Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Stupid Pack Borders - Printable Version

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Stupid Pack Borders - Autumn - June 11, 2014

Hi! This open to whoever happens to be in Blacktail Deer Plateau. Whether a loner, a wild fauna, or a pack wolf.

Autumn woke up from under a tall tree. She yawned and stretched each of her legs in turn. She felt reluctant to get out of her cozy feather and grass bedding. She knew she'd have to get up sometime. She did get up and sniffed the air for signs of prey. Her tail went up happily as she sensed a squirrel. She sniffed along its trail till she found a tree where the scent stopped. Looking only a foot or two up she saw it unaware and nibbling a nut of some kind. It didn't know she was there. She leaped suddenly. The squirrel realized she was there a moment too late as she clawed it down from the tree by its tail. She bit it's neck before it could escape, and it went limp. She carried her prey back to her feather-grass bed. Autumn began to eat breakfast.

RE: Stupid Pack Borders - Junior - June 11, 2014

The adults were beginning to allow the pups to leave the rendezvous site without adult supervision, albeit Peregrine (whose injury was a primary cause for this early liberation) insisted they never go anywhere alone. They must take at least one buddy and, preferably, the four of them would stick together.

Of course, Junior didn't pay much mind to her father's preference. She called for Ty and Pura to join her (she did not deign to invite Saēna) but she didn't wait to see if either of the two actually accompanied her as she loped away from the clearing. Young Osprey gave a few squeals of delight as she ran, enjoying her freedom and the warm June air.

She slowed only when the scent of fresh blood tingled in her nose. Chuffing under her breath, Osprey Jr. tracked the scent and arrived at the foot of a tree. The growing pup lowered her dark head and sniffed at the blood spatter on the ground, then followed the trail toward another tree. Some sort of nest lay at the base of this one... and it was occupied.

"Hey!" Junior cried in surprise. Her mismatched eyes widened and her tail instinctively flew up over her haunches as she stared down at the wolf... if it even was a wolf. It looked wolfish but, at the same time, like no wolf she'd ever seen. "Who's you?" she demanded when, for once, her old standby question of What is? might have been more accurate.

RE: Stupid Pack Borders - Autumn - June 11, 2014

Autumn heard pawsteps approaching her. Only a minute later a small black puppy with mismatched eyes came up to her in surprise and shouted "Hey!". The pup asked "Who's you?". Autumn finished chewing the squirrel leg she'd just bit into. She giggled at the pup's odd grammar. "I'm Autumn Juniper. What's yours?" Autumn said, adding a smile. She stood up and shook out her fur.

RE: Stupid Pack Borders - Junior - June 11, 2014

The small red wolf (for Osprey didn't know what else she could be) stood and shook out her fur after chewing on a carcass the pup hadn't even noticed until now. "Bwood..." she murmured, recollecting what had drawn her here in the first place. Yet she was much too intrigued by the vixen to pay much attention to the fresh kill. She stared at the svelte creature admiringly, her black ears quivering as she spoke.

"You's a Junyaw toos?!" the puppy asked, having misheard Juniper as Junior. "I's Opspwey Junyaw!" Her tail waved. Although Osprey Jr. could be bullish and egocentric, she was delighted to share a name with this enchanting creature. "You sooo pwetty, Oddum Junyaw!"

RE: Stupid Pack Borders - Autumn - June 11, 2014

Autumn giggled when this Osprey Junior mistook Juniper for Junior. The pup complimented her. "You sooo pwetty, Oddum Junyaw!" Autumn giggled. "Thanks! I like your eyes. I wish mine weren't so dull."

RE: Stupid Pack Borders - Junior - June 11, 2014

Autumn complimented her eyes and Osprey's tail wagged harder, though she didn't really understand what was so special about them (she, of course, couldn't see her eyes and knew nothing about their mismatched colors). Another thing she didn't understand was the word she'd just used, so she wondered out loud, "What is dew-ull?"

RE: Stupid Pack Borders - Autumn - June 11, 2014

"Dull is like this: Some wolves you see, like you or Thistle Cloud or your dad. (Don't wonder how I've seen these guys. I didn't roleplay it, just act like I've seen em.) You guys have vivid brightly colored eyes. Bright beautiful blues and greens. But mine are dull, that's like how mine are not standing out like my bright fur. They look dark, a bit low on bright colors, not very pretty. You know? It's like when you look at a stag it's beautiful but you take boring regular squirrels for granted. They're dull compared to the stag."

RE: Stupid Pack Borders - Junior - June 12, 2014

Although Autumn provided a very detailed answer, Osprey was left staring at her, still not quite sure what the word meant. This bothered her for all of two seconds before she decided she could figure it out later. Right now, she was much more interested in Autumn (Osprey would've vehemently insisted there was nothing dull about her, if she'd understood its definition) than vocabulary lessons.

"Oddum, wanna pway?" Junior asked, as playing was her very favorite thing in the world.

RE: Stupid Pack Borders - Autumn - June 12, 2014

"Yes!" Autumn barked happily, as she loved playing almost as much as Osprey. She grinned and a mischievous look glowed in her eyes. "I bet I can beat you in a burrowing competition. We burrow underground from here to that tree." She said, flicking her tail towards a tree a few feet away. "Whomever finds the roots underground first wins!" She said. She hoped Osprey was good competition. Autumn loved to burrow under.

RE: Stupid Pack Borders - Junior - June 16, 2014

Autumn matched the puppy's enthusiasm pace for pace. Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she proposed a burrow digging competition. Osprey Jr. nodded enthusiastically and crowed promisingly, "I beat you!" Only after blurting this did she realize she had no idea what a burrow was.

"What's b'wow?" she queried shamelessly, staring into the fox's almond shaped eyes.

Autumn did her best to explain and as soon as the pup grasped the concept, she cried,, "Ohhh! Diggin'!"

The two of them played for the better part of an hour before an imperious howl rang through the forest, calling the pups back to the rendezvous site. "Gotsta go!" the pup said reluctantly to her new friend, giving Autumn a lingering look before she turned and began trotting back home.

RE: Stupid Pack Borders - Autumn - June 29, 2014

Autumn's tail dropped as she watched the pup, Osprey Junior, leave. She enjoyed playing with wolves, a competition that she could match. Autumn wondered if it was a pack puppy or a loner puppy from a small family. Autumn decided she would head to the island for her next vist to a land.