Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - Printable Version

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Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - RIP Star - June 12, 2014

Yay! Thanks for letting me in. I have a small problem though, I don't know exactly what the terrain looks like. Is the river in the middle of an open meadow?

Star stood in the field. She was glad of the feel of grass under her paws after living in the mountains for a while. Her paw pads had gotten tougher for the rocky sides of the mountain and bits of gravel, but she bet that if she'd grown up here her pads wouldn't need to adapt. They'd be as soft as a rabbit's pelt. She had enjoyed the journey and she had finally found the place Peak had said her parents had talked about. The Teekon Wilds. She was glad she'd left her strict, mean, father who had ignored her half the time. It'd been obvious he'd never wanted pups. She wondered where her sister, Moon, was. She'd been there when Star left, but maybe Moon had left soon after. Moon's sister had left, so why wouldn't she? Star hoped that one day she would maybe see her again. They had been good friends and sisters. Star had been independent on the trip hunting and never staying in one place for more than two days. It had taken only half a month, and here she was. Behind her was some mountain, in front of her was a river in the middle of a meadow(I'm guessing) and a lake at the edge of her vision. Hopefully the pack leader would find her a helpful addition to the pack. Star wanted so badly to be able to hunt for others, to protect, to be seen a great strong role model. One day.

RE: Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - Bazi - June 13, 2014

You can assume a vast flatland with a wide, deceptively deep creek - feel free to assume there are sparse groves of trees, hills, rock formations - we're just starting an internal territories list. Welcome!

A small, fluffy thing was waiting at the door. From a distance, Bazi couldn't tell if it was a full grown animal, and closer inspection helped very little. Star was small - smaller than even the plush white beta and Fox, both of whom were dainty girls. Without size working in her favour, the stranger would be even more put upon to prove herself.

Bazi approached head on, materialising out of the distance like some white spectre. She kept her tail and ears high, but there was no smug, unnecessary display of power - Star did not seem a threat.

"Name, story, and what you being to this pack," she told the girl simply upon arrival at the border, standing square and still in the Creek's metaphorical doorway.

RE: Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - RIP Star - June 13, 2014

Star knew what would come when the white wolf had showed up.
"Star. I left my mountain home outside the Wilds to join a pack. The strengths I'd give is that I can hunt, climb, my paw pads can face ruff ground, and I know some fighting. I can be respectful to those higher than me, but if something isn't right I'll speak against it." Star wanted to make sure Swiftcurrent Creek accepted freedom of speech. She was on the edge of her seat, hoping to get in.

RE: Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - Bazi - June 13, 2014

Star's answer was unusually short for a wolf that had ended up in the Teekon Wilds - it tended to draw a more long-winded crowd. Bazi appreciated the straightforwardness of it; I left, and here I am.

She didn't rate the pup-sized girl as a fighter, but she might do well as a scout - particularly in the mountains. The colour of Star's fur would work against her here, but the same could be said for Bazi, whose bright-white coat was only just starting to yellow around the toes.

"And what would you consider.. not right?" the beta queried, fixing Star with a level, bright-blue gaze. "What happens if the alpha has to make a difficult decision that you do not agree with?" You'd be out on your arse, that's what, she thought to herself - Fox was not the sort of girl to convene a council of the elders for every single decisions, even the important ones. The ejection of Ferdie and Jace was proof enough of that.

RE: Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - RIP Star - June 13, 2014

"We'll, considering your alpha is reasonable, I might not need to argue with her.
But if someone is being mocked for no good reason, or if someone is banned from an opportunity for a bad reason. I also don't like wolves fighting among themselves, especially since they're in the same pack. What I would accept is practice fighting, friendly sparring, and rank challenge." Star hoped she'd said the right thing. She wouldn't be able to bear the life of a lone wolf forever. A pack had always seemed great to her.

RE: Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - Bazi - June 14, 2014

Bazi nodded silently along to Star's elaboration. The fact that she has specifically mention infighting was fortunate - Fox had recently ejected two of their number for just that. Their absence still hurt Bazi, but the lies she told herself about Jace in particular were almost truth now.

"Fine," she said. "You're in. Find one of the boys - Cutthroat or Scimitar - and test your fighting skills against them." Depending on how things went at the Sunspire, they might have a war on their hands. With that, Bazi dismissed the newcomer with a nod and made for the Womens' Glade. Thinking about what the Sunspire might mean for the pack made her want to withdraw and think, and the Glade was just the place.

Editing an ending into this.