. Except when it came to Lycaon and Ingram. She was as angry as she was about all this solely because they were her brothers and she was immensely biased.

"They fought to defend you," she growled, whiskers vibrating, "they could have died for you and you just ran like a coward." Her muzzle wrinkled across its bridge and her eyes darted to the collar on his neck once more, and another hateful shudder crawled through her as she asked, with the intention of giving Arrille the benefit of the doubt for all of two seconds, "did they attack you because of that thing? Or because you were too much of a coward to leave them on good terms?"

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Chusi - March 05, 2018

Sorry for holding this up! please skip Chusi in the future, she'll just kinda be there :)

She kept quiet, thinking that her silent support of him would upset Wylla enough already. Besides, this was not her mess. She was simply there for him just like she knew he would've been there for her.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Nyx - March 09, 2018

Nyx had not been involved in the most recent altercation with Drageda, but she knew of it and had discussed it briefly with Arrille. While his reasons for vacating their ranks were no business of theirs, she could not help but feel that he was too quick to place blame on others for own poor decisions. The boy blamed his father for abandoning, and Caiaphas for promising him answers.

He looked confused, but at last submitted beneath the coywolf's harsh approach and whimpered, pitiful, at Wylla's paws. The air was electric around them, sparking the gathered Grimnismal wolves. Briefly, her vivid gaze swept over the group: the hybrid was clearly in support of their young Alphess; Chusi remained steadfast at Arrille's flank; Ingram was practically shitting his pants. Nyx twitched her nose and simply continued to observe, maintaining her neutral stance as Wylla questioned the accused further.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Arrille - March 09, 2018

Arrille did not nod or shake his head as the question was asked of him. The pale boy could almost taste the fury that Wylla held. Then she asked why they attacked. And at the time, he had no idea. But by now, he had guesses. Mainly how he left them, but there could have been other reasons he knew not of...

"I left them...that's why...there was nothing for me there." Which, was a blatant lie. There had been things for him there. A home, friends...Prince. He had thrown it all to the wind when Caiaphas had extended her offer to him.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Caiaphas - March 10, 2018

feel free to skip me to make this thread conclude if you want

the dark girl caiaphas had leveled with a crippling stare had lessened her posture, and caiaphas set her gaze now on arrille. his explanation was not much of one, caiaphas admitted -- and she looked at wylla shrewdly then, wondering how the alpha would respond. it seemed a shame caiaphas had not been present for the exciting soiree that got everyone's fur in a frumpus, but perhaps, it was better off she had not been involved lest she be in arrille's sorry place.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Ingram Sr - March 10, 2018

ingram remained tethered to wylla's hocks, his dark form hunched as he sat into the sand. he hated to see arrille punished, truly, but he also knew to question wylla's judgment was to question her authority -- whether or not he agreed with whatever edict she enacted, he would support her wholly -- it was simply his duty.

silent now, the boy looked to arrile solemnly, hoping the male would have the good sense to attempt to patch up the blunder, issue an apology -- anything at all to placate wylla's inteemable wrath.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Wylla - March 11, 2018

Arrille's answers weren't very forthcoming. They left out a lot of detail, as far as she could tell with her limited information, and he failed to answer in any straightforward manner. He didn't respond about whether he'd left on good terms or not, and he failed to give any compelling reason why he hadn't warned them about his connection to the cliff pack before now. Her eyes slid dangerously to Chusi at his flank—the boy must be emboldened to be vague and difficult by the show of camaraderie, which only made Wylla's blood churn into a slow boil. She simmered for now, and her lips pulled back over an unamused grimace.

Arrille was hiding too many things.

"Remember who your leader is," she warned in a growl, jabbing her nose in Caiaphas' direction. "It's not her. I asked you a question, don't bullshit me." With a huff, she drew back her head and continued, "I want the whole story," Wylla clenched her teeth, stalking forward another step to invade his personal space in a show of authority and threat. "And when you're done telling it, I want you to go get that thing off your neck. Don't dare step foot in the grotto until it's gone." Whatever it was, it was potentially dangerous. She wouldn't have their precious grotto contaminated by it. "And if those cliff wolves come for you," she finished, pulling back her whiskers and bringing her lips within an inch of Arrille's nose, "you'll answer for it, alone. I won't have my pack harmed for your stupid choices."

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Nyx - March 18, 2018

Tension hung heavy all around them as Arrille continued to respond vaguely, much to their Alphess' frustration. Nyx flicked her tongue curiously over her upper lip as she scrutanised the pallid boy, silently urging him to grow a spine and be honest, but she doubted he would admit responsibility for his poor actions.

Wylla demanded the entire tale, her request an extension of another chance to put things right, and Nyx felt as though the mottled leader's words would fall on deaf ears. And so she continued to watch, her eyes drifting briefly to Chusi as she quietly wondered when her defiance would be challenged.

RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - Wylla - March 23, 2018

Since Arrille is gone now and this is now outdated for everyone, I'm gonna go ahead and wrap this up with a quick powerplay post. If anyone wants to post once more, feel free. I'll archive this thread on March 28th. Thanks for playing! :D Look for a more positive pack activity coming soon.

When there seemed to be no argument forthcoming from Arrille and when Chusi offered no further defiance of her station, the Alpha grimaced and moved away. "Glad we're understood," she said with one last withering look at her subordinates before she turned and stalked away from the gathering. As she passed Nyx, she turned to give the woman a gentle prod to the shoulder, a wordless apology and show of appreciation for the wolf's support. She had, of course, expected it from Lycaon and Ingram, but Nyx was sort of a wild card and Wylla wasn't sure until now where the Ostrega stood. She was pleased to know it was on the right side.

As for Caiaphas, she shot the sea witch a questioning look as she passed, but didn't voice what was on the tip of her tongue. There would come time in the future to seek her out and learn what it was she was after. Not two weeks prior, the witch had threatened her position in the pack; why, now, did she come to Wylla's defense? Perhaps it was only hierarchy ingrained in her and not support for the wolf herself. Either way, the small Luschyon didn't plan to find out today. Instead, she padded away to be alone with her fuming thoughts, leaving Arrille to stew in the hot water he'd found himself in.