Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain meet your mark (joining) - Printable Version

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meet your mark (joining) - Nantale - June 06, 2014

The morning sun had risen in the western sky, its vivid lights shining downward to warm the Earth to its accustomed temperature. Since the blackened female arrived in these lands, the weather had changed substantially. First, it had been spring time. The cool air that still seeped inward at night was refreshing, if nothing else. Nantale loved the lingering cool nights, and how only slowly they would heat up minimally through the day. Now, however, summer was creeping in, with the hot stickiness that would swallow the land whole. Her thick, black fur suffered the worse – coating her body like a tar that she just couldn’t escape. During this time of the year, when that fiery ball in the sky argued it’s eternal worth, Nantale would stick to the cooler parts of the world, attempting to hide at every chance she got. She knew, however, that there was no escaping the heat. She just had to suffer.

This day was one of those insufferable days – as the day slowly inched forward, the birds chirping their morning songs, the female wandered aimlessly along the edges of a forest. It’s deep, darkly lined trees were inviting to the wraith, but she ambled between the start of the thick growths and the open field which it backed up too. She did not enter, but she kept strolling forward, veering off towards the mountain in the distance.

Generally, since the strange female had embarked upon this place, she kept to the western half, bouncing between the shoreline, dark forests and grassy plains that inhabited it. She could smell the scent of wolves, the common smell that meant nothing else but claimed territory. And she knew, unfortunately, that being a loner at her age was just not an option any longer. Her gait grew stiff at times, her leg throbbing with her past mistakes, and she knew that remaining in this sort of lifestyle would be an end she did not wish to have.

At the base of the mountain, where it met the edge of the forest, Nantale stood. Careful as to not cross into claimed lands, she waited for a moment, attempting to decide if this would be her new home or not.