Wolf RPG
Heron Lake Plateau But fair enough, I guess we're tired all the time - Printable Version

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But fair enough, I guess we're tired all the time - RIP Niamh - May 11, 2018


Niamh was still not quite caught up on rest after returning from her trip with Tegan. She'd bumped into Clover before she'd left, and had ended up walking away with a more optimistic outlook about her place in the pack, and had improved her relationships with other packmembers too- but hadn't seen too many since she'd been back. If one Blackthorn girl was willing to give her the time of day, then there was hope for her to redeem herself after all. The ticket, it seemed, was more or less ditching Screech...She had felt guilty about it, until the events which had transpired just days ago. 

She made her way toward the lake which was where she'd been resting, alloing her twisted ankle to heal up, as per Raven's orders. She stopped by a cache she'd made, fortunately, when she'd been more mobile and dug up a grouse. Even though a grouse didn't make for a big meal, it was more than nothing, so she dug it up, plucked the feathers off it and made short work of it. Once she was finished, she left the scattered feathers on the ground- some other bird could use them for a nest, ironically, (I mean, who decorates their house with the hair of their bretheren?) and hopped up onto a low, almost horizontal willow branch that was wide enough for her to lie down on. In the shade, and happy to rest, she placed her head upon her paws and prepared to have a nap.

RE: But fair enough, I guess we're tired all the time - Fiadh - May 28, 2018

I'm sorry, I forgot about this thread! If you'd prefer to bump it up to after Niamh returns from Drageda for extra drama potential, I can get behind that!

"YO, FUCKER!" Fiadh hollered at the backside of a fleet hare as it disappeared into the ground. She slid to a halt, barely catching her balance before tumbling over the warren's entrance altogether. She was left breathing hard, glaring down at the tiny hole in the ground. She thought for a moment to dig the hare out of its home and thrust her paw into the entrance, but a minute later, she growled and moved on. It was too much effort for one skinny leporid.

Fiadh straightened her neck and stretched upward on her toes until her joints gave a satisfying pop. She shook her head and blinked, trying to push her failure from her mind, when she saw a flash of golden fur in a nearby tree. She stiffened, torn between walking away—after all, she hadn't forgotten how Niamh had tried to lecture she and Clover. But though she was tense and moved with a rigidity that screamed it aloud for any watching eyes, she did approach and asked in a steely voice, "what are you doing?"

RE: But fair enough, I guess we're tired all the time - RIP Niamh - May 28, 2018

YAY!! Uhm, how about we update it to today? :) I made just a couple tweaks to my other post, because she can't exactly hunt right now :D

Her eyes had just closed, and eyelids had begun to grow heavy when she heard a voice call out. She didn't bother lifting her head, but opened her eyes to see Fiadh straighten up, and stretch; she must have been doing something or chasing something that got away on her- or she too had tripped and hurt herself. She remained where she was, content to relax, until the Blackthorn looked her way and caught sight of her. 

She walked over, movements stiff and brusque, and she demanded an answer from Niamh, who raised an eyebrow. Fiadh seemed almost insulted by the fact that Niamh was perched, ready to have a nap. She stretched slightly, still careful to remain on the wide branch. "Was just about to nap," She droned blearily, with a sleepy, relaxed smile on her features. Fiadh didn't bother her. "Got one more day- maybe two- of rest before I can use my ankle." She said, "So I'm resting it good, so it won't get twisted again." She said. She figured at least if she had a good excuse, Fiadh couldn't hate her for doing what the alpha had told her to do. "How about you? Hunting?" She asked.

RE: But fair enough, I guess we're tired all the time - Fiadh - May 31, 2018

She really only half listened to Niamh's response; her eyes were already scanning the ground for signs of other emerging hares. She didn't actually really care what the golden she-wolf was up to. Fiadh associated her with Screech, and we all know how she feels about Screech. It was only natural for her to apply the same prejudices to Niamh, who had already proven to be Ms. High and Mighty.

But Fiadh wasn't inherently a bad or mean wolf, so she didn't speak her thoughts aloud, even though she didn't really want to hear about Niamh's hurt foot. Karma was a bitch, after all, and it served her right for following the likes of a family traitor. "Yeah, hunting. And I meant what are you doing in a tree," she clarified with a quiet note of impatience. Who did that?

How did she do that?

RE: But fair enough, I guess we're tired all the time - RIP Niamh - June 01, 2018

Well someone was still full of sass and sour patch candies. She wondered vaguely of Clover had told Fiadh about their conversation, and if it would have had any effect on the way Fiadh saw her at all. Whether Clover had spoken to her or not, her attitude stayed the same, but Niamh wasn't particularly bothered. She could be pretty chill when she wanted to be, so she regarded Fiadh with a calm gaze when she asked how she'd gotten up in the tree. One ear turned back- after all, the bough she was on was low and wide, and was only just about her head in height from the ground- but Niamh had the legs of a giraffe, so it wasn't too hard for her to reach it. 

"Dunno; just looked comfy and I like the vantage point," She said. After all, it meant that she could look down on the world from where she was- and she'd already decided that this would be her hang out spot. In case Fiadh decided she wanted to point out how ridiculous it was, she returned the topic to hunting. "Elk and deer should be dropping their young soon," She said. "Should make for some good hunting opportunities."

RE: But fair enough, I guess we're tired all the time - Fiadh - June 09, 2018

Sorry to cut this short, Fiadh's not normally such an ass but I'm putting her on PPC temporarily while things wind down in the pack since I'm feeling overwhelmed! Perhaps in the future they can make up (or not)!

She didn't supply the means for climbing into a tree, so Fiadh had no use for the rest of the information. She yearned to be able to climb a tree like that, too, but thought Clover might find asking Niamh for advice of any sort to be distasteful, so she refrained. It was clear she hadn't spoken to her sister about the golden she-wolf at all; she was still just as tense in her presence, betraying a lack of trust and a lack of faith alike. Niamh was, after all, just Screech's lapdog as far as Fiadh was aware.

"The pack will probably hunt them," she agreed, but her eyes were cool as they found a place on Niamh's face. "You'd best decide if you're one of us, or if you're still just a traitor's bitch by then." Without waiting for a response, because she knew it wouldn't be favourable (nobody liked to be called someone else's bitch, duh), she spun on her heel and stalked off to find Clover. They could hunt hares together and bad-talk Niamh (she, of course, didn't know that Clover and Niamh had found some common ground, so this would not go over well for Fiadh).

RE: But fair enough, I guess we're tired all the time - RIP Niamh - June 09, 2018

Niamh wasn’t ruffled by Fiadh’s reply- she stayed where she was, lounging on her wide tree branch and managed a small laugh and a determined smile. Fiadh was challenging her to be loyal? Game on.

”You bet I’ll be there,” She said to herself after Fiadh turned and left. It wasn’t as bad a conversation as she’d anticipated- and she guessed now that Fiadh hadn’t talked to her sister- who seemed by now inclined to give Niamh a chance. She yawned, set her muzzle on her paws, chuckled, and closed her eyes for a rest.