Wolf RPG
Bring da ruckus - Printable Version

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Bring da ruckus - Serengeti - June 14, 2014

@Bazi Spar thread! Sorry it took so long.

Her pensive eyes set on the horizon in the earliest morning light towards distant territories she hadn’t set foot in as opposed to from where she’d come before she and Razo had joined the Creek. Every day she patrolled she acutely felt the lacklustre cinders of the passion she’d once bridled as she waited for a sight, a scent or a sound—any indication at all that what she searched for still existed and stood to be found. Every day she grew increasingly restless despite everything she had said and thought she had meant because she couldn’t snuff those smoking cinders completely. The thought of finally releasing her hold on the past had been ill-formed and shaky, and ultimately not to be trusted.

She set off at her naturally nimble stride back into the interior of the territory to pause from her duties and ease the edge of hunger. Her sure-footed paws moved silently over dewy grass and towards the closest cache she knew of, coming to a stop at a stand of tall maples and nosing the ground in the encircling brush near their roots before she found what she was looking for. She unearthed the remains of what used to be a healthy mink and lifted it from the cool soil before carrying it to an open and lush patch of taller grass. She ripped into breakfast with vigour, stripping the flesh and choice organs and crunching the tiny bones for their meagre provisions of marrow.