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she whose bloom the summer brings - Printable Version

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she whose bloom the summer brings - Amekaze - June 16, 2014

i'm setting this before the thread where the creek wolves intrude on the sunspire (which i haven't joined in on yet but will soon), so it's probably vaguely backdated a few days. i'd also kind of like it if this could gear towards a trade i'm aiming for: warrior, chronicler or naturalist. i'm open to lots of stuff :D
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Amekaze was learning the mountain steadily. The more days that passed, the deeper her understanding could grow. She was not only interested in the aspects of the land itself, and what it would yield for them, but in all that surrounded them -- from the weather's impact to how the surrounding valleys would respond. Her studies were far, far from complete.

With a hitch of purpose keeping her trotting pace sharp, she had descended from the mountain and turned her sights towards the Vale. Formerly Xi'nuata's claim, Ame had never been there herself until now. When she had first learned of the pack's disappearance, she had felt a mixed reaction. While glad that it freed up the space for them to hunt upon now, she.. found a sense of disappointment in knowing that Xi'nuata was gone. Amekaze had fancied the female in her own odd way, privately admiring her beauty and strength even, so wherever she may be now, she hoped she was well.

Nevertheless, the her path joined with the main vein of the Vale's lifeblood -- the creek winding down its presumed middle. The humidity for the afternoon was high, too (as it had been lately, often lending itself to rain on the mountain's western side), further contributing to the misty glen's appearance. Everywhere, she smelled water, and oftentimes, water meant prey... among other things. Her eyes were sharpened and she was primed to observe the former home of a friend.

RE: she whose bloom the summer brings - Horcrux - June 24, 2014

Mees had marked the borders of the Isle before he left the safe zone of his home. With an unknown wanderlust he left for a location unknown, wanting to see and find out what was out there. The world was his playground, his kingdom and his treasure cove. Those markings was the last clue of his whereabouts because this time his golden eyes saw the sun settle behind the mountain range and rising once more, announcing the start of a new day. Lazily the juvenile male looked around, trying to gasp where he was and where he could be. Though, in reality he was lost.

His cool, damp charcoal nose inhaled the scents. There were traces of wolf movement but any sign of a pack was faint. Curious probably killed the cat but not the wolf, Mees was interested to find out what had happened; like an explorer discovering the ancient remains of a long lost civilization. A newfound excitement coursed through his veins as his speed began to increase. On a trot he trailed the less travelled paths of the abandoned pack. But was this little piece of paradise truly left behind?

Suddenly Mees turned into a stone statue when he saw the sleek silhouette of a wolf in the distance. Bright golden eyes narrowed and his heart began to thump faster. It wasn't fear that itched him; no, instead it was an attraction to a mysterious creature he had never felt before. It was as if someone or something had deliberately struck him by lightning. After a few moments had passed the male began to slowly walk into her direction, carrying nothing more than a sheepish smile; Mister Charming.

RE: she whose bloom the summer brings - Amekaze - June 24, 2014

hi :D

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Everywhere hung heavy with humidity and Amekaze had to wonder if this was the mountain and the sea's influence at work here to help form this piece of paradise. It was a region of high humidity, and she knew the ocean and the mountains, by their sheer size and power, were bound to cause geography around them to alter. Still, she was learning, and seeing places like these in greater depth was sure to only further her knowledge.

And, in doing so, she was realizing why Xi'nuata had selected here as her home. A beautiful place befitting a wolf such as herself, Amekaze missed her still whenever the most subtle traces of her scent came to her nose. They were all but gone, though.

Her advance continued deeper into the heart of the Vale as the creek did the same. At a point, she opted to stray from it for a while, just to see what she may find. She was absorbed in the scenery, and its features, until the scent of something very real alerted her focus, one much more glaring than the plants and prey trails. A wolf. First she suspected it would be a Creek wolf, but a deeper breath a second later said no, he was not of Fox's band so her wild hackles remained stilled.

In fact he smelled of the sea, which was naturally interesting to her; she had not seen the sea herself in several weeks now. He was a reminder of the shores already.

She slowed curiously to watch him, sought to meet his eyes, then sprung forward in a smooth leap that urged into a canter within a stride. Ame wanted to see if he was inquisitive enough to follow her as she angled back towards the waterway's scent. There was still much to learn.

RE: she whose bloom the summer brings - Horcrux - June 26, 2014

His heart skipped a beat and butterflies rushed inside his body, he was not sure what sort of emotion he was feeling within and more specifically why. The scenery -- no matter how beautiful -- faded away at the sight of her lean, feminine silhouette. He sighed softly and dreamingly, as if he could stare at her until the end of time; a picture perfect. Mees was drawn to her like a lost, little moth to a warm, flickering flame -- she was the object of his sudden desire.

Green eyes stared back towards him, he was no longer hidden from sight. For a second, when their eyes locked to exchange a short glimpse, he completely froze. It was the passing of time that appeared to have stopped. But that moment soon passed when she darted away like a young bird flapping its wings for the first time to discover the world.

A soft growl gurgled from the depths of his throat as he accepted the chase with ease; or actually, how could he refuse this temptress? With long strides Mees tried to run and rush even faster than Buzz Lightning. She was not trying to outrun him, so he could give just a little bit more to catch up on her. Through the lesser travelled paths of this mystical land he followed her, while every now and then letting a growl subdue form his leathery lips.

Mees forgot about everything but he didn't forget about her. Nothing mattered anymore, save for the Sunspire female. Thus, when moments turned into minutes he tried to catch up with her. And every time he did, teeth tried to playfully nip at her tail gently. He wasn't sure what or why, it was merely instinct driven by something he felt before.

RE: she whose bloom the summer brings - Amekaze - June 27, 2014

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

For a fleeting second she wondered if he would follow. While it was of little consequence to her whether or not he did, the notion of their paths never crossing more than that briefest second -- a tiny flicker of eye contact and nothing else, scarcely even a sight on her end -- she knew the opposite could potentially prove more interesting. Always keen to gather information and see what she may be do here, Ame approached this with a mischievous glint.

She knew too many old myths of devious creatures luring others to the waters -- usually to pull them under and in the case of the kappa, to feast on their blood. There were also more real-life examples to be had, too, so the dark Rikudou would have understood his aversion to tracking after her. But he did come.

Amekaze kept the pace relaxed. An easy canter, only stretched a little extra at certain points so to not let him too close for too long. He was a stranger still but a willing one, and nothing about his pursuit really spoke of aggression yet so she was not overly worried. Her ears angled back towards him to listen keenly while she guided the path through the misty lands, aiming back towards the creek which by now she could hear.

She followed its winding edge for several strides, letting him catch the furs of her tail on occasion before she slowed up. Ame then intended to force him to do the same as she cut from her path to arch around him, her gait a loose trot as she aimed to circle him. It is not often, she breathed and drew up her head curiously to settle her minty stare on his lanky darkness that I smell the sea this far inland. On that note, she darted towards him to bite at his tail while wondering what he may have to say, if anything, to that.

RE: she whose bloom the summer brings - Horcrux - June 27, 2014

Like the tides of the sea, the playfulness that stirred between Mees and Amekaze was a way of tugging and pulling back and forth. Like a circle of night and day. For now no words were spoken, only the gesture of jest and friendliness wavered in the area as he followed her boldly, into the unknown; which could have been the edge of the earth. Even then, he would still be following as a feeling and his curiosity commanded so; besides, for now she tempted to play along by the way she wavered her tail and changed her gaits.

The scenery developed an eerie sense of mysteriousness. He was lost in unknown pathways -- and if it wasn't for his good nose -- without any ability to venture back home. Pull and tug. Tug and pull. When Amekaze slowed down, so did he, gear back to a relaxed pace to catch up on her. It was then a reassuring growl passed from his leathery lips; he meant no harm to her. He was no enemy. Only a young boy with a newfound fascination and object of interest and desire. He was drawn towards her.

When she began to circle him, he froze for a second. Leathery lips turned into a devious smile when their eyes melted together for a split-second as they exchanged glances. "It is not often that the sea is tempted by the inland." When she moved forward to nip at his tail, he began to waver it more quicker to and fro, making it a little bit more challenging to land a bite. One second passed, two ..maybe three, four and five until he was ready to change the rules of the game with a newfound curiosity to see if she would follow.

"Now the question remains.." He spoke clearly while adding; "..is the inland also tempted by the sea?" Mees then turned around as he tried to touch her nose -- with his own -- with lightning speed. With all the rush he wasn't sure if he actually touched her gently, things happened so quickly. Not a second later he exchanged glances before allowing his lanky paws to take him deeper to the heart of the lands with a quick, but not all too dashing trot. Whether she would follow or not; this was an encounter the yearling would not forget anytime soon. Or maybe, he simply wouldn't be able to forget her.

RE: she whose bloom the summer brings - Amekaze - June 28, 2014

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It was now that she got a good look at him. The whole of him, too, and from his lean legs to the tips of his ears all wrapped in a deep black she studied him keenly. Much about his look said speed and agility. It was little surprise that he had kept pace so easily, because that was surely hardly a challenge to him. Ame herself was built lean so she understood well.

She could also see his youthfulness, even younger than she by many moons at least. Perhaps around the age of her siblings, give or take.. or what they would have been, anyway. She then wondered how long he had been upon the Teekon soils. Even his pack scent was not one she particularly knew well. It did remind her of someone she had met once though.

He spun his truthful words and she dipped her muzzle her agreement. The sea had kept her close for several months. She knew, and smirked. I do understand why. Inland paled, at times, to the majesty of the seaside. But she could no longer find the way to synch to their energies -- not right now, and thus why she was to be found so far inland these days.

Meanwhile her eyes traced the waving tail accordingly. She welcomed the challenge, no matter how small. Mhm, she grunted to the fleeting touch on the side of her muzzle. In a blink she might have missed it. She sprung to motion in response, a low growl rumbling forth before she answered. At times, indeed, she replied between breaths, ones tinted with the salty scent of his coat. Even the mightiest of rivers seek the sea. Yet it was not the seaside that was underfoot here. He had brought the scent with him, leaving her to wonder what had drew him here in the first place as she loped several paces to catch up to him at his trot. But this is not the sea's domain here among the mountains, she panted with a look of mischief. Here, freshwater reigned. Even if its influence still reaches here in its own way. For she believed these mists and fog to be the sea's doing, at least partially.

Amekaze hoped to jog even to him, or very closely to it, and bump her shoulders against his flanks while she aimed nips at his shoulders roughly.

RE: she whose bloom the summer brings - Horcrux - June 30, 2014

The opportunities in these boundless, undiscovered lands were endlessly. His golden eyes darted away from the midnight-painted female to drown -- like a fish in the sea -- within the scenery. Half of his sight was blocked by the foggy mist that surrounded the duo and much of the distance. It didn't hinder him from moving forward, instead it triggered his curiosity to find out what lay beyond. While being attacked by a volley of playful nips at his flanks and shoulder area, they covered the distance side by side. Every now and then to escape her fury he tried to pick up the pace and rush forward or slow down, just enough to keep her on her toes. Just enough to remain unpredictable. Regardless he felt a hit of her teeth every now and then.

"Prepare to be tempted by the wrath of the sea." Mees snorted with an undertone obviously pointed at jest. His orange eyes flashed towards Amekaze mysteriously before he picked up the pace once more. An adventurous growl rumbled from the depths of his throat as he propelled forward, this time going beyond the roads that were travelled. Beyond everything that was known to him, to the deeper heart of these lands, deeper into the mist. His tail wavered playfully to and fro, like a banner. Every now and then he checked back over his shoulder to make sure the enigmatic Eta was still there, like a shadow attached to his image.

Moments slowly turned into minutes before the juvenile yearling came to a full pit-stop all of the sudden. At a small creek he halted. His body had grown tired with their playful banter and without a second thought Mees dropped his head to quench his thirst. But this wasn't the only reason why he stopped. Oh no, he had plans for Amekaze. Evil, devious plans. Oh yes..or maybe not that evil.

RE: she whose bloom the summer brings - Amekaze - July 03, 2014

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

He proved to be a worthy foe in this game and one who kept it challenging for her. She had to think on her feet with him, while maintaining a good offense to keep him from getting away with too much as well. They struck a decent balance, with him determining the pace and her keeping him beneath her onslaught of playful nips that met their mark now and then.

Bring it! she sneered back after a quick laugh and lash of her tail. Oh, she welcomed the wrath of the sea, or whatever else he could bring. Ame quite liked a challenge and that sounded like a good enough one to her. She dug deep and followed after him, even through the bursts of speed and further into the mysterious heart of Xi'nuata's former claim.

When he stopped up suddenly, she raised her head, curious of what caused this. Perhaps he just needed a drink? She slowed us as well down to a bouncing trot, panting softly as she glanced between him and the small creek with a question shimmering plainly in her eyes. What was this? She edged up towards the flowing water -- although not overly close to his side at this time, and stole a quick lap of a drink too, but kept an eye on him. Her tail switched mischievously as she did.. even if she did secretly enjoy the quick break and the suspense the pause brought. The drink was much needed and the cool quenching feeling was very welcome (which she tried not to show too openly).

RE: she whose bloom the summer brings - Horcrux - July 03, 2014

Maybe it wasn't much of a surprise; but hardly, few things ever were. Like a curious little fly she had been caught right into his web, yet his plan had yet to be put into motion so Mees wasn't sure if he would succeed. He would risk it though, risk everything. With an innocent powdered face he quenched his thirst, tongue rolled out to lapse at the cool, refreshing water. He needed it after their playtime adventures.

Not once could his orange, bright eyes be caught cheating because he didn't look into her direction. Otherwise he might have noticed her feline grace and suspense that lingered within her body language, as if she was already expecting something. Regardless of any unpleasantness, it didn't stop her from quenching her thirst. It also didn't stop her from waiting to see what was happening, as if she was daring and tempting, not only by words but also by body language.

An an unexpected moment the lanky yearling jumped forward with his front paws bucketing up into the air like a wild stallion. It was his (clumpsy?) attempt to pull her underneath the water, make her feel the wrath of the sea or at least allow its fury to breathe close to her neck and see what it was capable off. In reality Mees wanted to bring the cherry on the icing of what he considered a fun day. Though, waiting for the final suspense, he was uncertain how she would react. It was too late now for regrets or doubts, there was no way back anymore.

RE: she whose bloom the summer brings - Amekaze - July 14, 2014

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She remained suspicious. He was good, though, and did not give her any leads before it was time -- and trust her, she was watching and waiting, all the while knowing something awaited her. There just was no telling what exactly. Everything about this whole turn of events was utterly unexpected, and plenty unpredictable as well.

When he did move, it was fast. Her senses jolted in response and she came alive, half-rearing herself up to meet him with a hopeful tangle of limbs. If she was going in the water, which was now inevitable, she intended to do her best to take him down with her. She growled playfully, although tumbled awkwardly into the water with an unceremonious splash.

On the way down, she had hoped to nip and tangle him into falling too. Now with her fur all wet, she gathered herself quickly and aimed with a sweep of her forelimb to send a good splash his way too, to ensure him getting wet as well. Just for good measure. She could adapt to this change of medium. The water added a whole new element.

She lost track of time. It held no bearing here, anyway, and she romped away the minutes with this stranger of a wolf. They wrestled, got soaked, and eventually their paths were to separate as the pulls back to their homes grew strong enough. Amekaze bid him a quick farewell and kept information shared between them brief. She could not know if she would ever see him again but did leave his company now with a lightness in her step and a satisfied feeling settled onto her. The dark Rikudou spared him one last lingering look, memorizing the contours of his face, then set off for the Sunspire..