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Swiftcurrent Creek this ocean sea cannot quell me - Printable Version

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this ocean sea cannot quell me - Tuwawi RIP - June 17, 2014

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Following the exile of Ferdie von Pelt and Jace, Tuwawi had retreated into the darkness of her den and the shade of her burrow's glen, hiding from prying eyes as if to avoid those that had cast her brothers out, and attempt to wrap her mind around her own feelings for her pack mates. Fox had been rational... black and white as always. Even though Tuwawi's opinion of her decision was not well, she could respect the call her leader had made even if she struggeled to abide by it. But what had been most concering was the tainted hate dwelling within her beta's eyes. Bazi was a different woman than when the two had met beneath the crabapple tree... and it concerned the to-be mother.

Njal was a good husband and visited her often, delivering food and supplis for the den. Not once did his ember explain her soured mood... but there was understanding in his liquid eyes which transcended words. Day by day her stomach swelled... and soon their children's movements could be felt within her womb. They were hearty children, and made the petite Tuwawi look quite disproportioned in her hippoed state. Strength and resilience had always been a characteristic of the summer born she-wolf, but now... in this late term... she appeared quite unsuited for such a burdened load. Whatever fear or anxiety about the delivery mumbled in the background of her conscious was no match for the pride and love she felt for the budding Sveijarn family.

Today was glorious. The heat had quelled and a brisk zephyr wove through the smaller copses of trees that dotted Swiftcurrent. Large clouds smeared the sky, shrouding the sun now and again, and provided a cooling shade amongst the valleys. Feeling restless and uncomfortable, Tuwawi emerged from her burrow, not without struggle, and began a slow walk around the heart of their territory to reflect on her future, past, and present.

RE: this ocean sea cannot quell me - RIP Fox - June 17, 2014

Keeping a lot of stuff vague.

Fox had made it a point to give Tuwawi her space after the banishment of Ferdie and Jace. It was clear that there had been some upset, but Fox had expected as much. She had a certain style to her leadership that often resulted in such feelings. It wasn't that she wanted to cause unrest among her comrades, it was simply that it was the only way she knew how to deal with things. Granted, when she had asked Njal to go to The Sunspire and let them know they were not welcome there, she had been softer than she normally was. She just wanted them gone away from the creek.

There was no doubt in the fiery youth's mind that Tuwawi would give birth soon, though, and Fox could not avoid one of her most trusted companions forever. And so the girl set off in hopes of catching sight of the ballooning woman, grey eyes searching for her Gamma. When finally the rotund Sveijarn came into view, Fox chuffed in her direction, allowing Tuwawi the choice of approaching her or letting her know that she wished to have her space.

RE: this ocean sea cannot quell me - Tuwawi RIP - June 17, 2014

Tuwawi's heavy belly sagged low in her abdomen, a sure sign of the children's impending birth, and her hair was sparse around the typically sandy ventral region, offering a rose pink blush to her skin. It was late in the birthing season - already summer was upon Swiftcurrent - but there was no doubt in her mind that Njal's offspring would be winterborn... strong, sturdy, and limitless like their sire. The platnium father-to-be was away on a scouting patrol to Sunspire with a few others; Tuwawi knew only that much. It was futile to will him to say... never before had the northern's wife been able to craft words strong enough to tame the protective mountain. She could only empathize, kiss him, watch as he embarked on this expedition, and wished for the group's safe return.

No other's had visited during Tuwawi's absence - perhaps for the best - and so she abruptly stopped when a flash of red caught her silver eyes. Fox stood in the distance; placid, but clearly allowing her friend to approach in her own time. At first, Tuwawi looked away, still gutted by the fact that Fox had so easily tossed out her own. However her intent has been pure... protect her subordinates... protect the pack's longevity... and protect the new family about to be born within their realm. What was done had been done, and now was no time to shun the only support, the only family, Tuwawi knew. With a defeatist sigh, she slowly approached her vermillion leader and roughly bumped Fox's shoulder with her tawny crown to carefully restitch the bonds between them.

RE: this ocean sea cannot quell me - RIP Fox - June 19, 2014

Tuwawi turned her head away, and for a moment, Fox thought that today would not be the day. She had not really expected it to be. It was the first time she had seen even a fleeting appearance of the round wolf, and she was certain that Tuwawi would need more time. Just as Fox was about to turn and leave, though, she caught movement from the corner of her eye, and let out a breath she had not realized she'd been holding. Tuwawi moved closer, and Fox wagged her tail in response, ears flattening not out of subordination, but out of happiness that she had not become lost to the creek's only mother.

“Tuwawi,” Fox breathed, her voice softer than it had been in a long time. “You look as if you’re about to burst at the seams.” The yearling gave the older wolf's belly a nudge with her nose, curious to know if the pups could feel anything in there. Probably not. They didn't even have memories right now, let alone the senses to remember anything by. Fox did not want to speak of unhappy things now. Only the children—the creek's children.

RE: this ocean sea cannot quell me - Tuwawi RIP - June 21, 2014

If Tuwawi had not been so close to giving birth stubbornness would have allowed the grudge to fester, further limiting contact with her brothers in arms. Perhaps it was her condition, or perhaps it was wisdom that often accompanied age which allowed the ember to pacify her conscious and approach the stalwart alpha. She was happy to see Fox's reaction was genial, and Tuwawi felt a warmth in heart she had not noticed went missing. The affection of her pack-sister was enough of a reminder, and her own sooty tail swung low from side to side to reciprocate her feelings.

The mother was careful how she moved, not wanting to inadvertently jostle her precious cargo. Even now, in the last few days of her pregnancy, Tuwawi remained unaccustomed to the new shape she had acquired. Gingerly she nibbled at Fox's red mane, and listened to the soft voice of her superior. 'Tuwawi, you look as if you’re about to burst at the seams,' her alpha said in an uncharacteristically gentle voice. Tuwawi was happy to find they were able to step right where they left off despite the harsh and critical words shared at the meeting.

She laughed, "feels like it too!" The skin round her abdomen was stretched tight, and prohibited comfort in any position. Her initial cheer faded, and a more serious look overtook the gamma's features. "It won't be long now," she said, "I'm excited... but afraid." It was easy to be candid with Fox, and Tuwawi didn't feel the need to hide her feelings, especially now that they were alone. She sighed, and dipped into a laying position, rolling onto her side in an effort to give her joints a rest.

RE: this ocean sea cannot quell me - RIP Fox - June 23, 2014

There was a warmth in Tuwawi's voice that seeped through to Fox almost immediately. Fox realized in that moment how good it was to have the rotund lady around. Sure, they'd had their differences, but so had she and Njal. They were mere squabbles, nothing to tear them apart, considering all they had been through. It was only because of their seemingly never-ending loyalty that Fox had allowed them children at all, and she was glad that they had not taken her permission for granted. They stood by her, day in and day out. No doubt their children would be much the same. Which led Fox's mind to wondering what their children would do when they came of age.

Back home, once they reached close to a year old, they were presented with a rather clear choice: stay here and become absorbed into the family, unlikely to ever spawn your own, or set out on your own, for those with greater ambitions. Fox had, obviously, fallen into the latter category. She rarely thought of her family, although with Robin's recent appearance, she was more likely to let them slip into her thoughts from time to time.

“Mmmm,” Fox murmured, remembering when one of her own cousins had been close to giving birth to her lot. “I hear it’s not so bad. All part of the process, y’know?” Fox didn't fear such things. In fact, it was often hard to pinpoint what Fox did fear. One might be correct in assuming she feared absurdity.

RE: this ocean sea cannot quell me - Tuwawi RIP - July 27, 2014

Wrapping up to archive cuz I'm the slowest poster eveerrr. gonna archive this.

'Mmmm,' Fox mused, 'I hear it’s not so bad. All part of the process, y’know?' Tuwawi produce a wry smile, taken aback by how easily Fox dismissed the tribulations of childbirth. How different they were in this respect. Where Tuwawi valued love, companionship, and passion Fox was a far more pragmatic woman. Always objective... a realist about everything, even the most miraculous event as childbirth. To her subordinate, such an event was a momentous one - life changing even - but Fox easily brushed it off... all apart of the process.

Fox's aloof words did little to ease her more sentimental worries. "That's one way to see it," was the only reply Tuwawi offered, not wanting to dive too deeply on how much she valued and anticipated the arrival of her children. Instead, She rested her chin atop her paws, and laid in silence as she enjoyed her company in the afternoon light.