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Swiftcurrent Creek say you'll be there - Printable Version

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say you'll be there - Robin - June 05, 2014

@Fox <3

Sharp yellow eyes scoured the unfamiliar terrain as long, slender limbs shuffled the female hastily toward her destination. Sunlight was waning as night encroached upon the Teekon Wilds, and Robin felt dizzied by her need to reach her sister before the day came to a close. She’d been traveling for days, pausing only to sleep and hunt in her journey to reunite with Fox. Word had reached her that her younger sibling was at the head of a pack somewhere in the area. The news had come as a surprise to the grey-pelted woman. The last time she’d seen her sister had been when Fox was not even a year old. The rust-hued girl was tiny, and Robin could hardly picture her as an Alpha.

She needed proof, and it was for that reason that she loped over the rocky terrain where the sounds of rushing water grew increasingly louder. Charcoal lobes thrust forward excitedly while sooty nostrils flared as the Fox’s scent, mingled with others’, choked the air. Robin began to pant and whine excitedly, pacing back and forth near the borders. Enthusiastic barks sounded from the female while her tail thrashed behind her. She sniffed at the ground, rocks, shrubbery, anything nearby as if to reassure herself that it really was Fox that she smelled. She could only hope that her noisy presence would attract the attention of her sister or another Creek member sooner rather than later.

RE: say you'll be there - RIP Fox - June 05, 2014

How old was Fox when they were last around one another? Trying to decide if Fox will eventually recognize her. ;)

The creek remained strong, despite the recent events that had outcast two of their long-standing members. Fox did not question her decision, not even once. They were a danger to the pack, and she would not allow that sort of violence among her comrades. The two of them would be fine on their own. Jace and Ferdie were strong, able lads, and while she was disappointed in them, she held them no ill will beyond that. Fox did not hate them, did not want revenge for anything they had done, nor did she plan to seek them out and harm them. She did not care where they were now, so long as they were not among her ranks.

A series of barks, whines, and other noises stirred Fox from her thoughts, and she rushed toward the sounds with vigor. They were not sounds of one of her wolves, and she feared that it was somebody fighting one of her own. Instead, it was a single female, nosing around their border and seemingly pretty dang happy about something or another. Fox approached with her tail held high and her demeanor stern. "You'd best step away from claimed lands unless you want your throat torn out," she warned, accompanied quickly by a flash of her teeth.

RE: say you'll be there - Robin - June 05, 2014

Robin left home around her first birthday so Fox could've been like 4-5 months old I guess?

The wolf that arrived to intercept Robin was not someone she would have recognized to be her sister if she had encountered her in a different situation. The Fox that Robin remembered was a puppy with comically oversized paws and ears that appeared far too large for her little body. But there she was, her petite form pushing its way aggressively toward the loner lingering near her borders. The territorial, stern stance that Fox took left Robin feeling a little hurt and angry towards her younger sibling. Was she really not going to welcome her sister? Did Fox have some sort of resentment towards her that she was unaware of?

Flattening her ears and pressing her body towards the ground, Robin took a few steps backwards. Her demeanor was submissive, but her eyes betrayed the frustration and disappointment that she felt. It had been a long time since she’d last seen any of her family. It didn’t feel fair that the first relative she’d encountered in well over a year seemed entirely unhappy to see her. She didn’t think her nose would betray her, but perhaps she had the wrong wolf. “Are you Fox?” she asked, her voice unwavering as she peered up towards the bristling Alpha.

RE: say you'll be there - RIP Fox - June 05, 2014

Sounds good!

It was not until Robin's voice reached Fox's ears that she realized who the female was. Fox really should have known, but considering it had been a year (or quite possibly more) since she had last seen her sister, it took her longer to recognize Robin. “Holy shit, Robin!” she exclaimed, tail now making swift movements back and forth to display her surprise and apprehensive excitement. To be perfectly honest, Fox had never thought that she would see any of her blood family after she had left home. Not that she disliked them, but she simply didn't expect it to happen.

“The fuck are you doing here, sis?” she said, her tone anything but angry. She was just... well, bewildered. Fox took a confident step forward, sniffing the air to make sure that it was indeed her sister. It seemed to be, and considering Robin's markings, it was unlikely that it was anybody else.

RE: say you'll be there - Robin - June 05, 2014

As soon as her words reached Fox’s ears, the Alpha seemed to transform right before Robin’s eyes. A wide smile stretched her lips wide, her tail waving eagerly through the air once more. Her posture straightened out somewhat, but she still made sure to maintain a respectful demeanor in the presence of a leader. It still struck her as bizarre that her baby sister was a full-blown Alpha. The last time Robin had seen her, Fox had been little more than a tiny, clumsy pup. “You scared me shitless!” she yelped in response, breathless laughter punctuating her exclamation.

Considering how petite Fox was and that Robin was fairly tall, she had to crouch pretty low to the ground to maintain her submissive stance. She shuffled excitedly towards Fox once more and, if the rust-hued female would tolerate her nearness, moved her muzzle to lick affectionately at the underside of her maw. Golden yellow eyes gleamed with excitement of having reunited with a member of her family after so long. “Some travelers told me of a little red wolf named Fox leading a pack out here. I had to come see if it was you!”

RE: say you'll be there - RIP Fox - June 06, 2014

“Y’don’t say,” Fox replied when Robin revealed how she had found her younger sister. “I’ll bet you never expected to see me here like this,” she said, glancing back to the creek to accentuate her point. “To be honest, I didn’t expect to get thrown into this, either.” But Fox had taken it in stride, and she was now quite content with the way things had worked out. Her followers were many, and she had a few steadfastly loyal ones to boot.

“So are you sticking around, or are you just here to see the show?” Fox asked. She could understand if Robin just wanted to see if the tales were true, but she certainly wouldn't mind having a blood relative here among her ranks. It would only make the pack closer, tighter-knit than it currently was. Fox had found the creek to have plenty of unique aspects, and the group of once-strangers were now quite close with one another. Sure, some of the newer folk were a bit on the outside, but Fox always tried to make them feel as welcome as possible. It was a shame they had lost Ferdie and Jace, but she staunchly believed it was for the better.

RE: say you'll be there - Robin - June 07, 2014

Robin shook her head, an impish smile unfurling over her lips. “You were still just a tot the last time I saw you,” she replied. But what perplexed her was when Fox revealed that she hadn’t expected to become the leader of a pack. “What do you mean?” Robin tilted her head. She wondered if perhaps Fox hadn’t wished to become Alpha. After all, the rust-colored female was still fairly young and, come to think of it, Robin couldn’t remember ever encountering a pack leader that was Fox’s age. She was curious to learn of the circumstances that had beckoned Fox to climb to the top of the pack’s ranks.

Charcoal lobes preened forward with interest when her sibling asked about her plans. “I hadn’t really thought about it,” she answered truthfully, blinking. “I’ve been traveling all over the place for so long, though, that I don’t think I’d mind settling here.” She reached out to bump her nose against her sister’s shoulder affectionately. “If you’ll have me, that is.” Her tail waved through the air. Golden yellow eyes slipped from Fox’s face to survey the darkening landscape as the last rays of sunlight disappeared in the west. “What’s this place called, anyhow?”

RE: say you'll be there - RIP Fox - June 07, 2014

I went ahead and titled you up!

“Well,” Fox began, remembering the events like they were yesterday. “I came to Swiftcurrent Creek and just sort of jumped in because it was convenient. The Alpha then, Lethe, was apparently a little messed up in the head, even if I did think she was otherwise fine. The lady threw herself into the pack’s namesake water source and drowned herself dead. I didn’t even know her that well, but you can imagine it was a bit of a shock to those who were there at the time. I just sort of knew that I should take over then. So I did. And nobody challenged me, so here I am.” There was a bit more to it between then and now, but there would be plenty of time to tell Robin all of what had transpired since the last time they had seen one another.

“And of course you can stay. So long as you never, ever leave,” replied Fox with a wicked grin. She was half-joking, of course. While she did hope that Robin would stay, she would be bitter and scorned if her sister up and left without a damn good reason.

RE: say you'll be there - Robin - June 13, 2014

She listened in silence as Fox recalled the events that had resulted in her rise to leadership, bobbing her head occasionally to indicate her attentiveness. Yellow eyes narrowed when the previous Alpha’s suicide was mentioned. Robin couldn’t fathom what would possess any wolf to off herself in such a manner. Then again, she’d never known this Lethe lady. Perhaps she’d had one or two screws loose up in that head of hers.

Regardless of the circumstances, Robin felt proud of her sister. She beamed toward the fiery-hued female, her tail waving gently behind her. “Well, I’m happy for you,” she said, reaching out to bump her nose against Fox’s shoulder. Despite how small Fox was, she really did carry herself like a leader. Robin was sure that whatever her younger sibling lacked in size, she made up for in attitude. She grinned. “I can’t imagine why I’d up and leave you, but you have my permission to hunt me down and castrate me if I do.” And that was Robin’s way of pledging her loyalty to Swiftcurrent Creek.

RE: say you'll be there - RIP Fox - June 13, 2014

It was decidedly ego-boosting to have an older sibling seem proud of her. Fox fed off of the compliments and attention she received from others, especially those who she assumed would have been, well, better than her at this point in her life. Fox was, after all, still only a yearling, and she had already accomplished so much. It had been a whirlwind for sure, and her life showed no signs of slowing down. In the next year, she would be a mother—not a single doubt crossed her mind about that one—and she would remain a leader to the creek wolves. Those two things alone were enough to keep her busy.

When her sister gave her permission to do some decidedly unlikeable thing to her, Fox gave Robin a toothy grin. "I'm going to hold you to that," she replied, nipping at Robin's flank to make her point. "Why don't I show you around? There's plenty of eye-candy, if y'know what I mean." Granted, Fox had determined that the eye-candy was only for the other females to look at, not touch. The fiery Alpha was a possessive and greedy one, that much was obvious.