Wolf RPG
Madness runs deep. - Printable Version

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Madness runs deep. - Kaname - June 13, 2014

@Jinx. You mentioned wanting to do a thread with Kaname concerning his mental health a while back. I was at Disney at the time so I couldn't do it then. :)

Kaname trudged back to the mountain, defeated. On his flank, a wound opened, then slashed again. His shoulder had a shallow but painful gash. His legs were bruised and slightly cut and he had a gash on his cheek. It had been a day since the fight with his doppleganger, the near identical dark brown wolf with ice blue eyes like his. The wound on his flank had not healed properly and was stinging with infection.
The infection of his wound had done much to further his addling mind. After the fight, the voice he called Itzal had returned to torture his brain. Kaname thought he had peace from him after meeting the loner Mordecai, but peace no more. He crossed the border into Silvertip, Itzal's voice (or voices) swarming in his brain like bees. He growled in agony of his wounds and the annoying and maddening voice in his head. "Shut up...."

Kaname was injured in a fight with Atticus by the way. http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=2153