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shine on evening skyfire - Printable Version

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shine on evening skyfire - Verrine - June 13, 2014

For my 'Looke! :D Takes place at Stavanger Bay.

Late afternoon sunlight filtered down through the sparse trees overhead and fell in scattered shards of gold on the soft, sandy grass around him. On the warm breeze, he could smell the decadent fragrance of honeysuckle mixed with the subtle, salty-sweet tang of the sea. Birds chattered and bees buzzed, and all he could think of was Julooke. There was a purity and a sweetness in her that was reminiscent of the simple, cleansing joy of lazy summer afternoons spent basking in the hot sun, and he couldn't help but think of her on a day as beautiful as this.

Even though they saw one another on a nearly daily basis, he still felt as though he'd been neglecting her. His attentions had been so intensely focused on the wolves at Wheeling Gull Isle, the death of Pump, talk of relocating the pack, and his pursuit of the Warden trade that he hadn't slowed down to simply be with her in a while now. Plus, there was still the matter of a den to settle on, too. He was tired of the cramped old tree they'd been sleeping in since their arrival in the lands, and since they'd been discussing moving the pack to Stavanger Bay anyway, he thought it would be a good idea to consider a densite there rather than waste time looking for one at Horizon Ridge. So with his heart dancing in anticipation and excitement, he turned his face into the sunshine and sent up a short, soft howl for Julooke, hoping she was somewhere nearby so they could spend some time together.

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Julooke - June 17, 2014

Julooke had finally made her decision to tell Verrine how deeply she cared for him. She loved that he had been there for her for so long, and through so much. He was the one wolf she could count on to be there for her, and she hoped he realized that, even as friends, she was there for him as well. She was finally confident in her decision, and even if he didn't feel the same, she was no longer worried that their friendship would falter because of it. I mean, if she really looked at the friendship, it was kind of like they were already a pair. She hadn't heard of Verrine hanging out with any other females in any way other than friendship, and she didn't have feelings for any other males. They slept in the same hollowed out tree, which, to her delight, was rather tight-fitting. Ragnar had been surprised when they showed up at the borders and weren't mates. With a smile on her face, she laid in front of their den in the sun, thinking about how it would be when she finally got the chance to tell them.

Like he was reading her mind, his howl reached her ears, and they perked to find the direction it was coming from. Her smile brightened, and she took off in his direction. It didn't take long for his form to come into view, and she slowed to a walk as she approached him. Her tail wagged as she stopped in front of him, You called for me? she asked lightly. They didn't have any plans today, so she wondered if he wanted anything specific, not that he had to have a reason to call her. She would come no matter what.

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Verrine - June 17, 2014

His heart, which was already thumping in his chest, danced like a maniac at the sight of her. She was so adorable, so radiant and full of energy, and the whole world around him seemed to grow brighter and sharper as she approached him. Her white coat glowed brilliantly in the patchy sunlight as she moved, and for a moment, he was breathless. He couldn't stop the ridiculous grin from spreading over his face as she drew near, and his tail thumped the ground where he sat. You called me? she asked him, and he nodded to the affirmative as he replied, his tone light and cheery to match the expression on his face: "Yep!"

Rising to his paws, he stepped forward and touched her cheek gently with his muzzle, genuinely glad to see her. It didn't matter that they saw one another all the time -- he would never get tired of seeing her, of knowing she would answer his howls. "We've both been so busy lately that I thought it'd be fun to do something together today -- like decide on a den, finally!"

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Julooke - June 18, 2014

Did we pick a den from the options? I can't remember, lol

His face was full of joy and it made her smile even more. Her heart fluttered when his muzzle touched her cheek, her tail wagging. He stepped back and let her in on the reason for his call- deciding on a den. She thought for a moment, What's wrong with our tree? You don't like being all cozied up to me? Her face took on a hurtful look, but she couldn't hold it for long before grinning, letting him know she was joking. He had never complained before, and if he did have a problem with it, she would have known long before now. I suppose you're right- we do need a proper den. And he wanted one with her!!

Actually, there is this one spot I found just the other day that might fit us, she said. Come on, I'll show you. She began walking, looking to see if he was following. So, she began a little hesitantly. Do you think it's a little funny that friends are sharing dens together? She looked at him to gauge his reaction to her question. I mean, usually it's brother and sister, or Mom and pups, or... mates. She let the last word hang in the air, and waited for his response.

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Verrine - June 18, 2014

Heehee…Verrine's so dense… :P

He wrinkled his nose and stuck out his tongue, pretending to be grossed out as she mockingly accused him of not enjoying sleeping next to her. "You smell like a buffalo!" he exclaimed with totally over-exaggerated revulsion before his pinched expression crumbled and he cracked up laughing. "Good thing buffalo smells pretty darn tasty!" Truthfully, he loved sleeping next to her at night. He loved the warmth of her body pressed against his, loved the feeling of safety and security that came with her soft, snoozy breathing near his ear. He loved the way her sweet, summery scent filled their cozy little tree shelter, and almost nothing made him love her more than when he was awakened in the night by her soft whimpers and little twitches when she was dreaming.

He followed her as she led him to whatever spot she had in mind. As they walked, she brought up a pretty good point -- and he mentally lingered on that last word in particular. "Uh…well," he began after a moment, unsure of what she wanted him to say. "I guess it is a little weird…we've been traveling together for so long that I hadn't even thought about it, to be honest." He glanced over at her, wondering what she thought about it all. "How do you feel about it?"

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Julooke - June 19, 2014

Her eyes grew wide and her mouth opened in shock. What? she said a little loudly. No way did she smell like a buffalo! She turned her head to sniff her body and then turned back to him with narrowed eyes as he spoke again. Coming up next to him, she tried to push him with her shoulder in fun, grinning now. Well, you smell like a squirrel that's been holed up in a tree all winter! she retorted. Good thing I like the smell of Sequoia, she added.

The conversation seemed to get slightly tense when she brought up the potential weirdness of their sleeping habits. He admitted that he hadn't even thought about it, and she frowned a little. So, it's just kind of a habit to you? she asked, not accusingly, as she showed the way to their potential new den. He asked how she felt about it, and she took a moment to think before answering. I'd miss you if you weren't there, she admitted. She stopped when they reached the spot, but didn't bother yet to even look at the den. Instead, her gaze was steady on him. I look forward to coming home to you every night, she said boldly. I never not realize that. She took a breath while she studied his reaction.

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Verrine - June 19, 2014

He laughed at her retort that he stunk like a stale old squirrel, and as she pushed him with her shoulder, he jostled her back with his. Times like these were so fun and easy, so carefree and silly. He loved her sense of humor and how quick she was to sling insults right back at him. He liked a girl that could "shoot from the hip" without missing a beat, and Julooke was certainly good at that.

A moment later, she asked him if their sleeping arrangement was just a habit to him, and he thought about it. "Eh, not a habit. More like…it just feels natural. Normal?" He wasn't sure how to describe it. Maybe the two were the same thing and he just didn't see it. It didn't seem like something habitual to him, though. As she continued, telling him that she looked forward to coming home to him each night, he felt his heart skip a beat and suddenly there were very restless butterflies in his stomach. He felt the same way about seeing her each night, and to hear her say that too…

He glanced at a bird flitting between trees overhead, suddenly nervous and uncertain. They were venturing into uncharted territory here. "I really like sharing a place with you too," he replied, his voice soft. His eyes fell to meet hers and a shy grin flickered over his face. "A lot. I couldn't imagine not seeing you every day." He fought with himself inwardly, part of him screaming to tell her how he felt about her, the other part of him too chicken-shit to take that chance. He didn't think he could handle rejection from someone so important to him.

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Julooke - June 19, 2014

Inwardly, she was sighing of relief that she was not just a habit to him, and instead something natural. She nodded, thinking the same thing. Their relationship had never seemed forced; it was always like it was supposed to be there. It had come and blossomed and it had taken her some time to even see it. She had been distracted with the passing of her parents and their travels. But, now that they had found a new home, and were currently trying to find a new den, there was one thing that needed to be addressed that hadn't come so naturally yet.

She smiled softly at his words, letting them wash over her like the warm summer sun, warming her all the way down to her soul. Verrine, she began. If we're going to continue living together, I need to tell you something. She stepped forward, bringing her face closer to his. It was now or never. The moment felt right, and this time she wouldn't pass it up. Verrine, she said, her voice soft and almost breathless, her heart beating so hard she thought it would break through her chest. I love you.

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Verrine - June 19, 2014

Her words hit him like a slap in the face and like a sweet caress at the same time, like a wave crashing over him and drowning him softly, like the enormous power and beauty of a thunderstorm on the open plains. He was lost in the hugeness of that moment, the vacuum left behind by three simple words. The intensity in her eyes pulled him in and held him there, the hammering of his heart in his chest and the roaring of his blood in his ears the only things he could hear aside from her soft voice for several moments.

He blinked. She loved him. Holy hell, she loved him.

"God," he sighed after a moment, his heart swelling to the point that he thought it might burst out of his chest right then and there. His voice was hushed and his words quivered as he went on, "Jules…I love you too. So damn much. I always have."

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Julooke - June 19, 2014

"Jules…I love you too. It took a moment for the words to register in her brain, for her to convince herself that she had heard them correctly, for her to realize that all she ever wanted had just become real. She hadn't realized she was holding her breath until she released it with a joyous laugh. She didn't even know what to say after that because all that needed to be said just had been. She leaned forward, attempting to kiss his cheek. Her heart continued to race and beat frantically in her chest, but it was no longer from fear. It was from happiness. Her laugh wouldn't stop, it had taken over. She had waited so long for this moment, and it had finally come.

After a few minutes, though, she finally calmed down, but the smiled refused to leave her muzzle. It could stay there forever for all she cared, letting the world know how she felt, and how happy Verrine had just made her. Dipping her head, she tried to snuggle it under Verrine's chin, a liberty she didn't usually take. But, now that the feelings were out in the open, she figured she could try and do this all she wanted.

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Verrine - June 23, 2014

This thread makes me SO HAPPY. <3

They lost themselves in gales of laughter, cackles of joy ringing through the air until their sides hurt and they were teary-eyed and breathless. Now that this was out in the open, Verrine realized what an enormous burden it had been to carry his feelings in secret; he felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders and he could finally stand up straight and see again. Julooke loved him! She kissed his cheek, and he just looked at her with a mixture of disbelief and absolute adoration written in his face. He simply could not believe his good fortune, to have such a beautiful and amazing person say those three words to him.

She snuggled her head under his chin, cozying up in the soft, thick fur at his throat. Warmth spread from his heart throughout his entire body, filling him with the most powerful feeling of love he'd ever experienced before. He put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, relishing the warmth of her body so close to his in this new capacity. After a few moments, his voice was soft and husky as he spoke, "Be my mate, Julooke."

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Julooke - June 23, 2014

Me, too!!!

Julooke felt a sense of emotional weightlessness, as well. For weeks, she had an inner turmoil about whether or not to tell him, and what it would do to their friendship if he didn't feel the same way. But, all that had left as soon as he said he loved her, too. It felt so good to finally know how he felt and not worry about losing him. He put his arm around her, and she snuggled into him, embracing this new found expression of love.

His husky voice came through her thoughts, and she lifted her head. Her face showed how in awe she was by his question, before it turned into a smile. Well, if you insist, she said playfully. Then, she turned serious, which didn't happen very often. I'd be honored, and very happy, to be your mate, Verrine. In a moment of braveness, she attempted to touch the tip of her muzzle to his in a kiss.

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Verrine - June 29, 2014

Aldfjalksdf sorry for holding up this thread of awesomeness! Finally got new internet hooked up at home. :)

He closed his eyes as she said yes and when he felt her lips touch his, he licked her muzzle tenderly. The gentle kisses were electric in their intensity, a contact that they had both waited entirely too long to enjoy. He moaned softly and opened his eyes, gazing at her and shaking his head. "No," he murmured softly, feeling drunk and heady with affection and exhilaration. "I'm the one who's honored. I'm the luckiest guy in the world right now." He absolutely could not believe she'd said yes. It was a moment he'd dreamed of for what felt like forever, and to finally have it happening right here, right now…it was surreal. He almost expected to startle awake from yet another sweet dream, dazed and disappointed in his tree den as the woman he loved with the kind of profound passion that brought empires to their knees slept serenely unaware right beside him.

But it wasn't a dream. Stars above, but this was real. He grinned again a moment later, laughter in his eyes, and he waved his tail as he asked, "So…will our sleeping arrangements be less weird to you now?" He giggled and bumped her shoulder playfully. He already couldn't wait to curl up with her tonight, to hold her and protect her and watch her dream for the first time not as his friend, but as his wife.

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Julooke - June 30, 2014

No problem! There have been many a day where Xfinity has made me so mad, I want to tell them to come get their crap and cancel my account XD

She smiled when he insisted he was the one who was honored and lucky. She shook her head with a smile, I'm pretty sure I'm the luckiest wolf in the world right now. She could have never imagined his kisses could be so sensual and warming. Her heart swelled like it had never before, and her breath caught in her lungs.

She laughed and shook her head again, I never said it was weird. I asked if you thought it was funny, she retorted. But, it won't be. It will be wonderful! she said excitedly. Really, it probably wouldn't be all that different, except they would know it was different because their relationship had just taken a major step. Suddenly, her face turned to excitement again. Oh! I forgot! I wanted to show you that den! She got up and walked the few feet to it. It was a hole in the side of a short hill, the entrance shielded by overhanging grass and moss. She turned back to Verrine, It hasn't been used in a long time, and needs some some work on the inside, but it's fairly big. She waited for his response, her tail wagging as she smiled at him. All she could think in that moment was, My Verrine.

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Verrine - July 03, 2014

He grinned as she gushed about how lucky she was, and giggled a little as she corrected him. Funny, weird…it was all the same to him. He shrugged and rolled his eyes, but it was playful and light-hearted, not mocking or sarcastic at all. She was right. She always was! A moment later she remembered that they were supposed to be looking at a den, and eagerly, he followed her. She seemed to have already found one worth looking at, so he was interested to see it. As they walked together, he couldn't stop looking at her. There wasn't anything new there to see, but yet at the same time, everything about her was new to him again. Stars, she was beautiful. She was his!

When they arrived at the den, he was delighted with what he saw. It was situated in such a way that the sun would shine in on them in the mornings, and it looked very private and secure. He nuzzled her cheek affectionately, murmuring to her, "I love it! It's perfect." He seriously didn't think he could've found a better place himself. He had never been a den sleeper until they'd traveled together, and then he'd slowly realized how nice the closeness, warmth, and security of a den was. He was thrilled to have such a comfy little den to call their own permanently. "Let's go in and take a look. After you?" Ever the gentleman, he'd let her enter first.

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Julooke - July 04, 2014

Julooke laughed as he rolled his eyes, knowing it was all in good fun. She had always felt good around Verrine, but this feeling was just... different. It was better! They always had a good time, and their spirits seemed to always been high when they were together. That's what she loved about him. Even through her darkest times, he could make her see the light.

He seemed to be as excited about the den as she was. She smiled when he said he loved it, her tail wagging. He thought it would be a good idea to take a look inside, and she agreed, reaching out to try and kiss his cheek before turning and heading inside the den. It was a good opening, not too tight to crawl through, and the den itself was a good size, too. It fit the both of them perfectly, especially once it was cleaned up a little. It needs a little TLC, but not too much, she commented, her nose taking in some scents. They were dull, which told her the previous owner was long gone. Mostly, she smelled dirt and roots. Turning to Verrine, she asked, What do you think? If he didn't like it, she would immediately discard it and begin her hunt for another one. It was important to her that they settle on a den that they both liked.

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Verrine - July 05, 2014

Shall we wrap this up? I. LOVED. THIS. THREAD.

He grinned as she kissed his cheek -- he would never get tired of that! -- and followed her into the den. The fusty smell of stale sunshine and dry earth greeted him, and he loved it immediately. It was cozy and warm, but just roomy enough so they wouldn't feel cramped and stuffy inside it. He scratched at the floor and was pleased to discover that it was firm but pliable, which would make for a comfortable mix. The more he looked around and explored it, the more he liked it.

He mm-hmmed in agreement with Julooke's observation that it needed a little TLC, though she was right -- not much. It was in pretty good shape, considering how long it had gone unoccupied. She asked him what he thought, and he replied after a moment of consideration: "Hmmm…I do have an idea that would make this den even better..." He grinned and waggled his eyebrows mischievously at her, already looking forward to more of those kisses!

RE: shine on evening skyfire - Julooke - July 06, 2014


He gave what sounded like an agreement sound, and her ears perked. She was hoping he would be a little more excited about it, but she didn't want to say that and come off sounding rude. She continued to sniff around a little, wasting a little time, hoping he would come around.

And he did. She looked up when he suggested way to make it better. Julooke wasn't an experienced wolf when it came to the physicals of a mateship, but even she knew what that look meant. Her face broke out in a smile and she began a giggle a little nervously. There was something in her that craved to give in to him, but her innocence made her pause. It was simple fear that she would do something wrong. She knew the day would come, though, that they would consummate their relationship. In a moment of courage, she went to him and attempted to snuggle her head into his neck. Maybe she wasn't ready today, but soon she would be.

The pair spent the next little while checking out their new den. Julooke quickly went to work on cleaning up and making it a little more liveable. She cleared out the loose dirt, and made sure there were no roots poking through the walls of the den. Later on in the season, she would find some bedding to put down to help keep them warm, but for now it was the coolness that was important.