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Sea Lion Shores his pulse never got above eighty-five - Printable Version

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his pulse never got above eighty-five - Lecter - June 06, 2014

@Sitri & @Kaname, if one of you/both of you want. lecter is going to be placing fetishes and poisoned things in the sand where the WGI wolves would emerge, to curse them. Set for tomorrow afternoon.

He had taken the day to drag down various fetishes to the shore, but the effort had exhausted him, and set him to panting whilst his foreleg throbbed in pain. Gingerly, he bathed the wound in saltwater, hissing at the brief stab of agony, and surveyed what he had brought. They were bodies similar to those he had scattered across the flatlands, though smaller — rats, mice — all decapitated and stuffed with herbs. However, he had left some ways behind him a stillborn fawn, and this he had laced with nightshade.

Rousing himself, Lecter limped back to guard his grisly trophy, lifting his voice in a summons for the two of Silvertip he trusted most, save for Jinx. Surely they would aid him in his goals, and be rewarded for it by Sos.

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RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Kaname - June 07, 2014

Kaname's head jolted up as he woke up from his nap. He hit his head roughly on the roof of his den and biting his tongue in the process. He growled with annoyance, tasting the bitter, steely taste of his own blood. His ears twitched as he heard a howl calling for him from the coast. It was a familiar voice, that of the cranky healer Lecter. Lecter was summoning him to assist him with...something. Getting up and slipping out of his den, he ran towards Lecter's howl. Though he was feeling as cranky as Lecter now.

RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Sitri - June 10, 2014

Sitri heard the howl come down from the sky and he shot to his feet and trotted towards it without a word to anyone or about anything. Lecter requested his presence so he would have it. The male was the only male Sitri had ever respected save his father.

Sitri made it behind Lecter and the male he had met in the darkened forest Kaname. Lecter called? Sitri then stood at attention near red eyes roaming across the bodies that littered the ground, thinking perhaps this was much like the other pack lands and a grim smile lit up the brutes muzzle ghosting his face in an eery cast.

RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Lecter - June 11, 2014

yay, thanks for joining! <3

Kaname arrived first, though his heels were closely followed by Sitri. Pleased that they both had come, the shaman settled his haunches in the sandy earth. Majesty is a traitor and a fool. I seek to poison him, if not his wolves, and turn the spirits against him and his own. A paw lifted, motioning to the fetishes scattered farther down the beach, then rested upon the still-warm haunch of the deer.

I request that you aid me in dragging this to the mouth of the beach, where he will disembark with his wolves. Be careful that you do not tear the throat, nor taste the blood; drag it from the rump, and wash your mouths with the saltwater when we have drawn near to the ocean. He regarded the pair implacably, then rose, beginning to set his teeth gingerly into the fawn's hide, to demonstrate what he intended.

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RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Kaname - June 12, 2014

Kaname's brow raised as he looked at the small creatures on the shore. Their heads were ripped off and their bodies were stuffed. He walked over and sniffed them. Herbs. They were stuffed with them. He didn't know which ones but if Lecter intended to poison Majesty and his pack, they would be lethal.

He tenderly placed two of the mice's rumps in his mouth, picking them up as the Beta instructed. His ice eyes watched the both of them as he waited for further instructions.

RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Sitri - June 14, 2014

Sitri listened and then looked down at the pathetic little fawns laying there. He bent down and grasping one of them gingerly in his mouth by its rump he began to drag it towards the place Lecter had motioned. Think they be stupid enough to eat them? he asked just curious he did not doubt for a minute Lecter's thinking.

Sitri managed to drag it all the way without letting any blood pool in his mouth and he set it down just as gingerly near the open mouth of the beach and with a quick and hurried glance he walked towards the water bending down and lapping up the water of the sea just to spit it back out doing this thrice.

RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Lecter - June 16, 2014

He did not answer Sitri right away, instead opting to drag the fawn to the shoreline. There, he left it, and rinsed his mouth with saltwater before regarding the brute. He was foolish enough to leave, the shaman answered, giving Sitri a dark grin.

A low woof demanded that the pair rally to him, and he began to scent mark along the bodies and the edges of the sand, spraying the fragrance of Silvertip Mountain over the earth where the Wheeling Gull wolves would emerge onto the mainland.

<style type="text/css">.lecter2 {width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:200px 25px 20px 20px; background-image:url('http://i60.tinypic.com/1zzidy1.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#000000; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .lecter2-in {width: 380px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.65); text-align: justify;} .lecter2 q {color:#eb0303;} .lecter2 p {text-indent:30px; color:#888888; font:12px/1.75 Georgia; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Kaname - June 18, 2014

He carried the two rodents towards the shore, placing them spread out from each other. Turning back, the assassin grabbed more of the mice and rats, continuing the process until most of them were by the shore. Half-gagging at the strong smell of herbs, he washed his mouth out in the ocean. He drank some of the water and swished it around his mouth, only the spit it out again once he was done. He trotted over to Lecter.

"How many wolves does he have with him now?" He tended to stay away from the shore, feeling more at home with the forests and mountains. The dark wolf hadn't met any other Wheeling Gull wolf besides Ypres, but that was far away from both of their borders, by the Sunspire mountains.

RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Sitri - June 18, 2014

Sitri followed behind Lecter adding his own scent with the Shaman's intent upon making Majesty regret leaving or regret leaving without a clean break anyway. He pricked his ears forward curious at the answer to the question. He would like to know how many there were in case anything ever became violent between the two packs. He liked ot know how many he'd be fighting before he was fighting it was the simple fact of the matter as it were

RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Lecter - June 18, 2014

@Majesty , feel free to hop in anytime!

Lecter did not know the answer to Kaname's question, and for a moment, pondered why such a thing mattered. He has many, was his answer, for fools flock to the company of other fools, and then they will eventually run off the edge of the nearest cliff. Giving a baleful laugh, he continued to mark until his body was empty of the rank fluid, and scuffed his paws in the dirt.

Come, he muttered to the pair. I do not intend to fight him and his own, not today. There shall be time enough for that later. Lecter began to move slowly away from the beach, though he kept within his vision the sandbar and the distant fogline of the island.

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RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Kaname - June 21, 2014

His eyes glared through the fog, trying to find the Isle where Majesty inhabited as Lecter answered. Many...fools who flock to fools. He snorted. If the time ever came that Jinx needed him to go kill one of these fools, it was good to know what he was dealing with.

The old healer cackled as he finished marking the fetishes, scuffing sand onto them. He beckoned the two to follow, which Kaname did promptly, not before giving a glance back at the hidden Isle.

RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Sitri - June 23, 2014

Sitri would be right behind Kaname if there was every a need for death. He would do it willingly and without argument, for his new queen and her mate. However, much like Kaname, he did not wish to go in blind ,but he would not speak of it anymore today. He would ask at a later date.

Sitri followed behind the two, happy to be going home. He did not like to travel very much,he would he just didn't like to.

RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Lecter - June 29, 2014

last post for me!

When the Gull wolves came upon the scuffed, urine-stained earth, they would take with them the poisons and harmful loa, back to the earth where Majesty reigned in his foolishness and his ego. For now, the Beta loped with the pair of Silvertip males back toward the pinnacle of the Mountain they called home, laughing to himself at the destruction they had wrought.

<style type="text/css">.lecter2 {width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:200px 25px 20px 20px; background-image:url('http://i60.tinypic.com/1zzidy1.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#000000; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .lecter2-in {width: 380px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.65); text-align: justify;} .lecter2 q {color:#eb0303;} .lecter2 p {text-indent:30px; color:#888888; font:12px/1.75 Georgia; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Kaname - June 30, 2014

Last post.

Kaname was not a superstitious wolf and he doubted the power of these "fetishes". But if it pleased Lecter to place them there, then he had no qualms against the act. The old Beta seemed pleased with placing them at the shore, laughing to himself as they travelled home. The assassin would have preferred killing one of their wolves and leaving their bodies by the shore, but he could only due so if Jinx commanded him to. Until that day came, he supposed he would just have to place fetishes by the borders of rival packs, instead of bodies.

RE: his pulse never got above eighty-five - Sitri - July 05, 2014

Sitri followed behind the two his mind again blank and on other things. He didn't mind placing fetishes, just as he wouldn't mind killing for the older wizened male wolf. he would do what he was told and he would do it well, to the best of his abilities at least.

He shifted and followed closer to them, but kept an eye on the border hoping one of the isle wolves would come to them, he would love ot rip into someone, his frustration with his station in life growing large.