Wolf RPG
Horizon Ridge Shade and Shadows - Printable Version

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Shade and Shadows - Gavriil - June 05, 2014

The summer was something Gavriil would never get used to. His dense pelt would shed a few inches but still he was a bulky wolf with a rather bushy pelt. It came in handy during the seemingly unending winters but right now he loathed his pelt. This feeling of avid odium would soon leave because after all, Winter was Coming. Whenever that would be. Soon the north will get their revenge and his profuse, massive pelt would finally work to his advantage.

Walking inside of the shaded forest the male kept away from patches of light, not much unlike a vampire, navigation himself away from day. Gavriil danced with the dark during the summer. Maybe as he would adapt more to the heat his pelt would shed but for now he would keep to the shade and shadows. For fun the male when a patch of sunlight was near would scurry away from it like a mouse. He to bystanders probably looked like a child. He didn’t care. He was bored and had nothing better to do.