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Wheeling Gull Isle A simple song - Printable Version

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A simple song - Faeryn - April 13, 2018

The moon shone bright that night, pools of a pearly glow illuminating the island as most of the wolves decided to rest their eyes until morning came. Faeryn, however, was a wolf who found herself to be a light sleeper. And as a result of this, she was often seen scouring the edges of the Isle simply gazing out at sea - it was no secret that she held a deep love for those rolling waves, and any moment she could simply relish in the presence of the wide expanse of blue, she'd sure as heck take. 

Perhaps that was why she now could be seen yet again amongst the ink of night, blue pelage lit by the moonlight in a strangely ethereal way. Her movements were slow and paced, posture relaxed as she drifted back and forth along the shore. Any who also remained awake were more than welcome to approach her for a discussion - otherwise she'd accept the silence and watch the sea in her peaceful lonesome.

RE: A simple song - Driftwood - April 30, 2018

Driftwood was simply too excited to sleep tonight.

He had found himself a place to drink, and washed the worst of the salt off, and then drank some more, until it seemed the small pond would surely be drained dry... It wasn't, though, and after he had curled up for a bit of an afternoon nap he had awoken bright-eyed and bushy-tailed once more, adrenaline racing through him as he clung to Coelacanth's last words to him: Welcome home. It was strange, yet energizing and inspiring, to have someplace to call home once more. He hadn't had that in...well, to be honest he couldn't exactly remember how long, but in his gut he knew it had been a while, long enough that the feeling was something rare and valuable, to be savored like the fresh meat of a big kill straight off the bone.

Not to mention the energizing fun of having new places to explore, the inspiration of new vistas to regard with such ample splendiforous scents, sounds, and sights. Already he was falling in love with this island, and felt as if he belonged. He had always loved the sea, and this island had plenty of it all around, of course—not to mention the plentiful and delicious smaller prey that scurried about on land, and the big beautiful trees that seemed to ring much of the interior. Now he took a moment to stand and stare out across the sandy expanse to the water, with the lovely way the moonlight skipped across the intermittent small tidepools on its journey across the sand to lay a rippling silver path across the water serving as a balm to his soul. He lifted his nose and took in a deep, appreciative breath—and was surprised to taste a strengthened note within that noseful of air. He sniffed again more carefully, perking his ears and looking cautiously about, but it took him a moment to spot the ethereal glowing ghost of a form that was its source further down the beach. He hesitated a moment before approaching at a slow trot.

He had to wonder as he jogged forth if perhaps this one was secretly the twinned opposite of Coelacanth. She seemed to have some of the same strangely floaty silent movement across the wet sands, and her fur positively glowed in the moonbeams. He had a sneaking suspicion that Seelie must be at least part-faerie, and that perhaps this interesting female might be also. A faerie with magical powers over moonlight, ocean, or both, perhaps... His own footsteps slackened pace as he drew nearer, with ears perked and tail wagging optimistically loose and high—maybe this interesting-looking creature would also share Seelie's playful kindness, too? She reminded him much more of Seelie than of The Grump, at least. He stretched out his neck a little ways and let out a low and hopeful woof.

RE: A simple song - Faeryn - May 31, 2018

So sorry about the wait on this omg :o

The blue Renoda allowed a soft exhale to part her lips and release from her silvery maw, pelt swaying gently in the breeze. As she scanned the horizon, she pondered whether or not there were any out there who shared her blood. She supposed on occasion her loss of memory of her past was a positive, for it allowed her to obtain a strange sense of freedom. She had naught to worry about. The girl was a free spirit with no ropes binding her legs, holding her in place - a wandering soul who could go where she pleased. Despite this revelation, her home was within Undersea and she would not dream of residing anywhere else. The sea filled the cracks in her heart, the salt cleansed any wounds cursing her mind, as if she was a sea nymph.

Faeryn's trance was broken as the scent of another wolf flooded her nostrils. She peered around with ears standing tall upon her head, cerulean gaze glittering in the moonlight as she sought out the figure. He was a tall boy, with fur made up of woodland shades and golden eyes gazing hopefully in her direction. His tail swayed at his hind, a soft woof releasing from his muzzle and causing her lips to quirk upwards, a smile gracing her features. She hadn't met this particular wolf, but from his scent he was one of the island's inhabitants and so she'd greet him with enthusiasm. "Hey," her melodic voice called out to him, inviting as her own wispy tail wagged back and forth.

RE: A simple song - Driftwood - June 04, 2018

No worries!  ;)

The tempo of his tail increased as her gleaming ethereal blue eyes turned his way, and her tail waved loosely back. Hello, he said, trotting up to her with rather forward eagerness, only remembering to curve his approach a little at the last moment rather than running straight up and possibly even right into her. He left it so that a small distance remained between them, but his feet pranced eagerly in place even then in anticipation of bridging that gap. He stuck his nose out to take deep draughts of her scent, his ears flicking back and forth slightly as he analyzed the scent. It was not entirely unfamiliar, but he was excited by the ability to match it up with a face now too.

His eyes wandered up and down her form, hopping about in a flealike manner, seemingly unable to stay still for long any more than his feet could. My name's Driftwood, he offered artlessly, just before blurting, Do you wanna play?! Whoops, wait. That wasn't quite what he'd meant to ask. He caught his tongue between his teeth for a moment as he tried to reel himself back a little. I mean, uh, what's your name, and do you wanna play? There. That was more polite, right? Or at least polite enough? He was just so full of jittery excitement and energy; it made it extra-hard to remember not to plow right past all the courtesies and pleasant nothings most wolves seemed to feel obligated to exchange first. But he didn't want to, like, scare her or anything, he reminded himself. Or make himself look like a total dork in front of this graceful creature of misty fur and sea-colored eyes—though really, it may very well already have been too late for that. Driftwood drooped slightly at the thought, and his eyes glued themselves to her face at last as they hungrily searched for the first signs of a reaction that would clue him in on how to proceed. Or if maybe it would just be better for him to throw himself back into the ocean now and start paddling away, before he jammed any more feet any more firmly into his mouth.

RE: A simple song - Faeryn - November 09, 2018


have an also awful phone post bc my pc is dead af

Faeryn resisted the temptation to raise a brow, watching as his feet danced hurriedly on the soft ground, tiptoeing and bouncing energetically ahead of her. He was an odd one, he was, but intriguing enough for her to accept his presence while she watched the dazzling sky. She had to hold back a short, soft laugh as the outburst fled his lips, but managed to hold her tongue. "I'm Faeryn, it's nice to meet you." She was almost certain she may have scented him around before, but only now was the nymph able to place a face to the scent.

Another gust of wind caressed her coat, rippling the water nearby into rivulets of glittering deep blue, almost black in the night's wash. The Renoda dove allowed a gentle smile to creep up again on her delicate features, lips quirking up and watching him with curiosity. "Play? What do you want to play?" She could see, so clearly, his eyes darting across her face, perhaps eagerly attempting to decipher a reaction - though it was a rather odd request, She had no wish to upset him and thought it better to engage in whatever game he was interested in; being on friendly terms with your packmates could never be a negative thing.

RE: A simple song - Driftwood - December 20, 2018

<3 Oh, believe me I'm much worse atm anyhow, and managed to overlook this thread a couple of time when looking at my postlog *headdesk*. No worries! Hope your computer's behaving much better by now however, gyah  D: 

...Had that been...a smile he had seen going flickering across her face, for just an instant? Driftwood wasn't entirely certain he wasn't just imagining things, but his own eagerly lolling grin widened a hopeful fraction further itself. It's great to meet you too, Faeryn! he interjected eagerly before he could stop himself. He caught his tongue between his teeth for a moment, but a shiver of anticipation rippled across his fur as Faeryn let herself be intrigued instead of driven away by Drift's enthusiasm, and as the fitful breeze danced between them and tickled his nose with tantalizing hints of all sorts of scents. This evening just seemed too full of interesting possibilities to waste—and fortunately, Faeryn seemed eager or at least amenable to share such plans. Rude though it might have been he couldn't help but think it for one fervent and happy moment: oh yes, she was much better company than Komodo ever seemed capable of being, if you asked Driftwood.

And yet for all his eagerness he wasn't quite prepared for her question about what sort of game they might engage in, given all that. Ah, er, uh, he said. Impressive and articulate, yes. His feet danced about in seeming impatience at his own dithering. Really it didn't much matter to him what they played at, only that he found some sort of outlet for moving about and got to have some fun again for a change here. That is, I... I'm up for any sort of game! Chase, or, or hide 'n' sniff, or, or, I dunno, as the stammering grew a little worse yet, but at least he was using actual informative words now. Yeah, I dunno! Do you have any favorite games that you'd like to play? Duh, Driftwood: should have lead with that question, if only he'd thought of it. As it was he caught his tongue again and held it firmly in place, to keep it from running off in all sorts of babbling directions as it so extra-badly wished to do tonight—but he wanted to make sure Faeryn had a chance to respond, before he managed to lose the question in the sea of nonsense bubbling up in his brain and trying to escape out his mouth.