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Horizon Ridge Look whose talking now! - Printable Version

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Look whose talking now! - Gunnar - June 13, 2014

@Ragnar they are 20 days old they can babble now yay!
Tveir woke with an odd feeling and then he froze as his ears perked up. He could hear now, actually hear everything that was going on, it wasn't distorted or strange. He heard the birds calling outside, not that he knew what they were as of yet. He heard his brother and sister snoring and his mother's even breathing. He wondered where the big one was, his father. He went towards the outside stopping in the mouth of den, just to look out, he had learned his lesson he wasn't allowed out, though the curiousity and the want was there. He was too concerned with his hearing right now though.

He toddled back towards his mother and pelting her in the side he made an odd noise. As if he was gagging he worked on making his vocal chords work... Dadad! mamama! DADADA! MAMAM! Clearly excited and his tail wagging as best it could, making his entire round pudgy body wiggle and move. He could babble granted he had a while to go before he was talking in complete sentences and words, it didn't matter he could make his wants known...he poked at his mother again headbutting her and then walking towards the den mouth DADADA he wanted to go outside and find his father and show him his new skill.

RE: Look whose talking now! - Ragnar - June 15, 2014

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Ragnar had taken his patrols out to the Totoka River though this was partially to keep an nose out for scents that might alert him to the presence of the Isle wolves hunting on the Ridge’s hunting grounds but also because he was sticky from the salt water carried on the ocean breeze, his legs covered in sea foam and sand and he wished to wash it off. He wadded through the shallows of the Totoka, daring the deeper ends for a bit to swim under the water though he was careful to stay close to the bank and not get caught in the stronger of the River’s current which he had learned from word of mouth proved to be treacherous. After he had washed his coat free of sand, salt water and residue dirt (he didn’t bathe very often considering I don’t imagine wolves generally care about cleanlieness) he pulled himself onto the bank facing the Ridge and shook his coat free of the water it had collected. He did this twice to try to assist in drying himself off as he made his way back to the Ridge figuring he could take a small break and help Thistle watch the children, or watch them for her if she wanted a break.

The sun was warm on his back, the morning humid which enabled him to dry realtively quickly though he was still a little damp as he approached the birthing den hearing someone — a little someone calling for him. Or at least Ragnar assumed the hollered ‘dada’ was supposed to be him as it was the shortened version of the common tongue word for ‘Dad’ which was another name for ‘father’. Which was definitely confusing to him considering he might have squealed ‘fafa’ as the baby version of Old Norse’s word for father. “Hush child you’ll wake your siblings and mother,” Ragnar chided him as he poked his head in and saw Tveir waiting at the mouth of the den. For a moment he contemplated the child’s obedience and knew that if he did not give him a little something while teaching him what Ragnar expected the boy would become more prone to misbehaving. It was a dangerous thing to do especially when it could anger the Gods as well as the parents.

“I will let you come outside for a bit, son, but you must listen and not leave me,” The last thing Ragnar wanted was for Tveir to run off and beyond that he would not take him beyond the mouth den (he planned to take him just outside of it) in the case that he had to grasp the child’s scruff and shove him into the den quickly at the approach of another. Slowly, Ragnar laid down (figuring if he stayed outside he could dry off some more as well) and beckoned for Tveir to come to the area between his forepaws.

RE: Look whose talking now! - Gunnar - June 15, 2014

Tveir's ears went to the back of his skull at his father's scolding tone and his small head went down for a moment. He had been excited to show him his new skill, and the easiest way to do that was his mother. He didn't meant to make him upset with him. He lifted his small gaze to look back up at his father, the chiding momentarily forgotten.

His tail wagged furiously and he knew he had to listen or he would get this small reward taken away. He slid between his father's legs, but had to shut his eyes tight at the brightness outside versus the dim light that was inside. He slid closer to his father tucking under his chin, to use the shadow to open his eyes. He looked all around his tail wagging making his entire body wiggle and squirm. There was so much to see outside. He looked everywhere there was new sites the ground beneath his feet was even different. He sniffed at it, he wanted to go explore the large things in the distance,but decided to stay with his father. There was too much to take in for his little senses.

Looking up he butted his fathers chin DADADAD Wha...wha.... Getting frustrated at the lack of speech he shook his little head and sat his rump down with a sigh.

RE: Look whose talking now! - Ragnar - June 16, 2014

The Second Born’s tail wagged in such a furious manner that Ragnar thought he was going to take off into flight with the way his butt wiggled viciously with the motion. The boy seemed to have (for now anyway) listened to Ragnar’s warning for he slid into the space between Ragnar’s legs, his eyes squeezed shut at what Ragnar assumed was the onslaught of light. He was so used to it that it hardly bothered him anymore and knew that, eventually, it would come to be this way for the children as well. The child’s eyes seemed to have opened again, Ragnar assumed when his body began to squirm with each wave of his tail, the appendage beating against Ragnar’s chest like an overeager drummer boy (hence Ragnar’s chest was the drum) the rhythmic ‘thump, thump’ against the hardened sinew and bone causing the Viking’s eyebrows to rise.

róa sjálfur Tveir,” Ragnar spoke to the Second Born, working to make his soft, heavily accented voice soothing so the boy might take the calmness and absorb it. Ragnar did not want to have to punish him for becoming overzealous and forgetting the conditions on which he was allowed outside of the birthing den in the first place. “You will have plenty of time to know this world, too.” There was no need to rush and especially no need when Ragnar was afraid it might anger the Gods besides. Tveir head butted Ragnar’s chin then, causing the Viking to lift his head out of Thistle’s mini-me’s reach as the boy attempted to babble out something. “You will learn to speak in time, Tveir. Slow down and enjoy your childhood.” If there was any advice Ragnar had to offer his children it was that.

RE: Look whose talking now! - Gunnar - June 16, 2014

Do you want me to start one for thistle/Ein or Thistle/Ragnar or both?

Tveir's ears twitched as his father's words and he tilted his head backwards so he could look up at his face. He stood up on his back legs and put a paw on either side of his father's muzzle to better study him in the light. Everything was new and bright and different, even his father looked different in the light and he was trying to learn it. He looked down as his father moved a dark spot opened and light poured down on the ground.

he let loose a play growl and attacked the shadows near his father's paws mindful not to stray, oh but he wanted too. However, he did not wish to get reprimanded and this was a treat. lee...r...? Tttt vee ear! His attempt at his own name was sorely lacking, but it would do. As time moved on he would find the reason for his moniker and he would fight hard to gain the name he was to have forever.

RE: Look whose talking now! - Ragnar - June 17, 2014

There was a soft fondness in the Viking’s eyes as he watched his son romp around within the designated area between Ragnar’s paws, a look reserved for his children; the one sign that perhaps showed that he was not a complete monster. That, despite the ruthlessness of his culture (namely the raids and sacrifices as he had been told many times over) that he was still a wolf. Still a man. He had desires, ambitions, sorrows, and perhaps the most unlikely yet: love like everyone else did. The child reared up, small paws pressed against the scarred Viking’s muzzle as Ragnar, obediently, held still so Tveir could study him in the light and wondered if what he saw there frightened him. If the scars bothered the Second Born in any small semblance he didn’t let it show and instead pounced at the shadows and lights cast by the movement of the tree leaves, how the sun played peek a boo using Ragnar and the trees with it’s sunbeams.

Tveir,” Ragnar repeated slowly, though he did not expect the child to be able to say it anytime soon; when it became obvious his youngest son was attempting to say his own name. Or, rather his own number. Ragnar wondered if giving them numbers as Pump had instructed was a bad move on his part (despite that he secretly named Gyda). Ragnar had grown used to calling the boys by their numbers (and admittedly not calling Gyda by her number enough) that when they chose their names he would have trouble accepting them.

He supposed that their numbers would always be significant to them, that perhaps they would be nicknames as they grew.

RE: Look whose talking now! - Gunnar - June 17, 2014

The scar that his father bore did not scare him simply because to him it was normal. He thought all males had them, that he would get one some day too. He had yet to meet any males other than his father and his brother. he continued to play with the shadows....attempting to figure out what they were....the boy had not heard his father speak in the musical language much but he had heard enough that he could puzzle out some words and he realized that he wanted to learn both languages his mothers and his fathers.

He studied the shadows and looking up at his father he tried the other language out for size wondering if it would be easier for him to grasp Hva...hva....t...hv...a...t. he wrinkled his nose in irritation that he couldn't get the words right of any language and he sighed a little forlorn sigh and sullenly looked at the ground....trying his number yet again...tv....tv...eeer!

RE: Look whose talking now! - Gyda - June 17, 2014

I'm stealing in here, kick me out if you want :D Gyda feels left out

Noise woke her up, Sound was doing that more and more often now, and she was getting annoyed by it. She stretched her paws out into front of herself and yawned wide. She had been disturbed from her dream, she had dreamed of 'the rumbler' Father.. in her dream she clearly remembered a word is seemed like a title, maybe one she could use on 'the rumbler'

Gyda or Atta as she was supposed to be called tottled off in the direction of the voices and was rewarded by finding them. Following noises meant finding something or someone! dóttir she belted out as loudly as she could in perfect rendition of Ragnar's own tone, when she recognized the form at the front of the den. She wanted all of Father's attention to herself. However if she was asked to do it again she'd likely have trouble repeating the action.

RE: Look whose talking now! - Ragnar - June 18, 2014

It's fine Kris. :-) Just make sure you ask permission from both players next time (just because it was marked private [size=-3]I almost typed pirate, lol[/size]) :P And I was intending on having another Ragnar x Gyda thread, I just wanted to wrap up some of my pre-existing ones first. ^_^

Ragnar was silent as the Second Born tried to sound out another word, but then gave up with a frustrated sigh and tried his number again. He had attempted to help him once by sounding it out slowly but Ragnar was stern in that he did not intend to hold hands (paws, technically). They would figure it out on their own, he deduced. It was how Eitri and Kenna had raised him and his brothers and considering Ragnar was fluent in both Norse and Common tongues he thought it was an effective way to learn. Besides, it wasn’t as if he could really assist them with how fast (or slow) they learned how to efficiently speak. That was all on their development. “Keep trying, son. It will come to you soon.” He encouraged pressing his nose against the top of the boy’s head, the silken fur tickling his leathery nostrils.

There was the sound of little paws drumming the earth with approach and Ragnar squinted into the dimness of the den wondering if taking Tveir out had been a mistake. Gyda’s shape took form and he knew that he did not want to have to deal with two of them out at the same time on account of if someone did come along he would have to hastily shove them both in the den. Ragnar loved his children but he did not want to incur the wrath of his Gods. Ragnar was about to open his muzzle to tell her to go back inside, that he would take her out another time when she opened her mouth and let out a word. And then he thought that perhaps it had been Thistle because there was no realistic way that she would have been able to say a word. They were only just beginning to babble…right?

His brow furrowed as he studied his daughters’ shape wondering, perhaps, if it had not been jealousy that had caused her to come this far. “Say it again, child.” Ragnar commanded of Gyda, though he glimpsed down at Tveir to make sure the boy was still where he should have been — it was a sad thing to realize that he did not have enough eyes to keep track of both children at all times and that made the Viking nervous.

RE: Look whose talking now! - Gunnar - June 18, 2014

Can we say middle child syndrome!
Tveir pushed up on his father's chin in acknowledgement of the words he spoke. He would try harder he would. He would be able to talk soon hold actual conversations. Tveir sighed when he heard paws drumming on the earthen floor and he lay down knowing that he wouldn't be paid attention to anymore it was the way of things really. He was the middle child therefore he was the invisible one the one shucked to the side and he accepted that for now. His sister she was the apple of everyones eye of course being the baby and his brother was the stronger of the two and that just left him Tveir 2.

He did not try and move from his father's paws intent now to just lay there an watch the day while his father was occupied with his sister. He had been so proud of himself that he could talk and he had said dadad first but well that was past and he was invisible again.

RE: Look whose talking now! - Gyda - June 19, 2014

I thought she'd have some fun, but you are right I should have asked; I just had that pebble of an idea and could not wait :P Won't happen again I promise even pup have to wait their turn.

Gyda stopped about two feet away and plopped her bottom down, She was content. She had gotten his attention and that was all she had wanted, She had no idea what to do with him now that she had it.

Her blue eyes widened, she had not realized she had done that aloud and then why hadn't that been enough? cocking her head to the side she waited her eyes falling upon her brother, she had no idea what he was, did he have a sound. wait what was her sound?

Atta puffed up her chest and tried to make fathers sounds again Da... D.... DO in true puppy fashion she got bored very quickly, standing up she tottled back off deeper into the den her tiny tail held up behind her stiffly; the whole moment pushed from her mind for the time being

RE: Look whose talking now! - Ragnar - June 20, 2014

Ragnar tried to divide his attention up equally between the three children never wanting one to feel left out as he had been as the middle son. Overshadowed by the two favorites of his parents; only to triumph over the favorites when it came to the end …at least in Eitri’s case. By the time Eitri had discovered that perhaps Ragnar should have been paid more attention too as a child it was too late and he was drawing his last, ragged breath as Björn towered over him, teeth stained with their father’s life blood as it dripped like rain from his muzzle; and now it seemed the case with Váli, too. Ragnar only hoped that Kenna did not make the same mistake as Eitri and wait until it was far too little, too late. Of course his divided attention while schedule-wise equal probably didn’t feel like it to them sometimes. Not a single one of them were, in reality, left out and all loved and praised the same. Just as they would all be punished the same when they stepped out of line.

Ragnar was not into playing favorites, his own childhood was experience enough of how that was a bad idea and so the sigh from Tveir (as if Ragnar had suddenly deduced the Thistle mini-me did not exist) had irked the father. It wasn’t true for after all, Ragnar had brought him outside before the other two, hadn’t he? He didn’t have too, he could have told the boy ‘no’ and that would have been the end of it. “Stop that Tveir,” He chided the child, turning his attention away from Gyda who had stumbled over words screamed ‘DO’ (Ragnar wasn’t sure if that was supposed to mean anything or not) and went back into the depth of the den. They were all important to him and he loved them all with equality. It occurred to him more than once that by all rights he didn’t have to because the boys did not belong to him (though in reality none of them did). He could have spurned them, killed them even because they were of another man’s seed.

He hadn’t. He had claimed them as his and henceforth loved them as his. He did not, selfishly, like feeling underappreciated as Tveir’s ‘woe is me’ sigh implied, even though Ragnar understood he was a child and did not realize he had been doing it in the first place. They only understood their own wants and needs and lacked the capabilities, yet, of understanding what others did for them. They would, in time, and reminding himself of that restored Ragnar’s previously lost patience as he fixed Tveir in his cold gaze. “Gyda wants my attention, too. In time you will learn that you have to share me, Tveir …not just with your siblings but with your mother and the wolves of this pack. Someday, you, too, will have to share your attention equally upon others.” He confided to the Second Born though Ragnar doubted that he understood the words or the meaning behind them.

RE: Look whose talking now! - Gunnar - June 21, 2014

I don't know about anyone else but my 2 year and 3 year old's favorite word is no...sooo lol
Small ears laid quickly down to his skull and his covered his small muzzle and eyes with his paw, in what was akin to shame. He hadn’t meant to upset his father, he was just laying there and he had only sighed once. He had actually been trying to be a good boy, so his father didn’t have to watch them both. And he was shucked aside at times even if he wasn’t meant to be, the other two were just more boisterous than him, even Gyda was becoming a bit more boisterous. Granted he was the loudest of them all, something he was immensely proud of himself for by the way.

He tucked his tail between his legs and stood and walked towards his father with his head down and tucked himself under his chin. "Neinn Ddadad Neinn" He didn’t really have any semblance of what he was saying. He was trying to convey that he had been reprimanded wrongly, but of course what was he to say he was a child. He listened to his father’s voice above his head and tried out some of the words for size Sh…a…y…(share), eee….cool

RE: Look whose talking now! - Ragnar - June 23, 2014

LOL. I think that's every small child's favorite word. :p Erm, I assumed Gyda was exiting feel free to smack me if that isn't the case. >_>

The Second Born covered his eyes and muzzle with his paws when Ragnar reprimanded him for his sigh, having assumed the implications of such a dramatic and heavy thing for a child to produce. His patience had been lost in that split second, irritation growing at the consideration that he was being the horrible father he had never wanted to be, that he was doing exactly what his parents had done to him. Neinn child you will have to learn to share and you will learn to whether you like it or not,” Someday, when Tveir had his own children he would understand the stresses of a parent. Ragnar had not meant to lose his patience, of course, never meant to lose it but he was learning just as much as his children were. It was something of a struggle for him because Sveinn had been past this stage, had been a teenager when Ragnar and Floki had captured him and came up with the elaborate tale of who he was when it was apparent his memory had been lost due to the injury he had sustained. The next batch of Loðbrók children would have it easier, and the next after that easier still until Ragnar became a pro at being a father to infant children, too.

“You don’t get to tell me what to do, Sveinn,” Ragnar told him with a low rumble in his throat, not necessarily an aggressive sound, not exactly stern, either. It border lined with mild amusement at the thought of Tveir telling him what to do. That day was a long way away, and even if his son surpassed him in rank someday even then Ragnar would still be his parent and still, as that alone, would have pull over him, whom would always be his child. That wasn’t something anyone ever grew out of. Tveir attempted to try out some words, admittedly Ragnar’s mind was still reeling on if he had correctly heard Gyda say ‘daughter’ in Old Norse or not. “Keep trying, Tveir.” Ragnar encouraged Thistle’s mini-me impressed with all of his children’s progress.

RE: Look whose talking now! - Gunnar - June 28, 2014

Tveir looked at his father with wide eyes and laid his ears back to his head. He did not like to be reprimanded, and it was happening a lot today. He hung his head and shuffled his small feet. He hadn’t meant to make his father angry, and he felt like his little heart was breaking.

Tveir looked up at his father and tucked himself more firmly under his chin and stared at the ground. He didn’t want to try anymore, he just wanted to look around. He was tired and a little overwhelmed at the senses overload around him. He hung onto his father’s leg and just looked around with wide eyes.