Wolf RPG
From across the great divide - Printable Version

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From across the great divide - ZC25 - June 11, 2014

Would love Vi to meet @Amekaze but anyone's welcome!

With a tortorous squeal, a small spring hare fell beneath Viatrix's paws, its cries choking off as she expertly snapped its spine.

The limp leporid was left on the mountain floor for a moment as the swarthy DeMonte sat back, licking her jowls clean of fur and debris. The chase had been long, and her sides heaved with each deep breath she took, but the reward was well worth it. She knew from the Alpha's words that the pack caches needed tending, but first, the female would eat her fill of the juicy rabbit steak she'd procured.

It was a messy affair, for although DeMonte females were notoriously effeminate, Viatrix was a wolf first and a socialite second. She pulled thick tufts of the hare's fur out and let them litter the lush floor around her, and when she bit into the soft belly of her quarry and its blood spilled, she growled a low and lusty note. By the time she finished consuming what she could of it, blood bathed her snout and throat, and no amount of diligent licking of her lips could cleanse it fully away.

Standing and gripping the ruined carcass in the glove of her maw, the female began to strike the bloodstained earth beneath her with her paws, intent on burying the hare's remaining haunch exactly where it had been killed.

RE: From across the great divide - Amekaze - June 11, 2014

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

The tang of blood on the breezes was what lured her out from her haunts on an outcropping in the first place, while the scent of stranger put a firm purpose in her steps. Ame approached with confident grace, for although her motions were fluid, she infused the strength she did possess into every stride. While she knew that growth of the pack was necessary to solidify their claim, the unease this initially spurred was not to be ignored. So, she made her way closer.

She had hardly found a niche to occupy in the Creek. Here, she was intent on more. Amekaze did want to see the pack grow, truly, but she wished it to be steady instead of one massive rush -- sort of like the Creek had experienced around her time of joining. They were a pack of new-coming strangers, then, and no wonder she had felt misplaced in the current there without any true motivation to even get her head above the metaphorical water. Here, she wished to establish bonds, for whatever they would be worth in time.

What she found was a fellow dark female, presumably fashioning a cache, and Amekaze closed distance with her ears forward and tail lifted. Upon closer inspection, she noted the scents of her male superiors, so her nerves were soothed somewhat but her eyes remained critical and searching.

She chuffed her simple greeting, canted her head in unspoken inquiry, and left it at that, for now. There was much to learn about her.

RE: From across the great divide - ZC25 - June 12, 2014

The soil was tough, but eventually the top crust yielded to her feet and the looser loam beneath was easy to shovel away. She had only gotten halfway through digging a hole large enough for the haunch when she was interrupted, however, and Viatrix glanced up to see a strange black-furred female observing her.

The Lambda knew better than to question Amekaze's place in the pack, for her bearing suggested it was higher than her own. There was always the slight chance that this was a lone wolf who had penetrated the territory's defence and was masquerading as a pack wolf, but it was slim enough to not cross Viatrix's mind. The first thought that did cross her mind was that Amekaze was Ferdie's mate, having been the only other female that she'd smelled within the territory.

Deferentially lowering her head and placing the haunch on the ground, Viatrix folded into easy submission and took a few steps away from the remains of her kill, offering it to the higher ranked female should she wish to have it. At the same time, she spoke up in introduction: “I am Viatrix DeMonte. I'm new here.” New and wishing to contribute, if the half-dug hole and the bloodless haunch said anything about her.

RE: From across the great divide - Amekaze - June 15, 2014

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

The wolf bent to her without question and Amekaze took the next beat to drink in the momentary satisfaction this afforded her. For so long her ranking amongst wolves had been next to nothing and she was already finding herself at ease not having to bow to many. In the Creek, she had achieved the vaguely middle tiers, sure, although it has scarcely mattered within the lot of strangers. Not that she herself had gone out of her way to interact with them anyway..

She regarded the female's offered haunch and freshly dug hole with a cool look that eventually shifted towards a flick of her muzzle in dismissal, or rather continue as you were. Hunger was not her companion for now, and rather, she was pleased to see the efforts here and appreciated the offer. They needed stores more than she needed to pad her stomach with excess.

The name was noted, surname and all, despite its unfamiliarity to her ears. I am Ame, she provided in her characteristic simple way and relaxed her tail. She watched Viatrix's expression, curious to see if that would spur any recognition. Ame did not know yet if Ferdie or Jace would mention her ever; her place here was not that important yet. It pleases me to see our ranks grow, already, and with.. the willing sort, the Eta gestured towards the cache-in-progress. The mountain fares well for you? And from there, she would nudge the conversation where it needed to go to learn more, likely in exchange for some knowledge of her own. Amekaze would devote some time to getting to know this new wolf before going separate ways. Insofar, she was finding herself vaguely pleased by the Sunspire's new recruit and hoped to know her better in weeks to come.

When it was all said and done with their time together finished, she loped towards the borderlands to leave her mark there..