Wolf RPG
Emberwood Whispers in the night - Printable Version

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Whispers in the night - RIP Tzila - February 23, 2018

Arriving into this vast wilderness, the lone female didn't know what to expect. It was a big, big world out there with lots of diversity and plenty to explore. But the prospect of the unknown had never swayed her. Tzila, as she was called, had a motto; always be prepared for the unexpected. That outlook on life had served her well, often keeping her out of trouble or escaping it. What did surprise her slightly, was how pleasant the forest she found herself in seemed to be. It may still be winter, but she didn't mind. In fact, she often preferred the chill of the snow to the blazing heat of the sun with her darkly colored coat. A yawn parting her jaws, she rose from her temporary resting quarters for the night; a thick hollow log. She had slept undisturbed, much to her satisfaction. She'd see if her luck held out.

RE: Whispers in the night - Indra - February 24, 2018

indra hadn't meant to wander so far from the valley -- her nose had gotten the best of her, and on impulsive heels she trotted through the headlands. she realized she was far from home when she saw the dark fin of mount apikuni, which rose sharply from the cloudless sky. her mind had been occupied the entire jaunt: she thought of laurel, of xan, of that mute wolf that had challenged her sister -- bitterly, she thought of the heat that still clung to her and the weirdness of all males she had encountered since.

she was startled from her ruminations as a black shade split across the bare ground, standing out against the saturated grey earth with a flash of cerise flare on her spine. indra tested the air carefully -- if it was a male, she was ready to turn around -- but the scent lifted to her was distinctly feminine.

old indra might have trotted out gaily to intercept this stranger - new indra remained aloof, making her presence known with a quiet huff that expelled a furl of pale plume from her frosted muzzle.

RE: Whispers in the night - RIP Tzila - February 27, 2018

Bowing her body down towards the earth, she extended her forelegs while she stretched her spine comfortably. Hind paws dragged through the snow lazily, the sudden chill of the air the perfect aide to shake off any remnants of sleep. Dark ears stiffened, a movement out of the corner of her eye making her pause.

With a distinctive flick of her tail, she noticed the brown figure that hadn't been there just seconds before. Catching the quiet huff escaping the other, Tzila turned to fully face the stranger. The very first that she would encounter in this new land. A soft inhale through her nose determined that this wolf was female. Uncertain of their intentions or willingness to engage, all she offered them was a short nod and a simple, yet not un-friendly "Hello."

RE: Whispers in the night - Indra - February 28, 2018

indra watched as the form split in a stretch, her svelte body arced towards the frozen ground. she had yet to notice her -- but once she did, her posture neither became threatening nor friendly. like indra, she seemed neutral to the other's presence. indra did not scent any sort of affiliation with the wolf -- all the same she did not let her guard down.

the wolf spoke; indra responded to the greeting with a slight cant of her head -- enough to show she had heard and acknowledged the wolf's hailing. "hello," she replied somewhat tersely, her amber eyes holding the figure in her sights warily. she wanted to say something else, anything else, to tide the conversation over -- but for some reason, no words came from her clenched throat.

RE: Whispers in the night - RIP Tzila - February 28, 2018

Lowering to her haunches to sit, Tzila made no effort to approach any closer or withdraw. She wasn't a pushover, but she was respectable enough to mind the personal space of others. Slate eyes narrowed a fraction in curious contemplation while regarding the fellow she wolf. Her greeting was far from warm, but it passed over Tzila easily.

"Names Tzila." She began nochalantly, as if it were hardly anything special. Her nose picked up on the faint scent of a pack on the others coat. She would save any inquiries she had about that for later, provided this meeting went smoothly. "You are from these parts, I presume?" She asked with a delicate raise of a brow.

RE: Whispers in the night - Indra - March 01, 2018

the inkblot of a wolf shifted, sitting down in the snow. the gesture might have been designed to be disarming, but indra still felt uneasy. she supposed it was better to be alone in the woods with a woman, than a man -- but that did not remove tzila's status as "stranger, until confirmed otherwise".

she didn't mirror tzila's actions, as much as her limbs bid her to. she was tired, but knew it was better to be up on one's feet than indisposed on the ground. the thought jostled her -- when had she become so jaded?

her attention shifted back to the wolf, who had fielded an inoffensive question her way. indra answered it easily than she had answered for terance - mostly because in her life, only one female had been vicious to her and that one didn't talk. "bearclaw valley." she offered, a cant of her muzzle given in the distant direction of her home. "are you not?"

tense as the girl was, the two exchanged minor pleasantries -- and once indra had supped her fill of conversation, she excused herself and made for home.