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Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Printable Version

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Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Ypres - June 11, 2014

The stars shone brightly with a hint of a few clouds in the night sky. Ypres was patrolling the area as usual to make sure things were in order for the night, and that no interlopers were to be caught here; otherwise they would have a problem on their paws. Her eyes scanned the nightly heavens trying to forecast the weather for the next day, but she was no good at star gazing or any of that crap. She wouldn't mind learning a new trade now and again, but it took time. Rome wasn't built in one day.
A smug expression could be seen upon her features, but there was no one there to see it, and if there was, whom would catch her with the look of doubt, yet conceit written upon her face?
Eyes scanned the terrain as they focused within the darkness. Ears adjusted to the sound of waves crashing upon shore; as it was something one needed to get accustomed to especially coming from all sorts of lands and different packs. Ypres was happy here, and this was home. Something she had been searching for her entire life. She often felt misunderstood, and it was part of why she started self teaching herself new tongues. To be heard, to be understood, to be known. Ypres was a stubborn bitch, and knew what she was after in life, and never feared going for it.
Follow your dreams, as no one will make them come true but you. Ypres was a wolf that could surprise even the most stereotypical, or doubtful wolf; as she seemed to surprise the Alpha of these lands with her speech craft; a trade proved to be quite useful indeed. Ypres's smugged expression turned into a proud smile as she gazed back up at the stars and observed the thin clouds. She assumed it was going to be a nice day the next day, but she would only have to wait and see.
Looking straight ahead she noted no one was around and decided to go for a speed run to test her speed. Suddenly ripping her paws from the beach kicking up sand, she fled like a bat out of hell as if running to kill or to survive.

Can you run faster scared than me pissed?

That was the first thing that raced throughout the core of her mind as she booked it. She raced fast and hard to the other end of the beach. Not bad for someone who had short legs and a stout stocky body. The flame pointed lady ran from one side of the beach to the next within half a minute. The beach was long but she wasn't one to tell distance either. A talented girl, but not that talented. Without stopping she swiftly spun around and raced right back again. Ypres would would leap over logs, jump over invisible things, and maneuver about as if to dodge an attack.
Ypres clearly was bored out of her mind, but it was good to keep in shape and in practice. She finished her routine after some time, and she could feel eyes watching her from afar. Who was it? Who was there? Hackles raised in defense as the short lady took residence of Guardianship. Perhaps she was just thinking too much, or maybe she just assumed someone spying on her?

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Autumn - June 13, 2014

Autumn had decided her next place to travel to would be Wheeling Gull Isle. She'd never been on a island, it might be fun for a new experience and a good opportunity.
She stood on Sea Lion Shores looking at the island. She'd spent the day hurrying through territories from Blacktail Deer Plateau to here. She looked at the island. It was like something on a postcard with the perfect white sandy beach and the sunset behind it. She took a step into the water. She began to swim. She went under once only, but she couldn't get the saltwater taste out of her mouth. She arrived on the beach halfway through the night. She knew there was a pack there, but she had no concerns. Nobody had ever paid much attention to the small fox she was. She hopped through the sand stealthily toward a nest. The seagulls back was to her and it didn't notice her. She leapt and as it tried to get away she used the method of dragging it down from the sky. She bit its neck and it went limp. But it wasn't the seagull she'd wanted. She plucked the two eggs from the nest and thought of the delicious snack it would make. She left the limp seagull on the beach as it bled into the sand. Autumn headed toward the forest and laid down in shelter of a bush. She ate one of eggs (which was delicious) and saved the other for later. It sat next to her. She watched some short orange-white wolf walk around the beach and start running. Autumn noticed she was fast for her short size. She ran back from the side of the beach she had just reached. Autumn got a bit bored but passed the time by drawing stick foxes in the dirt with a claw. She noticed the wolf suddenly looked nervous or confused. Her hackles raised and she glanced around.
Autumn noticed the hostile behavior. Did she notice me?

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Ypres - June 15, 2014

Eyes were watching her, she just knew it. Something or someone was lurking out there. She boldly padded towards the culprit her skull held low, nose twitching as a new unfamiliar scent waft through her nostrils. It definitely was not that of a wolf. She wasn't bound to bark out orders for them to show them-self to a creature who just might not understand her English. She decided to pad towards the scent with curiosity.
It didn't take long for the femme to find the fox. She had seen foxes before, sly, coy, beautiful creatures they were.

Oh... Well... Hello there..

She woofed a greeting as she stopped several feet away in hopes not to scare the girl off. She knew these creatures were timid when it came to the much larger species. She flipped a curious ear as she sat down on her haunches and gazed at the cute little fox. Looks could be quite deceiving though; after all small things came in good tough packages!

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Autumn - June 15, 2014

Autumn watched the wolf come toward her, spot her and stop a few feet away.
She noticed the wolf was careful with her distance.

"Hi!" Autumn said, smiling. She stood up and came up to the wolf. "Fine night, Isn't it?" Autumn said kindly. She had left the seagull egg back there in the sand. Her tail wagged at the wolf agknowleging her instead of ignoring her. She also wasn't afraid of the larger canine. Just happy to have company.

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Ypres - June 20, 2014

Ypres took note of the friendly fox's gestures. She too wagged her tail in response.

"My name is Ypres, what's your name?"

She introduced herself..

"And yes it is a fine night! Perfect for anything".

She agreed as she sat upon haunches and studied the little female. She took note of the egg, but she had no interest in it.

"Hunting this eve?"

Ypres asked with a tilt of her skull and a simple wag of her tail. She wondered who this mysterious little creature was as she gazed up to the nightly heavens and smiled, then looked back to the fox.

" So I guess you were watching me run?"

She offered an embarrassed glance and a smile.

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Autumn - June 29, 2014

"Nice to meet you Ypres, I am Autumn. And yes, I got myself two eggs but I ate one already. They're great." Autumn watched the wolf look to the sky for a moment. Ypres turned her attention back to Autumn. "Oh yes. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. You are fast for a small wolf, no offense."

I was wondering, how is Ypres pronounced? And sorry, I've forgotten how to do the ooc.

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Ypres - July 01, 2014

Ee- Prez :-)

Ypres smiled as the fox introduced herself and stated that she had eaten an egg. She tilted her skull to the right as she listened intently. Eggs.. She had never eaten one as they had never appealed to look tasty to the wolf. Autumn mentioned an apology about her scaring her. Ypres wasn't frightened one bit, but she offered the fox the benefit of the doubt.

Yeah.. You got me..

She chuckled lightly.

My speed comes from practice, I used to have to run for my life to save my tail from when I were younger.

She paused looking around.

I mean.. I tried to make amends with my birth pack, but I was always chased off lands

Embarrassing! Ypres was simply embarrassed and did her best to hide that as she sat there.

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Autumn - July 01, 2014

Having been raised as a fox, Autumn knew all about deceiving or lying. She could tell the wolf, Ypres, was lying about being frightened. Autumn didn't mention it. Wolves were never scared of her, Autumn was never scared of wolves.

"My speed comes from practice, I used to have to run for my life to save my tail from when I were younger." Autumn listened to the wolf. "Mine wasn't like that. I'm not slow, but my speed comes from races of fun and competition. Didn't have many troubles as a pup. Not that I do now." Autumn chuckled and listened to her continue. "Sorry about that. Being chased away, I mean."

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Ypres - July 01, 2014

Ypres smiled as she listened to the little fox. She never had seen a fox run, but could imagine they could be swifter than she was. She was bound to find out sooner or later if she offered the little fox a race.

"Races huh?"

She waved her tail over her spine and bowed down in a playful position.

" wanna race me?"

She wagged her tail in delight.

" I have never seen a fox run before.. What say you?"

She stood back to full height and wagged her tail playfully. She liked this fox, she was quite unique.

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Autumn - July 01, 2014

When Ypres mentioned races Autumn Juniper almost jumped with joy. "I like it! I bet I can beat you!" Autumn grinned. She would enjoy comparing her speed to that of a wolve's.

"If you win you can have the egg. If I win, well, you can decide what to give me. Do you like eggs? If not I would give you something else."

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Ypres - July 02, 2014

A devilish but playful grin slipped across her muzzle as she listened to the foxy lady respond.

" Alright, let's just see! "

She challenged the fox with a toothy grin and a wag of her tail as she bounded and leaped playfully in front of the fox. Autumn mentioned that she's give her an egg if she won. Ypres was not interested in any egg. She almost laughed.

"Oh Autumn, you're very sweet! "

Even though she wasn't into eating it, she'd probably stash it away someplace safe for memorabilia.

"But if you win, I will hunt pheasant, and share it with you. "

Pheasant sounded divine, Ypres had never had pheasant in so long! She waited for the signal for Autumn to be ready.

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Autumn - July 02, 2014

"I have never had pheasant. I will like to try it. I'll taste pheasant and victory." Autumn grinned back. "Okay, from here to that beach shrub over there." A far ways away was a green speck that was one of those little grassy things in the sand. "Ready? Set? Go!" Autumn shouted as she sped off. She was short, but her legs could carry her far through leaping as well as running. Her legs threw up the grains of said, messing up the patterns waves made in the sand. She had no time to check where Ypres was, only feel the rush of wind in her face. She imagined her when she was a pup: racing around the short but wide mountain. Vulpus ran beside her and instead of throwing up sand her paws threw pebbles and stones. Vulpus and Autumn were pace for pace. Where Ypres was, she didn't know.

sorry for deciding some of the race, I'm not sure how we decide who will win.

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Ypres - July 03, 2014

[*OOC] Nope that's cool Autumn.. I'm not sure how the outcome would go, too bad there wasn't an action made digital dice roll for both parties to see. I will let the fox win by a few inches if you like [/*OOC]

Ypres offered another wide toothy grin as Autumn expressed that she was would like Pheasant and victory.

You're on sister...

She offered a playful snarl, as the two of them took off like a bat out of hell. Her eyes focused on the target that they were aiming to reach, as she carried herself like the wind. Pounding feet, and a blur of fur whirled closer towards the targeted area. Her powerful limbs carried her as swift as possible as she timed her breathing to a rhythm. She could feel the pads of her feet begin to burn as they reached the shrub. Ypres had missed winning by a tail hair and offered the victor-er a bow of respect.

You have rightfully earned yourself a wonderful meal Autumn. I will go hunting by the next twilight, and bring you your meal!

She panted wagging her tail happily.

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Autumn - July 04, 2014

Autumn reached the shrub just before Ypres. "Haha, you put up a good fight. Thank you for the race and the pheasant." Autumn had enjoyed testing her speed, now she panted even though it was cold out. Autumn smiled. "It was nice to meet and race you Ypres. That was fun." Autumn chuckled. She stepped away from Ypres and shook the sand out of her fur. She smoothed it down a little. She decided her next stop would be the mountain range. And not the Silvertip Mountain, as much as she would like to see her family again. The mountains would be difficult, but she believed she could face them. New opportunities were always popping up.

RE: Its A Perfect Dark Here (MATURE) - Ypres - July 05, 2014

Ypres accepted the winning of Autumn. She thoroughly enjoyed having the race with her; Ypres bowed in honor.

" an honor to race with such a swift creature! "

She wagged her tail rapidly as she looked the fox over.

"I will hunt you your prize, and I will call you over when I fetch it."

She promised with a dip of her muzzle once more.

" a pleasure meeting you too by the way. "

She then turned away and started on her quest to seek out the promised prize for Autumn!

sorry it's short but I'm ending thread.. :-)