Wolf RPG
Running Out of Mountain (IC Join) - Printable Version

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Running Out of Mountain (IC Join) - Kahlua - June 16, 2014

Summer months mean nothing at the peaks of mountains. Snow still falls, wind still bites, cold air still sparks the lungs. Every breath is seen in a small wisp of white. All animals alike are scurrying about; the warmer months lure them from their cozy hide-outs. Prey becomes easier to snag as they become consumed in foraging, forgetting about the predators that are ceaselessly hungry. Today is rainy, pelting little holes into the peaks’ snow.

Moving gracefully across the mountain side is an Eastern Timber wolf pup. She would be nearly undetectable if it weren’t for her dark grey muzzle. Pelt the color of espresso crema, the young female has found refuge in the snow of the mountains while others distaste it. Her coat is mangy from travel, areas thinner than others from the annual shedding process. Silver-blue eyes melt into her narrow face, giving her a sharp mien. Kahlua stops to stick her nose in the air, her paws sinking into the inches of snow beneath. A scent has caught her attention – a pack’s scent. Hair rises on her spine and she shivers with a trickle of distress; she has wandered onto a claimed land.

Contemplating on to turn back or run ahead, Kahlua finds it’s too late to make any fleeing decision as she hears a rustle of shale on the path behind her. Tail tucking between her long, slim legs, Kahlua turns her head over a thin shoulder to see who has come up behind her.

RE: Running Out of Mountain - Jace - June 16, 2014

Jace as usual was traveling on the pack lands watching the borders. Today was no different, though today would prove different in the end when he came upon the petite she wolf in front of him. She was on his borders almost completely crossed over, granted they were still faint, as they were budding and new. He chuffed and came around i nfront of her to look at her.

What are you doing across our pack lands little one? He did not want to attack the girl, she barely looked old enough to travel let alone fight him off. Perhaps even they could have a new recruit.

RE: Running Out of Mountain - Kahlua - June 16, 2014

The night colored male towered over Kahlua. She felt like an ant under his keen azure eyes. Sinking to the ground in submission, Kahlua lifted her hind leg and moved her pale eyes to his colossal paws. The little wolf wanted no brawl with anyone, especially a male this size. A heavy breath made its way out of her wet nose and danced off, disappearing into the nipping wind. She was calmed that he didn’t lash out on her for intruding.

Kahlua’s ears perked at his voice, and then relaxed. What was she doing here? Starving. “I didn’t know this was anyone’s land, I’m sorry. I’m just a wanderer. I’ve been making my way west across the mountains for a few months now.” Assuming she had shown her surrender clearly enough, Kahlua rolled to lie on her belly and ventured to glance up at the black wolf that stood over her.

RE: Running Out of Mountain (IC Join) - Jace - June 16, 2014

By the way your character has to be 6 months old she can't be 5 months old it's just how the rp is set up :)

Jace felt bad for being so large for a brief moment as he studied the smaller femme in front of him. She was nothing more than skin and bone it bothered him to a deep degree. He spoke quietly Where is your family? We here at the sunspire offer a family pack if your interested and willing? I'd have to ask alpha, but first lets get you something to eat you look about half starved. He really wasn't too worried that Ferdie would lash out at him and if he did oh well the girl was practically dying and he wasn't about to let that happen.

RE: Running Out of Mountain (IC Join) - Ferdie Von Pelt - June 16, 2014

Traveling his his favorite food dangling from his maw, a Duck freshly caught from the oasis he trotted along the outer edge of the territory, relieving himself over and over again marking his already clearly marked borders.

The pack was to young to support pups this year and it made his heart heavy. He wanted nothing more then to raise his own pups. Pups always got preferential treatment when it came to this male, he couldn't help it he was fond of them. A 'caretaker' to his core. These thoughts and more flirted across his mind as he patrolled the boarders.

Coming across Jace's scent he was about to turn and go the other way, find a place to sit and eat his duck. He trusted Jace's ability as a warden and did not need to travel along his trail twice. Something stopped him and his nose titled upward seeking scent, something was not right, Jace hadn't howled but he needed to investigate now. getting closer he realized what it was; it was the scent of another wolf, not a threat; Maybe he had scented it far off without thinking about it and that had been what started his internal reverie.

Either way his tail tipped up high over his back as he skirted along the trails and found them. His tail waved a few times seeing even as a pup this one had the sense to submit. Ferdie walked over and peered down at her, setting the duck next to her he glanced at Jace [b]Who is this?[b]

RE: Running Out of Mountain (IC Join) - Kahlua - June 17, 2014

Kahlua furrowed her brows. Of course she looked like she was about to fall over into nothing but a heap of skin and bones, but she didn’t need that pointed out. She thought she had done well, hunting rabbits and keeping herself alive. The young she-wolf chuffed and let the offense roll of her back. Her stomach growled forcefully. “They’re all dead, I guess. My mom passed away a few months ago.”

Hunger was set aside in her mind as her words brought back a flashing memory of her even younger days. Her mother was a beautiful grey Eastern Timber wolf, large for her sex and fearful to look at, even for her own pup. Kahlua learned so much from her in the short four months they shared together.

Just as Kahlua was about to let her mind stray further, to the day of the gun shot, she snapped out of it. The scent of prey tickled her nostrils. Instantly, her mouth began to water. Seeing the duck drop in front of her, Kahlua swallowed rigidly. She moved back onto her spine to show the second male her submission. “My name is Kahlua,” she answered for the black wolf.

RE: Running Out of Mountain (IC Join) - Jace - June 17, 2014

Jace dipped his head Well met Kahlua. I'm Jace." He decided to let Ferdie introduce himself. Jace turned his head and looked at Ferdie. I met Kahlua here after she accidentally lost her way across our borders. I was going to get her something to eat, and then call you. With that he turned his head back to the small femme and he stood for a moment wondering what to do if he should go get something for her to eat or if Ferdie would give her the duck he was carrying.

RE: Running Out of Mountain (IC Join) - Ferdie Von Pelt - June 17, 2014

Rushed post, I have to go back to work... Sorry guys,
ooo work toward master caretaker

Ferdie Von Pelt smiled softly and licked the top of her head even as she lay on her back I am Ferdie Von Pelt, Eat the duck mi'dear I can catch another, Will you stay here and live with us? Ever to the point he waited for her answer,
If you do want to I'm sure Jace can find a task for you to do

Ferdie grinned at Jace, this conversation was a prelude to something Ferdie wanted to talk to Jace about later. He need a good beta at his side, the lands proving slightly harder to protect then he first imagined.

He nodded to them and turned making his way toward the oasis he was hungrier then he thought, however he put the pup before himself as any good caretaker should.

RE: Running Out of Mountain (IC Join) - Kahlua - June 17, 2014

OOC: Oops! I understood in the 'edit profile' section that instead of writing 6 months you did 0.5, meaning half way to 1 (1 year)?

Kahlua blinked as Ferdie licked her crown, her thick hair being wisped up into a spike. A small grin peeled her lips back from her small teeth. The little wolf stood and shook snow from her pelt, sniffing at the duck that lie at her feet. “Thank you very much,” she said to Ferdie. Tearing feathers back, Kahlua engulfed the duck within mere seconds. Her grey muzzle held a tint of scarlet and Kahlua licked her chops, sitting back on her haunches.

Join the pack? Kahlua knew what the right thing was to do, though she barely knew these wolves – or anyone else in the territory, for that matter. However, she was running out of mountains to hide in and settling down would ensure safety and, hopefully, she wouldn’t be going hungry anymore. Kahlua pushed her uneasiness aside and nodded her head. “I would love to join.” She would just have to discover how to trust and be trusted.

RE: Running Out of Mountain (IC Join) - Jace - June 18, 2014

no your right i'm sorry i forgot about that clause really truly Sorry! I wasn't paying attention to it.

Jace watched as she engulfed the duck and he nodded his head at Ferdie as he left. He was too intent upon the little girl in front of him to pay much attention. He wondered if he should get her something else to she had just about obliterated the duck in two seconds flat.

Do you want something else to eat I can grab something for you? he smiled at her agreement to join them. Well then Welcome to the pack Kahlua.