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Blacktail Deer Plateau eats, shoots and leaves - Printable Version

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eats, shoots and leaves - Junior - June 12, 2014

Maybe @Blue Willow can channel some of her feisty energy somehow? :D

Osprey woke up in a feisty mood (when was she not feisty, though?) and immediately tried picking a fight with all three of her age mates. Although he was still unable to move much, an ill-tempered Peregrine broke up the fight with a harsh warning growl and ordered Junior to go sit in time-out across the clearing. Sulkily, the youngster did as she was told, kicking every leaf and rock on her way there.

Only after sitting there for several minutes did it finally dawn on her that Peregrine couldn't possibly chase her if she left. Shooting a fervent glance over her shoulder, the puppy plucked herself off the grass and began to skulk toward the trees. When she heard the Alpha male's arresting bark, her ears flattened and she slowed down, yet she continued slinking. He snarled now and she froze, then suddenly bolted...

...right into something simultaneously hard and soft. With a cry that was more surprise than pain, the puppy fell to the forest floor, growling and spitting like a hellcat.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Blue Willow - June 13, 2014

Blue Willow looked down at the puppy and spoke sharply. well that will teach you to run from your father when he tells you no now won't it Junior. As a rule Blue did not like to scold, but frankly Junior's behavior was out of control and she was spoiled and coddled and she refused to do so anymore. To be dominant was one thing, but Junior was skirting around the edge of bully especially to little Saena who yes needed to buck up and give what she got, but still Junior was a little bit worse than needed.

Blue promptly sat and waited with a raised eyebrow for Junior to get angry or snarl or something and she would definitely give her the what for. Or maybe if the child was good she would think of a game to play one that involved teaching her some play fighting she could not think of the ones her father had taught her right off hand, but maybe if she thought hard enough one or two would come to her.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Junior - June 13, 2014

The Alpha female's sharp words caused Osprey's ears to flatten against her skull as soon as she righted herself. She sank sulkily to her belly, lip curled and nape prickling. She glared resentfully at Blue Willow's toes, though she made no sound. Although she could be quite pushy with her peers, she knew her place was below the adults. One day, she might push the envelope and rebel, yet that stage remained in her future, likely when she reached adolescence.

While she lay there, glowering at her aunt's petite black feet, a caterpillar wandered into her field of vision. Osprey looked at it expressionlessly for a moment, then suddenly brought her paw down with a thump! and smashed the insect into a pile of mush.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Blue Willow - June 13, 2014

Realizing that she could both teach a lesson as well as hone the small pups skills she bent forward with a warning growl and with a swift jab pushed the puppy gently over. Well Junior defend yourself.Come on now give me some of that anger you have built up. Granted blue was much bigger than the pup that stood before, maybe if she tired herself out attacking blue it would give her father a break and poor saena.

Blue moved swiftly to the right and then back to the left. Her tail moved gently as she moved for balance. A small smile replaced her growl, to be replaced with a snarl.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Junior - June 16, 2014

Her aunt was usually a calm, sweet and gentle disciplinarian, so when she jabbed Junior and growled, the pup looked at her sharply, surprise etched onto her youthful features. She shook her head, as if in confusion or denial. But Blue Willow continued to egg her on, snarling now and weaving back and forth.

Osprey's ears flattened uncertainly and she looked around as if someone might explain her aunt's sudden and bewildering change in temperament. Her two-toned eyes eventually clapped back on the Alpha female and Junior slowly hoisted herself to her feet. Her eyes narrowed and her tail began to lash in a very predatory, catlike fashion. She sensed that Aunt Willow was simultaneously serious but playful.

"Why you so unfay-uhhh?!" the pup suddenly screeched, the you more of a general you as she vented her frustration. She sprang at Blue Willow with a battle cry of, "You BAD!"

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Blue Willow - June 17, 2014

Blue Willow moved to the opposite side and shifted and placed a paw in front of her to knock Junior over. She however was trying to allow the little femme to get some hits in simply because she was trying to teach a lesson not squash her enthusiasm or her confidence.

She let loose another small growl and thrust forward with her head, but gently hoping to knock the girl to the side a bit, but nicely so it was not to hurt her. She was ever mindful of her size in comparison to the little pup in front of her. I'm not bad YOU Bad Jr! She repeated the child's words back to her goading and playing a small smile took the place of the growl.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Junior - June 19, 2014

"NUH-UH!" Junior bellowed thunderously in response, in her indigination forgetting to dodge when Blue Willow weaved. The Alpha female's head butted her in the shoulder and she screamed, "STOP! Stop bein' so mean!" with the same vehemence, her teeth snapping together near her aunt's cheek as the puppy leaped clear.

Despite her cries and the perplexing change taking place in her aunt's temperament, Osprey Jr. could not resist the siren call of a good tussle for long. Watching Blue Willow move, Junior suddenly found herself bowing forward, forepaws thumping on the ground and tail waving as if enticing the elder wolf closer.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Blue Willow - June 19, 2014

Unf she's adorable! No matter how spoiled lol

Blue Willow moved her head the girl just missed her cheek, tough it did graze it a little bit, and it was nothing more than a sting, but it was enough to make Blue's eyes water momentarily after all the muzzle and nose were such fragile areas to be cutting into.

Blue chuckled and leaned forward moving her paws and teasing the small wolfess in front of her. She snapped at the air in front of the child, chuckling making sure she did not get her. She was having as much fun as she possible could while trying to teach a lesson.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Junior - June 19, 2014

Blue Willow feinted at her, jaws gaping, and Osprey instinctively leaned away and flailed her forelimbs. One of her paws struck the side of the adult's muzzle and her eyes flew wide. It wasn't just startling to hit an adult in the face, it was particularly unsettling to strike her Aunt Willow anywhere.

"Yous axed foes it!" young Osprey Jr. declared accusingly, preemptively trying to defend herself against any allegations that she'd hit the Alpha female out of turn. Her mismatched eyes narrowed and she paused to see whether anyone, including Blue Willow herself, would try to mete out more punishment. Perhaps she would have to sit in timeout again.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Blue Willow - June 19, 2014

Blue was surprised, but not as much as Junior. when the girl stared at her with wide eyes and then dared to say it was her fault she laughed until she couldn't anymore. She had to sit down for a moment. Yes Junior I did ask for it and you did good job defending yourself.

Blue Chuckled again staying seated now for the moment. If the young princess wanted to continue their game she would be more than obliged. She smiled down at her and waited patiently to see what would happen from here.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Junior - June 19, 2014

It seemed Blue Willow was determined to keep Osprey Jr. on her toes today. The pup watched in bewilderment as her aunt laughed herself nearly to tears. Young Osprey stared at this, befuddled, and began to feel a bit angry. Was Blue Willow laughing at her? If so, why?

"I—" the child began to say when the Alpha female praised her. Junior blinked uncertainly, then went in another direction. "What's deafen?" she wanted to know, slightly mispronouncing defend, mostly by putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Blue Willow - June 20, 2014

Blue quiet laughing long enough to hear the question asked of her. She hadn’t meant to make the little girl angry. She had been merely laughing at her word choice, as well as the indignation she had, even though she had been the one to hit Blue. Granted she was right, Blue had asked for her to defend herself, just not in so many words.

Blue Willow spoke gently, Defend, is to take care of you. If someone or something is coming after you, you protect yourself. You hit me; you defended yourself because I was coming at you. Blue hoped that it was an easy enough explanation; she had done it as simply as she could, she was unsure though, if it was simple enough.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Junior - June 20, 2014

Young Osprey sort of grasped the concept. She turned the word and its definition over and over in her head, then recalled that Blue Willow had praised her ability to defend herself. Belatedly, the pup cracked a grin and puffed up her chest, proud of this achievement, even if she hadn't even done it on purpose at the time.

"I's a good de-fen-daw," she declared, enunciating the word so carefully that she broke it into three distinct, childish syllables. "I pwotect me!" She bobbed her head in a sage nod.

Glancing around herself abruptly, Junior spotted her father watching from across the open clearing. A fun game suddenly occurred to her and she began to dart hither and thither in an excited fashion, a few sharp barks loosing from her snout as she gave the Alpha female a fiendish look.

"I pwotect daddy fwom you big meanie!" she crowed, suddenly falling back on her haunches and swiping the air between herself and the Healer. She grinned playfully, then bounded in her father's direction, trying to draw her aunt with her so they could playact a scenario in which the puppy defended her father from the big bad Blue Willow.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Blue Willow - June 21, 2014

A smile split the maw of Blue in half. The way the girl butchered the words was enough to make her want to laugh, it was adorable. However, she kept her laughter quiet, not wanting to upset Junior. That's right you are a good defender, and you protect you!

Blue followed the girl with her head, almost like a snake seeking it's prey back and forth. She lowered her eyes to watch closer enjoying this game and she returned the devil may care grin that the girl shot her.

Blue growled and spoke loudly Uh oh I'm going to get you Juniors daddy. She bounded forward with a laugh and then another play growl she swiped at him, completely missing him unpurpose of course, and then looked at Junior and swiped at her. I'm gonna get him Junior. I get your daddy. She went to swipe again to see if the girl would intercept.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Junior - June 21, 2014

Blue Willow humored the girl, following her to the area where Peregrine lay, quietly observing. He was having a hard time being laid up, yet watching Osprey Jr. and the Healer play made his lips twitch. His head rose from its perch atop his good forepaw and he tipped his head as his daughter came to his enthusiastic rescue against his mock nemesis, Blue Willow.

"NO!" little Junior bellowed when her aunt threatened Peregrine. "My daddy's hoit! Leave 'im alone!" she screeched emphatically, leaping to put her body between the two Alphas. She lowered her head, her ears slicking backward, and bared her teeth at Blue Willow. Her tail rose and lashed. She even pawed at the ground like a wild stallion getting ready to go buck wild.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Blue Willow - June 22, 2014

Blue Willow smiled softly, the girl could be fierce when a loved one was threatened, that would serve her well in the future. She would make a good pack wolf. She raised an eyebrow at Perry but then assumed the position.

A low snarl worked it's way up Blue's throat, followed by the raising of hackles. She growled at the little girl. I'll get you then Junior. She moved forward and pretended to go after her, only to jump back. Her own tail was moving and lashing as if it had it's own life force. She gently knocked the pup in the leg, but not enough to hurt or even knock her down really a feather like tap. She was so afraid she was going to hurt her, Blue was no small femme.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Junior - June 26, 2014

Although it was all a game, Osprey's heart broke into a sprint when Blue Willow declared she would attack her instead of Peregrine. Standing her ground nonetheless, the youngster boldly bellowed, "You canna get me!" Even as the cry left her mouth, the Alpha female proved her wrong by tapping her leg, earning a surprised scream from the child.

Junior suddenly leaped to the side. She didn't realize what she was doing consciously but she was drawing the Alpha female away from her father. At the same time, she feinted forward a few times, lips wrinkled and tail lashing to show Blue Willow that she didn't fear her, even if her heart continued to race in her chest.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Blue Willow - June 27, 2014

Blue willow watched the girl through observant eyes. She was learning, even though she was so scared, Blue was fearful she may pee herself. She could see it, the little girl had yet to mirror all the fear from her, after all she was merely a child. But all too soon, her innocence would be gone and she would be able to hide the fear, like all of them. Though Blue often wondered if she could hide her fear, as well as others.

Blue followed her and missed her a few times as the little girl feinted, sometimes unpurpose other times not, the little girl wasn't half bad at defending herself and her father. Blue snarled back and stood her ground, however now they were at a stale mate and Blue wondered briefly if the little one would attack her or continue to defend. She batted out a paw again.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Junior - June 29, 2014

Hope you don't mind the power play; if you do, let me know and I can edit this post! :)

Perhaps this was a decisive moment for Osprey Jr.'s future, directing her down the path of a warrior rather than a warden. She did not wait for Blue Willow to attack first. Instead, she struck when the Alpha female darted out her paw again. With a fearsome growl, the pup sprang upon it, seizing it simultaneously with jaws and paws and wrestling it to the ground. She then seized it in her mouth, remembering at the last second not to break her aunt's skin; this was a game. Still holding onto it, she gave it a few shakes before settling down on the ground.

She paused a moment, considering her options, then began to tug on the she-wolf's paw. Growling through her teeth, she tried to drag Blue Willow away from her father. Although this was just playing, in a real world situation, this would give him a chance to slip away and escape, even with his busted paw. Osprey Jr. didn't know this, of course, but her eyes kept flicking over to where he lay as if making sure he was still untouched while she took care of the mock nemesis.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Blue Willow - June 29, 2014

I don't mind it

Paw locked in the pups jaws, Blue pretending she was afraid Oh no you got me. You're going to get me now. Please just let me go I promise i wont go after your daddy again. She closed her eyes gently, opening one quickly a crack to see if Junior was taken in by her acting as terrible as it was.

Blue followed behind the girl on three legs, since her fourth was held tightly in her maw. She chuckled as she was taken away from Perry. Junior had done well, and she would make a good warrior when she was old enough.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Junior - June 29, 2014

Only when Blue Willow waved the proverbial white flag did Osprey Jr. finally relinquish her grip. In the same beat, she declared, "I win! I beat ya!" Her eyes glowed and her tail waved to and fro. She was proud of her victory and it showed.

Tossing her aunt a final grin, Junior bounded over to her father and snuggled against him like an overgrown kitten. "I pwotect you!" she chirruped at him, earning several grateful licks across the face and a rumbled, "Thank-you, warrior princess." The little pup giggled, quite pleased with herself and happy for the affectionate praise.

With a happy sigh, she padded to a spot a few feet away from Peregrine and flopped down, adopting a sphinx-like pose. Although she was worn out from her battle and her eyes were already beginning to droop, she vowed to stay awake and keep any other would-be attackers away from her daddy.

She fell asleep in about three minutes despite her best efforts, dreaming dreams of battle and victory. One day, her dreams would come true and she would rise to become a champion, a warrior, a fierce protector not only of her father but of the entire Blacktail Deer Plateau pack.

RE: eats, shoots and leaves - Blue Willow - June 29, 2014

Wrap up?

Blue willow smiled at the youth, her green eyes dancing Yes you did, you win. Your daddy is safe. Blue chuckled at the powerful prance the child put on, at having won and saved the day.

Blue watched as the black haired child fell to sleep. She flopped down next to her friend and nudged him gently in the side, staying far away from his leg. Then with a small contented sigh, she lay her head on her paws and watched the princess sleeping silently. She will be a good warrior Perry.