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locked in perpetual motion - Printable Version

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locked in perpetual motion - Amekaze - June 11, 2014

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Distant thunder rumbled and the heavy, humid air was charged with the subtle thrum of electricity. Amekaze had no qualms, and lifted her muzzle high to breath deep the mountain air. She liked it this way.

She descended from a rocky outcropping and jogged languidly down the slopes -- the slopes of The Sunspire, their claim. As new and fresh as it was, there was still plenty to accomplish, but Amekaze had found she had fallen into stride so far.

So now, she would need to achieve balance. Purpose would soon follow, or perhaps the other way around. She would need to see. Already she intended to chronicle the history of the young pack, as she had been here since its creation and even a little before. That much would be easy. Her interests were also in the pack's offensive front, which was assuming they would need one (because they would, whether they liked it or not). She had grown up in a world embroiled in battle, been born just to be their offensive front, so it only felt natural to assume the role here... in a way, at least.

Yet now, it was just an interest in a good old brawl that she could feel tickling her skin. Perhaps one in celebration, as they had once done back home so many months ago.

A fine mist of rain began to fall. She remained unhindered, alertly skimming the landscapes at her disposal as she trotted.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Jace - June 11, 2014

You want to spar that's fine, but I will warn you I am still learning the roll thinger :)

Jace walked among the mountains treacherous face feeling at home on top of it as he learned it's secrets. He was fast learning how to traverse through the crags and near the edges already beginning to form an outlying offense if any should threaten them. They could use the mountain to their advantage. The only ones he worried about even attempting to force their hand as the Creek and it's warriors. If the day would come where he would have to face off with them many he would face with a heavy heart, but he owed no one his allegiance now that was from there, it alone belonged to Ferdie.

As thunder rumbled across the sky, Jace felt as if the world rippled and he stood tail high and back straight as his icy blue eyes looked down upon their claimed lands. He had yet to have noticed Amekaze another who was fast gaining his respect and allegiance, though none would be near the amount of faith he had in Ferdie his new alpha.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Amekaze - June 11, 2014

i don't know how to do the sparring pits system either bc i've never tried, haha. i've always written out spars, actually... or we can blunder around in the pits together
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Amekaze let her momentum continue for a time, until it was the scent of Jace that distracted her and gave her focus another place to go. She adjusted her course just subtly and moved closer to him.

Her posture remained proud, albeit just deferential enough in Jace's presence now that she had come closer. As one of the only two wolves above her, he was of the very few she would be mindful of this around. Her ears fanned back as she chuffed a low greeting his way, although the note may have been lost over the sound of rumbling thunder in the distance. He was a larger wolf than she but she kept her head and neck relaxed while she studied his posture in the event he pressured her for a deeper show of respect. Amekaze was still learning the personal nuances of her fellows.

Jace, she breathed, allowing her tail to waver gently against her legs. I have been thinking.. of our offense here. You are our Warden, our defense, what do you think? she asked, hoping to pick his brain while she looked him up and down -- he was a big, well-built wolf. Surely, though, he could dance. Ame had seen bulkier beasts than he move with surprising elegance when called upon by the fight. She had seen what he had done to Ferdie but never had she needed to see him move in battle, friendly or otherwise. The notion was a curious one that she would potentially explore when the time was right.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Jace - June 12, 2014

Okay I don't mind paragraph style sparring that is what i am used to actually.

Jace heard the small chuff and turned his head towards the sound. It had been a rather small sound, drowned almost completely out by the thunder that warred across the skies. As she drew near to him he noticed her slight posturing change and it did not bother him that she was not overly submissive. She was submissive enough for him and besides he saw her as almost an equal. He also knew how fond of her Ferdie was and he would not dominate her when she showed enough. He wondered briefly if someday she would be Alpha next to Ferdie, but he did not voice that small thought keeping it rather to himself.

He listened to her question and a crooked smile made it's way across his maw. Well the mountain is a very good defense in itself. Offensively it would probably do well to have a plan. I long for the warrior trade as well. It would be good to have a plan, especially given the rocky leaving we had with the Creek and it's members.Why do you ask do you have some insight to offer? I will gladly take it. If they decided to attack them it could be bad, he and Ferdie would fight with all they were worth not giving up until they were dead, but who was to say anyone else would fight like that.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Amekaze - June 13, 2014

ew i didn't mean to write you a whole book of a post omg D:
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Inwardly, she was pleased that he did not appear perturbed by her simple show of submission. It was all the more reason to feel at ease in Jace's company, as she felt she should. He had stricken her as a demanding wolf in that way, anyway, but she knew that if someone crossed him rightfully, he would be a force to reckon with.

She listened with a small nod, finding a note of interest being his desire for warrior status as well. Our aspirations align, then. I served as a warrior before, but I have grown... rusty in my time as a loner, she admitted with a flick of her tail. Being so far removed from the need for battle had allowed her that luxury, but for the pack's best interest, she knew it was time to polish off the skills necessary to assume the role in full.

Right now I feel that.. perhaps our defense, and knowing generally which of their wolves are the most skilled, is our strongest asset. Her expression was thoughtful as she recalled Njal. That and I do not know how they would make their move -- assuming they do, which I will not doubt. Probably by showing off their superior numbers somehow in hopes we may be swayed by that alone, as that is unquestionably what they have over us for now. I do not think Fox possesses the subtly to try anything too stealthy, she said. It occurred to her that once they were more established and if the Creek moved on them, they could retaliate with something devious. However, Amekaze would be less impressed by shows of just brute force. They may be able to use it to push them around for a while but she was holding fast to hope Any moron can puff up their furs and try to look tough by bringing a lot of warm bodies to the fight, she smirked. While warfare is based on deception, something like that is far too easy to see through. We will learn our terrain to make the best advantage, and hone our skills to a sharpened edge, I believe. But the beauty of it would come when the Creek would underestimate them.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Jace - June 13, 2014

Doesn't bother me at all ;) just a small note i play jace as if when angry he blacks out like some people do its not very common but its out there.

Jace put stock in shows of dominance and submission but not for himself. Granted if the occasion called for it then yes he would dominate another. He would expect a show of proper submission and for Ferdie he would always expect it. Ferdie was a leader he needed to be respected.

Jace listened to her and he answered her softly my father trained me due to the fact that when angry I go into blind rages, I work hard to temper that part of me down, and I do so by training exhausting myself and remaining neutral on almost all things. therfore I know a little bit about fighting but I am always hoping to learn more so that maybe someday I'll be so well trained even if my monster rises inside I can control it outwardly. Jace was usually not so open but he would not make the same mistake as he did at the creek and not share the truth of his madness and he truly felt as if he was mad anymore.

He thought about the creek and how it was inevitable that they come. it would just show their bad side. show they were running scared. there was more than enough game in both the neutral territory and the mountain they need not come and cause issue, but they would because their leader was foolish and childish.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Amekaze - June 14, 2014

sounds good :D
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Before, she had gathered bits and pieces of the rage that plagued Jace. Amekaze was far from understanding it and listened now, nodding subtly now and again. To train to keep it controlled was a wise choice and evidently, it worked decently for him most of the time. He did not appear as a wrathful, frothing beast but through his words she could tell it was not a flawless system. Not yet. I see, she murmured thoughtfully. And a sensible reason to train, her muzzle bobbed with the words.

My training was once for war time in the homeland, and my father a lauded strategist in his own right. But, I only learned so much in my time, and as I said, it has been a while since, she pursed her lips. She had been young. Too young to be as involved in battle as she had been, but such it had been. She had survived anyway and was imbued with the teachings she had kept. I had to focus on other matters when I assumed the life of a loner, but nothing compares.. to the feeling of a battle-readied body, she sighed. To feel fit, honed and ready to strike, with the utmost of confidence interwoven into her being; she missed it.

We can train together, then. For the Sunspire, for Ferdie, and ourselves. Amekaze's tail waved and she straightened her stance somewhat then. She had steadily growing confidence in them. With Jace, a large imposing wolf and her, slick and dangerous in her own way, the Sunspire's strength would have a good start between them. A spar, Jace? she asked with a cant of her head. He towered over her and she was horribly out of practice, but she was curious to see how it would go. She had to start somewhere.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Jace - June 16, 2014

Anger still licked through his insides like hot lava down a mountaimside. He was gaining a semblance of control but only a bit. He feared now that he would not have enough and ththat upon confronted by any creek wolf he may lose control especially fox.

He smiled I certainly thought it was sensible, thank you though its nice to have someone agree and understand rather than chase me away" Jace had not been in battles until he came here and now he already had 2 under his fur to count. Jace shifted is weight and bending his shoulders and nodding his head he was ready yes lets spar he was ready.

blah sorry so short

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Amekaze - June 21, 2014

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While never having experienced it herself to the extent she believed Jace to, she understood the ugly flames of hatred and fury. Amekaze could accept it, though, so long as his teeth did not turn on her in pure unbridled rage without cause -- she would have no qualms. Besides, even if it did come to that, it may only make for a good fight. Perhaps she was too nonchalant about it and not fearing what she rightfully should, but Amekaze was notoriously aloof anyway.

I would much rather learn to understand than chase away. That is a coward's response, she smirked, and dipped her muzzle in a small bow to acknowledge his thanks. Then, she allowed her focus to shift towards the spar. She would have to shake the rust loose, but she got the feeling that Jace was the perfect opponent to let her work this out.

She lowered her muzzle defensively and took to motion with a fluid stride forward to arc a path towards his sides. Amekaze used this moment to loosen her muscles. Her tail waved, though, excitement beginning to course as she made her first lunge towards his legs to test his balance. She often used her speed to her advantage but knew not how to approach Jace as an opponent just yet, but these first critical seconds would allow her the chance to learn.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Jace - June 23, 2014

Jace had never really be accepted really anywhere, whether it was due to his fury or his aloofness, even he did not know. He did not try to be aloof and cold, he just preferred to take a neutral stance on most things. He was very much a calm being most of the time. Granted when anger would start to lick it’s way like fire into his mind and his heart, he would usually run until he was so exhausted he fell to the ground, part of why he ran so much and why he was a lean boy.

Iwould much rather learn to understand. Those words alone, caused the boy to gain absolute loyalty to Amekaze. Granted yes his loyalty would always be to ferdie and himself, but Ame had certainly garnered his favor. It was not very seldom that others tried to understand him, they usually agreed to disagree with him, or in Fox’s case chased him away, because he did not do what she asked, she had not understood or even listened to his reasons.

Jace was well out of practice for such things , but he would do his best to give her the practice they both needed. She went at his legs and he backed up and then lunged forward with his head, hoping to make her back up as well, snapping his teeth gently in her direction. He did not want to really hurt her.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Amekaze - June 24, 2014

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She may have initially decided to follow Ferdie and Jace on a wild whim, or without much thought beforehand. It had seemed only natural, and the course of the flow of her life's path despite being one potentially dotted with risks -- or not, even, depending on a great many things. Amekaze could find no regret and now, felt assurance's warmth despite the cool dampness of the rainy weather.

And, there was the welcome blaze of adrenaline. He backed away from her, and retaliated in turn. Just as her teeth clicked shut she reeled aside enough to dodge and kept her head and neck postured for defense -- even fluffing up her hackles to betray her true size. Ame let him get close, though, for his superior size would probably dictate a great many things about this. She wheeled the back half of her body aside, hoping to keep it towards the edge of his reach, then quickly snapped towards his chest boldly to attempt to move him back. If successful, her rally would continue.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Jace - June 25, 2014

Jace appreciated that she had followed them regardless of what repurcussions, they had brought her. He would do his best to do good both by her and by the pack as well as Ferdie. He tilted his head and readied his stance.

Jace raised his hackles and a small growl erupted from deep within his throat. She snapped at his chest and he dipped his head to grasp at her muzzle to try and force her down, moving his larger body more graceful than most he back pedaled. He shoved his shoulder forward to try and unbalance her as he snapped at her muzzle.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Amekaze - July 03, 2014

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

She was quick, and it was easy for her to feel somewhat proud of her speed. It had been her assets many of times before, in situations far more dire than sparring with Jace, but here she did her best to put it to work. However, there was room for small sacrifices here and there. In order to stay close to keep her offense hot, she pulled aside just enough to only let his teeth graze the side of her snout -- leaving a smarting line in its wake, which was of no consequence for now. She had not been ready to offer a full retreat and snapped towards his shoulder.

Her steps were quick and delicate, too. They had to be -- he rallied to offset her balance, and he did not make it easy to keep it. She hoped to exchange more snaps when she could, focusing on her feet and legs all the while until he managed to offset her step enough to make her fall back -- it had only taken one bad step, but she took it with grace and moved away before it could create a larger problem. For just a second.

She shook her furs and gathered a new approach, one that swept around speedily to nip towards his nearest rear thigh, then down, towards his hocks. He was good at guarding himself, and moving concisely, so Ame would just have to pick and pick until she found something to get ahead -- or have the tables turned on her instead.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Jace - July 06, 2014

Jace felt her teeth graze the very tip of his shoulder, but her jerked back enough that it wasn’t dire. He followed her fancy feet and sidestepped, and then stepped forward lunging at her shoulders and chest, while keeping his head and neck down and unexposed.

As she went for his rear thigh, he sidestepped feeling her teeth graze it and twisted his head back to grasp at her hip and leg, hoping to make her retreat from that thigh. He moved his paws trying to unbalance her with a swift swipe of his own paw to her rear leg, the nearest to his front.

She was graceful and delicate in her movements and he was hard pressed to keep up his own prowess against her.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Amekaze - July 09, 2014

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She got the sense that Jace was learning her nuances as well while she worked tirelessly to do the same to him. He seemed adaptable, paired with solid skill to match his considerable muscle. Amekaze was pleased to have him amongst the defense of the Sunspire -- which was not to say she doubted him prior, but now she knew, and had seen his abilities herself, even if it was only in a small sampling of a spar.

When he lunged for her chest, she attempted to turn aside to deflect it with her closest shoulder. She felt the contact, greeted it with a wince and carried on. Her teeth then grazed his thigh and she relished the brief success, which soon turned her towards the more defensive as he retaliated. But her steps were not swift enough this time. His swiping paw pulled a leg out from underneath her, sending her stance crumbling and the rest of her splaying awkwardly to compensate.

While not happy about these turn of events, she gathered her legs and since she was approaching from a lower vantage point, she aimed some snaps towards his undersides, his belly and ribs namely. In a real fight, there would be much more viciousness in the gesture -- a well-aimed one could prove to be a fatal blow, after all, but she made her momentum dual-purposed to get her squarely back to her feet and perhaps get a few hits in edgewise. Meanwhile, she was hoping he would not be too forward on the offense in this moment.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Jace - July 19, 2014

It took concentration and attention to detail to match the moves that Amekaze was making with his own. To say she wasn’t skilled would have been a lie of the largest degree. Jace was large, but his father had told him that it was merely mass and if you learned to carry it well you could use it too your advantage…he trained often to gain the grace with which he held himself.

Jace saw her stumble and with a quick movement he turned to push into her side and continue to unbalance her, perhaps then he could make it too her throat and not bite but touch it with his nose and win. He was not out ot hurt her, they were merely practicing and learning and it would do them both well in the long run.

He felt her teeth graze his ribs and grunted softly, but continued his assault, he needed to learn to guard himself better, that much was obvious. He was offensive completely, defensive not so much. He needed ot work on that and he gave a small smile. She was showing him where his mistakes were without really meaning too.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Amekaze - July 20, 2014

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There was the familiar burn of exertion beginning to creep into her muscles already. She welcomed it wholeheartedly, and would relish in any lingering soreness that may begin here. In fact, she expected it, as out of practice as she was.

Jace's offense remained strong. Keeping pace with it was what was wearing her down steadily, and her faltering balance was not helping. Her teeth may have grazed their mark but his own were not far behind. She narrowly ducked away from it, arching her neck away and the rest of herself not far behind, but felt her fur being moved at the touch. Just about then, a new streak of lightning lit the sky and a roll of thunder followed. Once away, she settled, and did not lunge further. It was time to draw a conclusion here and she dipped her muzzle to Jace; he sparred well, and she looked forward to more opportunities in the future. The storm is close now, she panted. It was a good place to stop. While it had sprinkled on and off already, she had a feeling a downpour may be soon to follow.

I thank you. I have enjoyed this, she breathed and let her tail sway slowly. Until next time, she bowed her head and lingered for his parting words before taking off towards a forested copse of mountainside.

RE: locked in perpetual motion - Jace - July 21, 2014

Jace was beginning to feel the languid liquid feeling of overexertion, but he continued on. it meant he was still alive, and it did good to use the muscles he had forgotten he had.

Jace stopped as she did too and smiled I enjoyed it as well, we must do it again soon, it helps to stay on top our skills He looked up as the sky opened up ready to sluice them all with torrents of tears. He nudged her gently in the shoulder and then he spoke softly head to shelter it's going to be a big one