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Blacktail Deer Plateau Rock n' roll - Printable Version

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Rock n' roll - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2014

Peregrine spent the morning doing his second favorite thing (playing with his kids was his very favorite past time these days): hunting. With the ranks as full as they were, he made a point to replenish the emptiest caches, then set about establishing two new stockpiles. Squirrels, rabbits, groundhogs and their ilk all found their way into these shallow graves. Each time his body count rose, Peregrine felt a deep sense of satisfaction.

Even as he toiled, his mind kept going back to Lasher and their recent conversation. At first, his preoccupation bothered him and he felt a bit disgusted with himself. As the morning wore on toward afternoon, he gave up on berating himself. He was curious, that was all. He let his thoughts linger on the ocher male, even allowing his mind to venture into some decidedly foreign and forbidden territory...

Driven to distraction, Peregrine didn't realize the ground beneath his feet was giving way until he was already tumbling down the plateau's southeastern slope. The ground leveled after an initially sheer drop, though it was very rough and rocky. The Alpha male remained conscious, though when his large body made impact, he felt and heard something snap in his left foreleg. The pain rendered black spots in his vision.

He lay there for several minutes, then slowly sat upright. His body ached and he knew he must have about a thousand cuts and bruises beneath his coat. There were burdocks and bits of grit stuck in his fur. Even the corner of his mouth was bleeding where he'd accidentally bitten his lip. Shit... was his only coherent thought as he attempted to ascertain the damage, his attention eventually focusing on his forelimb.

Fortunately, he couldn't see his bone sticking through his skin, yet his foreleg was clearly broken; it dangled at a very peculiar angle. Furthermore, it hung from the end of his leg like a dead thing. He shook his leg very briefly, then hissed at the absolute agony and stopped. He felt his stomach drop even as he thought, There goes my hunting career, right down the tubes... or the side of the plateau, rather...

Glaring balefully at the small rock slide, Peregrine eventually sucked in a breath and howled for the pack's tried-and-true Healer. "Blue Willow," he called, somehow managing a sense of humor despite the pain that made him grimace, "I've fallen and I can't get up!"

RE: Rock n' roll - Blue Willow - June 05, 2014

Blue willow heard the call that lifted over the plateau and a sick feeling started in the pit of her stomach and spread. She quickly heeded the call grabbing some herbs as she went as it was obviously a call to heal and from perry no less. she loped into view and stopped quickly back pedaling. She studied the rock slide and approached from the side laying the herbs to the ground she looked down.

well hello there prince charming. she joked as she looked down at her friend. She studied him as she stood to ascertain the damage and she felt slightly green at the leg that stuck at an odd angle mostly cause it was bad at least there was no broken skin. then she spoke sadly oh perry what happened?

RE: Rock n' roll - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2014

Soon, her head appeared above and he felt relieved. At her question, he smirked and replied, "I fell down and went boom." He chuckled lightly, though even the slightest movement hurt his leg, so he stopped and said, "I just single-handedly ended my Gamekeeping career... at least for a little while. I guess that makes me a full-time Caretaker. I'll take it!" He sounded optimistic and even managed a crooked smile. Peregrine briefly wondered if he was going into shock.

"Come down here and heal me, you," he said. He felt a little woozy and slid forward onto his belly, his broken leg stretched out in front of him.

RE: Rock n' roll - Blue Willow - June 05, 2014

Blue whined at him in condolence then grasping her herbs she looked for the best way to get down. she picked her way down slowly and carefully, measuring every step. alright perry I have some bergamot for your small vuts and poppy for pain and I"m going to have to find a big stick and your brother he's going to have to hold you down unless you think you can stay still.

She reached the bottom and briefly touched her nose to his side any other severe pain Perry

RE: Rock n' roll - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2014

I realize I misread your previous post, where Blue Willow already came down to him. Um, we'll chalk it up to Perry's delirium! :P

When she arrived next to him, her cool shadow fell over him and Peregrine found it vastly comforting. "I can hold still," he promised, unsure of whether he really could. "Nah, I can feel all sorts of cuts and bruises but nothing bad besides the break, I don't think..." When her nose touched him, it didn't hurt; it tickled.

Although he was pretty sure his leg was already accessible, the Alpha male very carefully rolled onto his right side and made himself as comfortable as possible. He knew he was in for some pain, if Blue Willow was planning on setting the bone. He swallowed thickly and let his head rest on the rocky ground. He tried to think of something, anything, other than what was about to happen.

Obviously, he thought first of Lasher. He found he couldn't linger on these thoughts long in his current condition. His mind wandered back to his predicament and whether it would permanently affect his ability to hunt. Even if the Healer mended the fracture, would he have a limp? Would he be able to run as fast? Or as long? As the minutes passed, the more fretful he felt.

RE: Rock n' roll - Blue Willow - June 05, 2014

Blue set the herbs down again and stared at him for a moment this perry is going to hurt like a bitch she then coughed and grew warm under her fur she had merely said it to shcok him into thinking of something else. it would be the first and last time she ever spoke that way again. with that as quick as she could she prodded with her nose moving everything to line up and with two front paws she presssed it into place grimacing at the crunch it made going back into pllace. she wrapped it quickly in cobwebs using all she had to keep it semi stiff that will you get you to your den I'll have to find a stick and seaweed once there.

She then gently cleaned the superficial ones and aplied bergamot and aloe to them.

RE: Rock n' roll - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2014

Blue Willow's epithet roused him from his funk and his lips twitched into the briefest of smiles. Then she lined up his broken leg (which hurt) and then began applying pressure (which hurt a lot), before finally snapping it back into alignment (which did, indeed, hurt like a bitch). Peregrine tried to bite his tongue to stifle his cry of pain, yet it burst out of him nonetheless, then trailed into a groan.

"Thanks, Willow. You were right," he mused, wincing. "I'm going to lie here a while longer... the pain is kind of making me dizzy." And, anyway, the medic began to tend to his minor cuts and scrapes. Peregrine held as still as he could, particularly because his whole left foreleg was throbbing and even the slightest twitch would set it afire, he knew.

"How am I going to hunt? Or patrol? Or do anything meaningful?" he asked after a while, finally voicing some of his worries. "How long will I be a gimp? Tell it to me straight, doc..."

RE: Rock n' roll - Blue Willow - June 05, 2014

She chuckled I know I was and that is the first and the last time you will ever hear such disastrous words come off these lips so commit it to memory. She tried her hardest not to jar him in any capacity it could cause severe ramifications not too mention it would hurt very badly like cuss word.

She sighed and stopped cleaning the small scrapes and sat to her haunche well Perry its hard to say at least 6 weeks (have to check that) but it depends on how broken it is inside and how it heals but your strong at top of your prime I believe you'll be fine and if you have a limp as long as you adapt shouldn't change much.

RE: Rock n' roll - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2014

He hung on her every word. Six weeks was nearly a lifetime for his pups, he mused. For over a month (nearly two), he could not hunt, nor patrol, nor even walk properly. He would be unable to fulfill his duties as a leader. His heart clenched as he realized that his unfortunate misstep today had altered the course of the pack's future.

"With the pack so full and so many pups, we can't have a handicapped Alpha," he said slowly, a bit miserably. He paused, thinking, when his eyes suddenly flicked up to her face. "You will step up and lead in my stead. Will you? I will stay as Alpha beside you but you will be the acting leader of this pack. And you will be brilliant," Peregrine said decisively.

She was not only the best candidate for the job, she was the only one. Her sweet, diplomatic and motherly nature would a wonderful Alpha female make. He would hover in the background, offering advice, experience and support. He had not woken knowing he would fill the empty place at his side today but it sort of clicked in his head. The two of them would balance each other and make a great tag team. In fact, why hadn't he thought of it sooner?

He knew it had to do with Hawkeye and not wanting to jilt his former partner. But she was no longer fit to be a leader... especially not with someone like Blue Willow shining so strongly.

RE: Rock n' roll - Blue Willow - June 05, 2014

She quickly amended her statement you will have to be easy for 6 weeks usually after 22 you can sort of hobble with support or if you keep ur leg up. she tiltedd her head and while he talked she cleaned some more abrasions you look like you been chewed up and spit out

Blue froze and turned wide green eyes towards Perry wha...wha...what? I don't know Perry? what about Hawkeye she founded the pack won't she be angry? I mean this is a great honor a great one. realizing she was babbling she quit talking for a moment to gather her thoughts. she was confident she could do it but worried all the same she did not wish to stir the pot but well he was right. Perry was incapacitated and Hawkeye exhausted.

alright Perry alright I will step up for you I will help you and I thank you for offerinjg such an honor.

RE: Rock n' roll - Blue Willow - June 05, 2014

She quickly amended her statement you will have to be easy for 6 weeks usually after 2 you can sort of hobble with support or if you keep ur leg up. she tiltedd her head and while he talked she cleaned some more abrasions you look like you been chewed up and spit out

Blue froze and turned wide green eyes towards Perry wha...wha...what? I don't know Perry? what about Hawkeye she founded the pack won't she be angry? I mean this is a great honor a great one. realizing she was babbling she quit talking for a moment to gather her thoughts. she was confident she could do it but worried all the same she did not wish to stir the pot but well he was right. Perry was incapacitated and Hawkeye exhausted.

alright Perry alright I will step up for you I will help you and I thank you for offerinjg such an honor.

RE: Rock n' roll - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2014

The Healer brought up the very point of contention he'd already pondered. "Honestly? She'll probably be pissed off and she might even have a go at you out of pure petty jealousy. You just call for me if that happens, though. Despite everything that's happened, I've never once considered demoting her any further. But I'll kick her to the bottom of the heap if she disrespects her new Alpha." He stopped short of threatening to kick out Hawkeye, as he would hate to do that to their children.

Silence fell for a moment or two before he piped up again and said, "Even she must know you're the fittest and worthiest candidate and should respect that you will be the reason for this pack's continued success. And I'm sure she'll feel jilted but it's not as if she and I could lead together again anytime soon. And this pack's done spectacularly since she stepped down, mostly due to my actions and decisions. And this, Willow," he finished, "is one of the best decisions I've ever made."

"Thank-you," he replied simply when she accepted his offer. Peregrine felt a little lighter for it, though there was still plenty on his mind. He closed his eyes and slumped over, taking a moment to just breathe through the pain.

RE: Rock n' roll - Blue Willow - June 05, 2014

omg that was supposed to be 2! not 22 I'm soo sorry.
Blue listened calmly and then spoke softly though I do not act nor look like I would be able to take care of myself I assure you I can my father taught me. It would be undesirable but she would take care of herself if needed.

She was momentarily alarmed as he slumped over perry are you ok? as soon as I get you home you can have poppy seeds for pain but not til then. you lean on me when your ready Perry.

RE: Rock n' roll - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2014

No worries, I saw your revision and edited accordingly. :)

"I'm fine," he told her, then laughed dryly at his own statement. "Okay, I'm not exactly fine, I guess, but I'll live. Promise." He cracked open one eye and winked at her, then let his head loll back on the ground as he took it easy.

Eyes still shut, body still at rest, he murmured, "I know you can take care of yourself, otherwise you wouldn't have been my Beta and now my fellow Alpha. Still, I want to know if she gives you any shit." He left it at that, drew in a deep breath and lay still for a few more moments.

"Okay," he said at length, both eyes opening now. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I guess we'll have to swing around and walk up the main slope," he observed. The thought made his skin pale under its heavy black coat. "The sooner we start, the sooner I'll be home. Did you say puppy seeds, by the way? I'm a huge fan of the idea of puppy therapy..." he quipped.

RE: Rock n' roll - Blue Willow - June 05, 2014

Blue chuckled and nodded ok peregrine if that should happen I wil tell you though I hope not.. Hawkeye and I are not good friends but I still like the small bit of friendliness we have.

Blue moved her body so he could lean on her. you are going to have to lean on me until I can get rid of the rudimentary wrappings. she wagged her tail slightly waiting to see if he would need help. she chuckled gently yes of course some puppy therapy is always good keep you happy you'll heal faster.

RE: Rock n' roll - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2014

Gingerly, Peregrine hoisted himself into an upright position, keeping his weight balanced on his intact right foreleg. The left still throbbed and ached, yet he bore through it as he lifted his hindquarters and stood. Balanced on three legs now, he stood there awkwardly, trying to decide how to walk with his leg bound this way. Eventually, he hiked it backward, holding it awkwardly against his ribcage. He then took a single hopping half-step forward.

"Oh, man, this is gonna take a while," he warned Blue Willow, allowing himself to lean against her lightly. "How about you tell me a story while we walk? Tell me something about your childhood," he requested.

Perhaps two hours hence, the two Alphas (he decided he would not consider them an Alpha pair, since they weren't mated) arrived at the rendezvous site. Before the pups could run up and bowl him over or otherwise hurt his bad leg, he warned them with a low growl. Osprey Jr., who'd led the charge, stopped dead in her tracks, ears flattening. The others crowded behind her, gazing up at him questioningly.

"Sorry, bubs, but daddy can't play right now. I hurt my leg," the swarthy Alpha explained, speaking to them even as his eyes flicked about the rendezvous site. Neither Hawkeye nor Kisu seemed to be present. That was all right. "You have to be gentle. Don't knock into my leg or it'll make daddy cry," he told the whelps jokingly, though the fact of the matter was that it probably would make him tear up if one of them bumped into his bum leg accidentally. And he supposed it was only a matter of time before it happened.

Steeling himself against that thought, Peregrine turned to the newly minted Alpha female. "All right, what now?" he wondered, unsure as to whether she had any more remedies for him or if she'd already done everything she could for him. "Puppy seeds?" he prompted softly.

RE: Rock n' roll - Blue Willow - June 06, 2014

Ugh way to much dialogue...lol

Blue Willow titled her head at him, wincing for him cause she knew he had to be hurting. A story about my childhood hmm, well let's see. One of my very favorite memories will have to do. I was about 5 months old, and I was having teenage angst of course. I was angry that my parents were making me travel and I didn't have any friends so I was bitter and melancholy. My father had much more patience than my mother usually, however this time my mother found a way to make me feel better. You must bear in mind that mother and I did not get along as well as my father and I did. My mother was prudish and straight laced and of course I am a lot like her, but she was over the top except when she was with my father then well she let her fur down. Anyway, one day I was refusing to talk to them and I was sulking so my mother insisted that my father let her and I alone for the day and she sent him on his way. She did all this while I was sleeping, she set up a scavenger hunt with some of my favorite things shells, and pretty rocks and squirrel tails and the ultimate prize was a piece of deer haunch just for me. Then the entire day she and I hunted for these prizes. I have never laughed so much, nor learned so much about my mother and it is a memory I treasure.

Blue chuckled and motioned for him to find a place where he didn't mind sleeping and she pushed the poppy seeds towards him. you cannot have a lot of these Perry as they will make you hallucinate, but you can have some and I will come back later to put a better dressing on that. I think I have irritated it enough for now. I stand watch for you Perry you just get some rest. She then moved over and lay down in the middle of the clearing with her tail thumping watching the children close enough that she could keep them from jumping all over her friend.

RE: Rock n' roll - Peregrine Redhawk - June 06, 2014

"Hallucinate, eh? I hope I have a good trip," Peregrine joked. As he spoke, he carefully lowered his haunches to the ground, then deftly slid forward. He couldn't completely prevent his leg from moving and jolts of pain licked up his limb like hell-fire. He hissed between his teeth but finally managed to find a comfortable position.

The Alpha male devoured the seeds and then let his head sink to the ground between his outstretched forelegs. His eyes followed the children as they played beyond Blue Willow's curvy silhouette. Puppy poppy therapy. That's a lot of Ps, was his final thought before he drifted into a deep sleep.

RE: Rock n' roll - Blue Willow - June 06, 2014

blue kept watch and played in the sun waiting until another adult came so she could leave and find the more permanent implements she needed. she would need a stout stick and some sea weed. she wasn't certain if she had enough sea weed she may need to make a trip to the coast.