Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Printable Version

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Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Zodiac - June 11, 2018

Trotting along the beach, Zig spotted a flock of seagulls gathered on the rocky beach a few yards ahead of him. Glee filled his face as he instantly took off into a full sprint, his intent to ruin their quiet morning by running directly through the middle of their group.

As he reached them, the birds frantically beat their wings in an attempt to reach a safe distance from the predator. He let out an exhilarated laugh at the sight, his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth. He had no intention of actually catching one of them, though; he just thought it would be fun to stir them up and watch them all try to fly away at once.

To his disappointment, the fun was short-lived as the white birds proceeded to fly away, eventually disappearing out of his field of vision. The morning was cool and it filled him with energy as he trotted into the water, stopping when it reached his elbows. He leaped around a little, enjoying the way the water splashed around him every time he landed. His attention was soon drawn to a crab on the beach that was quickly scurrying away from the water's edge. He smiled and trotted from the water, easily closing the distance between him and his new toy.

Once close enough, Zig picked up his big, brown paw and flipped the animal on its back. It immediately began snapping its claws at him, but he had played with crabs before and knew what it felt like to get pinched by one of those things. He lied down on his sternum and proceeded to nose the crab, careful to avoid the snapping pincers. Zig continued to torture the poor creature as the morning turned to mid-day, nosing it around between his paws, but always remaining just out of its grasp.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Julep - June 25, 2018

Julep had spent her morning looking for a proper hole to claim as her den, but finding a place that wasn't too far from the beach nor too wet at night seemed like an impossible task these days, and she didn't mind sleeping under the stars anyway. So when the day grew warmer and the sun reached its zenith she said fuck it. The day was sunny and breezy, the best kind of day for a beach stroll.

She walked down the shore with a lazy step, gazing at the ocean looking for sings of interesting activity, but the only thing that managed to catch her attention came from the opposite direction. There was a wolf laying on the sand, picking on a crab as though it was the funniest thing. She walked up to him from behind and when she was close enough for him to hear her she said Why don't you pick someone your own size, mate? defiantly. She was sure she could handle him.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Zodiac - June 25, 2018

He had been too distracted to scent the other wolf, but he heard her approach and turned to look at her just as she scolded him for having fun. He had made a mistake in taking his eyes off his toy, because it immediately took advantage of the distraction and clamped it's pincer hard on Zig's paw. 

He let out a surprised yelp and jumped to his feet, vigorously shaking his afflicted paw to loosen the hold of the crab. It didn't take long for the crab to let go. It was then flung a short distance and once it righted itself, it scurried away into the water.

He took a moment to lick his paw. It appeared there was no harm done. It was then that he remembered the girl who had distracted him in the first place. Zig looked at her then and grinned, "I guess I deserved that, huh?" 

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Julep - June 26, 2018

he red raider's intervention had served as an advantage for the crab, who got back at its torturer while Julep watched with wry amusement. The wolf licked his paw in what Julep took as an act of defeat, which only made the guy look more pathetic than before. He could have simply killed the creature, save its suffering and enjoy a pretty decent meal if he just hadn't been so childish.

Sure did, said Julep raising an eyebrow as the male turned his attention to her. Bet you couldn't take on someone bigger than that, she teased pointing at the area on which the crab melded with the sea seeing that her first approach hadn't been a direct enough invitation. She just couldn't get the idea off her head that this guy would be easy to handle in a spar and she wanted to test both him and herself.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Zodiac - June 26, 2018

He chuckled at her challenge while rising to his feet. It was clear he was bigger than the female, but she had a muscular build and appeared to be able to hold her own. Aside from that, she was a pretty little thing. Zig raised an eyebrow at her. "You trying to challenge me, beautiful?" His words were followed by a devilish grin. 

Obviously, his carefree nature meant that he was more of a lover than a fighter, but he could also hold his own if the need arose. He had spent a good part of his life wandering the the coast by himself and was no stranger to fighting. Of course, he had always tried to find a more passive solution first, but a fight couldn't always be avoided among pirates, especially when they were drunk.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Julep - June 27, 2018

Lil bit of PP, let me know if it's not okay and I'll change things.
For the record I'm okay with you PPing Julep as long as she doesn't get any major injuries :)

At last the crab guy got the not so subtle hint and Julep grinned coyly. As long as you don't cry when I beat your arse... she said with a defiant chuckle, then turned to the sea and walked into the water slowly, turning around once she was knee-deep to look at the male. You comin' or what? she urged him, taking the liberty to choose the water as their arena. They were supposed to be sea wolves, it was only logical.

She held her position until he reached her, and knowing it was against the crew's picies to start an unsupervised duel she believed the time was right to set some ground rules. Just to be clear this is not some kinky game, so mind your dick, she started bluntly, This is probably against the rules, but I won't tell if you don't tell, she added with a wink. She then lowered her head below shoulder height and widened her stand to signal she was ready. She only needed his confirmation to proceed.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Zodiac - June 27, 2018

Zig smirked at her comment and watched her walk into the water enjoying the view. At her snarky beckoning, he grinned and trotted into the water to face her.

Zig chuckled suggestively at her curt words. "Already thinking about my dick, huh? It's okay. I have that affect on most women," he said with playful smugness. She was feisty, and he liked it. As for breaking the rules, he had never been one for rules. He responded to her request with a slow bow of his head before adding, "Not a problem." 

His joking subsided then as he took in his opponent. His size could be just as much a disadvantage as it was an advantage, especially if this she wolf knew what she was doing. Then, he mirrored her stance, showing her he was ready and deciding to let her make the first move.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Julep - July 01, 2018

are we gonna use dice roll for this or.. how do you wanna do it?

Ugh. Were they really all the same? Could she be blamed for keeping them at bay? To Zig's comment Julep rolled her eyes. He wasn't even worth a formal rejection. Every single man she'd ever met was obsessed with his dick and in all honesty she simply didn't understand what all the fuzz around sex was about. Fighting, though... Fighting was something she understood (or thought she did) and the one thing she believed was worth an effort. The idea of physical superiority was just stuck in her head for some reason, and being able to handle herself in combat was a necessity (especially when keeping males under check was an every day labor).

From the male's idle stand she understood it would be her who had to make the first move. Very well, she readied herself fixing her eyes on the male's and rolling her shoulders in a tiger-like fashion. She needed a strategy first, but without knowing his moves Julep relied on her eyes to pick up hints on what the best course of action could be. He was large, way more than her both in stature and mass, so tackling, pulling or pushing wouldn't help much.

Suddenly she stomps the water in an attempt to splash and distract the male with a curtain of water. She then lunged forward aiming for his head with her front paw, deciding that throwing quick hits while keeping out of reach was her best chance at playing him out.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Zodiac - July 01, 2018

Dice rolls work for me! :)

They stared at each other for a minute, each sizing up their opponent, trying to find any signs of weakness. He thought he might be able to overpower her, but his planning was interrupted when the female splashed water in at him and lunged at his face. But he was too quick for the move and was able to dodge it at the last second even with a face full of salt water.

With her unsuccessful attempt, he saw an opportunity to try a counter-attack. Her missed hit had positioned her so that he could potentially lunge at her side and attempt to knock her down. Not wanting to lose his chance, he threw himself towards her hoping to connect with her flank and pin her down.

I rolled in tabletop to see whether I dodged the attack or not
Even=dodge; Odd=Hit. 1d10= 6 (dodge)

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Julep - July 05, 2018

While the water actually got him by surprise, it proved ineffective as the male dodged Julep's first shot. She tried, at least, but that hadn't been her best move yet. She turned as soon as she was stable, knowing that Zig wouldn't take his time to make his own move, and rolled on the water away from her opponent as he tried to tackle her down. As she saw him ram by Julep attempted to jump on top of him from behind to ride him like a rodeo. Up there she would have the advantage to unbalance him and hopefully get him to swallow some salt water. With her weight it would be impossible to hold him down for too long.

Odds: Hit; Evens: Miss. 1d10= 10 (miss)

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Zodiac - July 05, 2018

Even=dodge; Odd=hit
Rolled 1d10: 2 (dodge)

The she wolf swiftly dodged his attack, and he smirked. He was liking her more and more. Seeing an in, she tried to jump on his back (clever), but he saw her tense for the jump, and while she was in the air, he turned and jumped to meet her, hoping his weight would push them in the other direction. His intention was to pin her down; he could easily hold her there if she didn't somehow block his attack. If he pinned her long enough, maybe she would yield and declare him the victor.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Julep - July 08, 2018

Twice now Julep had failed to land a blow. This time around Zig had been too quick for her and had lunged himself against Julep to counteract her own move, sending her back with his superior weight and frustrating any chance Julep would get at getting back at him. She was pinned underwater and no matter how hard she struggled Zig's weight was far too much for her to handle. She swallowed quite a bit of water before giving up, but eventually she stopped fighting and allowed her opponent to hold her down as she made a big effort to keep her head above the water to breathe. If he didn't release her soon she would keep swallowing water.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Zodiac - July 08, 2018

An exhilarated grin split Zig's face when it was clear his counter-attack would be successful. The force of his weight was too much for her, and they landed in the water with Zig on top. He held her for a minute until it was clear she had given up. 

It was then that he noticed that she was having some trouble keeping her head above water. Quickly, he moved back a little so she could get up. Had this been more than a duel, he wouldn't have been so compliant, but he didn't want to hurt the pretty wolf. Besides, he'd much rather pin her in a more playful way.  "You put up a good fight," he said, giving her a respectful nod as he waited for her to get her bearings again.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Julep - July 12, 2018

She was done. There was nothing Julep could do to regain control of the encounter with Zig on top of her. Eventually the male understood that Julep had given up and moved out of the way to allow the defeated some space to get up. Julep coughed up some water as she got up. It had been a fair fight and Julep had asked for it, but that didn't mean she was happy about it. Are you serious? I'm a disaster! she claimed looking the other way, coughing some more, You didn't say you were a fucking ninja, she barked as she realized how easily Zig had dodged each and every one of Julep's attacks. She looked at him like he was guilty of her failure and then shook her head. Maybe I should find me one of those crabs of yours instead, she joked, but her voice was far from amused.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Zodiac - July 16, 2018

"You don't look like a disaster to me," Zig replied raising an eyebrow. He liked a woman that was willing to get dirty. He laughed at her next comment and shrugged. Others often mistook him for weak because of his laid back personality, so he had spent most of life fighting off challengers; getting his ass kicked all the time when he was younger certainly taught him a lot about fighting. 

Zig walked from the water and shook out his coat before turning his blue gaze back to his packmate. "I'm Zig by the way," he said, giving her a lopsided grin afterwards.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Julep - July 26, 2018

She looked back up at him and shook her head, she was definitely a disaster but being told otherwise felt nice. A smile is dedicated to his kindness but before she could say anything back Zig turns to walk away from the water. She follows, and both of them shake their pelts to get rid of the water excess. Cool, blue eyes find her own, and with a grin the male introduces himself by name. Julep hadn't realized that they had skipped that part until that moment, and finding it rather awkward for some reason she feels her cheeks burn as she replies Julep, with a nod and a faint smile that tried to match Zig's cool.

The whole bad-ass aesthetic she had tried to hold on to was badly tarnished at that point, but it got worse when she felt her stomach churn with a loud growl. Great. Now I'm hungry, she mutters under her breath with a grumpy scowl. Wanna go grab something from the galleys? she says to her new friend, not really feeling in a hunting mood after the spar.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Zodiac - July 26, 2018

Zig gave a polite nod at her returned greeting. Pretty name for a pretty wolf, he thought. When she mentioned food, he perked up as he realized he was also really hungry. He also didn't feel like hunting and was glad she had suggested finding something in one of their stashes. 

Food sounds great, Zig replied with another grin. And some rum, too, if you're game he added, chuckling. He loved rum just as much as he loved fruit. Maybe he loved fruit because he loved rum? Either way, he could really go for a good drink with a pretty wolfess right now. As he waited for her answer, he began to lead the way, his tail wagging a little behind him.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Julep - August 02, 2018

I think we're good to fade this here?
Last post!

And raid the galleys they would. With Zig's approval of Julep's plan they were all set up for continuing with the fun that afternoon, more so with the male's own suggestion to add rum to the equation. I'm game, she agreed, still unsure about the taste from the last time, but feeling adventurous driven by her new friend's enthusiasm.

Julep walked after Zig, following his path to whichever galley he chose to sack that day, hoping to spend the rest of it in good company. Being the solitary rogue was getting old anyway.

RE: Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash. - Zodiac - August 03, 2018

Sounds good!

Zig gave her a lopsided grin when she agreed to his offer and continued to lead the way. Pack life didn't seem so bad, so far. Although, he should probably consider pulling his weight at some point; it wasn't just about him anymore, unfortunately. That was a problem for another day, though. Right now, he was going to enjoy a drink and some company.